<p>Spleen gene expression was analyzed from 38 BXD strains. Adult mice (8-12 weeks) were euthanized by cervical dislocation and spleens were harvested and stabilized in RNAlater. Total RNA was extracted and gene expression profiling was performed on the Illumina Sentrix mouse-6 gene expression arrays v1.1. Each BXD sample profiled consisted of a pool of equal amounts of RNA from two individuals of the same sex and strain (approximately 15ug per strain). In addition, flow cytometry was used for the immunophenotyping of male and female mice (average of four mice/sex/strain) from 41 BXD strains (spleen expression profiling was performed on 34 of these strains) and the parental strains. Lymphoctes were identified as CD3+, CD79+, CD4+, or CD8+ to identify T cells, B cells, T helper cells, and cytotoxic T cells, respectively. These data are presented as percentage of lymphoctes with those cell surface markers (e.g. CD3%, CD79%, CD4%, CD8%). Lymphocyte subpopulations are also represented as natural log-transformed ratios (e.g. LN T:B, LN CD4:CD8). In addition, the median expression of MHCII on B cells is reported (LN MHC Med). The immunophenotype data is available in the supplementary file.</p>