path: root/gn3/db/rdf.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'gn3/db/rdf.py')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/db/rdf.py b/gn3/db/rdf.py
index eb4014a..5a95683 100644
--- a/gn3/db/rdf.py
+++ b/gn3/db/rdf.py
@@ -4,39 +4,12 @@ This module is a collection of functions that handle SPARQL queries.
import json
+from string import Template
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper
from pyld import jsonld # type: ignore
- "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#",
- "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
- "ex": "http://example.org/stuff/1.0/",
- "fabio": "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/",
- "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
- "generif": "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene?cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=",
- "genotype": "http://genenetwork.org/genotype/",
- "gn": "http://genenetwork.org/id/",
- "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/",
- "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/",
- "owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#",
- "phenotype": "http://genenetwork.org/phenotype/",
- "prism": "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/",
- "publication": "http://genenetwork.org/publication/",
- "pubmed": "http://rdf.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/",
- "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
- "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
- "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#",
- "taxon": "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=",
- "up": "http://purl.uniprot.org/core/",
- "xkos": "http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#",
- "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
-RDF_PREFIXES = "\n".join([f"PREFIX {key}: <{value}>"
- for key, value in PREFIXES.items()])
+from gn3.db.constants import (
def sparql_construct_query(query: str, endpoint: str) -> dict:
@@ -51,22 +24,101 @@ def sparql_construct_query(query: str, endpoint: str) -> dict:
def query_frame_and_compact(query: str, context: dict, endpoint: str) -> dict:
"""Frame and then compact the results given a context"""
results = sparql_construct_query(query, endpoint)
- if not results:
- return {}
return jsonld.compact(jsonld.frame(results, context), context)
def query_and_compact(query: str, context: dict, endpoint: str) -> dict:
"""Compact the results given a context"""
results = sparql_construct_query(query, endpoint)
- if not results:
- return {}
return jsonld.compact(results, context)
def query_and_frame(query: str, context: dict, endpoint: str) -> dict:
"""Frame the results given a context"""
results = sparql_construct_query(query, endpoint)
- if not results:
- return {}
return jsonld.frame(results, context)
+def get_wiki_entries_by_symbol(symbol: str, sparql_uri: str) -> dict:
+ """Fetch all the Wiki entries using the symbol"""
+ # This query uses a sub-query to fetch the latest comment by the
+ # version id.
+ query = Template("""
+ ?uid rdfs:label ?symbolName;
+ gnt:reason ?reason ;
+ gnt:species ?species ;
+ dct:references ?pmid ;
+ foaf:homepage ?weburl ;
+ rdfs:comment ?comment ;
+ foaf:mbox ?email ;
+ gnt:initial ?usercode ;
+ gnt:belongsToCategory ?category ;
+ gnt:hasVersion ?versionId ;
+ dct:created ?created ;
+ dct:identifier ?identifier .
+} WHERE {
+ ?symbolId rdfs:label ?symbolName .
+ ?uid rdfs:comment ?comment ;
+ gnt:symbol ?symbolId ;
+ rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry ;
+ dct:created ?createTime .
+ FILTER ( LCASE(?symbolName) = LCASE('$symbol') ) .
+ {
+ SELECT (MAX(?vers) AS ?max) ?id_ WHERE {
+ ?symbolId rdfs:label ?symbolName .
+ ?uid dct:identifier ?id_ ;
+ dct:hasVersion ?vers ;
+ dct:identifier ?id_ ;
+ gnt:symbol ?symbolId .
+ FILTER ( LCASE(?symbolName) = LCASE('$symbol') ) .
+ }
+ }
+ ?uid dct:hasVersion ?max ;
+ dct:identifier ?id_ .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid gnt:reason ?reason } .
+ ?uid gnt:belongsToSpecies ?speciesId .
+ ?speciesId gnt:shortName ?species .
+ } .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid dct:references ?pubmedId . } .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid foaf:homepage ?weburl . } .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid gnt:initial ?usercode . } .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid gnt:mbox ?email . } .
+ OPTIONAL { ?uid gnt:belongsToCategory ?category . } .
+ BIND (str(?version) AS ?versionId) .
+ BIND (str(?id_) AS ?identifier) .
+ BIND (str(?pubmedId) AS ?pmid) .
+ BIND (str(?createTime) AS ?created) .
+""").substitute(prefix=RDF_PREFIXES, symbol=symbol,)
+ context = BASE_CONTEXT | {
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "categories": "gnt:belongsToCategory",
+ "web_url": "foaf:homepage",
+ "version": "gnt:hasVersion",
+ "symbol": "rdfs:label",
+ "reason": "gnt:reason",
+ "species": "gnt:species",
+ "pubmed_id": "dct:references",
+ "email": "foaf:mbox",
+ "initial": "gnt:initial",
+ "comment": "rdfs:comment",
+ "created": "dct:created",
+ "id": "dct:identifier",
+ # This points to the RDF Node which is the unique identifier
+ # for this triplet. It's constructed using the comment-id and
+ # the comment-versionId
+ "wiki_identifier": "@id",
+ }
+ results = query_frame_and_compact(
+ query, context,
+ sparql_uri
+ )
+ data = results.get("data")
+ if not data:
+ return results
+ return results