<p>The BXD genetic reference population is a recombinant inbred panel descended from crosses between the C57BL/6 (B6) and DBA/2 (D2) strains of mice, which segregate for about 5 million sequence variants. Recently, some these variants have been established with effects on general metabolic phenotypes such as glucose response and bone strength. In this study, we examined genetic variants across 40 strains of BXD and the two founder lines, in addition to a major environmental influence—long term feeding with chow diet (CD) or high fat diet (HFD)—to see how metabolic gene expression varies by genotype and environment, and gene-by-environment interactions. It is difficult to say whether the major muscle phenotypes were broadly affected by HFD directly, or whether the phenotypic variance was as a consequence of the induced weight gain and other deleterious effects of the HFD (e.g. see phenotype traits ID 17717 and 17718 for nighttime activity in CD and HFD cohorts, respectively).</p>