AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-09-29Made a variety of changes to table pages•••* wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/show_trait.css - Adding position relative and a 2px offset for glyphicons to make them better align with button text * wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - Added glyphicon to Download button, changed a couple head names (Peak Location and Effect Size), made Location and Peak Location columns the same width, and made the "?" glossary links a little larger and red * wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html - same as above * wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_edit_data.html - Added glyphicon to Export button zsloan
2020-09-29Fixed issue where negative additive effect values weren't being•••displayed in the "view collection" page * wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - Apparently the correct way to check if a value can be cast to a float in Jinja2 is to say "value != 0"; it previous said "value > 0" which exlcuded all negative values zsloan
2020-09-29Changed Add (to collection) button color to match other Add buttons and•••changed the text for the GN1 link button * wqflask/wqflask/templates/show_trait_details.html - Changed Add button class to btn-success (to make it green like the other Add buttons) and changed text from "View in GN1" to "Go to GN1" zsloan
2020-09-29Changed the DataTables column sort arrows to a different color by•••changing the image they're referencing * wqflask/wqflask/templates/base.html - Added CSS changing the table sort arrow image directly into base.html because it requires using url_for to reference the images in the GUIX profile (so it needs to be in the template and can't just be added to a CSS file) zsloan
2020-09-28Changed add to collection to open the collection in a new tab/page so•••the results on the initial page aren't lost * wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - Changed the add to collection method name to "add_to_collection" because it was previously "add" which is a terrible method name * wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/add.html - Added target="_blank" to the add to collection form so it will open in a new tab/window zsloan
2020-09-28Fix casting error•••* wqflask/base/trait.py (retrieve_trait_info): If the description_string or discription_display value return a None object, evaluate to an empty string. Fixes errors related to *len(None)*. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-28Merge pull request #446 from BonfaceKilz/Bug/Fix-casting-error•••Bug/fix casting errorBonfaceKilz
2020-09-28Convert None to "" in if statement•••* wqflask/base/trait.py: Fixes error parsing error: "(GeneNetwork error: float argument required, not NoneType)" BonfaceKilz
2020-09-28Update trait tests•••* wqflask/tests/base/test_trait.py (test_retrieve_trait_info_with_non_empty_lrs): Check trait.LRS_score_repr is set correctly if trait.lrs is None. (test_retrieve_trait_info_with_empty_lrs_field): Check trait.LRS_score_repr and test_trait.LRS_location_repr is set correctly if trait.lrs is None. (test_retrieve_trait_info_with_empty_chr_field): Check test_trait.LRS_score_repr and test_trait.LRS_location_repr is set correctly if trait.locus is None. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-25Update docs on CI setup with docker•••* doc/docker-container.org: Update it. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-25Update github action•••* .github/workflows/main.yml: Set up a mariadb and redis within the GH action. (services): Remove mariadb service. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-23Update github action to include mariadb service•••* .github/workflows/main.yml: Add mariadb service. This makes the build pass because somewhere(because of cyclic imports), a connection to mariadb is required. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-23Fix failing builds•••* wqflask/wqflask/__init__.py: Move imports from views.py to "__init__.py". Fixes failing build. * wqflask/wqflask/views.py: Ditto. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-23Fix failing tests•••* wqflask/tests/base/test_trait.py: In python2 it's necessary to decode the utf-8 string. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Merge branch 'testing' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into testingzsloan
2020-09-22Fixed a pretty big mistake where user accounts would be saved even when•••there was some mistake/error during registration * wqflask/wqflask/user_login.py - Previously it would still save a user even if there was some problem like their e-mail already being associated with an account. It would display the error, but still run save_user. I fixed this so that it no longer saves the user if there are any errors zsloan
2020-09-22Added something to the mapping result page CSS to change the highlight•••color to match the high color in other tables * wqflask/wqflask/static/new/css/marker_regression.css - changed background color when selecting a row (i.e. "highlight color") zsloan
2020-09-22Fixed a couple mistakes in the previous commit and changed the position•••header on the mapping results page to include the mapping scale * wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/run_mapping.py - changed how "display_pos" is defined for marker obs * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Fixed issues with last commit and changed position header name to include mapping scale zsloan
2020-09-22Replaced Chr and Mb/cM columns with a single position column in mapping•••results and also changes the -log(p) to use an endash instead * wqflask/wqflask/marker_regression/run_mapping.py - added "display_pos" to each marker object that is a combination of Chr and Mb/cM * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Included "display_pos" in results table and replaced -log(p) with using an endash zsloan
2020-09-22Merge pull request #445 from BonfaceKilz/buid/add-ci•••Buid/add ciBonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Add testing badge on README•••* README.md: Badge becomes green on successful runs. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Update documentation on testing and CI•••* README.md: Update section on testing. * doc/docker-container.org: Add it. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Add unittesting github action•••* .github/workflows/main.yml: Add it. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Update Mechanical Rob•••* test/requests/main_web_functionality.py (check_search_page): Breaking change introduced by updating text in search page. See: 9f76abc95 BonfaceKilz
2020-09-22Update bug_report template•••* .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md: Update environment setup section BonfaceKilz
2020-09-18Apply pep8 formattingBonfaceKilz
