path: root/wqflask
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask')
5 files changed, 310 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/base/data_set.py b/wqflask/base/data_set.py
index d4e97370..0b3b5248 100755
--- a/wqflask/base/data_set.py
+++ b/wqflask/base/data_set.py
@@ -77,9 +77,11 @@ class Markers(object):
def add_pvalues(self, p_values):
for marker, p_value in itertools.izip(self.markers, p_values):
marker['p_value'] = p_value
+ marker['lod_score'] = -math.log10(marker['p_value'])
#Using -log(p) for the LRS; need to ask Rob how he wants to get LRS from p-values
marker['lrs_value'] = -math.log10(marker['p_value']) * 4.61
class DatasetGroup(object):
Each group has multiple datasets; each species has multiple groups.
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.coffee
index 7eb62ec1..6a10d95e 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.coffee
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.coffee
@@ -1,212 +1,56 @@
$ ->
- sort_number = (a, b) ->
- return a - b
- class Permutation_Histogram
- constructor: ->
- @process_data()
- @display_graph()
- process_data: ->
- # Put the data in a format needed for graphing
- # The permutation count for a particular integer range (10-11 or 12-13 for example)
- # will be on the y-axis; LRS values will be on the x-axis
- lrs_array = js_data.lrs_array
- bars = {}
- for lrs in lrs_array
- floored = Math.floor(lrs)
- if floored not of bars
- bars[floored] = 0
- bars[floored] += 1
- # Now we need to take the unordered hash
- # And order the keys
- keys = []
- for key of bars
- keys.push(key)
- keys.sort(sort_number)
- # Now that we have the ordered keys above
- # We can build an array of arrays that jqPlot will use
- @bars_ordered = []
- for key in keys
- @bars_ordered.push([parseInt(key), bars[key]])
+ x_coords = []
+ y_coords = []
- console.log("bars is:", bars)
- console.log("keys are:", keys)
- console.log("bars_ordered are:", @bars_ordered)
- #return bars_ordered
- display_graph: ->
- $.jqplot('permutation_histogram', [@bars_ordered],
- title: 'Permutation Histogram'
- seriesDefaults:
- renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer
- rendererOptions:
- barWidth: 15
- pointLabels:
- show: true
- axesDefaults:
- labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
- axes:
- xaxis:
- min: 0
- label: "LRS"
- pad: 1.1
- yaxis:
- min: 0
- label: "Frequency"
- )
- #process_qtl_results = ->
- # qtl_results = js_data.qtl_results
- #display_manhattan_plot = ->
- #bars_ordered = process_lrs_array()
- #display_permutation_histogram(bars_ordered)
- class Chromosome
- constructor: (@name) ->
- @max_mb = 0
- @plot_points = []
- process_point: (mb, lrs) ->
- if mb > @max_mb
- @max_mb = mb
- @plot_points.push([mb, lrs])
- display_graph: (max_lrs) ->
- div_name = 'manhattan_plot_' + @name
- console.log("div_name:", div_name)
- #console.log("max_lrs is", max_lrs)
- x_axis_max = Math.ceil(@max_mb/25) * 25
- x_axis_ticks = []
- x_tick = 0
- while (x_tick <= x_axis_max)
- x_axis_ticks.push(x_tick)
- x_tick += 25
- plot_options =
- title: @name
- seriesDefaults:
- showLine: false
- markerRenderer: $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer
- markerOptions:
- style: "filledCircle"
- size: 3
- axesDefaults:
- tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer
- labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
- axes:
- xaxis:
- min: 0
- max: x_axis_max
- ticks: x_axis_ticks
- tickOptions:
- angle: 90
- showGridline: false
- formatString: '%d'
- label: "Megabases"
- if @name == "1"
- plot_options.axes.yaxis =
- min: 0
- max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs)
- tickInterval: 1
- label: "LRS"
- tickOptions:
- formatString: '%d'
- showGridline: false
- else
- plot_options.axes.yaxis =
- show: false
- min: 0
- max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs)
- tickInterval: 1
- tickOptions:
- formatString: '%d'
- showGridline: false
- $.jqplot(div_name, [@plot_points], plot_options)
- class Manhattan_Plot
- constructor: ->
- @max_lrs = 0
- @chromosomes = {}
- @build_chromosomes()
- @display_graphs()
