path: root/gn3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gn3')
2 files changed, 353 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/api/correlation.py b/gn3/api/correlation.py
index 217b7ce..56b8381 100644
--- a/gn3/api/correlation.py
+++ b/gn3/api/correlation.py
@@ -1,44 +1,63 @@
-"""Endpoints for computing correlation"""
-import time
-from flask import Blueprint
+"""Endpoints for running correlations"""
+from unittest import mock
from flask import jsonify
+from flask import Blueprint
from flask import request
-from flask import g
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine
-from default_settings import SQL_URI
-from gn3.correlation.correlation_computations import compute_correlation
+from gn3.computations.correlations import compute_all_sample_correlation
+from gn3.computations.correlations import compute_all_lit_correlation
+from gn3.computations.correlations import compute_all_tissue_correlation
correlation = Blueprint("correlation", __name__)
-# xtodo implement neat db setup
-def connect_db():
- """add connection to db method"""
- print("@app.before_request connect_db")
- db_connection = getattr(g, '_database', None)
- if db_connection is None:
- print("Get new database connector")
- g.db = g._database = create_engine(SQL_URI, encoding="latin1")
+@correlation.route("/sample_r/<string:corr_method>", methods=["POST"])
+def compute_sample_r(corr_method="pearson"):
+ """correlation endpoint for computing sample r correlations\
+ api expects the trait data with has the trait and also the\
+ target_dataset data"""
+ correlation_input = request.get_json()
+ # xtodo move code below to compute_all_sampl correlation
+ this_trait_data = correlation_input.get("this_trait")
+ target_datasets = correlation_input.get("target_dataset")
+ correlation_results = compute_all_sample_correlation(corr_method=corr_method,
+ this_trait=this_trait_data,
+ target_dataset=target_datasets)
+ return jsonify({
+ "corr_results": correlation_results
+ })
- g.initial_time = time.time()
+@correlation.route("/lit_corr/<string:species>/<int:gene_id>", methods=["POST"])
+def compute_lit_corr(species=None, gene_id=None):
+ """api endpoint for doing lit correlation.results for lit correlation\
+ are fetched from the database this is the only case where the db\
+ might be needed for actual computing of the correlation results"""
+ database_instance = mock.Mock()
+ target_traits_gene_ids = request.get_json()
-@correlation.route("/corr_compute", methods=["POST"])
-def corr_compute_page():
- """api for doing correlation"""
+ lit_corr_results = compute_all_lit_correlation(
+ database_instance=database_instance, trait_lists=target_traits_gene_ids,
+ species=species, gene_id=gene_id)
- correlation_input = request.json
+ return jsonify(lit_corr_results)
- if correlation_input is None:
- return jsonify({"error": str("Bad request")}), 400
- try:
- corr_results = compute_correlation(
- correlation_input_data=correlation_input)
+@correlation.route("/tissue_corr/<string:corr_method>", methods=["POST"])
+def compute_tissue_corr(corr_method="pearson"):
+ """api endpoint fr doing tissue correlation"""
+ tissue_input_data = request.get_json()
+ primary_tissue_dict = tissue_input_data["primary_tissue"]
+ target_tissues_dict_list = tissue_input_data["target_tissues"]
- except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- return jsonify({"error": str(error)})
+ results = compute_all_tissue_correlation(primary_tissue_dict=primary_tissue_dict,
+ target_tissues_dict_list=target_tissues_dict_list,
+ corr_method=corr_method)
- return {"correlation_results": corr_results}
+ return jsonify(results) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gn3/computations/correlations.py b/gn3/computations/correlations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f5929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn3/computations/correlations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+"""module contains code for correlations"""
+from typing import List
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Callable
+import scipy.stats # type: ignore
+def compute_sum(rhs: int, lhs: int)-> int:
+ """initial tests to compute sum of two numbers"""
+ return rhs + lhs
+def normalize_values(a_values: List, b_values: List)->Tuple[List[float], List[float], int]:
+ """
+ Trim two lists of values to contain only the values they both share
+ Given two lists of sample values, trim each list so that it contains
+ only the samples that contain a value in both lists. Also returns
+ the number of such samples.
