path: root/gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
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authorFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2023-04-17 09:24:54 +0300
committerFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2023-04-17 09:24:54 +0300
commit85abf12d364c626af9177deb0398849845bcc6c3 (patch)
tree923b61bab797b2924d6c7423f3890d95d4f779d6 /gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
parentdbf0f9f0d34c9969aa6ae76f556745a9eb122106 (diff)
auth: Delete code that is no longer used
Diffstat (limited to 'gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py b/gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
index e00df66..33ba262 100644
--- a/gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
+++ b/gn3/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ from gn3.auth.authorisation.errors import InvalidData, NotFoundError
from gn3.auth.authorisation.roles.models import(
revoke_user_role_by_name, assign_user_role_by_name)
-from gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.data import retrieve_ungrouped_data
from gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models import (
Group, user_group, group_by_id, add_user_to_group)
@@ -123,194 +122,6 @@ def authorisation() -> Response:
for trait_fullname in traits_names)))
-def migrate_user_group(conn: db.DbConnection, user: User) -> Group:
- """Create a group for the user if they don't already have a group."""
- group = user_group(conn, user).maybe(# type: ignore[misc]
- False, lambda grp: grp) # type: ignore[arg-type]
- if not bool(group):
- now = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
- group = Group(uuid.uuid4(), f"{user.name}'s Group ({now})", {
- "created": now,
- "notes": "Imported from redis"
- })
- with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "INSERT INTO groups(group_id, group_name, group_metadata) "
- "VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
- (str(group.group_id), group.group_name, json.dumps(
- group.group_metadata)))
- add_user_to_group(cursor, group, user)
- revoke_user_role_by_name(cursor, user, "group-creator")
- assign_user_role_by_name(cursor, user, "group-leader")
- return group
-def __redis_datasets_by_type__(acc, item):
- if item["type"] == "dataset-probeset":
- return (acc[0] + (item["name"],), acc[1], acc[2])
- if item["type"] == "dataset-geno":
- return (acc[0], acc[1] + (item["name"],), acc[2])
- if item["type"] == "dataset-publish":
- return (acc[0], acc[1], acc[2] + (item["name"],))
- return acc
-def __unmigrated_data__(ungrouped, redis_datasets):
- return (dataset for dataset in ungrouped
- if dataset["Name"] in redis_datasets)
-def __parametrise__(group: Group, datasets: Sequence[dict],
- dataset_type: str) -> tuple[dict[str, str], ...]:
- return tuple(
- {
- "group_id": str(group.group_id),
- "dataset_type": dataset_type,
- "dataset_or_trait_id": dataset["Id"],
- "dataset_name": dataset["Name"],
- "dataset_fullname": dataset["FullName"],
- "accession_id": dataset["accession_id"]
- } for dataset in datasets)
-def __org_by_user_id__(acc, resource):
- try:
- user_id = uuid.UUID(resource["owner_id"])
- return {
- **acc,
- user_id: acc.get(user_id, tuple()) + (resource,)
- }
- except ValueError as _verr:
- return acc
-def redis_resources(rconn: redis.Redis) -> Iterable[dict[str, str]]:
- """Retrieve ALL defined resources from Redis"""
- return (
- json.loads(resource)
- for resource in rconn.hgetall("resources").values())
-def system_admin_user(conn: db.DbConnection) -> User:
- """Return a system admin user."""
- with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT * FROM users AS u INNER JOIN user_roles AS ur "
- "ON u.user_id=ur.user_id INNER JOIN roles AS r "
- "ON ur.role_id=r.role_id WHERE r.role_name='system-administrator'")
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- if len(rows) > 0:
- return User(uuid.UUID(rows[0]["user_id"]), rows[0]["email"],
- rows[0]["name"])
- raise NotFoundError("Could not find a system administration user.")
-def migrate_user(
- conn: db.DbConnection, email: str, username: str, password: str) -> User:
- """Migrate the user, if not already migrated."""