- build_chromosomes: ->
- for result in js_data.qtl_results
- #if result.locus.chromosome == '1'
- chromosome = result.locus.chromosome
- if chromosome not of @chromosomes
- @chromosomes[chromosome] = new Chromosome(chromosome)
- mb = parseInt(result.locus.mb)
- if result.lrs > @max_lrs
- @max_lrs = result.lrs
- @chromosomes[chromosome].process_point(mb, result.lrs)
- display_graphs: ->
- ### Call display_graph for each chromosome ###
- # First get everything in the right order
- numbered_keys = []
- extra_keys = []
- for key of @chromosomes
- if isNaN(key)
- extra_keys.push(key)
- else
- numbered_keys.push(key)
- numbered_keys.sort(sort_number)
- extra_keys.sort()
- keys = numbered_keys.concat(extra_keys)
- console.log("keys are:", keys)
- for key in keys
- this_class = "manhattan_plot_segment"
- if key != "1"
- this_class += " no_y_axis"
- html = """<div id="manhattan_plot_#{ key }" class=#{ this_class }></div>"""
- console.log("html is:", html)
- $("#manhattan_plots").append(html)
- @chromosomes[key].display_graph(@max_lrs)
- $('.jqplot-yaxis').hide()
- $('#manhattan_plot_1').find('.jqplot-yaxis').show()
- #$(".jqplot-yaxis").hide()
- #$(".jqplot-yaxis-tick").hide()
- #process_data: ->
- # qtl_results = js_data.qtl_results
- # #console.log("qtl_results: ", qtl_results)
- # @plot_points = []
- # @max_mb = 0
- # for result in qtl_results
- # if result.locus.chromosome == '1'
- # mb = parseInt(result.locus.mb)
- # if mb > @max_mb
- # @max_mb = mb
- # @plot_points.push([mb, result.lrs])
+ largest_chr = 0
+ for result in js_data.qtl_results
+ chr = parseInt(result.chr)
+ console.log("foo:", chr, typeof(chr))
+ if _.isNaN(chr)
+ console.log("Got NaN")
+ else
+ if chr > largest_chr
+ largest_chr = chr
- new Permutation_Histogram
- new Manhattan_Plot \ No newline at end of file
+ console.log("largest_chr is:", largest_chr)
+ for result in js_data.qtl_results
+ chr = parseInt(result.chr)
+ if _.isNaN(chr)
+ if result.chr == "X"
+ chr = largest_chr + 1
+ else if result.chr == "Y"
+ chr = largest_chr + 2
+ x_coords.push((chr * 200) + parseFloat(result.Mb))
+ y_coords.push(result.lrs_value)
+ #plot_coordinates.push([x_coord, y_coord])
+ x_max = d3.max(x_coords)
+ y_max = d3.max(y_coords)
+ plot_coordinates = _.zip(x_coords, y_coords)
+ console.log(plot_coordinates)
+ svg = d3.select("#manhattan_plots")
+ .append("svg")
+ .attr("width", 1000)
+ .attr("height", 800)
+ #.attr("transform", "translate(0," + y_max + ")")
+ #.attr("transform", "scale(1,-1)")
+ svg.selectAll("circle")
+ .data(plot_coordinates)
+ .enter()
+ .append("circle")
+ .attr("cx", (d) =>
+ return (1000 * d[0]/x_max)
+ #return ((900 * (d[0]/x_max)) + 50)
+ )
+ .attr("cy", (d) =>
+ return 800 - (600 * d[1]/y_max)
+ )
+ .attr("r", 3) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.js b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.js
index 19a7d051..d231ba5b 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.js
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.js
@@ -2,225 +2,49 @@
(function() {
$(function() {
- var Chromosome, Manhattan_Plot, Permutation_Histogram, sort_number;
- sort_number = function(a, b) {
- return a - b;
- };
- Permutation_Histogram = (function() {
- function Permutation_Histogram() {
- this.process_data();
- this.display_graph();
- }
- Permutation_Histogram.prototype.process_data = function() {
- var bars, floored, key, keys, lrs, lrs_array, _i, _j, _len, _len1;
- lrs_array = js_data.lrs_array;
- bars = {};
- for (_i = 0, _len = lrs_array.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- lrs = lrs_array[_i];
- floored = Math.floor(lrs);
- if (!(floored in bars)) {
- bars[floored] = 0;
- }
- bars[floored] += 1;
+ var chr, largest_chr, plot_coordinates, result, svg, x_coords, x_max, y_coords, y_max, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1,
+ _this = this;
+ x_coords = [];
+ y_coords = [];
+ largest_chr = 0;
+ _ref = js_data.qtl_results;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ result = _ref[_i];
+ chr = parseInt(result.chr);
+ console.log("foo:", chr, typeof chr);
+ if (_.isNaN(chr)) {
