AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-02-10Fix env variable $GEMMA_WRAPPER_COMMANDPjotr Prins
2018-02-10Fixing GEMMA LOCOPjotr Prins
2018-02-10Fixed finding PATHs - one return statement!Pjotr Prins
2018-02-10Check for bimbam path and bail out if it is missingPjotr Prins
2018-02-09Check elasticsearch at point of use•••* Instead of checking for the state of elasticsearch at startup, check the state at the moment the user requests a feature that depends on elasticsearch. This reduces the chances that the user is dropped onto an exception page when elasticsearch server goes down. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-09Add check for elasticsearch•••* Add some extra checks to ensure that elasticsearch is running before presenting the UI to the user. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Add code to allow user to change password•••* After the email is sent to the user, there is need to provide a way for the user to actually change their password, and have the results saved. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Refactor common items to more generic methods.•••* Refactor code that can be used in more than one place to a more generic method/function that's called by other methods Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Send emails for forgotten passwords•••* Update the code so that it sends out emails for the "forgot password" feature. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Add SMTP configuration variables•••* Add configuration variables to enable the system connect to the configured SMTP server to send out emails. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Check each part of the PYTHONPATH•••* PYTHONPATH may be composed of multiple locations in the filesystem, thus the need to test that each location exists and is a directory. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-02-05Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing' into testingMuriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-31Merge pull request #275 from pjotrp/pjotr•••Added cli swith and set timeout to 3 minutes for gunicorn-dev modezsloan
2018-01-31Startup: longer timeout for gunicorn-dev modePjotr Prins
2018-01-31Startup: added -cli optionPjotr Prins
2018-01-30Merge pull request #274 from pjotrp/pjotr•••Add gunicorn supportzsloan
2018-01-30gunicorn dev and prod modes addedPjotr Prins
2018-01-30Fail safely if elasticsearch is down or unconfigured•••* If elasticsearch server is down, or the configuration variables are not provided at startup or in a configuration file, then do not allow the system to simply crash, but instead, inform the user that they cannot use the services that depend on elasticsearch to be running. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-30Set to None if no value provided•••* Add a method to set the configuration variables to None if the configuration values are not provided at startup or in the configuration files. The system already checks for these values, and if they are absent, it simply fails to display the OAuth service as available for use to login. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-29Fixed gunicorn examplePjotr Prins
2018-01-29Gunicorn worksPjotr Prins
2018-01-29startup script: adapting for gunicornPjotr Prins
2018-01-29Added checks in startup script, removed r-auwerx pathPjotr Prins
2018-01-29Bumped versionPjotr Prins
2018-01-24Merge branch 'testing' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into testingzsloan
2018-01-24Added links for markers in mapping results table when genotypes exist in DB•••Added more info to trait details for phenotype traits Changed order of mapping methods Fixed layout of mapping loading screen to hopefully be centered on different screen sizes Improved layout of some elements in mapping results page zsloan
2018-01-19Use elasticsearch rather than mysql for local accounts•••* Register local accounts onto elasticsearch rather than mysql. * Login from the accounts on elasticsearch * Harmonise local and oauth2 logins to use the same code. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Add OAuth2 login code for ORCID•••* Add code to handle the login via ORCID Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Update configurations•••* Have the authorisation URLs build up from the client id and client secret values. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Add code to enable OAuth2 login•••* Add some code to handle the login if the user chooses to login via GitHub or ORCID. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Delay after save for indexing•••* Elasticsearch need a short delay after adding document for it to index the document for subsequent access. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Add more configuration variables.•••* Add configurations for elasticsearch and github. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Add save_user() function•••* On successful login via OAuth2, save the details of the user in elasticsearch store, to avoid hitting the external provider for the basic details. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-19Add elasticsearch module to the path•••* Add some code to set up the path for the python-elasticsearch module. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-12Add functions to help handle github login•••* Add functions to help with the github OAuth2 login process Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-12Add elasticsearch_tools module•••* Collect variables and functions for using the elasticsearch system in a separate module. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-12Add client_id and client_secret configurations•••* Provide the OAuth2 client_id and client_secret values in configuration variables. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-10Add template elements for OAuth login•••* Add html elements that will be used to prompt users to login with either GitHub or ORCID. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-10Add configuration variables for external services•••* Add configuration variables for GitHub and ORCID which will be used by the system to allow users to login. Muriithi Frederick Muriuki
2018-01-04Merge pull request #270 from pjotrp/testing•••Merge some older commitszsloan
2017-12-20Added submit_bnw even though it isn't working yet, just so views.py doesn't t...zsloan
2017-12-20Fixed issue that caused Mb ticks to get out of alignment for mapping figurezsloan
2017-12-20Fixed the way PLINK outputs phenotype files (though there's still some proble...•••Added some code related to new plotly probability plot, though it's commented out until it looks how I want it to Added some code for adding the BNW link to GN2, though it's not working yet Updated dataset menu structure JSON file zsloan
2017-12-20VERSIONPjotr Prins
2017-12-20tools: find path for JS and gemma_wrapperPjotr Prins
2017-12-20Bring in some earlier work - mostly documentation and startup handlingPjotr Prins
2017-12-06Fixed drop-down group orderzsloan
2017-12-04Fixed drop-down scripts to more appropriately deal with BXD300 groups (though...•••Added some header data to mapping output file Fixed links in Network Group nodes/edges zsloan
2017-11-22Merge branch 'testing' of github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into testingzsloan
2017-11-22Added option to export csv of full mapping resultszsloan