AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-08-17Use this.urlPjotr Prins
2016-08-16Add SNP density track to BD browserchristian
2016-08-15Fix genotype source, interval mapping issuechristian
2016-08-12Add genotype trackchristian
2016-08-12Increase height of BDchristian
2016-08-10Rewrite BD sources; use computed QTL data in BDchristian
2016-08-10Serve QTL data as CSVchristian
2016-08-09Use JSON served as file for marker_regression datachristian
2016-08-09Serve marker_regressions data as JSON filechristian
2016-08-09Use correct webworker prefix for BDchristian
2016-08-08JS: check whether download paths existPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'biodalliance' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into gn_serverPjotr Prins
2016-08-08BD: reverted on build in path so CSS is seen againPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Refactor BD-related code into a modulechristian
2016-08-08Fix BD route in marker regression pagechristian
2016-08-08Add styling to BD buttonschristian
2016-08-08BD: Using localhostPjotr Prins
2016-08-08maintenance module reinstated (for now)Pjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'biodalliance' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into chfiPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Merge branch 'master' of github.com:chfi/genenetwork2 into chfiPjotr Prins
2016-08-08Doc: gn_execPjotr Prins
2016-08-05Hide BD buttons by default, send species to BDchristian
2016-08-05Add show & hide BD buttons to single chr viewchristian
2016-08-05Add functions for creating, configuring BD browserchristian
2016-08-04Add placeholder BD browser to marker_regressionschristian
2016-08-04Add function for creating a basic BD browserchristian
2016-08-04Fix so BD subfolders are servedchristian
2016-08-03Return to full view button in vector map viewchristian
2016-08-03Add settings & routing for serving Biodalliancechristian
2016-07-29Fixed issue where you couldn't delete collections when logged inzsloan
2016-07-29Merge branch 'cookie_sessions' of github.com:zsloan/genenetwork2 into ↵zsloan
development Conflicts: wqflask/base/data_set.py
2016-07-29Fixed a couple issues where you couldn't remove or add traits to user ↵zsloan
2016-07-27Problem with phenotype traits should be fixed nowzsloan
2016-07-27Fixed problem with phenotype traits causing errorzsloan
Can now remove traits from collections and add to existing collections Fixed a few other minor collection bugs
2016-07-26Docs: genotypePjotr Prins
2016-07-21Doc: SNP handlingPjotr Prins
2016-07-20Changed anonymous collections to list of dictionaries instead of a ↵zsloan
dictionary of dictionaries Can now add collections, view list of collections, and view collections from the collection list with anonymous collections
2016-07-19Now correctly displays number of collections in top menu bar for non-logged ↵zsloan
in users
2016-07-18Merge branch 'cookie_sessions' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into ↵zsloan
2016-07-18Now correctly displays existing collections in 'add to collection' dropdown menuzsloan
2016-07-18Merge pull request #171 from zsloan/cookie_sessionszsloan
Cookie sessions
2016-07-18Committing latest changes to anon collection stuff, but still need to fix ↵zsloan
some issues
2016-07-17Doc: genotype dataPjotr Prins
2016-07-16R/qtl: geno formatPjotr Prins
2016-07-16README: added infoPjotr Prins
2016-07-11Can now create a collection when not logged in (get to the view_collection ↵zsloan
page), though still need to fix the code that lets you change a collection or list collections
2016-07-08Docs: genotypingPjotr Prins
2016-07-06Committing current process on enabling multiple collections for users who ↵zsloan
aren't logged in, but doesn't work yet
2016-06-28Logger: disabled some noisy loggersPjotr Prins
2016-06-28Doc: Adding info on SQL usePjotr Prins