Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
gets the LRS location repr and other variables needed to display in table during the retrieve_info function in instead of retrieve_trait_info in
This change increases the speed by a bit (85 seconds to 66 seconds for example)
Made the column width for location a bit wider for global search page so it doesn't spill onto a second line
Began adding menu to qtl map
Fixed global search to not retrieve samples (to increase speed)
Got the vector plot working again so it can be displayed alongside the gn1-style plot
Only display the vector plot when doing GEMMA to speed up (this might not be necessary)
Changed the way details are displayed in show trait page
Changed search query so that it orders results by symbol
Still slower than preferable due to having to query the gn1 database for every trait in the search results
| Since I couldn't find the purpose of the assert statement I removed it.
Fixes #69
move duplicated code into a method,
handle the case of missing f1/f12 correctly
some others)
* 'aliases' and 'location' are shown only where relevant
* descriptions for phenotype datasets are provided at the top
where rat trait pages wouldn't work
Fixed the header so that it looks fine when resizing
On branch master
Improved the "scatterplot matrix" feature on the trait page so that
it matches the chosen trait against every selected trait
Suggestive/significant bars and additive effect curve added
that will be used to color the bar graph
on hover
Resolved conflicts:
Improved the templates for a couple pages related to changing user
password, etc
Got human mapping mostly working
Fixed dataset dropdown menus
dataset; previously we could not view traits in datasets that
were not in the DBType table in the database
Added docstring test to normalize_values
Number of overlapping samples column now displays correctly in the
correlation results page
in the correlation page weren't displaying
other places it's called, like
Added other trait info fields to correlation results page
Fixed a couple conflicts to merge Lei's code related to the correlation page
dataset object for each trait in the correlation results
Added new fields/columns for each trait in the correlation result table
(max LRS, max LRS location, mean expression)
Fixed error if trait doesn't have these fields
of storing list of GeneralTrait objects
Added print statements to track memory usage
Began writing some jquery to automatically open the first tab
within each species tab on the quick search page (not done yet)
Added spearman correlation to show_corr_results and template
Wrote function in that gets all the traits in a dataset
and their sample values
Worked with correlation code; got to the code that
begins to do the actual correlations
Created a function "get_dataset_and_trait" in
the new file "" because the
code initializing the dataset and trait objects
was repeated in multiple places
to it
added asbolute_import in and
Made several minor changes and deleted commented out code in
of samples for each group
Got show_trait page to display for genotype traits
remove use of the formData object and cursor
Renamed webqtlTrait class to GeneralTrait
Began process of removing fd from
Created DatasetGroup object in (this may end up becoming
its own file later if it becomes big enough)