<p>Fifty-six B6D2F2 samples, each taken from a single brain hemisphere from an individual mouse, were assayed using 56 M430A Affymetrix short oligomer microarrays. [The remaining hemisphere will be used later for an anaysis of specific brain regions.] Each array ID (see table below) includes a three letter code; the first letter usually denotes sex of the case (note that we have made a few corrections and there are therefore several sex-discordant IDs), the second letter denotes the hemisphere (R or L), and the third letter is the mouse number within each cell. The F2 mice were experimentally naive, born within a 3-day period from second litters of each dam, and housed at weaning (20- to 24-days-of-age) in like-sex groups of 3 to 4 mice for females and 2 to 3 mice for males in standard mouse shoebox cages within Thoren racks. All 56 F2 mice were killed at 77 to 79 days-of-age by cervical dislocation on December 17, 2003. The brains were immediately split at the midline and then quickly frozen on dry ice. The brains were stored for about two weeks at -80 degrees C until further use.</p>

<p>The F2 was derived as follows: C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) breeders were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory, and two generations later their progeny were crossed to produce B6D2F1 and D2B6F1 hybrid at the Portland VA Veterinary Medical Unit (AAALAC approved). The reciprocal F1s were mated to create an F2 population with both progenitor X and Y chromosomes about equally represented.</p>