  "titles": [
    "2017 - diabetes-mellitus-in-developing-countries-and-underserved-commun-2017.pdf",
    "2010 - Epidemiology of diabetes.pdf",
    "2015 - Diabetes mellitus The epidemic of the century.pdf",
    "2017 - diabetes-mellitus-in-developing-countries-and-underserved-commun-2017.pdf",
    "2016 - Dissecting diabetes metabolic disease.pdf",
    "2011 - Interaction Between Exercise and Genetics.pdf",
    "2015 - Recent Trends in Therapeutic Approaches for Diabetes Management  A Comprehensive Updat.pdf",
    "2015 - Recent Trends in Therapeutic Approaches for Diabetes Management  A Comprehensive Updat.pdf",
    "2017 - Machine Learning and Data Mining Methods in Diabetes Research.pdf",
    "2023 - Childhood adiposity and novel subtypes of adult-onset diabetes a Mendelian randomisation and genome-wide genetic correlation study.pdf"
  "extraction_id": [
  "document_id": [
  "id": [
  "contexts": [
    "disorder caused by different factors characterized by a chronic high level of blood sugar with distur-bances to carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabo-lism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both [  83 ]. Scientists have  divided diabetes into three different types: Type 1 F. Assah and J.C. Mbanya",
    "Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the two main types, with type 2 diabetesaccounting for the majority ( >85%) of total diabetes prevalence. Both",
    "classical classification of diabetes as proposed by the  American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 1997 as type  1, type 2, other types, and gestational diabetes mellitus  (GDM) is still the most accepted classification and  adopted by ADA[1]. Wilkin[8] proposed the accelerator  hypothesis that argues type 1 and type 2 diabetes  are the same disorder of insulin resistance set against  different genetic backgrounds[9]. The difference bet - ween the two types relies on the tempo, the faster",
    "41 diabetes mellitus (formerly insulin- dependent  diabetes mellitus  IDDM) or type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabe-tes mellitus (formerly non-insulin- dependent dia-betes, NIDDM) or type 2 diabetes  adult-onset diabetes) is found in individuals who are insulin-resistant and who usually have relative insulin de ciency. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM),  the third type, is de  ned as any degree of glucose",
    "Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by uncontrolled hyper-glycemia resulting from the variable combination of dysfunctional in-sulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells and insulin resistance. It is generally classi ed into monogenic diabetes (maturity onset diabetes of the young [MODY], neonatal diabetes, mitochondrial diabetes[54,55] , syndromes of insulin resistance) [56], type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). The metabolic syndrome is a combination of",
    "Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia (elevated levels of glucose in the blood) resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. There are two major types of diabetes mellitus: type 1 (T1D) and T2D, although several other rarer forms also exist [13]. T1D is an autoimmune disease that usually occurs in childhood, but the onset may occur at any age. T1D results from a cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of the beta-cells in the pancreatic",
    "2. Classification of Diabetes On the basis of insulin deficiency, diabetes can be classifiedintothefollowingtypesasfollows.2.1. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). It is also known as juvenile onset diabetes or type 1 diabetes, which accounts for 510% of the patients, resulting from cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic cells. Thediseasecanaffectpeopleofallagesbutusuallyoccursin childrenoryoungadults.Regularsupplyofinsulininjections",
    "2 JournalofDiabetesResearch Type I diabetes  IDDM Type II diabetes  NIDDM  Gestational  diabetesPancreas Islet of Langerhans-glucagon beta cells: insulin Genomic mutationsadministration for  survival sugar levels Insulin  resistance Defective insulin  production Increased  mortalityY ounger  populationGlobal  pandemicHuman body  and diabetes  pregnancy, it needs complete care and  glucose monitorin g glycemic status individual level identification/development of  lead moleculesRegular insulin Exercise",
    "However, there are two major clinical types, type 1  diabetes (T1D) and type 2  diabetes (T2D), according to the etiopathology of t he disorder.  T2D appears to be the",
    "SIDD Severe insulin-deficient diabetes SIRD Severe insulin-resistant diabetes Introduction In 2018, a ground-breaking study identified five novel subtypes of adult-onset diabetes: severe autoimmune diabetes (SAID, including type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults [LADA]) and four subtypes of type 2 diabetes (severe insulin-deficient diabetes [SIDD], severe insulin-resistant diabetes [SIRD], mild obesity-related diabetes [MOD] and mild age-"
  "answer": "Diabetes is classified into several types based on different criteria. The main types of diabetes are:  1. **Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)**: Also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile onset diabetes, it is an autoimmune disease that usually occurs in childhood but can onset at any age [4], [6], [7].  2. **Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)**: Also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes, it is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency [4], [6].  3. **Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)**: This type occurs during pregnancy and is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy [4].  4. **Other Types**: These include monogenic diabetes (such as maturity onset diabetes of the young [MODY], neonatal diabetes, mitochondrial diabetes), and syndromes of insulin resistance [5].  Additionally, a 2018 study identified five novel subtypes of adult-onset diabetes, which include severe autoimmune diabetes (SAID, including type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults [LADA]), severe insulin-deficient diabetes (SIDD), severe insulin-resistant diabetes (SIRD), mild obesity-related diabetes (MOD), and mild age-related diabetes [10].",
  "question": "What are the types of diabetes"