path: root/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources')
4 files changed, 900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/__init__.py b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..869ab60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+"""Initialise the `gn3.auth.authorisation.resources` package."""
+from .models import Resource, ResourceCategory
diff --git a/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/checks.py b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/checks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafde76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/checks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+"""Handle authorisation checks for resources"""
+from uuid import UUID
+from functools import reduce
+from typing import Sequence
+from gn3.auth import db
+from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User
+def __organise_privileges_by_resource_id__(rows):
+ def __organise__(privs, row):
+ resource_id = UUID(row["resource_id"])
+ return {
+ **privs,
+ resource_id: (row["privilege_id"],) + privs.get(
+ resource_id, tuple())
+ }
+ return reduce(__organise__, rows, {})
+def authorised_for(conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, privileges: tuple[str],
+ resource_ids: Sequence[UUID]) -> dict[UUID, bool]:
+ """
+ Check whether `user` is authorised to access `resources` according to given
+ `privileges`.
+ """
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ ("SELECT guror.*, rp.privilege_id FROM "
+ "group_user_roles_on_resources AS guror "
+ "INNER JOIN group_roles AS gr ON "
+ "(guror.group_id=gr.group_id AND guror.role_id=gr.role_id) "
+ "INNER JOIN roles AS r ON gr.role_id=r.role_id "
+ "INNER JOIN role_privileges AS rp ON r.role_id=rp.role_id "
+ "WHERE guror.user_id=? "
+ f"AND guror.resource_id IN ({', '.join(['?']*len(resource_ids))})"
+ f"AND rp.privilege_id IN ({', '.join(['?']*len(privileges))})"),
+ ((str(user.user_id),) + tuple(
+ str(r_id) for r_id in resource_ids) + tuple(privileges)))
+ resource_privileges = __organise_privileges_by_resource_id__(
+ cursor.fetchall())
+ authorised = tuple(resource_id for resource_id, res_privileges
+ in resource_privileges.items()
+ if all(priv in res_privileges
+ for priv in privileges))
+ return {
+ resource_id: resource_id in authorised
+ for resource_id in resource_ids
+ }
diff --git a/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/models.py b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b301a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+"""Handle the management of resources."""
+import json
+import sqlite3
+from uuid import UUID, uuid4
+from functools import reduce, partial
+from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, Optional, NamedTuple
+from gn3.auth import db
+from gn3.auth.dictify import dictify
+from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User
+from gn3.auth.db_utils import with_db_connection
+from .checks import authorised_for
+from ..checks import authorised_p
+from ..errors import NotFoundError, AuthorisationError
+from ..groups.models import (
+ Group, GroupRole, user_group, group_by_id, is_group_leader)
+class MissingGroupError(AuthorisationError):
+ """Raised for any resource operation without a group."""
+class ResourceCategory(NamedTuple):
+ """Class representing a resource category."""
+ resource_category_id: UUID
+ resource_category_key: str
+ resource_category_description: str
+ def dictify(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return a dict representation of `ResourceCategory` objects."""
+ return {
+ "resource_category_id": self.resource_category_id,
+ "resource_category_key": self.resource_category_key,
+ "resource_category_description": self.resource_category_description
+ }
+class Resource(NamedTuple):
+ """Class representing a resource."""
+ group: Group
+ resource_id: UUID
+ resource_name: str
+ resource_category: ResourceCategory
+ public: bool
+ resource_data: Sequence[dict[str, Any]] = tuple()
+ def dictify(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return a dict representation of `Resource` objects."""
+ return {
+ "group": dictify(self.group), "resource_id": self.resource_id,
+ "resource_name": self.resource_name,
+ "resource_category": dictify(self.resource_category),
+ "public": self.public,
+ "resource_data": self.resource_data
+ }
+def __assign_resource_owner_role__(cursor, resource, user):
+ """Assign `user` the 'Resource Owner' role for `resource`."""
