<p>SUPERCEDED EYE DATA SET. The HEIMED April 2006 data set provides estimates of mRNA expression in whole eyes of 71 lines of young adult mice generated using 132 Affymetrix M430 2.0 arrays. Data were generated at UTHSC with support from a grant from Dr. Barrett Haik, Director of the Hamilton Eye Institute (<a class="fs14" href="http://www.eye.utmem.edu/cvr/hei.html" target="_blank">HEI</a>). We used pooled RNA samples, usually two independent pools; one male, one female, for each straion. This data set was processed using the <a class="fs14" href="http://stat-www.berkeley.edu/users/bolstad/RMAExpress/RMAExpress.html" target="_blank">RMA</a> protocol. To simplify comparison among different transforms, RMA values of each array have been adjusted to an average expression of 8 units and a standard deviation of 2 units.</p>