"""Default application settings.""" import os # LOGLEVEL LOGLEVEL = "WARNING" # Flask settings SECRET_KEY = "" GN_AUTH_SECRETS = None # Set this to path to secrets file # Session settings SESSION_EXPIRY_MINUTES = 10 # Database settings SQL_URI = "mysql://webqtlout:webqtlout@localhost/db_webqtl" AUTH_DB = f"{os.environ.get('HOME')}/genenetwork/gn3_files/db/auth.db" AUTH_MIGRATIONS = "migrations/auth" # Redis settings REDIS_URI = "redis://localhost:6379/0" REDIS_JOB_QUEUE = "GN_AUTH::job-queue" # OAuth2 settings OAUTH2_SCOPES_SUPPORTED = ( # Used by Authlib's `authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2.AuthorizationServer` # class to setup the supported scopes. "profile", "group", "role", "resource", "register-client", "user", "masquerade", "introspect", "migrate-data") CORS_ORIGINS = "*" CORS_HEADERS = [ "Content-Type", "Authorization", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" ] # JSON Web Keys (JWKs) JWKS_ROTATION_AGE_DAYS = 7 # Days (from creation) to keep a JWK in use. JWKS_DELETION_AGE_DAYS = 14 # Days (from creation) to keep a JWK around before deleting it. ## Email SMTP_HOST = "smtp.genenetwork.org" # does not actually exist right now SMTP_PORT = 587 SMTP_TIMEOUT = 200 # seconds SMTP_USER = "no-reply@genenetwork.org" SMTP_PASSWORD = "asecrettoken" EMAIL_ADDRESS = "no-reply@uthsc.edu" ## Variable settings for various emails going out to users AUTH_EMAILS_EXPIRY_MINUTES = 15