AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-03Update glossary template with markdown contentBonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Rename glossary.py to markdown_routes.py•••Evary page with markdown content will have routes added in markdown_routes.py * markdown_routes.py: New file. * wqflask/wqflask/glossary.py: Delete it. * wqflask/wqflask/__init__.py: Update import. BonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Merge branch 'testing' of https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2 into te...Alexanderlacuna
2020-11-03remove unnecessary commentsAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-03add pep8 formattingAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-03add tests for the get_categorical_variables functionAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-03Remove encoding header for file•••In python3 the default encoding is utf-8 so this is redundant. BonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Separate unittests from integration testsBonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Add test for "/glossary" routeBonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Add glossary template and use itBonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Add and register glossary blueprintBonfaceKilz
2020-11-03Apply PEP-8 to file•••* wqflask/wqflask/__init__.py: Remove unused import and variables. Also add module docstring and pylint errors to ignore. (before_request): Use correct spacing. BonfaceKilz
2020-11-03switch from assertFalse to assertIsAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-03Remove stale file•••* jquery.qtip.css: Delete it. BonfaceKilz
2020-11-03switch from assertTrue/False to assertIs to make the tests tighterAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-03use assertTrue and assertFalse in while testing booleanAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-02Merge pull request #476 from zsloan/correlation_errors_fix•••Correlation errors fixzsloan
2020-11-02Created function for encoding the column value as bytes when fetching from th...•••* wqflask/utility/redis_tools.py - Created function load_json_from_redis that encodes the key (column_value) when fetching a value from the JSON pulled from Redis zsloan
2020-11-02Changed correlation page logic to skip over traits that share fewer than 6 sa...•••* wqflask/wqflask/correlation/show_corr_results.py - Moved the num_overlap check so that it never attempts to calculate the correlation if it's too low + checked if trait_object is None in the main loop (since it would be returned as None if the user doesn't have permissions zsloan
2020-11-02add better formattingAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-02add function docstringAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-02add tests for show trait moduleAlexanderlacuna
2020-11-01replace var with let in getParams() local variablesuditgulati
2020-11-01add pagination to show_trait tables and reduce css post processing for faster...uditgulati
2020-11-01add server side processing to search table (/search and search_result_page.html)uditgulati
2020-11-01change arguments for ServerSideTable classuditgulati
2020-11-01add row highlight on checkbox checked stateuditgulati
2020-11-01update class name to ServerSideTable and add docstringuditgulati
2020-11-01replace var to let for variables in loopsuditgulati
2020-11-01make the page more color consistentuditgulati
2020-11-01fix issue when empty_filed_count is not claculateduditgulati
2020-11-01move SnpPage to a generic class ServerSideuditgulati
2020-11-01cell rendering cannot be in columnDef, optimised createdRowuditgulati
2020-11-01remove debug loguditgulati
2020-11-01remove createdRow callback and move color rendering to column defs to speedup...uditgulati
2020-11-01fix issue with column sort; put 'Gene' column data in one lineuditgulati
2020-11-01server side processing working for snp browseruditgulati
2020-11-01add server side processing due to large tables in DataTables; work on server-...uditgulati
2020-11-01export only checked rows to csv; update csv file nameuditgulati
2020-11-01add export to CSV button to export current pageuditgulati
2020-11-01rotate strain headers 270 deguditgulati
2020-11-01align numeric data values to right, categorial values to centeruditgulati
2020-11-01reduce gap between first and second column in formuditgulati
2020-11-01500 rows per page for DataTablesuditgulati
2020-11-01fix typo in check_if_in_gene function while querying for species_id = 0uditgulati
2020-11-01add DataTables paginationuditgulati
2020-11-01make stains headers names horizontaluditgulati
2020-11-01Merge pull request #472 from Alexanderlacuna/test-branch•••Adding more Test for show_trait moduleBonfaceKilz
2020-10-31Merge branch 'testing' of https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2 into te...Alexanderlacuna
2020-10-31Removed a line adding the ceiling of the Max LRS to the Y axis, since it has ...•••* wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/display_mapping_results.py - Removed a line adding the ceiling of the max LRS/LOD value to the Y axis zsloan