<p><strong>Barley1 Leaf MAS 5.0 SCRI (Dec 06)</strong> - integrated probe set value for each gene has been calculated using <strong>MAS 5.0 algorithm</strong> which uses pixel values from both, PM and MM probes. Descriptions of probe set signal calculation can be found on this page below, section &#39;About Data Processing&#39;.</p>

<p>The SCRI barley data set provides estimates of mRNA abundance in doubled haploid recombinant lines of cultivated barley. Embryo-derived tissues at four days after imbibition (150 lines) and seedling leaves at 12 days after imbibition (subset of 34 lines) and three biological replicates of each parental cultivar (Steptoe and Morex) for each tissue were used for the isolation of total RNA and hybridization to the <a class="fs14" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GPL1340" target="_empty">Barley1 22K GeneChip (GEO GPL1340)</a>.</p>