path: root/gn3/auth/authentication/oauth2/server.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/auth/authentication/oauth2/server.py b/gn3/auth/authentication/oauth2/server.py
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index 7d7113a..0000000
--- a/gn3/auth/authentication/oauth2/server.py
+++ /dev/null
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-"""Initialise the OAuth2 Server"""
-import uuid
-import datetime
-from typing import Callable
-from flask import Flask, current_app
-from authlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors import InvalidClientError
-from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2 import AuthorizationServer
-# from authlib.oauth2.rfc7636 import CodeChallenge
-from gn3.auth import db
-from .models.oauth2client import client
-from .models.oauth2token import OAuth2Token, save_token
-from .grants.password_grant import PasswordGrant
-from .grants.authorisation_code_grant import AuthorisationCodeGrant
-from .endpoints.revocation import RevocationEndpoint
-from .endpoints.introspection import IntrospectionEndpoint
-def create_query_client_func() -> Callable:
- """Create the function that loads the client."""
- def __query_client__(client_id: uuid.UUID):
- # use current_app rather than passing the db_uri to avoid issues
- # when config changes, e.g. while testing.
- with db.connection(current_app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn:
- the_client = client(conn, client_id).maybe(
- None, lambda clt: clt) # type: ignore[misc]
- if bool(the_client):
- return the_client
- raise InvalidClientError(
- "No client found for the given CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.")
- return __query_client__
-def create_save_token_func(token_model: type) -> Callable:
- """Create the function that saves the token."""
- def __save_token__(token, request):
- with db.connection(current_app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn:
- save_token(
- conn, token_model(
- token_id=uuid.uuid4(), client=request.client,
- user=request.user,
- **{
- "refresh_token": None, "revoked": False,
- "issued_at": datetime.datetime.now(),
- **token
- }))
- return __save_token__
-def setup_oauth2_server(app: Flask) -> None:
- """Set's up the oauth2 server for the flask application."""
- server = AuthorizationServer()
- server.register_grant(PasswordGrant)
- # Figure out a common `code_verifier` for GN2 and GN3 and set
- # server.register_grant(AuthorisationCodeGrant, [CodeChallenge(required=False)])
- # below
- server.register_grant(AuthorisationCodeGrant)
- # register endpoints
- server.register_endpoint(RevocationEndpoint)
- server.register_endpoint(IntrospectionEndpoint)
- # init server
- server.init_app(
- app,
- query_client=create_query_client_func(),
- save_token=create_save_token_func(OAuth2Token))
- app.config["OAUTH2_SERVER"] = server