path: root/wqflask
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask')
3 files changed, 42 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.coffee
index a58efe2e..16590e26 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.coffee
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.coffee
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $ ->
redo_dropdown($('#group'), group_list)
window.populate_group = populate_group
populate_type = ->
species = $('#species').val()
group = $('#group').val()
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $ ->
redo_dropdown($('#type'), type_list)
window.populate_type = populate_type
populate_dataset = ->
species = $('#species').val()
group = $('#group').val()
@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ $ ->
## Info buttons
open_window = (url, name) ->
options = "menubar=1,toolbar=1,location=1,resizable=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,directories=1,width=900"
open(url, name, options).focus()
+ # Link to info on selected group; use of "Cross"
+ # in the url is outdated and should be changed to group
group_info = ->
species = $('#species').val()
group = $('#group').val()
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ $ ->
+ # Link to dataset info
dataset_info = ->
dataset = $('#dataset').val()
url = "/webqtl/main.py?FormID=sharinginfo&InfoPageName=" + dataset
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ $ ->
## Handle setting new default drop downs
make_default = ->
holder = {}
for item in ['species', 'group', 'type', 'dataset']
@@ -89,425 +92,31 @@ $ ->
jholder = JSON.stringify(holder)
$.cookie('search_defaults', jholder,
expires: 365)
apply_default = ->
defaults = $.cookie('search_defaults')
- if not defaults
- return
- defaults = $.parseJSON(defaults)
+ if defaults
+ # defaults are stored as a JSON string in a cookie
+ defaults = $.parseJSON(defaults)
+ else
+ # If user hasn't set a default we use this
+ # (Most of GN's data is from BXD mice)
+ defaults =
+ species: "mouse"
+ group: "BXD"
+ type: "Hippocampus"
+ dataset: "HC_M2_0606_P"
for item in [['species', 'group']
['group', 'type']
['type', 'dataset'],
['dataset', null]]
if item[1]
populate_function = "populate_" + item[1]
console.log("Calling:", populate_function)
- $("#make_default").click(make_default)
-##* function: based on different browser use, will have different initial actions;
-##* Once the index.html page is loaded, this function will be called
-#$ ->
-# fillSpecies = ->
-# sArr =window.sArr # species
-# gArr = window.gArr # group
-# tArr = window.tArr
-# dArr = window.dArr
-# lArr = window.lArr
-# console.log("sArr is now [jersey]:", sArr)
-# console.log("gArr is now [jersey]:", gArr)
-# initialDatasetSelection = ->
-# defaultSpecies = getDefaultValue("species")
-# defaultSet = getDefaultValue("cross")
-# defaultType = getDefaultValue("tissue")
-# defaultDB = getDefaultValue("database")
-# if navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0
-# sOptions = fillOptionsForIE(null, defaultSpecies)
-# menu0 = "<SELECT NAME='species' ID='species' SIZE='1' onChange='fillOptions(\"species\");'>" + sOptions + "</Select>"
-# document.getElementById("menu0").innerHTML = menu0
-# gOptions = fillOptionsForIE("species", defaultSet)
-# menu1 = "<Select NAME='cross' size=1 id='cross' onchange='fillOptions(\"cross\");'>" + gOptions + "</Select><input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"Info\" onCLick=\"javascript:crossinfo();\">"
-# document.getElementById("menu1").innerHTML = menu1
-# tOptions = fillOptionsForIE("cross", defaultType)
-# menu2 = "<Select NAME='tissue' size=1 id='tissue' onchange='fillOptions(\"tissue\");'>" + tOptions + "</Select>"
-# document.getElementById("menu2").innerHTML = menu2
-# dOptions = fillOptionsForIE("tissue", defaultDB)
-# menu3 = "<Select NAME='database' size=1 id='database'>" + dOptions + "</Select><input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"Info\" onCLick=\"javascript:databaseinfo();\">"
-# document.getElementById("menu3").innerHTML = menu3
-# else
-# fillOptions null
-# searchtip()
-# #
-# #* input: selectObjId (designated select menu, such as species, cross, etc... )
-# #* defaultValue (default Value of species, cross,tissue or database)
-# #* function: special for IE browser,setting options value for select menu dynamically based on linkage array(lArr),
-# #* output: options string
-# #
-# fillOptionsForIE = (selectObjId, defaultValue) ->
-# options = ""
-# unless selectObjId?
