Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
styling in the template
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Added styling for elements in show_trait_calculate_correlations.html and changed a few existing class names to be more reasonable
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait.html - Changed the class name for the main div
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_calculate_correlations.html - Substituted direct styling with CSS and changing some styling to make the correlation method descriptions keep a reasonable width and position
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_statistics.html - Changed some class names to be better
pixels in the name since that might change later
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Changed a couple class names
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_statistics.html - Changed a couple class names
issue where not all figures had "Select Group:" before the group selection drop-down
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Moved styling from show_trait_statistic.html here
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_statistics.html - Replaced styling with classes, removed some unnecessary/unused styling, and added some missing label text
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Added the bottom margin styling for the div containing the buttons
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_details.html - Removed some unnecessary styling and moved the styling for .btn_toolbar to show_trait.css
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/main.css - Added CSS for min-height in table cells with checkboxes, since this would apply to all tables throughout the site
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Added CSS for styling that was previous in show_trait.html
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait.html - Replaced directly styling with classes
Some trait page width changes
Change some column widths/headers in search and view collection pages
collections table + changed "Max LRS" column header to "High P"
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - changed column widths and "Max LRS" header to "High P"
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html - changed column widths and "Max LRS" header to "High P"
Tests/add extra tests for collections
* wqflask/wqflask/wgcna/ Apply pep8
* wqflask/wqflask/ Ditto
* wqflask/base/ Ditto
* wqflask/tests/wqflask/ Add it.
* wqflask/base/ - Fixed issue where there was an error when trying to take the len of the query results when there were no results
self.datasets property because the group name was used as the key (instead of the group name + "Publish", which is the full dataset name for phenotypes)
* wqflask/base/ - Set "group_name" as a separate variable from "name" to avoid it being used as the key in self.datasets
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_mapping_tools.html - Removed the "col-xs-_" class to allow the div containing mapping description text to shrink with screen size
expand/shrink with screen size and make drop-downs a better width
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_calculate_correlations.html - Adjusted widths of drop-down divs and removed the col-width class from the description div (the right side) so it can shrink wqwith screen size
descriptions to shrink to a smaller width (but not too small)
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait.html - Changed width of main container div to 700px
Checked if owner_id is "none" to avoid an error when trying to access…
Temp Trait Scatterplot Error Fix
matrix), append the group name to Temp dataset names so temp traits can be used in scatterplot
* wqflask/wqflask/correlation/ - Create the dataset object using the group name included with Temp dataset names (which take the form "Temp_(group_name)")
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_matrix.html - Change scatterplot links to include the group name if the dataset name is "Temp"
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html - Change scatterplot links to include the group name if the dataset name is "Temp" + a couple minor style changes
Made change that should fix error when trying to change page text usi…
* wqflask/wqflask/ - Changed query to include casting as binary to deal with certain unicode characters in ckeditor pages
* wqflask/wqflask/ - Imported update_text from Docs since it previously wasn't updated, causing an error when attempting to update text
Index page dropdown/textarea fix
with certain window widths
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/index_page_orig.html - Changed the left/right div's padding to prevent them from overlapping and changed the textareas' styles to make them only expandable vertically
resource manager page with newly added datasets
* wqflask/wqflask/ - Only get owner user info conditional on owner_id not being "none" (which it will be by default for newly added datasets). Previously it would throw an error due to "owner_info" being None
shared samples are < 2 instead of 0; this fixed the error when running
the correlation matrix, but results in the PCA traits having no values
* wqflask/wqflask/correlation_matrx/ - changed
"if num_overlap == 0" to "if num_overlap < 2" because correlations can't
be run if there are fewer than 2 shared samples (and previously would
throw an error if there was exactly 1 shared sample)
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html - Added
natural-minus-na type to columns that can contain N/A values, since I
apparently forgot to add it to this table before
didn't sort all rows when a table is paginated and has more than one
