Made a few changes to trait page:•••- Changed y axis digits for some figures
- Changed title for some figures to trait ID
- Removed Min Expr filter when correlating with phenotypes
- Changed some button colors
- Made sample table rows highlightable
Added all of the third party links from GN1•••Fixed issue with the script that generates the drop-down menus where phenotype/genotype datasets wouldn't show up for species without any mRNA assay datasets
Added icon for smartphones/tablets
Made error more informative for main search
Added gene symbol column to collections (need to add something that removes the column if it's all empty)
- Improved Interval Analyst table appearance in mapping results•••- Made the text on the "Forgot Password" page more simple and less cluttered
- Added line to index page about RANGE search function
- Fixed bar chart on trait page so that it sets the bottom margin depending upon the longest sample name length
- Added SVG export to basic stats figures•••- Fixed issues where some stats figures (mainly box and violin plots) didn't update correctly when sample values were changes
- Fixed issue with some temp traits if user wasn't logged in
- Fixed issue where traits couldn't be added to a collection from the correlation results page