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT gr.* FROM group_roles AS gr INNER JOIN roles AS r "
+ "ON gr.role_id=r.role_id WHERE r.role_name='resource-owner' "
+ "AND gr.group_id=?",
+ (str(resource.group.group_id),))
+ role = cursor.fetchone()
+ if not role:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM roles WHERE role_name='resource-owner'")
+ role = cursor.fetchone()
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO group_roles VALUES "
+ "(:group_role_id, :group_id, :role_id)",
+ {"group_role_id": str(uuid4()),
+ "group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "role_id": role["role_id"]})
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO group_user_roles_on_resources "
+ "VALUES ("
+ ":group_id, :user_id, :role_id, :resource_id"
+ ")",
+ {"group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "user_id": str(user.user_id),
+ "role_id": role["role_id"],
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id)})
+ error_description="Insufficient privileges to create a resource",
+ oauth2_scope="profile resource")
+def create_resource(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource_name: str,
+ resource_category: ResourceCategory, user: User,
+ public: bool) -> Resource:
+ """Create a resource item."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ group = user_group(conn, user).maybe(
+ False, lambda grp: grp)# type: ignore[misc, arg-type]
+ if not group:
+ raise MissingGroupError(
+ "User with no group cannot create a resource.")
+ resource = Resource(
+ group, uuid4(), resource_name, resource_category, public)
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO resources VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (str(resource.group.group_id), str(resource.resource_id),
+ resource_name,
+ str(resource.resource_category.resource_category_id),
+ 1 if resource.public else 0))
+ __assign_resource_owner_role__(cursor, resource, user)
+ return resource
+def resource_category_by_id(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, category_id: UUID) -> ResourceCategory:
+ """Retrieve a resource category by its ID."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM resource_categories WHERE "
+ "resource_category_id=?",
+ (str(category_id),))
+ results = cursor.fetchone()
+ if results:
+ return ResourceCategory(
+ UUID(results["resource_category_id"]),
+ results["resource_category_key"],
+ results["resource_category_description"])
+ raise NotFoundError(
+ f"Could not find a ResourceCategory with ID '{category_id}'")
+def resource_categories(conn: db.DbConnection) -> Sequence[ResourceCategory]:
+ """Retrieve all available resource categories"""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM resource_categories")
+ return tuple(
+ ResourceCategory(UUID(row[0]), row[1], row[2])
+ for row in cursor.fetchall())
+ return tuple()
+def public_resources(conn: db.DbConnection) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """List all resources marked as public"""
+ categories = {
+ str(cat.resource_category_id): cat for cat in resource_categories(conn)
+ }
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM resources WHERE public=1")
+ results = cursor.fetchall()
+ group_uuids = tuple(row[0] for row in results)
+ query = ("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id IN "
+ f"({', '.join(['?'] * len(group_uuids))})")
+ cursor.execute(query, group_uuids)
+ groups = {
+ row[0]: Group(
+ UUID(row[0]), row[1], json.loads(row[2] or "{}"))
+ for row in cursor.fetchall()
+ }
+ return tuple(
+ Resource(groups[row[0]], UUID(row[1]), row[2], categories[row[3]],
+ bool(row[4]))
+ for row in results)
+def group_leader_resources(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, group: Group,
+ res_categories: Dict[UUID, ResourceCategory]) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """Return all the resources available to the group leader"""
+ if is_group_leader(conn, user, group):
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM resources WHERE group_id=?",
+ (str(group.group_id),))
+ return tuple(
+ Resource(group, UUID(row[1]), row[2],
+ res_categories[UUID(row[3])], bool(row[4]))
+ for row in cursor.fetchall())
+ return tuple()
+def user_resources(conn: db.DbConnection, user: User) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """List the resources available to the user"""
+ categories = { # Repeated in `public_resources` function
+ cat.resource_category_id: cat for cat in resource_categories(conn)
+ }
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ def __all_resources__(group) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ gl_resources = group_leader_resources(conn, user, group, categories)
+ cursor.execute(
+ ("SELECT resources.* FROM group_user_roles_on_resources "
+ "LEFT JOIN resources "
+ "ON group_user_roles_on_resources.resource_id=resources.resource_id "
+ "WHERE group_user_roles_on_resources.group_id = ? "
+ "AND group_user_roles_on_resources.user_id = ?"),
+ (str(group.group_id), str(user.user_id)))
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ private_res = tuple(
+ Resource(group, UUID(row[1]), row[2], categories[UUID(row[3])],
+ bool(row[4]))
+ for row in rows)
+ return tuple({
+ res.resource_id: res
+ for res in
+ (private_res + gl_resources + public_resources(conn))# type: ignore[operator]
+ }.values())
+ # Fix the typing here
+ return user_group(conn, user).map(__all_resources__).maybe(# type: ignore[arg-type,misc]
+ public_resources(conn), lambda res: res)# type: ignore[arg-type,return-value]
+def resource_data(conn, resource, offset: int = 0, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple[dict, ...]:
+ """
+ Retrieve the data for `resource`, optionally limiting the number of items.
