path: root/gn3/db/datasets.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'gn3/db/datasets.py')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/db/datasets.py b/gn3/db/datasets.py
index 1d2f071..bc5467b 100644
--- a/gn3/db/datasets.py
+++ b/gn3/db/datasets.py
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
This module contains functions relating to specific trait dataset manipulation
-import re
-from string import Template
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
-from SPARQLWrapper import JSON, SPARQLWrapper
-from gn3.settings import SPARQL_ENDPOINT
+from typing import Any
def retrieve_probeset_trait_dataset_name(
threshold: int, name: str, connection: Any):
@@ -264,100 +261,3 @@ def retrieve_trait_dataset(trait_type, trait, threshold, conn):
-def sparql_query(query: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
- """Run a SPARQL query and return the bound variables."""
- sparql.setQuery(query)
- sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
- return sparql.queryAndConvert()['results']['bindings'] # type: ignore
-def dataset_metadata(accession_id: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
- """Return info about dataset with ACCESSION_ID."""
- # Check accession_id to protect against query injection.
- # TODO: This function doesn't yet return the names of the actual dataset files.
- pattern = re.compile(r'GN\d+', re.ASCII)
- if not pattern.fullmatch(accession_id):
- return None
- # KLUDGE: We split the SPARQL query because virtuoso is very slow on a
- # single large query.
- queries = ["""
-PREFIX gn: <http://genenetwork.org/>
-SELECT ?name ?dataset_group ?status ?title ?geo_series
- ?dataset gn:accessionId "$accession_id" ;
- rdf:type gn:dataset ;
- gn:name ?name .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:datasetGroup ?dataset_group } .
- # FIXME: gn:datasetStatus should not be optional. But, some records don't
- # have it.
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:datasetStatus ?status } .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:title ?title } .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:geoSeries ?geo_series } .
- """
-PREFIX gn: <http://genenetwork.org/>
-SELECT ?platform_name ?normalization_name ?species_name ?inbred_set_name ?tissue_name
- ?dataset gn:accessionId "$accession_id" ;
- rdf:type gn:dataset ;
- gn:normalization / gn:name ?normalization_name ;
- gn:datasetOfSpecies / gn:menuName ?species_name ;
- gn:datasetOfInbredSet / gn:name ?inbred_set_name .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:datasetOfTissue / gn:name ?tissue_name } .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:datasetOfPlatform / gn:name ?platform_name } .
- """
-PREFIX gn: <http://genenetwork.org/>
-SELECT ?specifics ?summary ?about_cases ?about_tissue ?about_platform
- ?about_data_processing ?notes ?experiment_design ?contributors
- ?citation ?acknowledgment
- ?dataset gn:accessionId "$accession_id" ;
- rdf:type gn:dataset .
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:specifics ?specifics . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:summary ?summary . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:aboutCases ?about_cases . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:aboutTissue ?about_tissue . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:aboutPlatform ?about_platform . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:aboutDataProcessing ?about_data_processing . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:notes ?notes . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:experimentDesign ?experiment_design . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:contributors ?contributors . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:citation ?citation . }
- OPTIONAL { ?dataset gn:acknowledgment ?acknowledgment . }
- result: Dict[str, Any] = {'accession_id': accession_id,
- 'investigator': {}}
- query_result = {}
- for query in queries:
- if sparql_result := sparql_query(Template(query).substitute(accession_id=accession_id)):
- query_result.update(sparql_result[0])
- else:
- return None
- for key, value in query_result.items():
- result[key] = value['value']
- investigator_query_result = sparql_query(Template("""
-PREFIX gn: <http://genenetwork.org/>
-SELECT ?name ?address ?city ?state ?zip ?phone ?email ?country ?homepage
- ?dataset gn:accessionId "$accession_id" ;
- rdf:type gn:dataset ;
- gn:datasetOfInvestigator ?investigator .
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:name ?name . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator gn:address ?address . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator gn:city ?city . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator gn:state ?state . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator gn:zipCode ?zip . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:phone ?phone . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:mbox ?email . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator gn:country ?country . }
- OPTIONAL { ?investigator foaf:homepage ?homepage . }
- for key, value in investigator_query_result.items():
- result['investigator'][key] = value['value']
- return result