AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-08-11Added prompt when user logs in that lets them choose to import existing anony...zsloan
2016-08-10Rewrite BD sources; use computed QTL data in BDchristian
2016-08-10Serve QTL data as CSVchristian
2016-08-09Use JSON served as file for marker_regression datachristian
2016-08-09Serve marker_regressions data as JSON filechristian
2016-08-09Use correct webworker prefix for BDchristian
2016-08-08Fixed bug where Interval Analyst result wouldn't appear for chromosome X in m...•••Fixed broken image link in Interval Analyst table for rats Small change to column width of gene global search zsloan
2016-08-08JS: check whether download paths existPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'biodalliance' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into gn_serverPjotr Prins
2016-08-08BD: reverted on build in path so CSS is seen againPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Refactor BD-related code into a modulechristian
2016-08-08Fix BD route in marker regression pagechristian
2016-08-08Add styling to BD buttonschristian
2016-08-08BD: Using localhostPjotr Prins
2016-08-08maintenance module reinstated (for now)Pjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'biodalliance' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into chfiPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into chfiPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Doc: gn_execPjotr Prins
2016-08-05Fixed issue that caused some interval mapping results to be wrong; the cause ...•••Added a message to the Add to Collection page warning users that anonymous collections will only be stored for 5 days Updated genofiles zsloan
2016-08-05Hide BD buttons by default, send species to BDchristian
2016-08-05Add show & hide BD buttons to single chr viewchristian
2016-08-05Add functions for creating, configuring BD browserchristian
2016-08-04Add placeholder BD browser to marker_regressionschristian
2016-08-04Add function for creating a basic BD browserchristian
2016-08-04Fix so BD subfolders are servedchristian
2016-08-03Fixed issue with certain sample names (for example BXD48a, BXD72a, etc) that ...•••Disabled bootstrap for mapping unil issue causing wrong results is fixed Added header to first column of basic statistics table and increased width to avoid rows spilling over to second line zsloan
2016-08-03Return to full view button in vector map viewchristian
2016-08-03Add settings & routing for serving Biodalliancechristian
2016-07-29Fixed issue where you couldn't delete collections when logged inzsloan
2016-07-29Merge branch 'cookie_sessions' of github.com:zsloan/genenetwork2 into develop...•••Conflicts: wqflask/base/data_set.py zsloan
2016-07-29Fixed a couple issues where you couldn't remove or add traits to user collect...zsloan
2016-07-27Problem with phenotype traits should be fixed nowzsloan
2016-07-27Fixed problem with phenotype traits causing error•••Can now remove traits from collections and add to existing collections Fixed a few other minor collection bugs zsloan
2016-07-26Docs: genotypePjotr Prins
2016-07-21Doc: SNP handlingPjotr Prins
2016-07-20Changed anonymous collections to list of dictionaries instead of a dictionary...•••Can now add collections, view list of collections, and view collections from the collection list with anonymous collections zsloan
2016-07-19Now correctly displays number of collections in top menu bar for non-logged i...zsloan
2016-07-18Merge branch 'cookie_sessions' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into co...zsloan
2016-07-18Now correctly displays existing collections in 'add to collection' dropdown menuzsloan
2016-07-18Merge pull request #171 from zsloan/cookie_sessions•••Cookie sessionszsloan
2016-07-18Committing latest changes to anon collection stuff, but still need to fix som...zsloan
2016-07-17Doc: genotype dataPjotr Prins
2016-07-16R/qtl: geno formatPjotr Prins
2016-07-16README: added infoPjotr Prins
2016-07-11Can now create a collection when not logged in (get to the view_collection pa...zsloan
2016-07-08Docs: genotypingPjotr Prins
2016-07-06Committing current process on enabling multiple collections for users who are...zsloan
2016-06-28Logger: disabled some noisy loggersPjotr Prins
2016-06-28Doc: Adding info on SQL usePjotr Prins
2016-06-26doc: ProbeFreeze and ProbeSetFreezePjotr Prins