+ """
+ resource_data_function = {
+ "mrna": mrna_resource_data,
+ "genotype": genotype_resource_data,
+ "phenotype": phenotype_resource_data
+ }
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ return tuple(
+ dict(data_row) for data_row in
+ resource_data_function[
+ resource.resource_category.resource_category_key](
+ cursor, resource.resource_id, offset, limit))
+def attach_resource_data(cursor: db.DbCursor, resource: Resource) -> Resource:
+ """Attach the linked data to the resource"""
+ resource_data_function = {
+ "mrna": mrna_resource_data,
+ "genotype": genotype_resource_data,
+ "phenotype": phenotype_resource_data
+ }
+ category = resource.resource_category
+ data_rows = tuple(
+ dict(data_row) for data_row in
+ resource_data_function[category.resource_category_key](
+ cursor, resource.resource_id))
+ return Resource(
+ resource.group, resource.resource_id, resource.resource_name,
+ resource.resource_category, resource.public, data_rows)
+def mrna_resource_data(cursor: db.DbCursor,
+ resource_id: UUID,
+ offset: int = 0,
+ limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[sqlite3.Row]:
+ """Fetch data linked to a mRNA resource"""
+ cursor.execute(
+ (("SELECT * FROM mrna_resources AS mr "
+ "INNER JOIN linked_mrna_data AS lmr "
+ "ON mr.data_link_id=lmr.data_link_id "
+ "WHERE mr.resource_id=?") + (
+ f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}" if bool(limit) else "")),
+ (str(resource_id),))
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def genotype_resource_data(
+ cursor: db.DbCursor,
+ resource_id: UUID,
+ offset: int = 0,
+ limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[sqlite3.Row]:
+ """Fetch data linked to a Genotype resource"""
+ cursor.execute(
+ (("SELECT * FROM genotype_resources AS gr "
+ "INNER JOIN linked_genotype_data AS lgd "
+ "ON gr.data_link_id=lgd.data_link_id "
+ "WHERE gr.resource_id=?") + (
+ f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}" if bool(limit) else "")),
+ (str(resource_id),))
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def phenotype_resource_data(
+ cursor: db.DbCursor,
+ resource_id: UUID,
+ offset: int = 0,
+ limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[sqlite3.Row]:
+ """Fetch data linked to a Phenotype resource"""
+ cursor.execute(
+ ("SELECT * FROM phenotype_resources AS pr "
+ "INNER JOIN linked_phenotype_data AS lpd "
+ "ON pr.data_link_id=lpd.data_link_id "
+ "WHERE pr.resource_id=?") + (
+ f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}" if bool(limit) else ""),
+ (str(resource_id),))
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def resource_by_id(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, resource_id: UUID) -> Resource:
+ """Retrieve a resource by its ID."""
+ if not authorised_for(
+ conn, user, ("group:resource:view-resource",),
+ (resource_id,))[resource_id]:
+ raise AuthorisationError(
+ "You are not authorised to access resource with id "
+ f"'{resource_id}'.")
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM resources WHERE resource_id=:id",
+ {"id": str(resource_id)})
+ row = cursor.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ return Resource(
+ group_by_id(conn, UUID(row["group_id"])),
+ UUID(row["resource_id"]), row["resource_name"],
+ resource_category_by_id(conn, row["resource_category_id"]),
+ bool(int(row["public"])))
+ raise NotFoundError(f"Could not find a resource with id '{resource_id}'")
+def __link_mrna_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Link mRNA Assay data with a resource."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ params = {
+ "group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "data_link_id": str(data_link_id)
+ }
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO mrna_resources VALUES"
+ "(:group_id, :resource_id, :data_link_id)",
+ params)
+ return params
+def __link_geno_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Link Genotype data with a resource."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ params = {
+ "group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "data_link_id": str(data_link_id)
+ }
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO genotype_resources VALUES"
+ "(:group_id, :resource_id, :data_link_id)",
+ params)
+ return params
+def __link_pheno_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Link Phenotype data with a resource."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ params = {
+ "group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "data_link_id": str(data_link_id)
+ }
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO phenotype_resources VALUES"
+ "(:group_id, :resource_id, :data_link_id)",
+ params)
+ return params
+def link_data_to_resource(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, resource_id: UUID, dataset_type: str,
+ data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Link data to resource."""
