
GeneNetwork REST API (version 2)

We are working on a new REST API that is more consistent.


  • api: is the prefix we use for the API and expands to https://genenetwork.org/api/v2 or similar, so api:species expands to https://genenetwork.org/api/v2/species

  • doc: is the prefix we use for the documentation and expands to https://genenetork.org/doc, so doc:species.html expands to https://genenetwork.org/doc/species.html

Postfix extension

  • The API call with .json extension returns a record without metadata, i.e., the data version. Example of a URI: api:species/Mus_musculus.json or, the short form, api:mouse.json. This typically represents the API call that people use (see below for some output).

  • The API call with .meta.json extension returns the metadata, including a link to the docs and links to dig further into the API. Example: api:species/Mus_musculus.meta.json, or the short form, api:mouse.meta.json (see below for output).

  • The API call with other extensions may return CSV, TSV etc. Depending on documented implementation details.

So, for species list in GN we get:

  • api:species.json
  • api:species.meta.json
  • doc:species.html

We may forward api:species/ (no extension) to doc:species.html.

So, for mouse with its alias we'll get:

  • api:species/Mus_musculus.json
  • api:mouse.json
  • api:species/Mus_musculus.meta.json
  • api:mouse.meta.json
  • doc:species/Mus_musculus.html
  • doc:mouse.html

We may forward api:mouse and api:species/Mus_musculus (no extension) to doc:Mus_musculus.html

JSON data

Standard JSON data (the .json postfix) will return a minimal structure that requires the minimum amount of work to parse. Example api:mouse.json can result in a dictionary of:

  "id": "Mouse",
  "wikidata": "Q83310",
  "taxonomy-id": "10090",
  "ncbi-url": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=10090",
  "uniprot-url": "https://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/10090",
  "wikidata-url": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q83310",
  "taxonomy-name": "Mus musculus",
  "description": "species of mammal",
  "organism": "http://purl.uniprot.org/taxonomy/10090",
  "family": "Vertebrates",
  "binomialName": "Mus musculus",
  "22-rdf-syntax-ns#isDefinedBy": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q83310",
  "rdf-schema#label": "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)",
  "name": "Mouse"

We'll probably get rid of some duplication and terms.


Metadata contains further information on a JSON record, but typically not the data that is already served by above JSON record. Example for api:mouse.meta.json

  "api": "api:mouse.json",
  "doc": "doc:mouse.html",
  "links": {
    # Expand on metadata links that can be followed:
    "strains": {
      "BXD12": "api:BXD12.meta.json",
      "BXD13": "api:BXD13.meta.json",