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - Added
"extract_inner_text" function for getting the inner text from a string
containing HTML in order to avoid using DataTables' orderDataType (which
can only fetch values directly from the DOM, which is why sorting wasn't
working with multiple pages), and also included this function in the
"natural-minus-na" data type (so columns can be sorted that contain both
HTML/links and N/A values)
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - Changed record column
to use "natural-minus-na" sort method in order to fix the inner-text
sorting issue + added sorting to the checkbox column (in the same way as
it already works in the search result page)
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_results_page.html - Replaced the
columns that used orderDataType with using the updated
"natural-minus-na" data type
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html - Fixed issue where
N/As in the Year column (for phenotype correlations) were still displayed as links
* wqflask/base/ - TempDataSet class contained some code
referring to the SQL DB, but temp traits aren't stored in the SQL DB anymore
caused there to be a small line between buttons when hovering over them
(because the <a> tags were wider than the button itself); this was
changed to instead just be an "onclick" on the button (which is also a
bit more concise)
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_details.html - Replaced <a> tags
with onclick for trait page link-out buttons
to work with the figure we used before switching to Plotly. This feature
will need to be redone to work with Plotly
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_statistics.html - commented out
Color By Trait button until it's reimplemented
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Adding position
relative and a 2px offset for glyphicons to make them better align with
button text
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - Added glyphicon to
Download button, changed a couple head names (Peak Location and Effect
Size), made Location and Peak Location columns the same width, and made
the "?" glossary links a little larger and red
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html - same as above
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_edit_data.html - Added glyphicon
to Export button
displayed in the "view collection" page
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - Apparently the
correct way to check if a value can be cast to a float in Jinja2 is to
say "value != 0"; it previous said "value > 0" which exlcuded all
negative values
changed the text for the GN1 link button
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_details.html - Changed Add button
class to btn-success (to make it green like the other Add buttons) and
changed text from "View in GN1" to "Go to GN1"
changing the image they're referencing
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/base.html - Added CSS changing the table
sort arrow image directly into
base.html because it requires using url_for to reference the images in
the GUIX profile (so it needs to be in the template and can't just be
added to a CSS file)
the results on the initial page aren't lost
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - Changed the
add to collection method name to "add_to_collection" because it was
previously "add" which is a terrible method name
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/add.html - Added target="_blank"
to the add to collection form so it will open in a new tab/window
* wqflask/base/ (retrieve_trait_info): If the
description_string or discription_display value return a None object,
evaluate to an empty string. Fixes errors related to *len(None)*.
* wqflask/base/ Fixes error parsing error: "(GeneNetwork
error: float argument required, not NoneType)"
* wqflask/tests/base/
(test_retrieve_trait_info_with_non_empty_lrs): Check
trait.LRS_score_repr is set correctly if trait.lrs is None.
(test_retrieve_trait_info_with_empty_lrs_field): Check
trait.LRS_score_repr and test_trait.LRS_location_repr is set correctly
if trait.lrs is None.
(test_retrieve_trait_info_with_empty_chr_field): Check
test_trait.LRS_score_repr and test_trait.LRS_location_repr is set
correctly if is None.
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - aligned score,
position, additive effect, and dominance column headers to the right
* wqflask/wqflask/ Move imports from to
"". Fixes failing build.
* wqflask/wqflask/ Ditto.
* wqflask/tests/base/ In python2 it's necessary to
decode the utf-8 string.
there was some mistake/error during registration
* wqflask/wqflask/ - Previously it would still save a user
even if there was some problem like their e-mail already being
associated with an account. It would display the error, but still run
save_user. I fixed this so that it no longer saves the user if there are
any errors
color to match the high color in other tables
* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/marker_regression.css - changed
background color when selecting a row (i.e. "highlight color")
header on the mapping results page to include the mapping scale
* wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/ - changed how
"display_pos" is defined for marker obs
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Fixed issues with
last commit and changed position header name to include mapping scale
results and also changes the -log(p) to use an endash instead
* wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/ - added "display_pos"
to each marker object that is a combination of Chr and Mb/cM
* wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Included
"display_pos" in results table and replaced -log(p) with using an endash