  "titles": [
    "2005 - Rapid and reversible induction of the longevity, anticancer.pdf",
    "2009 - Genes and gene expression modules associated with caloric.pdf",
    "2017 - Dietary restriction protects from age-associated DNA methylation and induces epigenetic reprogramming of lipid metabolism.pdf",
    "2007 - The role of nuclear architecture.pdf",
    "2016 - Epigenetics and aging.pdf",
    "2012 - Genome-Environment Interactions That Modulate.pdf",
    "2005 - Rapid and reversible induction of the longevity, anticancer.pdf",
    "2005 - Rapid and reversible induction of the longevity, anticancer.pdf",
    "2008 - Longevity mutation in SCH9 prevents recombination.pdf",
    "2008 - DNA damage and ageing.pdf"
  "extraction_id": [
  "document_id": [
  "id": [
  "contexts": [
    "caloric restriction. Physiol. Genom. 17, 307 315.Van Remmen, H., Ward, W.F., Sabia, R.V ., Richardson, A., 1995. Gene expression and protein degradation. In: Masoro, E.J. (Ed.), Handbook ofPhysiology. Section 11: Aging. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 171234. Weindruch, R., Walford, R.L., 1982. Dietary restriction in mice beginning at 1 year of age: effect on life-span and spontaneous cancer incidence.Science 215, 1415 1418.S.R. Spindler / Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 126 (2005) 960 966 966",
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    "analysis in calorie-restricted rats implicates epigenetic and post-translational mechanisms in neuroprotection and aging. Genome Biol. 2015;16:285. 21. Gillespie ZE, Pickering J, Eskiw CH. Better living through chemistry: caloric restriction (CR) and CR mimetics alter genome function to promote increased health and lifespan. Front Genet. 2016;7:142. 22. Jiang T, Liebman SE, Lucia MS, Phillips CL, Levi M. Calorie restriction modulates renal expression of sterol regulatory element binding proteins, lipid",
    "Calorie restriction, a dietary regimen that extends  the lifespan of numerous organisms, also delays the  majority of age-related gene-expression changes in  mice and, to a certain extent, in flies45,50. It is currently  unclear whether the effect of calorie restriction on gene  expression underlies its beneficial effect on lifespan or is merely a consequence thereof. Findings in yeast suggest  that there may be a causal link: Sir2 not only facilitates  heterochromatin and promotes DNA stability, but is",
    "Transcriptome analysis in calorie-restricted rats implicates epigenetic and post- translational mechanisms in neuroprotection and aging. Genome Biol. 16,2 8 (2015). 204. M. V. Blagosklonny, Calorie restriction: Decelerating mTOR-driven aging from cells to or- ganisms (including humans). Cell Cycle 9, 683 688 (2010). 205. D. K. Ingram, G. S. Roth, Calorie restriction mimetics: Can you have your cake and eat it, too? Ageing Res. Rev. 20,4 662 (2015).",
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    "Keywords: Caloric restriction; Short-term; Longevity; Cancer; Microarray; Affymetrix Aging is widely assumed to result from the gradual age- related accumulation of essentially irreversible moleculardamage. In this context, CR is often viewed as preventing orslowing the accumulation of such damage, thereby slowingthe process of aging ( Bokov et al., 2004 ). This view is intuitively appealing, as it provides a straightforwardexplanation for the stochastic nature of aging and the onset",
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  "answer": "Caloric restriction and diet have significant impacts on the genetics of aging through various mechanisms:  1. **Gene Expression and Lifespan Extension**: Caloric restriction (CR) has been shown to delay age-related gene-expression changes in mice and, to some extent, in flies. This suggests that CR may influence the genetic pathways associated with aging, potentially contributing to lifespan extension [4].  2. **Epigenetic and Post-Translational Mechanisms**: In calorie-restricted rats, transcriptome analysis indicates that CR involves epigenetic and post-translational mechanisms, which are implicated in neuroprotection and aging. These mechanisms may alter genome function to promote increased health and lifespan [3], [5].  3. **mTOR Pathway**: Caloric restriction is associated with decelerating mTOR-driven aging, which is a significant pathway involved in cellular growth and metabolism. By modulating this pathway, CR may influence the genetic regulation of aging processes [5].  4. **Genomic and Epigenetic Approaches**: Nutritional modulation, including caloric restriction, can impact aging through genomic and epigenetic approaches. This suggests that diet can influence the genetic and epigenetic landscape, potentially affecting the aging process [6].  Overall, caloric restriction and diet can modulate genetic pathways and mechanisms that are crucial for aging, potentially leading to increased lifespan and improved health during aging.",
  "question": "How do caloric restriction and diet impact the genetics of aging?"