+ if not authorised_for(
+ conn, user, ("group:resource:edit-resource",),
+ (resource_id,))[resource_id]:
+ raise AuthorisationError(
+ "You are not authorised to link data to resource with id "
+ f"{resource_id}")
+ resource = with_db_connection(partial(
+ resource_by_id, user=user, resource_id=resource_id))
+ return {
+ "mrna": __link_mrna_data_to_resource__,
+ "genotype": __link_geno_data_to_resource__,
+ "phenotype": __link_pheno_data_to_resource__,
+ }[dataset_type.lower()](conn, resource, data_link_id)
+def __unlink_mrna_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Unlink data from mRNA Assay resources"""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("DELETE FROM mrna_resources "
+ "WHERE resource_id=? AND data_link_id=?",
+ (str(resource.resource_id), str(data_link_id)))
+ return {
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "dataset_type": resource.resource_category.resource_category_key,
+ "data_link_id": data_link_id
+ }
+def __unlink_geno_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Unlink data from Genotype resources"""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("DELETE FROM genotype_resources "
+ "WHERE resource_id=? AND data_link_id=?",
+ (str(resource.resource_id), str(data_link_id)))
+ return {
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "dataset_type": resource.resource_category.resource_category_key,
+ "data_link_id": data_link_id
+ }
+def __unlink_pheno_data_to_resource__(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, data_link_id: UUID) -> dict:
+ """Unlink data from Phenotype resources"""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("DELETE FROM phenotype_resources "
+ "WHERE resource_id=? AND data_link_id=?",
+ (str(resource.resource_id), str(data_link_id)))
+ return {
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id),
+ "dataset_type": resource.resource_category.resource_category_key,
+ "data_link_id": str(data_link_id)
+ }
+def unlink_data_from_resource(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, resource_id: UUID, data_link_id: UUID):
+ """Unlink data from resource."""
+ if not authorised_for(
+ conn, user, ("group:resource:edit-resource",),
+ (resource_id,))[resource_id]:
+ raise AuthorisationError(
+ "You are not authorised to link data to resource with id "
+ f"{resource_id}")
+ resource = with_db_connection(partial(
+ resource_by_id, user=user, resource_id=resource_id))
+ dataset_type = resource.resource_category.resource_category_key
+ return {
+ "mrna": __unlink_mrna_data_to_resource__,
+ "genotype": __unlink_geno_data_to_resource__,
+ "phenotype": __unlink_pheno_data_to_resource__,
+ }[dataset_type.lower()](conn, resource, data_link_id)
+def organise_resources_by_category(resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> dict[
+ ResourceCategory, tuple[Resource]]:
+ """Organise the `resources` by their categories."""
+ def __organise__(accumulator, resource):
+ category = resource.resource_category
+ return {
+ **accumulator,
+ category: accumulator.get(category, tuple()) + (resource,)
+ }
+ return reduce(__organise__, resources, {})
+def __attach_data__(
+ data_rows: Sequence[sqlite3.Row],
+ resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ def __organise__(acc, row):
+ resource_id = UUID(row["resource_id"])
+ return {
+ **acc,
+ resource_id: acc.get(resource_id, tuple()) + (dict(row),)
+ }
+ organised: dict[UUID, tuple[dict, ...]] = reduce(__organise__, data_rows, {})
+ return tuple(
+ Resource(
+ resource.group, resource.resource_id, resource.resource_name,
+ resource.resource_category, resource.public,
+ organised.get(resource.resource_id, tuple()))
+ for resource in resources)
+def attach_mrna_resources_data(
+ cursor, resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """Attach linked data to mRNA Assay resources"""
+ placeholders = ", ".join(["?"] * len(resources))
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM mrna_resources AS mr INNER JOIN linked_mrna_data AS lmd"
+ " ON mr.data_link_id=lmd.data_link_id "
+ f"WHERE mr.resource_id IN ({placeholders})",
+ tuple(str(resource.resource_id) for resource in resources))
+ return __attach_data__(cursor.fetchall(), resources)
+def attach_genotype_resources_data(
