o Mifz @ s8 d dl Z d dlmZ G dd deZG dd deZdS ) N) HTTPErrorc s e Zd ZdZ fddZ ZS )UnprocessableEntitya An HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity error occurred. https://help.helpjuice.com/en_US/api-v3/api-v3#errors The request could not be processed, usually due to a missing or invalid parameter. The response will also include an error object with an explanation of fields that are missing or invalid. Here is an example: .. code-block:: HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity { "errors": [ { "email": "is not valid." } ] } c s t tt|j }| }| D ]%\}}||d}|s#qt |t r/|d|}qt |tr;| d| }qt |}tt| j|||d dS )zUnprocessableEntity constructor. Parses out error information from the error object and passes on to the :obj:`HTTPError` constructor. Args: exc (:obj:`HTTPError`): Original exception. Nr requestresponse)nextiterjsonloadsbodydecodevaluesitemsget isinstancelistinsertstrdumpssuperr __init__) selfr r rq_jsonerrorsfielderrorrq_fieldmsg __class__ 0/home/shebes/code/rag_eval/src/errors/rag_err.pyr s zUnprocessableEntity.__init__)__name__ __module____qualname____doc__r __classcell__r! r! r r"