<p>Transcriptome networks in the mouse retina: An exon level BXD RI database</p> <p>Rebecca King,<sup>1</sup> Lu Lu,<sup>2</sup> Robert W. Williams,<sup>2</sup> Eldon E. Geisert<sup>1</sup></p> <p><sup>1</sup>Department of Ophthalmology and Emory Eye Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA; <sup>2</sup>Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology and Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN</p> <p><a href="http://www.molvis.org/molvis/">Molecular Vision</a> 2015; <strong>21</strong>:1235-1251 <a href="http://www.molvis.org/molvis/v21/1235">http://www.molvis.org/molvis/v21/1235</a><br /> Received 07 July 2015 | Accepted 22 October 2015 | Published 26 October 2015</p> <p>Other Related Publications</p> <p>1 Geisert EE, Lu L, Freeman-Anderson NE, Templeton JP, Nassr M, Wang X, Gu W, Jiao Y, Williams RW.:Gene expression in the mouse eye: an online resource for genetics using 103 strains of mice. Molecular Vision 2009 Aug 31;15:1730-63, (Link)</p> <p>2. Freeman NE, Templeton JP, Orr WE, Lu L, Williams RW, Geisert EE (2011) Genetic networks in the mouse retina: Growth Associated Protein 43 and Phosphate Tensin Homology network. Molecular Vision 17:1355-1372.</p> <p>3 Geisert EE, Jr., Williams RW: The Mouse Eye Transcriptome: Cellular Signatures, Molecular Networks, and Candidate Genes for Human Disease. In Eye, Retina, and Visual System of the Mouse. Edited by Chalupa LM, Williams RW. Cambridge: The MIT Press; 2008:659-674</p> <p>4 Peirce JL, Lu L, Gu J, Silver LM, Williams RW: A new set of BXD recombinant inbred lines from advanced intercross populations in mice. BMC Genet 2004, 5:7. (Link)</p> <p>5 Templeton JP, Nassr M, Vazquez-Chona F, Freeman-Anderson NE, Orr WE, Williams RW, Geisert EE: Differential response of C57BL/6J mouse and DBA/2J mouse to optic nerve crush. BMC Neurosci. 2009, July 30;10:90.(Link) </p> <p> </p> <p>Other Data Sets Users of these mouse retina data may also find the following complementary resources useful:</p> <p>1 NEIBank collection of ESTs and SAGE data.</p> <p>2 RetNet: the Retinal Information Network--tables of genes and loci causing inherited retinal diseases</p> <p>3 Mouse Retina SAGE Library from the Cepko laboratory. This site provides extensive developmental data from as early as embryonic day E12.5.</p> <p>4 Digital reference of ophthalmology from Columbia provides high quality photographs of human ocular diseases, case studies, and short explanations. This reference does not have a molecular focus.</p> <p>5 Mouse Retinal Developmental Gene Expression data sets from the Friedlander laboratory. This site provides extensive developmental data using the Affymetrix U74 v 2 array (predecessor of the M430).</p> <p>6 Data sets on differential gene expression in anatomical compartments of the human eye from Pat Brown's lab. View expression signatures for different ocular tissues using the geneXplorer 2.0.</p>