+ cursor, resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """Attach linked data to Genotype resources"""
+ placeholders = ", ".join(["?"] * len(resources))
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM genotype_resources AS gr "
+ "INNER JOIN linked_genotype_data AS lgd "
+ "ON gr.data_link_id=lgd.data_link_id "
+ f"WHERE gr.resource_id IN ({placeholders})",
+ tuple(str(resource.resource_id) for resource in resources))
+ return __attach_data__(cursor.fetchall(), resources)
+def attach_phenotype_resources_data(
+ cursor, resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ """Attach linked data to Phenotype resources"""
+ placeholders = ", ".join(["?"] * len(resources))
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT * FROM phenotype_resources AS pr "
+ "INNER JOIN linked_phenotype_data AS lpd "
+ "ON pr.data_link_id=lpd.data_link_id "
+ f"WHERE pr.resource_id IN ({placeholders})",
+ tuple(str(resource.resource_id) for resource in resources))
+ return __attach_data__(cursor.fetchall(), resources)
+def attach_resources_data(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> Sequence[
+ Resource]:
+ """Attach linked data for each resource in `resources`"""
+ resource_data_function = {
+ "mrna": attach_mrna_resources_data,
+ "genotype": attach_genotype_resources_data,
+ "phenotype": attach_phenotype_resources_data
+ }
+ organised = organise_resources_by_category(resources)
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ return tuple(
+ resource for categories in
+ (resource_data_function[category.resource_category_key](
+ cursor, rscs)
+ for category, rscs in organised.items())
+ for resource in categories)
+ ("group:user:assign-role",),
+ "You cannot assign roles to users for this group.",
+ oauth2_scope="profile group role resource")
+def assign_resource_user(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, user: User,
+ role: GroupRole) -> dict:
+ """Assign `role` to `user` for the specific `resource`."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "group_user_roles_on_resources(group_id, user_id, role_id, "
+ "resource_id) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) "
+ "ON CONFLICT (group_id, user_id, role_id, resource_id) "
+ (str(resource.group.group_id), str(user.user_id),
+ str(role.role.role_id), str(resource.resource_id)))
+ return {
+ "resource": dictify(resource),
+ "user": dictify(user),
+ "role": dictify(role),
+ "description": (
+ f"The user '{user.name}'({user.email}) was assigned the "
+ f"'{role.role.role_name}' role on resource with ID "
+ f"'{resource.resource_id}'.")}
+ ("group:user:assign-role",),
+ "You cannot assign roles to users for this group.",
+ oauth2_scope="profile group role resource")
+def unassign_resource_user(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, resource: Resource, user: User,
+ role: GroupRole) -> dict:
+ """Assign `role` to `user` for the specific `resource`."""
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "DELETE FROM group_user_roles_on_resources "
+ "WHERE group_id=? AND user_id=? AND role_id=? AND resource_id=?",
+ (str(resource.group.group_id), str(user.user_id),
+ str(role.role.role_id), str(resource.resource_id)))
+ return {
+ "resource": dictify(resource),
+ "user": dictify(user),
+ "role": dictify(role),
+ "description": (
+ f"The user '{user.name}'({user.email}) had the "
+ f"'{role.role.role_name}' role on resource with ID "
+ f"'{resource.resource_id}' taken away.")}
+def save_resource(
+ conn: db.DbConnection, user: User, resource: Resource) -> Resource:
+ """Update an existing resource."""
+ resource_id = resource.resource_id
+ authorised = authorised_for(
+ conn, user, ("group:resource:edit-resource",), (resource_id,))
+ if authorised[resource_id]:
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "UPDATE resources SET "
+ "resource_name=:resource_name, "
+ "public=:public "
+ "WHERE group_id=:group_id "
+ "AND resource_id=:resource_id",
+ {
+ "resource_name": resource.resource_name,
+ "public": 1 if resource.public else 0,
+ "group_id": str(resource.group.group_id),
+ "resource_id": str(resource.resource_id)
+ })
+ return resource
+ raise AuthorisationError(
+ "You do not have the appropriate privileges to edit this resource.")