-# len = sArr.length
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# # setting Species' option
-# if sArr[i].val is defaultValue
-# options = options + "<option selected=\"selected\" value='" + sArr[i].val + "'>" + sArr[i].txt + "</option>"
-# else
-# options = options + "<option value='" + sArr[i].val + "'>" + sArr[i].txt + "</option>"
-# i++
-# else if selectObjId is "species"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get group(cross) info from lArr
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][1] if lArr[i][0] is (getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value)).toString() and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][1])
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "cross"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Group's option
-# if gArr[arr[i]].val is defaultValue
-# options = options + "<option selected=\"selected\" value='" + gArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + gArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# else
-# options = options + "<option value='" + gArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + gArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# i++
-# else if selectObjId is "cross"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# groupObj = document.getElementById("cross")
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get type(tissue) info from lArr
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][2] if lArr[i][0] is (getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][1] is (getIndexByValue("cross", groupObj.value)).toString() and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][2])
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "tissue"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Type's option
-# if tArr[arr[i]].val is defaultValue
-# options = options + "<option selected=\"selected\" value='" + tArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + tArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# else
-# options = options + "<option value='" + tArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + tArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# i++
-# else if selectObjId is "tissue"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# groupObj = document.getElementById("cross")
-# typeObj = document.getElementById("tissue")
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get dataset(database) info from lArr
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][3] if lArr[i][0] is (getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][1] is (getIndexByValue("cross", groupObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][2] is (getIndexByValue("tissue", typeObj.value)).toString() and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][3])
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "database"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Database's option
-# if dArr[arr[i]].val is defaultValue
-# options = options + "<option SELECTED value='" + dArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + dArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# else
-# options = options + "<option value='" + dArr[arr[i]].val + "'>" + dArr[arr[i]].txt + "</option>"
-# i++
-# options
-# #
-# #* input: selectObjId (designated select menu, such as species, cross, etc... )
-# #* function: setting options value for select menu dynamically based on linkage array(lArr)
-# #* output: null
-# #
-# fillOptions = (selectObjId) ->
-# console.log("[vacuum] selectObjId:", selectObjId)
-# unless selectObjId?
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# console.log("speciesObj:", speciesObj)
-# len = sArr.length
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# # setting Species' option
-# speciesObj.options[i - 1] = new Option(sArr[i].txt, sArr[i].val)
-# console.log("speciesObj.options:", speciesObj.options[i - 1])
-# i++
-# updateChoice "species"
-# else if selectObjId is "species"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# console.log("speciesObj:", speciesObj)
-# groupObj = document.getElementById("cross")
-# console.log("groupObj:", groupObj)
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get group(cross) info from lArr
-# index_value = getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value).toString()
-# if lArr[i][0] is (index_value and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][1]))
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][1]
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "cross"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Group's option
-# groupObj.options[idx++] = new Option(gArr[arr[i]].txt, gArr[arr[i]].val)
-# i++
-# updateChoice "cross"
-# else if selectObjId is "cross"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# groupObj = document.getElementById("cross")
-# typeObj = document.getElementById("tissue")
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get type(tissue) info from lArr
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][2] if lArr[i][0] is (getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][1] is (getIndexByValue("cross", groupObj.value)).toString() and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][2])
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "tissue"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Type's option
-# typeObj.options[idx++] = new Option(tArr[arr[i]].txt, tArr[arr[i]].val)
-# i++
-# updateChoice "tissue"
-# else if selectObjId is "tissue"
-# speciesObj = document.getElementById("species")
-# groupObj = document.getElementById("cross")
-# typeObj = document.getElementById("tissue")
-# databaseObj = document.getElementById("database")
-# len = lArr.length
-# arr = []
-# idx = 0
-# i = 1
-# while i < len
-# #get dataset(database) info from lArr
-# arr[idx++] = lArr[i][3] if lArr[i][0] is (getIndexByValue("species", speciesObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][1] is (getIndexByValue("cross", groupObj.value)).toString() and lArr[i][2] is (getIndexByValue("tissue", typeObj.value)).toString() and not Contains(arr, lArr[i][3])
-# i++
-# idx = 0
-# len = arr.length
-# removeOptions "database"
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # setting Database's option
-# databaseObj.options[idx++] = new Option(dArr[arr[i]].txt, dArr[arr[i]].val)
-# i++
-# updateChoice "database"
-# #
-# #* input: arr (targeted array); obj (targeted value)
-# #* function: check whether targeted array contains targeted value or not
-# #* output: return true, if array contains targeted value, otherwise return false
-# #
-# Contains = (arr, obj) ->
-# i = arr.length
-# return true if arr[i] is obj while i--
-# false
-# #
-# #* input: selectObj (designated select menu, such as species, cross, etc... )
-# #* function: clear designated select menu's option
-# #* output: null
-# #
-# removeOptions = (selectObj) ->
-# selectObj = document.getElementById(selectObj) unless typeof selectObj is "object"
-# len = selectObj.options.length
-# i = 0
-# while i < len
-# # clear current selection
-# selectObj.options[0] = null
-# i++
-# #
-# #* input: selectObjId (designated select menu, such as species, cross, etc... )
-# #* Value: target value
-# #* function: retrieve Index info of target value in designated array
-# #* output: index info
-# #
-# getIndexByValue = (selectObjId, val) ->
-# if selectObjId is "species"
-# i = 1
-# while i < sArr.length
-# return i if sArr[i].val is val
-# i++
-# else if selectObjId is "cross"
-# i = 1
-# while i < gArr.length
-# return i if gArr[i].val is val
-# i++
-# else if selectObjId is "tissue"
-# i = 1
-# while i < tArr.length
-# return i if tArr[i].val is val
-# i++
-# else
-# return
-# #
-# #* input: objId (designated select menu, such as species, cross, etc... )
-# #* val(targeted value)
-# #* function: setting option's selected status for designated select menu based on target value, also update the following select menu in the main search page
-# #* output: return true if selected status has been set, otherwise return false.
