<p><strong>Illumina Sentrix Mouse-6 BeadArray Platform: </strong>The <a class="fs14" href="http://www.illumina.com" target="_blank">Mouse6</a> array consists of 46,116 unique probe sequences, each 50 nucleotides in length, that have been arrayed on glass slides using a novel bead technology.</p>

<p>Dunning M, Smith M, Thorne N, Tavare S (2006) beadarray: An R package to analyse Illumina BeadArrays. R News (the Newsletter of the P Project) 6:17-23. (see pages 17-23 of http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews_2006-5.pdf).</p>

<p>ANNOTATION: In spring of 2007, Robert W. Williams and Hongqiang Li reannotated the Illumina Mouse-6 array content. This new annotation is now incorporated into GeneNetwork. For 46166 probes on the Mouse 6 array platform (including control probes) we have identified 35975 NCBI Entrez Gene IDs; 26481 matched human Gene IDs; 23899 matched rat Gene IDs; 26883 NCBI HomoloGene IDs; and 12791 OMIM IDs.</p>

<p>Position data for the 50-mer Illumina Mouse-6 array were initially downloaded from Sanger at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Users/avc/Illumina/Mouse-6_V1.gff.gz but we then updated all positions by BLAT analysis from mm6 positions to mm8 positions (Hongqiang Li).</p>