diff --git a/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/views.py b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b2bbeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/resources/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+"""The views/routes for the resources package"""
+import uuid
+import json
+import sqlite3
+from functools import reduce
+from flask import request, jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app as app
+from gn3.auth.db_utils import with_db_connection
+from .checks import authorised_for
+from .models import (
+ Resource, save_resource, resource_data, resource_by_id, resource_categories,
+ assign_resource_user, link_data_to_resource, unassign_resource_user,
+ resource_category_by_id, unlink_data_from_resource,
+ create_resource as _create_resource)
+from ..roles import Role
+from ..errors import InvalidData, InconsistencyError, AuthorisationError
+from ..groups.models import Group, GroupRole, group_role_by_id
+from ... import db
+from ...dictify import dictify
+from ...authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth
+from ...authentication.users import User, user_by_id, user_by_email
+resources = Blueprint("resources", __name__)
+@resources.route("/categories", methods=["GET"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def list_resource_categories() -> Response:
+ """Retrieve all resource categories"""
+ db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"]
+ with db.connection(db_uri) as conn:
+ return jsonify(tuple(
+ dictify(category) for category in resource_categories(conn)))
+@resources.route("/create", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def create_resource() -> Response:
+ """Create a new resource"""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ form = request.form
+ resource_name = form.get("resource_name")
+ resource_category_id = uuid.UUID(form.get("resource_category"))
+ db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"]
+ with db.connection(db_uri) as conn:
+ try:
+ resource = _create_resource(
+ conn,
+ resource_name,
+ resource_category_by_id(conn, resource_category_id),
+ the_token.user,
+ (form.get("public") == "on"))
+ return jsonify(dictify(resource))
+ except sqlite3.IntegrityError as sql3ie:
+ if sql3ie.args[0] == ("UNIQUE constraint failed: "
+ "resources.resource_name"):
+ raise InconsistencyError(
+ "You cannot have duplicate resource names.") from sql3ie
+ app.logger.debug(
+ f"{type(sql3ie)=}: {sql3ie=}")
+ raise
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def view_resource(resource_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """View a particular resource's details."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"]
+ with db.connection(db_uri) as conn:
+ return jsonify(dictify(resource_by_id(
+ conn, the_token.user, resource_id)))
+def __safe_get_requests_page__(key: str = "page") -> int:
+ """Get the results page if it exists or default to the first page."""
+ try:
+ return abs(int(request.args.get(key, "1"), base=10))
+ except ValueError as _valerr:
+ return 1
+def __safe_get_requests_count__(key: str = "count_per_page") -> int:
+ """Get the results page if it exists or default to the first page."""
+ try:
+ count = request.args.get(key, "0")
+ if count != 0:
+ return abs(int(count, base=10))
+ return 0
+ except ValueError as _valerr:
+ return 0
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def view_resource_data(resource_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """Retrieve a particular resource's data."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"]
+ count_per_page = __safe_get_requests_count__("count_per_page")
+ offset = (__safe_get_requests_page__("page") - 1)
+ with db.connection(db_uri) as conn:
+ resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id)
+ return jsonify(resource_data(
+ conn,
+ resource,
+ ((offset * count_per_page) if bool(count_per_page) else offset),
+ count_per_page))
+@resources.route("/data/link", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def link_data():
+ """Link group data to a specific resource."""
+ try:
+ form = request.form
+ assert "resource_id" in form, "Resource ID not provided."
+ assert "data_link_id" in form, "Data Link ID not provided."
+ assert "dataset_type" in form, "Dataset type not specified"
+ assert form["dataset_type"].lower() in (
+ "mrna", "genotype", "phenotype"), "Invalid dataset type provided."
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ def __link__(conn: db.DbConnection):
+ return link_data_to_resource(
+ conn, the_token.user, uuid.UUID(form["resource_id"]),
+ form["dataset_type"], uuid.UUID(form["data_link_id"]))
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__link__))
+ except AssertionError as aserr:
+ raise InvalidData(aserr.args[0]) from aserr
+@resources.route("/data/unlink", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def unlink_data():
+ """Unlink data bound to a specific resource."""
+ try:
+ form = request.form
+ assert "resource_id" in form, "Resource ID not provided."
+ assert "data_link_id" in form, "Data Link ID not provided."
