ProbeSet Metadata
Generated Triples:
The following SQL query was executed:
SELECT IF(NULLIF(TRIM(ProbeSet.Name), '') IS NULL, '', TRIM(ProbeSet.Name)) AS ProbeSetIdName, ProbeSet.Id, ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.alias, IFNULL(GeneChip.Name, '') AS GeneChipName, NULLIF(TRIM(ProbeSet.TargetId), '') AS TargetId, ProbeSet.Symbol, ProbeSet.description, NULLIF(TRIM(ProbeSet.Probe_set_target_region), '') AS Probe_set_target_region, ProbeSet.Chr, IFNULL(ProbeSet.Mb, '') AS Mb, ProbeSet.Mb, ProbeSet.Chr, ProbeSet.Strand_Probe, ProbeSet.GeneId, ProbeSet.OMIM, ProbeSet.HomoloGeneID, ProbeSet.UniProtID, ProbeSet.Strand_Probe, IFNULL(ProbeSet.Probe_set_specificity, '') AS Probe_set_specificity, IFNULL(ProbeSet.Probe_set_BLAT_score, '') AS Probe_set_BLAT_score, IFNULL(ProbeSet.Probe_set_Blat_Mb_start, '') AS Probe_set_Blat_Mb_start, IFNULL(ProbeSet.Probe_set_Blat_Mb_end, '') AS Probe_set_Blat_Mb_end, ProbeSet.BlatSeq, ProbeSet.TargetSeq FROM ProbeSet LEFT JOIN GeneChip ON GeneChip.Id = ProbeSet.ChipId LEFT JOIN Species ON GeneChip.SpeciesId = Species.Id WHERE ProbeSet.Name IS NOT NULL
The above query results to triples that have the form:
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> rdf:type -> gnc:Probeset
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> rdfs:label -> ProbeSet(Name)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> skos:altLabel -> ProbeSet(alias)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasChip -> gn:platformGenechipname
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasTargetId -> TargetId
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:geneSymbol -> ProbeSet(Symbol)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> dct:description -> ProbeSetdescription
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:targetsRegion -> Probe_set_target_region
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:chr -> ProbeSet(Chr)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:mb -> "Mb"^^xsd:double
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:location -> Chr ProbeSet(Chr) @ ProbeSet(Mb) Mb
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasGeneId -> gene:ProbeSet(GeneId)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> dct:references -> <> .
<> a gnc:omimLink
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> dct:references -> <> .
<> a gnc:homologeneLink
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:uniprot -> uniprot:ProbeSet(UniProtID)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:strandProbe -> ProbeSet(Strand_Probe)
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasSpecificity -> Probe_set_specificity
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasBlatScore -> Probe_set_BLAT_score
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasBlatMbStart -> "Probe_set_Blat_Mb_start"^^xsd:double
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasBlatMbEnd -> "Probe_set_Blat_Mb_end"^^xsd:double
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasBlatSeq -> ProbeSetBlatSeq
gn:probesetProbesetidname -> gnt:hasTargetSeq -> ProbeSetTargetSeq
Here's an example query:
PREFIX gn: <>
PREFIX probeset: <>
PREFIX gnc: <>
PREFIX gene: <>
PREFIX gnt: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
?s rdf:type gnc:Probeset .
?s ?p ?o .
Expected Result:
gn:probeset1824795 rdf:type gnc:Probeset .
gn:probeset1824795 gnt:location "Not available" .