-# #
-# setChoice = (objId, val) ->
-# console.log("objId:", objId)
-# console.log("val:", val)
-# Obj = document.getElementById(objId)
-# console.log("Obj:", Obj)
-# idx = -1
-# i = 0
-# while i < Obj.options.length
-# if Obj.options[i].value is val
-# idx = i
-# break
-# i++
-# if idx >= 0
-# #setting option's selected status
-# Obj.options[idx].selected = true
-# #update the following select menu
-# fillOptions objId
-# else
-# Obj.options[0].selected = true
-# fillOptions objId
-# # setting option's selected status based on default setting or cookie setting for Species, Group, Type and Database select menu in the main search page http://www.genenetwork.org/
-# updateChoice = (selectObjId) ->
-# if selectObjId is "species"
-# defaultSpecies = getDefaultValue("species")
-# #setting option's selected status
-# setChoice "species", defaultSpecies
-# else if selectObjId is "cross"
-# defaultSet = getDefaultValue("cross")
-# #setting option's selected status
-# setChoice "cross", defaultSet
-# else if selectObjId is "tissue"
-# defaultType = getDefaultValue("tissue")
-# #setting option's selected status
-# setChoice "tissue", defaultType
-# else if selectObjId is "database"
-# defaultDB = getDefaultValue("database")
-# #setting option's selected status
-# setChoice "database", defaultDB
-# #get default value;if cookie exists, then use cookie value, otherwise use default value
-# getDefaultValue = (selectObjId) ->
-# #define default value
-# defaultSpecies = "mouse"
-# defaultSet = "BXD"
-# defaultType = "Hippocampus"
-# defaultDB = "HC_M2_0606_P"
-# if selectObjId is "species"
-# #if cookie exists, then use cookie value, otherwise use default value
-# cookieSpecies = getCookie("defaultSpecies")
-# defaultSpecies = cookieSpecies if cookieSpecies
-# defaultSpecies
-# else if selectObjId is "cross"
-# cookieSet = getCookie("defaultSet")
-# defaultSet = cookieSet if cookieSet
-# defaultSet
-# else if selectObjId is "tissue"
-# cookieType = getCookie("defaultType")
-# defaultType = cookieType if cookieType
-# defaultType
-# else if selectObjId is "database"
-# cookieDB = getCookie("defaultDB")
-# defaultDB = cookieDB if cookieDB
-# defaultDB
-# #setting default value into cookies for the dropdown menus: Species,Group, Type, and Database
-# setDefault = (thisform) ->
-# setCookie "cookieTest", "cookieTest", 1
-# cookieTest = getCookie("cookieTest")
-# delCookie "cookieTest"
-# if cookieTest
-# defaultSpecies = thisform.species.value
-# setCookie "defaultSpecies", defaultSpecies, 10
-# defaultSet = thisform.cross.value
-# setCookie "defaultSet", defaultSet, 10
-# defaultType = thisform.tissue.value
-# setCookie "defaultType", defaultType, 10
-# defaultDB = thisform.database.value
-# setCookie "defaultDB", defaultDB, 10
-# updateChoice "species"
-# updateChoice "cross"
-# updateChoice "tissue"
-# updateChoice "database"
-# alert "The current settings are now your default"
-# else
-# alert "You need to enable Cookies in your browser."
-# # run it
-# initialDatasetSelection() \ No newline at end of file
+ $("#make_default").click(make_default) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.js b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.js
index 681e4301..5e19ca46 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.js
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/dataset_select_menu.js
@@ -105,10 +105,16 @@
apply_default = function() {
var defaults, item, populate_function, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
defaults = $.cookie('search_defaults');
- if (!defaults) {
- return;
+ if (defaults) {
+ defaults = $.parseJSON(defaults);
+ } else {
+ defaults = {
+ species: "mouse",
+ group: "BXD",
+ type: "Hippocampus",
+ dataset: "HC_M2_0606_P"
+ };
- defaults = $.parseJSON(defaults);
_ref = [['species', 'group'], ['group', 'type'], ['type', 'dataset'], ['dataset', null]];
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/new_index_page.html b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/new_index_page.html
index 51d963fc..695129a9 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/new_index_page.html
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/new_index_page.html
@@ -35,8 +35,16 @@
<li class="active">
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- <li class="">
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+ </a>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="drop1">
+ <li><a tabindex="-1" href="/webqtl/main.py?FormID=tissueCorrelation">Tissue Corrleation</a></li>
+ <li><a tabindex="-1" href="/webqtl/main.py?FormID=snpBrowser">SNP Browser</a></li>
+ <li class="divider"></li>
+ <li><a tabindex="-1" href="/webqtl/main.py?FormID=geneWiki">Gene Wiki</a></li>
+ </ul>
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