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ def __unlink__(conn: db.DbConnection):
+ return unlink_data_from_resource(
+ conn, the_token.user, uuid.UUID(form["resource_id"]),
+ uuid.UUID(form["data_link_id"]))
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__unlink__))
+ except AssertionError as aserr:
+ raise InvalidData(aserr.args[0]) from aserr
+@resources.route("<uuid:resource_id>/user/list", methods=["GET"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def resource_users(resource_id: uuid.UUID):
+ """Retrieve all users with access to the given resource."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ def __the_users__(conn: db.DbConnection):
+ resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id)
+ authorised = authorised_for(
+ conn, the_token.user, ("group:resource:edit-resource",),
+ (resource_id,))
+ if authorised.get(resource_id, False):
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ def __organise_users_n_roles__(users_n_roles, row):
+ user_id = uuid.UUID(row["user_id"])
+ user = users_n_roles.get(user_id, {}).get(
+ "user", User(user_id, row["email"], row["name"]))
+ role = GroupRole(
+ uuid.UUID(row["group_role_id"]),
+ resource.group,
+ Role(uuid.UUID(row["role_id"]), row["role_name"],
+ bool(int(row["user_editable"])), tuple()))
+ return {
+ **users_n_roles,
+ user_id: {
+ "user": user,
+ "user_group": Group(
+ uuid.UUID(row["group_id"]), row["group_name"],
+ json.loads(row["group_metadata"])),
+ "roles": users_n_roles.get(
+ user_id, {}).get("roles", tuple()) + (role,)
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT g.*, u.*, r.*, gr.group_role_id "
+ "FROM groups AS g INNER JOIN "
+ "group_users AS gu ON g.group_id=gu.group_id "
+ "INNER JOIN users AS u ON gu.user_id=u.user_id "
+ "INNER JOIN group_user_roles_on_resources AS guror "
+ "ON u.user_id=guror.user_id INNER JOIN roles AS r "
+ "ON guror.role_id=r.role_id "
+ "INNER JOIN group_roles AS gr ON r.role_id=gr.role_id "
+ "WHERE guror.resource_id=?",
+ (str(resource_id),))
+ return reduce(__organise_users_n_roles__, cursor.fetchall(), {})
+ raise AuthorisationError(
+ "You do not have sufficient privileges to view the resource "
+ "users.")
+ results = (
+ {
+ "user": dictify(row["user"]),
+ "user_group": dictify(row["user_group"]),
+ "roles": tuple(dictify(role) for role in row["roles"])
+ } for row in (
+ user_row for user_id, user_row
+ in with_db_connection(__the_users__).items()))
+ return jsonify(tuple(results))
+@resources.route("<uuid:resource_id>/user/assign", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource role")
+def assign_role_to_user(resource_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """Assign a role on the specified resource to a user."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource role") as the_token:
+ try:
+ form = request.form
+ group_role_id = form.get("group_role_id", "")
+ user_email = form.get("user_email", "")
+ assert bool(group_role_id), "The role must be provided."
+ assert bool(user_email), "The user email must be provided."
+ def __assign__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> dict:
+ resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id)
+ user = user_by_email(conn, user_email)
+ return assign_resource_user(
+ conn, resource, user,
+ group_role_by_id(conn, resource.group,
+ uuid.UUID(group_role_id)))
+ except AssertionError as aserr:
+ raise AuthorisationError(aserr.args[0]) from aserr
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__assign__))
+@resources.route("<uuid:resource_id>/user/unassign", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource role")
+def unassign_role_to_user(resource_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """Unassign a role on the specified resource from a user."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource role") as the_token:
+ try:
+ form = request.form
+ group_role_id = form.get("group_role_id", "")
+ user_id = form.get("user_id", "")
+ assert bool(group_role_id), "The role must be provided."
+ assert bool(user_id), "The user id must be provided."
+ def __assign__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> dict:
+ resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id)
+ return unassign_resource_user(
+ conn, resource, user_by_id(conn, uuid.UUID(user_id)),
+ group_role_by_id(conn, resource.group,
+ uuid.UUID(group_role_id)))
+ except AssertionError as aserr:
+ raise AuthorisationError(aserr.args[0]) from aserr
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__assign__))
+@resources.route("<uuid:resource_id>/toggle-public", methods=["POST"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource role")
+def toggle_public(resource_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """Make a resource public if it is private, or private if public."""
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ def __toggle__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> Resource:
+ old_rsc = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id)
+ return save_resource(
+ conn, the_token.user, Resource(
+ old_rsc.group, old_rsc.resource_id, old_rsc.resource_name,
+ old_rsc.resource_category, not old_rsc.public,
+ old_rsc.resource_data))
+ resource = with_db_connection(__toggle__)
+ return jsonify({
+ "resource": dictify(resource),
+ "description": (
+ "Made resource public" if resource.public
+ else "Made resource private")})