Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Since I know I'll forget otherwise, updated instructions on starting up ES
reference to probeSetSearch wasn't removed
- Added all current SNP browser code (not complete yet)
- Added change to convert_geno_to_bimbam that makes it ignore .geno files marked as "filler" (so ones where the .geno file is fake and we sometimes directly receive the genotypes as BIMBAM)
- Changes TheSpecies object in to accept species name as well as dataset name
just clicking their row in collection
- Cofactor color picker now works in Safari/Macs
- Displays N for relevant samples in trait page sample table
- Don't show bar chart when N>256
- Mapping loading page contents better centered
- Anonymous collections timeout correctly listed as 30 days now
- Minor allele frequency can actually be changed for GEMMA now (previously didn't work)
- Fixed transcript position marker location for mapping results
- Notifies user if their e-mail isn't associated with an account when they attempt to request forgotten password
- Users can now map with submitted traits
- Histogram width changes depending upon number of bins (need to improve this still)
- Improved Q-q plot (previously called "probability plot")
Gemma optimized for production
Added "change user to elasticsearch" to the description of how to start elasticsearch
Added Phenogen track to mapping results
Added comparison bar chart figure
Simplified global search to not build trait/dataset objects, which speeds thing up considerably
Fixed correlation matrix to correctly deal with 0 values
Fixed issue where anonymous collections couldn't be created if none already existed
I added the command to start elasticsearch, since I've had to look it up/ask Pjotr about it a couple times now.
Figures now correctly rescale when transforms are applied
Fixed height of probability plot
Removed some text related to pylmm since it's currently not being used
trait page
Got figures mostly working with transformed values, except for changing the y-axis range of one
Fixed issue with the home page "Make Default" button position (as well as the drop-downs in general)
Added timeout to Elasticsearch connection to fix related error
should have their full functionality back (adding/removing collections, adding/removing traits, etc)
staging, though still not sure why it's working on production without that change
Added script to convert the dryad format genotype files to BIMBAM
removed db_uri from parameters of parse_db_uri in, since it can now just pull it from settings as a global variable
sample data into ElasticSearch
Added option to replace trait page sample/strain values with normalized ones
Began editing Lei's scatterplot code
Changed elasticsearch_tools' get_elasticsearch_connection so that it can also be used for purposes other than user authentication (by adding a "for_user" parameter)
Fixed issue where GEMMA + LOCO wasn't working with AIL (and probably some other groups)
instead of -lmm 1 (Wald test)
Added script to convert .geno files to JSON to maintenance folder (
set width
Changed to using BIMBAM files to build Marker objects in
some problem. Probably better to leave this file alone for the time being.
Removed some unused code from the other files listed
* I can't swear on this, but it seems the presence of these statements
was causing elasticsearch to act weird.
* Update the indexes mappings to be compatible with the newer
Elasticsearch 6.2.* series.
Close the index before updating it, and reopen it after to help with
the re-indexing of the data.
* Update the error logger to include the exception that was thrown.
* Prevent elasticsearch from analysing and tokenising the email_address
field so as to avoid issue with getting back all email addresses with
the same domain as the one being searched for.
* Add tests to ensure the "Forgot Password" feature works appropriately.
* Use existing code to get the elasticsearch connection. This should
prevent tests from failing in case the way connections to
elasticsearch are made change.
* Delay a while after deleting to allow elasticsearch to re-index the
data, thus preventing subtle bugs in the test.
* Ensure the return is at the correct indentation level so that it is
executed correctly.
* Ensure that the user actually provides an email address when they try
to use the forgot password feature.
* Use the LOG_LEVEL provided by the application settings to enable easy
control of logging when running tests. It helps avoid a lot of
verbosity when running tests.