diff options
2 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/api/gemma.py b/gn3/api/gemma.py
index ec5f3f0..e5a1a72 100644
--- a/gn3/api/gemma.py
+++ b/gn3/api/gemma.py
@@ -133,3 +133,41 @@ traitfile, and snpsfile are extracted from a metadata.json file.
return jsonify(status=128,
# use better message
message="Metadata file non-existent!")
+@gemma.route("/k-compute/loco/<chromosomes>/<token>", methods=["POST"])
+def compute_k_loco(chromosomes, token):
+ """Similar to 'compute_k' with the extra option of using loco given chromosome
+ """
+ working_dir = os.path.join(current_app.config.get("TMPDIR"),
+ token)
+ _dict = jsonfile_to_dict(os.path.join(working_dir,
+ "metadata.json"))
+ try:
+ genofile, phenofile, snpsfile = [os.path.join(working_dir,
+ _dict.get(x))
+ for x in ["geno", "pheno", "snps"]]
+ gemma_kwargs = {"g": genofile, "p": phenofile, "a": snpsfile}
+ _hash = get_hash_of_files([genofile, phenofile, snpsfile])
+ k_output_filename = f"{_hash}-k-output.json"
+ k_computation_cmd = generate_gemma_computation_cmd(
+ gemma_cmd=current_app.config.get("GEMMA_WRAPPER_CMD"),
+ gemma_wrapper_kwargs={"loco": f"--input {chromosomes}"},
+ gemma_kwargs=gemma_kwargs,
+ output_file=(f"{current_app.config.get('TMPDIR')}/"
+ f"{token}/{k_output_filename}"))
+ return jsonify(
+ unique_id=queue_cmd(
+ conn=redis.Redis(),
+ email=(request.get_json() or {}).get('email'),
+ job_queue=current_app.config.get("REDIS_JOB_QUEUE"),
+ cmd=f"{k_computation_cmd}"),
+ status="queued",
+ output_file=k_output_filename)
+ # pylint: disable=W0703
+ except Exception:
+ return jsonify(status=128,
+ # use better message
+ message="Metadata file non-existent!")
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_gemma.py b/tests/integration/test_gemma.py
index 18e3fb0..3e64987 100644
--- a/tests/integration/test_gemma.py
+++ b/tests/integration/test_gemma.py
@@ -176,3 +176,31 @@ class GemmaAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
"status": "queued",
"unique_id": "my-unique-id"
+ @mock.patch("gn3.api.gemma.queue_cmd")
+ @mock.patch("gn3.api.gemma.generate_gemma_computation_cmd")
+ @mock.patch("gn3.api.gemma.get_hash_of_files")
+ @mock.patch("gn3.api.gemma.jsonfile_to_dict")
+ def test_k_compute_loco(self, mock_json, mock_hash, mock_cmd,
+ mock_queue_cmd):
+ """Test /gemma/k-compute/<token>"""
+ mock_queue_cmd.return_value = "my-unique-id"
+ mock_json.return_value = {
+ "geno": "genofile.txt",
+ "pheno": "phenofile.txt",
+ "snps": "snpfile.txt",
+ }
+ mock_hash.return_value = "hash"
+ mock_cmd.return_value = ("gemma-wrapper --json -- "
+ "-debug -g "
+ "genotype_name.txt "
+ "-p traitfilename.txt "
+ "-a genotype_snps.txt "
+ "-gk > k_output_filename.json")
+ response = self.app.post(("/api/gemma/k-compute/loco/"
+ "1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6/test-data"))
+ self.assertEqual(response.get_json(), {
+ "output_file": "hash-k-output.json",
+ "status": "queued",
+ "unique_id": "my-unique-id"
+ })