path: root/web
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-08-23Various minor changesZachary Sloan
2012-06-25Modified cssSam Ockman
2012-06-25Creating a new css file for use with flaskSam Ockman
2012-06-02Merge and file additionsSam Ockman
2012-06-01added scrollable tab areas for the updated basic statistics outputroot
2012-06-01Views and templates modified to allow template analysisSam Ockman
2012-05-31 On branch develop... Changes to be committed: modified: web/javascript/jqueryFunction.js modified: web/webqtl/correlation/CorrelationPage.py modified: web/webqtl/showTrait/DataEditingPage.py root
2012-05-30Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/zsloan/genenetwork into flaskSam Ockman
2012-05-23 On branch master... Changes to be committed: modified: web/dbdoc/G2NEI_ILM_Retina_BXD_RI0410.html modified: web/dbdoc/ONCRetILM6_0412.html modified: web/javascript/selectDatasetMenu.js root
2012-05-23Update web/webqtl/correlation/CorrelationPage.pyzsloan
2012-05-23Update web/webqtl/correlation/CorrelationPage.pyzsloan
2012-05-22 On branch master... Changes to be committed: modified: web/webqtl/.htaccess modified: web/webqtl/base/webqtlConfigLocal.py root
2012-05-22 On branch master... Changes to be committed: deleted: web/image/test deleted: web/tmp/test Lei Yan
2012-05-22 On branch master... Changes to be committed: new file: web/image/test new file: web/tmp/test Lei Yan
2012-05-22Merge branch 'master' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetworkLei Yan
2012-05-22 On branch master... Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) deleted: web/webqtl/pubmedsearch/PubmedSearch.py deleted: web/webqtl/pubmedsearch/PubmedSearchRe.py deleted: web/webqtl/pubmedsearch/__init__.py deleted: web/webqtl/search/pubmedsearch.py root
2012-05-22Latest version of GN source codesroot
2012-05-22Latest version of GN source codesroot
2012-05-09Update web/javascript/networkGraph.jsGeneNetwork
2012-05-09Update web/javascript/networkGraph.jsGeneNetwork
2012-05-09Update web/javascript/networkGraph.jsGeneNetwork
2012-05-08Add all the source codes into the github.root