2020-09-17Mock "SECRET_HMAC_CODE"•••* wqflask/tests/utility/test_hmac.py: Mock app.config's "SECRET_HMAC_CODE" value. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-17Merge pull request #443 from BonfaceKilz/tests/test-auth-and-utf8•••Tests/test auth and utf8BonfaceKilz
2020-09-17Apply pep8•••* wqflask/utility/hmac.py: Apply pep8 and fix typo. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-17Add tests for hmac utility•••* wqflask/tests/utility/test_hmac.py: New tests. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-16Add new tests for "base/trait.py"•••* wqflask/tests/base/test_trait.py: New tests. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-16Apply pep8•••* wqflask/utility/authentication_tools.py: Apply pep8 formatting to file. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-16Add tests for "add_new_resource" method•••* wqflask/tests/utility/test_authentication_tools.py: Add them. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-16Remove unnecessary if branch•••* wqflask/utility/authentication_tools.py (check_resource_availability): Combine if statements into one boolean check in one if branch. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-16Add tests for authentication tools•••Catches bugs in: - https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/pull/422/commits/70dbeeb5832711ed5271434e482c18bc7ea095b8 * wqflask/tests/utility/test_authentication_tools.py: New file. Add tests for "check_resource_availability". BonfaceKilz
2020-09-15Fix failing tests•••* wqflask/tests/base/test_data_set.py: Update failing tests introduced by the change in 301bdd2f4. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-14Merge branch 'scroller_testing' of github.com:zsloan/genenetwork2 into testingzsloan
2020-09-13Added in-progress info-page to views.py as well as in-progress•••authorization/security guide * wqflask/wqflask/views.py - Added endpoint for info page and authorization/security tutorial zsloan
2020-09-11Wrote code and template for reproducing GN1's Info Page (page that•••displays info about a dataset + download links for its data) * wqflask/wqflask/db_info.py - Python that pulls the info out of the DB and parses the download links from the ipfs response * wqflask/wqflask/templates/info_page.html - template for displaying db info; need to make a lot of changes to its format/aesthetics zsloan
2020-09-10Modified "natural-minus-na" sort function to treat an array of values•••as equivalent to "N/A" (since different tables sometimes include other values that imply there's no value) and applied it to some extra columns in the Interval Analyst table * wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - Modified sort_NAs function to take an array of "N/A"-equivalent values instead of just comparing against the string "N/A" * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Applied "natural-minus-na" sort method to several columns that include "--" in the Interval Analyst table zsloan
2020-09-10Fixed several sorting issues and moved orderDataType definitions into•••search_results.js since all the tables that use them import that file (that file's name needs to be changed, though) * wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - Added the dom-checkbox and dom-inner-text order types into this file; they were previously duplicated across several template files * wqflask/wqflask/templates/gsearch_gene.html - Added dom-inner-text order type to relevant columns with hyperlink contents and disabled deferRender since it conflicted with use of both pagination and orderDataType for sorting * wqflask/wqflask/templates/gsearch_pheno.html - Same as above * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Added dom-inner-text for a few columns that have hyperlink values - still need to modify natural-minus-na to also include other "N/A"-equivalent values like "--" * wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html Removed the dom-checkbox and dom-inner-text order types from this file since they were moved to search_results.js zsloan
2020-09-08Changed the Add button color for all the different pages that use it•••* wqflask/wqflask/templates/collections/view.html - changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_matrix.html - changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html - changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html - changed Add button color zsloan
2020-09-08Search code now checks if there are more than 50,000 results before•••running the code that queries the DB for max LRS locus information (which is what takes the most time to run) and sets a variable that indicates to the template (search_results.html) that it shouldn't show the results * wqflask/wqflask/search_results.py - Check number of results from base query in order to prevent certain searches from running too long zsloan
2020-09-08Changed regular and global search results table to use the new sort•••method that always places NAs at bottom, changed the Add to Collection button's color, and added something to the regular search page template to display alternative text if there are more than 50000 results * wqflask/wqflask/templates/gsearch_gene.html - Added natural-minus-na sort to certain columns and changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/gsearch_pheno.html - Added natural-minus-na sort to certain columns and changed Add button color * wqflask/wqflask/templates/search_result_page.html - Added natural-minus-na sort to certain columns, changed Add button color, and added template logic that shows alternative text if there are more than 50,000 results zsloan
2020-09-08Added a sort function (derived from the natural sort import) that always•••places N/As at the bottom regardless of search direction * wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/search_results.js - created "natural-minus-na" sort zsloan
2020-09-04Merge pull request #437 from BonfaceKilz/fix/use-correct-path-give-a-path-loc...•••Fix/use correct path give a path locationBonfaceKilz
2020-09-04Update how static js/ css files are fetched•••* wqflask/wqflask/views.p:(css, js) Add "css" router decorator. Also, if "js_alt" is in path, fetch the file from "GUIX_PROFILE/share/javascript" instead of the default directory: "GUIX_PROFILE/share/genenetwork2/javascript" See: <https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/issues/436> BonfaceKilz
2020-09-04Fix false positive tests•••* test/requests/link_checker.py: (verify_static_file): Add it. Verify that a static link is fetched by checking for the message "Error: 404 not Found" in page. (check_package_js_files): Add appropriate 'js' or 'css' prefix. BonfaceKilz
2020-09-01There was a missing quote in one of the javascript imports added by the•••PR changing them to get fetched from GUIX; I need to check and see if there are other situations like this * wqflask/wqflask/templates/mapping_results.html - Added missing quote zsloan
2020-09-01Merge branch 'testing' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into testingzsloan