AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-20Change mapping results table (minus Interval Analyst) to use new create_datat...zsloan
2022-07-19Change search_result_page.html to generate its table with create_datatable.jszsloan
2022-07-19Fix issue where customSettings weren't being passed when manually adjusting c...zsloan
2022-07-19Added createdRow callback function to custom table settings for Viewzsloan
2022-07-19Change JS variables to camelCase and assign ID to table container divzsloan
2022-06-23Fix manual column width change feature to work in create_datatable.jszsloan
2022-06-23Add columnDefs as parameter for setUserColumnDefWidthszsloan
2022-06-23Fix JS/CSS imports and include scroller setting in custom table settingszsloan
2022-06-23Change some variables in search_result_page.html to camelCasezsloan
2022-06-23Remove HTML table from collections/view.html and replace with list ofzsloan
2022-06-23Change tableSettings in loadDataTable parameters to customSettingszsloan
2022-06-23Change jsonable in GeneralTrait so that it passes all necessary tablezsloan
2022-06-23Convert trait.view to string for conversion to JSONzsloan
2022-06-23Change create_datatable.js from CRLF to LF + fix a couple syntax bugszsloan
2022-06-23Pass table data to collections/view template and create_table.jszsloan
2022-06-16Change table_functions.js variables to camelCasezsloan
2022-06-16Replace DataTables code in collection view page with call to new create_table.jszsloan
2022-06-16Initial commit for create_datatable.jszsloan
2022-06-16Include json version of collection trait list, so it can be passed directly t...zsloan
2022-06-15templates: base: Update GN2 footerBonfaceKilz
2022-06-13Check chromosome for 'Un' in search results and print N/A in such caseszsloan
2022-06-13Check for chromosome of 'Un' and print location as 'Not available' in such caseszsloan
2022-06-13Increase width threshold for using scroller, to prevent issue with blue lines...zsloan
2022-06-13Limit search result descriptions to 500 characterszsloan
2022-06-13Add |safe to ensure HTML entites are correctly escaped for trait descriptionszsloan
2022-06-10Skip failing integration testBonfaceKilz
2022-06-10Reverse polarity for gemma additive effects in testsBonfaceKilz
2022-06-07Define gn_server_url before running the drop-down menu JS codezsloan
2022-06-07Make indentation and spacing more consistent forzsloan
2022-06-07Fix issue that caused Submit Trait page drop-down menus to not workzsloan
2022-06-03Give speciesid single quotes like the other config_dic keys, just for consist...zsloan
2022-06-03Allow GenoFreezeId to be passed in configurations to load_genotypes.pyzsloan
2022-06-01Fix the way R/qtl is called in the GN2 REST APIzsloan
2022-06-01Remove IDs called 'submit' to prevent forms from breakingzsloan
2022-05-31Check if entered pubmed_id is already associated with a publication, andzsloan
2022-05-31Reverse polarity for gemma additive effectszsloan
2022-05-31Fix minor bugFrederick Muriuki Muriithi
2022-05-31Fix error renderingFrederick Muriuki Muriithi
2022-05-27Apply python-black on fileBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Don't make a POST if there's a blank form-elementBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Move SQL queries to GN3BonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Strip data before storing itBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Make sure the user is logged in when approving dataBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Pass secend arg to cursor.execute as a tupleBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Add sensible styling to "reject"/"approve" buttonsBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Align "Add New" button with the actions columnBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Add js logic to POST to "approval" endpointBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Assign the correct value to keyBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Display description diff-data if it existsBonfaceKilz
2022-05-27Ony show the title if there are any changes to be approved/rejectedBonfaceKilz