"""Tests for roles for a specific resource.""" from uuid import UUID import pytest from gn_auth.auth.db import sqlite3 as db from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.privileges import Privilege from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.roles.models import Role, create_role from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.resources.groups.models import ( GroupRole, create_group_role) from tests.unit.auth import conftest GROUP = conftest.TEST_GROUP_01 PRIVILEGES = ( Privilege("group:resource:view-resource", "view a resource and use it in computations"), Privilege("group:resource:edit-resource", "edit/update a resource")) @pytest.mark.skip("Keep as placeholder until we implement test for creating " "a resource role.") @pytest.mark.unit_test @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user,expected", tuple(zip(conftest.TEST_USERS[0:1], ( GroupRole( UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"), GROUP, Role(UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"), "ResourceEditor", True, PRIVILEGES)),)))) def test_create_group_role(mocker, fxtr_users_in_group, fxtr_oauth2_clients, user, expected): """ GIVEN: an authenticated user WHEN: the user attempts to create a role, attached to a group THEN: verify they are only able to create the role if they have the appropriate privileges and that the role is attached to the given group """ _conn, clients = fxtr_oauth2_clients mocker.patch("gn_auth.auth.authorisation.resources.groups.models.uuid4", conftest.uuid_fn) mocker.patch("gn_auth.auth.authorisation.roles.models.uuid4", conftest.uuid_fn) mocker.patch( "gn_auth.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire", conftest.get_tokeniser( user, tuple(client for client in clients if client.user == user)[0])) conn, _group, _users = fxtr_users_in_group with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: assert create_group_role( conn, GROUP, "ResourceEditor", PRIVILEGES) == expected # cleanup cursor.execute( ("DELETE FROM group_roles " "WHERE group_role_id=? AND group_id=? AND role_id=?"), (str(conftest.uuid_fn()), str(GROUP.group_id), str(conftest.uuid_fn()))) @pytest.mark.skip( "This needs to be replaced by tests for creation of resource roles.") @pytest.mark.unit_test @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user,expected", tuple(zip(conftest.TEST_USERS[0:1], ( Role(UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"), "a_test_role", True, PRIVILEGES),)))) def test_create_role(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments, unused-argument] fxtr_app, auth_testdb_path, mocker, fxtr_users, fxtr_oauth2_clients, user, expected ): """ GIVEN: an authenticated user WHEN: the user attempts to create a role THEN: verify they are only able to create the role if they have the appropriate privileges """ _conn, clients = fxtr_oauth2_clients mocker.patch("gn_auth.auth.authorisation.roles.models.uuid4", conftest.uuid_fn) mocker.patch( "gn_auth.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire", conftest.get_tokeniser( user, tuple(client for client in clients if client.user == user)[0])) with db.connection(auth_testdb_path) as conn, db.cursor(conn) as cursor: the_role = create_role(cursor, "a_test_role", PRIVILEGES) assert the_role == expected