<p><strong>Data generated by Dr. Glenn D. Rosen and colleagues</strong></p> <p>The Neocortex Developmental data set provides estimates of mRNA expression during two developmental ages (postnatal days 3 and 14) in the cerebral cortex from 32 BXD strains. All samples are from normal animals raised and bred in a standard laboratory environment.</p> <p>Some of these data were used in<br /> Gaglani SM, Lu L, Williams RW, Rosen GD (2009) The genetic control of neocortex volume and covariation with patterns of gene expression in mice. BMC Neuroscience 10:44 <a class="fwn" href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/10/44" target="_blank"><em>Full Text HTML Version</em></a>, <a class="fwn" href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2202-10-44.pdf" target="_blank"><em>Full Text PDF Version</em></a></p> <p>All samples were processed using 32 Illumina Sentrix v6.2 BeadArray slides. All samples passed stringent quality control and error checking. This data set is a companion to the Striatal Developmental Transcriptome data set and was processed using identical methods and the same strains. This data set was processed using the Illumina "Rank Invariant" protocol. Values were log2 transformed and the current data range from XXX (very low or no expression) to XXXX (extremely high).</p> <p>As a measure of data quality we often count the number of probes that are associated with LOD scores of greater than 10 (LRS > 46). In this Neocortex Developmental data set, xxxx probes have LRS values >46 (LOD >10).</p> <p>Users of these mouse neocortex data may also find the following complementary resources and papers useful:</p> <p>Rossner and colleagues, 2006: a paper on the transcriptome of identified subtypes of neurons in the mouse neocortex.</p> <p>A movie of the dissection of the brain by Dr. Glenn Rosen. ABOUT THE NEOCORTEX</p>