+ >>> normalize_values([2.3, None, None, 3.2, 4.1, 5], [3.4, 7.2, 1.3, None, 6.2, 4.1])
+ ([2.3, 4.1, 5], [3.4, 6.2, 4.1], 3)
+ """
+ a_new = []
+ b_new = []
+ for a_val, b_val in zip(a_values, b_values):
+ if (a_val and b_val is not None):
+ a_new.append(a_val)
+ b_new.append(b_val)
+ return a_new, b_new, len(a_new)
+def compute_corr_coeff_p_value(primary_values: List, target_values: List, corr_method: str)->\
+ Tuple[float, float]:
+ """given array like inputs calculate the primary and target_value
+ methods ->pearson,spearman and biweight mid correlation
+ return value is rho and p_value
+ """
+ corr_mapping = {
+ "bicor": do_bicor,
+ "pearson": scipy.stats.pearsonr,
+ "spearman": scipy.stats.spearmanr
+ }
+ use_corr_method = corr_mapping.get(corr_method, "spearman")
+ corr_coeffient, p_val = use_corr_method(primary_values, target_values)
+ return (corr_coeffient, p_val)
+def compute_sample_r_correlation(corr_method: str, trait_vals, target_samples_vals)->\
+ Optional[Tuple[float, float, int]]:
+ """Given a primary trait values and target trait values
+ calculate the correlation coeff and p value"""
+ sanitized_traits_vals, sanitized_target_vals,\
+ num_overlap = normalize_values(trait_vals, target_samples_vals)
+ if num_overlap > 5:
+ (corr_coeffient, p_value) =\
+ compute_corr_coeff_p_value(primary_values=sanitized_traits_vals,
+ target_values=sanitized_target_vals,
+ corr_method=corr_method)
+ # xtodo check if corr_coefficient is None should use numpy.isNan scipy.isNan is deprecated
+ if corr_coeffient is not None:
+ return (corr_coeffient, p_value, num_overlap)
+ return None
+def do_bicor(x_val, y_val) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ """not implemented method for doing biweight mid correlation
+ use astropy stats package :not packaged in guix
+ """
+ return (x_val, y_val)
+def filter_shared_sample_keys(this_samplelist, target_samplelist)->Tuple[List, List]:
+ """given primary and target samplelist for two base and target\
+ trait select filter the values using the shared keys"""
+ this_vals = []
+ target_vals = []
+ for key, value in target_samplelist.items():
+ if key in this_samplelist:
+ target_vals.append(value)
+ this_vals.append(this_samplelist[key])
+ return (this_vals, target_vals)
+def compute_all_sample_correlation(this_trait, target_dataset, corr_method="pearson")->List:
+ """given a trait data samplelist and target__datasets compute all sample correlation"""
+ this_trait_samples = this_trait["trait_sample_data"]
+ corr_results = []
+ for target_trait in target_dataset:
+ trait_id = target_trait.get("trait_id")
+ target_trait_data = target_trait["trait_sample_data"]
+ this_vals, target_vals = filter_shared_sample_keys(
+ this_trait_samples, target_trait_data)
+ sample_correlation = compute_sample_r_correlation(
+ corr_method=corr_method, trait_vals=this_vals, target_samples_vals=target_vals)
+ if sample_correlation is not None:
+ (corr_coeffient, p_value, num_overlap) = sample_correlation
+ else:
+ continue
+ corr_result = {"corr_coeffient": corr_coeffient,
+ "p_value": p_value,
+ "num_overlap": num_overlap}
+ corr_results.append({trait_id: corr_result})
+ return corr_results
+def tissue_lit_corr_for_probe_type(corr_type: str, top_corr_results):
+ """function that does either lit_corr_for_trait_list or tissue_corr\
+ _for_trait list depending on whether both dataset and target_dataset are\
+ both set to probet"""
+ corr_results = {"lit": 1}
+ if corr_type not in ("lit", "literature"):
+ corr_results["top_corr_results"] = top_corr_results
+ # run lit_correlation for the given top_corr_results
+ if corr_type == "tissue":
+ # run lit correlation the given top corr results
+ pass
+ if corr_type == "sample":
+ pass
+ # run sample r correlation for the given top results
+ return corr_results
+def tissue_correlation_for_trait_list(primary_tissue_vals: List,
+ target_tissues_values: List,
+ corr_method: str,
+ compute_corr_p_value: Callable =
+ compute_corr_coeff_p_value)->dict:
+ """given a primary tissue values for a trait and the target tissues values\
+ compute the correlation_cooeff and p value the input required are arrays\
+ output - > List containing Dicts with corr_coefficient value,P_value and\
+ also the tissue numbers is len(primary) == len(target)"""
+ # ax :todo assertion that lenggth one one target tissue ==primary_tissue
