<p>We thank L. E. Gunter, M. S. Azam, E. Drewes, N. Farzaneh, L. Liao, E. Moreno, L. Muenter and L. Quamme for data monitoring, collection and image presentation. We also thank anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and revisions in improving the manuscript. This work was supported by the Genome British Columbia Applied Genomics Innovation Program (Project 103BIO) and Genome Canada Large-Scale Applied Research Project (Project 168BIO) funds to R.D.G., J.E., Q.C.B.C., Y.A.E-K., S.D.M. and C.J.D. and by funds within the BioEnergy Science Center, a US Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Facility under contract DE–AC05–00OR22725.</p>