- try:
- return user_by_email(conn, email)
- except NotFoundError as _nfe:
- user = User(uuid.uuid4(), email, username)
- with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "INSERT INTO users(user_id, email, name) "
- "VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
- (str(user.user_id), user.email, user.name))
- set_user_password(cursor, user, password)
- return user
-def __generate_random_password__(length: int = 25):
- """Generate a random password string"""
- return "".join(random.choices(
- string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + string.digits,
- k=length))
-def migrate_data(# pylint: disable=[too-many-locals]
- authconn: db.DbConnection,
- gn3conn: gn3db.Connection,
- rconn: redis.Redis,
- redis_user_id: uuid.UUID,
- redisresources: tuple[dict[str, str], ...]) -> tuple[
- User, Group, tuple[dict[str, str], ...]]:
- """Migrate data attached to the user to the user's group."""
- try:
- user_details = json.loads(rconn.hget("users", str(redis_user_id)))
- email = validate_email(user_details["email_address"])
- user = migrate_user(authconn, email["email"],
- user_details.get("full_name") or "NOT SET",
- __generate_random_password__())
- group = migrate_user_group(authconn, user)
- redis_mrna, redis_geno, redis_pheno = reduce(#type: ignore[var-annotated]
- __redis_datasets_by_type__, redisresources,
- (tuple(), tuple(), tuple()))
- mrna_datasets = __unmigrated_data__(
- retrieve_ungrouped_data(authconn, gn3conn, "mrna"), redis_mrna)
- geno_datasets = __unmigrated_data__(
- retrieve_ungrouped_data(authconn, gn3conn, "genotype"), redis_geno)
- pheno_datasets = __unmigrated_data__(
- retrieve_ungrouped_data(authconn, gn3conn, "phenotype"), redis_pheno)
- params = (
- __parametrise__(group, mrna_datasets, "mRNA") +
- __parametrise__(group, geno_datasets, "Genotype") +
- __parametrise__(group, pheno_datasets, "Phenotype"))
- if len(params) > 0:
- with db.cursor(authconn) as cursor:
- cursor.executemany(
- "INSERT INTO linked_group_data VALUES"
- "(:group_id, :dataset_type, :dataset_or_trait_id, "
- ":dataset_name, :dataset_fullname, :accession_id)",
- params)
- return user, group, params
- except EmailNotValidError as _enve:
- pass
- return tuple() # type: ignore[return-value]
-@data.route("/users/migrate", methods=["POST"])
-def migrate_users_data() -> Response:
- """
- Special, protected endpoint to enable the migration of data from the older
- system to the newer system with groups, resources and privileges.
- This is a temporary endpoint and should be removed after all the data has
- been migrated.
- """
- db_uri = app.config.get("AUTH_DB", "").strip()
- if bool(db_uri) and os.path.exists(db_uri):
- authorised_clients = app.config.get(
- with (require_oauth.acquire("migrate-data") as the_token,
- db.connection(db_uri) as authconn,
- redis.Redis(decode_responses=True) as rconn,
- gn3db.database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as gn3conn):
- if the_token.client.client_id in authorised_clients:
- by_user: dict[uuid.UUID, tuple[dict[str, str], ...]] = reduce(
- __org_by_user_id__, redis_resources(rconn), {})
- users, groups, resource_data_params = reduce(# type: ignore[var-annotated, arg-type]
- lambda acc, ugp: (acc[0] + (ugp[0],),# type: ignore[return-value, arg-type]
- acc[1] + (ugp[1],),
- acc[2] + ugp[2]),
- (
- migrate_data(
- authconn, gn3conn, rconn, user_id, user_resources)
- for user_id, user_resources in by_user.items()),
- (tuple(), tuple(), tuple()))
- return jsonify({
- "description": (
- f"Migrated {len(resource_data_params)} resource data "
- f"items for {len(users)} users into {len(groups)} "
- "groups."),
- "users": tuple(dictify(user) for user in users),
- "groups": tuple(dictify(group) for group in groups)
- })
- raise ForbiddenAccess("You cannot access this endpoint.")
- return app.response_class(
- response=json.dumps({
- "error": "Unavailable",
- "error_description": (
- "The data migration service is currently unavailable.")
- }),
- status=500, mimetype="application/json")
def __search_mrna__():
query = __request_key__("query", "")
limit = int(__request_key__("limit", 10000))