<p>Gene expression data for the whole pituitary across 52 strains of mice. Sex Balance: Sex of samples has been double-checked. As of July 2012, for 42 strains we have separate data for both males and females (usually one array each). Three strains (BXD45, 63, and 95) are only represented by female samples and two strains (BXD65 and BXD77) are only represented by male samples. Five other strains (BXD24, 66, 73, 85, 101) are may represent combined male and female samples. These unpublished data are apparently error-free based on a review and analysis of transcripts with Mendelian segregation patterns (as of July 20, 2012). The data set contains 751 eQTLs with LOD scores above 10 (LRS>46). Peak LRS of 165.9 for Record ID 10513604. Data for BXD70 are somewhat problematic (see 10444135 and 10467784), perhaps due to a bad array, strain assignment error, or residual heterozygozity. S Roy double-checked (July 22) and thinks that Sample R7141P is more likely to be BXD65.</p> <p>Part of a systematic genetic analysis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in the BXD family of strains.</p>