AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-07-14Merge /home/zas1024/gene•••Conflicts: wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.js wqflask/wqflask/templates/corr_scatter_plot_old.html Lei Yan
2014-07-09Updated coffeescript, svg export working fine, interval mapping zoom workingZachary Sloan
2014-06-25Added Karl's correlation matrix code•••Improved the "scatterplot matrix" feature on the trait page so that it matches the chosen trait against every selected trait Zachary Sloan
2014-06-12Long overdue of commit to changes that add a scatter plot to the correlation ...•••and let you select a trait from your collection on the trait page and do a scatter plot against that triat as well. There are a number of accompanying js and css files written by Karl Broman that are needed for these features. The option to compare against more than just one trait still needs to be added for the trait page scatterplot function Zachary Sloan
2014-06-06Implimented Karl Broman's lodchart code for the interval mapping function.•••Suggestive/significant bars and additive effect curve added Zachary Sloan
2014-05-19Fixed sorting on the show trait page•••Added/improved the x and y axis on the bar graph and histogram GEMMA working but still really slow Zachary Sloan
2014-05-05Committing a bunch of changes related to integrating GEMMA and•••adding the correlation matrix page Zachary Sloan
2014-03-26Got anonymous collections working correctly•••Got results for the HSNIH and CANDLE marker regression pages (still some issues with the manhattan plot) Zachary Sloan
2014-03-05Improved load_genotypes.py•••Committer: Lei Yan <lei@penguin.uthsc.edu> On branch master Lei Yan
2014-02-28Committing after creating AnonCollection class and before adding•••remove trait function Zachary Sloan
2014-02-28Made some changes/comments to Lei's load_genotypes.py fileZachary Sloan
2014-02-28Made some changes to Lei's IO code for GN1 and GN2 genofilesLei Yan
2014-02-27Began working on a TraitCollection.py file that will contain both the•••object for logged in user collections and collections created by anonymous users. Zachary Sloan
2014-02-26Collection page now displays for temp/anon collections, but•••still needs the option to remove traits from them Zachary Sloan
2014-02-25Made some more progress towards getting anonymous collections workingZachary Sloan
2014-02-25Committing part-way through getting anonymous collections workingZachary Sloan
2014-02-25Merge /home/sam/geneZachary Sloan
2014-02-25Added untracked fileSam
2014-02-25Just committing after messing with the marker regression plotZachary Sloan
2014-02-24Chromosome zoom is working for the marker regression manhattan plot•••and results show up correctly in the table again Zachary Sloan
2014-02-23On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-23On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-23On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-22On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-21On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-20On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20On branch masterLei Yan
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-20Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-19Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root
2014-02-19Committer: root <root@alexandria.uthsc.edu>•••On branch master root