+ (tissue_corr_coeffient, p_value) = compute_corr_p_value(
+ primary_values=primary_tissue_vals,
+ target_values=target_tissues_values,
+ corr_method=corr_method)
+ lit_corr_result = {
+ "tissue_corr": tissue_corr_coeffient,
+ "p_value": p_value,
+ "tissue_number": len(primary_tissue_vals)
+ }
+ return lit_corr_result
+def fetch_lit_correlation_data(database,
+ input_mouse_gene_id: Optional[str],
+ gene_id: str,
+ mouse_gene_id: Optional[str] = None)->Tuple[str, float]:
+ """given input trait mouse gene id and mouse gene id fetch the lit\
+ corr_data"""
+ if mouse_gene_id is not None and ";" not in mouse_gene_id:
+ query = """
+ FROM LCorrRamin3
+ WHERE GeneId1='%s' and
+ GeneId2='%s'
+ """
+ query_values = (str(mouse_gene_id), str(input_mouse_gene_id))
+ results = database.execute(
+ query_formatter(query, *query_values)).fetchone()
+ lit_corr_results = results if results is not None else database.execute(
+ query_formatter(query, *tuple(reversed(query_values)))).fetchone()
+ lit_results = (gene_id, lit_corr_results.val)\
+ if lit_corr_results else (gene_id, 0)
+ return lit_results
+ return (gene_id, 0)
+def lit_correlation_for_trait_list(database,
+ target_trait_lists: List,
+ species: Optional[str] = None,
+ trait_gene_id: Optional[str] = None)->List:
+ """given species,base trait gene id fetch the lit corr results from the db\
+ output is float for lit corr results """
+ fetched_lit_corr_results = []
+ this_trait_mouse_gene_id = map_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ database=database, species=species, gene_id=trait_gene_id)
+ for trait in target_trait_lists:
+ target_trait_gene_id = trait.get("gene_id")
+ if target_trait_gene_id:
+ target_mouse_gene_id = map_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ database=database, species=species, gene_id=target_trait_gene_id)
+ fetched_corr_data = fetch_lit_correlation_data(
+ database=database, input_mouse_gene_id=this_trait_mouse_gene_id,
+ gene_id=target_trait_gene_id, mouse_gene_id=target_mouse_gene_id)
+ dict_results = dict(
+ zip(("gene_id", "lit_corr"), fetched_corr_data))
+ fetched_lit_corr_results.append(dict_results)
+ return fetched_lit_corr_results
+def query_formatter(query_string: str, * query_values):
+ """formatter query string given the unformatted query string\
+ and the respectibe values.Assumes number of placeholders is
+ equal to the number of query values """
+ results = query_string % (query_values)
+ return results
+def map_to_mouse_gene_id(database, species: Optional[str], gene_id: Optional[str])->Optional[str]:
+ """given a species which is not mouse map the gene_id\
+ to respective mouse gene id"""
+ # AK:xtodo move the code for checking nullity out of thing functions bug while\
+ # method for string
+ if None in (species, gene_id):
+ return None
+ if species == "mouse":
+ return gene_id
+ query = """SELECT mouse
+ WHERE '%s' = '%s'"""
+ query_values = (species, gene_id)
+ results = database.execute(
+ query_formatter(query, *query_values)).fetchone()
+ mouse_gene_id = results.mouse if results is not None else None
+ return mouse_gene_id
+def compute_all_lit_correlation(database_instance, trait_lists: List, species: str, gene_id):
+ """function that acts as an abstraction for lit_correlation_for_trait_list"""
+ # xtodo to be refactored
+ lit_results = lit_correlation_for_trait_list(database=database_instance,
+ target_trait_lists=trait_lists,
+ species=species,
+ trait_gene_id=gene_id
+ )
+ return {
+ "lit_results": lit_results
+ }
+def compute_all_tissue_correlation(primary_tissue_dict: dict,
+ target_tissues_dict_list: List,
+ corr_method: str):
+ """function acts as an abstraction for tissue_correlation_for_trait_list\
+ required input are target tissue object and primary tissue trait """
+ tissues_results = {}
+ primary_tissue_vals = primary_tissue_dict["tissue_values"]
+ target_tissues_list = target_tissues_dict_list
+ for target_tissue_obj in target_tissues_list:
+ trait_id = target_tissue_obj.get("trait_id")
+ target_tissue_vals = target_tissue_obj.get("tissue_values")
+ tissue_result = tissue_correlation_for_trait_list(primary_tissue_vals=primary_tissue_vals,
+ target_tissues_values=target_tissue_vals,
+ corr_method=corr_method)
+ tissues_results[trait_id] = tissue_result
+ return tissues_results