+ console.log("Got NaN");
+ } else {
+ if (chr > largest_chr) {
+ largest_chr = chr;
- keys = [];
- for (key in bars) {
- keys.push(key);
- }
- keys.sort(sort_number);
- this.bars_ordered = [];
- for (_j = 0, _len1 = keys.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
- key = keys[_j];
- this.bars_ordered.push([parseInt(key), bars[key]]);
- }
- console.log("bars is:", bars);
- console.log("keys are:", keys);
- return console.log("bars_ordered are:", this.bars_ordered);
- };
- Permutation_Histogram.prototype.display_graph = function() {
- return $.jqplot('permutation_histogram', [this.bars_ordered], {
- title: 'Permutation Histogram',
- seriesDefaults: {
- renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
- rendererOptions: {
- barWidth: 15
- },
- pointLabels: {
- show: true
- }
- },
- axesDefaults: {
- labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
- },
- axes: {
- xaxis: {
- min: 0,
- label: "LRS",
- pad: 1.1
- },
- yaxis: {
- min: 0,
- label: "Frequency"
- }
- }
- });
- };
- return Permutation_Histogram;
- })();
- Chromosome = (function() {
- function Chromosome(name) {
- this.name = name;
- this.max_mb = 0;
- this.plot_points = [];
- Chromosome.prototype.process_point = function(mb, lrs) {
- if (mb > this.max_mb) {
- this.max_mb = mb;
- }
- return this.plot_points.push([mb, lrs]);
- };
- Chromosome.prototype.display_graph = function(max_lrs) {
- var div_name, plot_options, x_axis_max, x_axis_ticks, x_tick;
- div_name = 'manhattan_plot_' + this.name;
- console.log("div_name:", div_name);
- x_axis_max = Math.ceil(this.max_mb / 25) * 25;
- x_axis_ticks = [];
- x_tick = 0;
- while (x_tick <= x_axis_max) {
- x_axis_ticks.push(x_tick);
- x_tick += 25;
+ }
+ console.log("largest_chr is:", largest_chr);
+ _ref1 = js_data.qtl_results;
+ for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
+ result = _ref1[_j];
+ chr = parseInt(result.chr);
+ if (_.isNaN(chr)) {
+ if (result.chr === "X") {
+ chr = largest_chr + 1;
+ } else if (result.chr === "Y") {
+ chr = largest_chr + 2;
- plot_options = {
- title: this.name,
- seriesDefaults: {
- showLine: false,
- markerRenderer: $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer,
- markerOptions: {
- style: "filledCircle",
- size: 3
- }
- },
- axesDefaults: {
- tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
- labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
- },
- axes: {
- xaxis: {
- min: 0,
- max: x_axis_max,
- ticks: x_axis_ticks,
- tickOptions: {
- angle: 90,
- showGridline: false,
- formatString: '%d'
- },
- label: "Megabases"
- }
- }
- };
- if (this.name === "1") {
- plot_options.axes.yaxis = {
- min: 0,
- max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs),
- tickInterval: 1,
- label: "LRS",
- tickOptions: {
- formatString: '%d',
- showGridline: false
- }
- };
- } else {
- plot_options.axes.yaxis = {
- show: false,
- min: 0,
- max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs),
- tickInterval: 1,
- tickOptions: {
- formatString: '%d',
- showGridline: false
- }
- };
- }
- return $.jqplot(div_name, [this.plot_points], plot_options);
- };
- return Chromosome;
- })();
- Manhattan_Plot = (function() {
- function Manhattan_Plot() {
- this.max_lrs = 0;
- this.chromosomes = {};
- this.build_chromosomes();
- this.display_graphs();
- Manhattan_Plot.prototype.build_chromosomes = function() {
- var chromosome, mb, result, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
- _ref = js_data.qtl_results;
- _results = [];
- for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- result = _ref[_i];
- chromosome = result.locus.chromosome;
- if (!(chromosome in this.chromosomes)) {
- this.chromosomes[chromosome] = new Chromosome(chromosome);
- }
- mb = parseInt(result.locus.mb);
- if (result.lrs > this.max_lrs) {
- this.max_lrs = result.lrs;
- }
- _results.push(this.chromosomes[chromosome].process_point(mb, result.lrs));
- }
- return _results;
- };
- Manhattan_Plot.prototype.display_graphs = function() {
- /* Call display_graph for each chromosome
- */
- var extra_keys, html, key, keys, numbered_keys, this_class, _i, _len;
- numbered_keys = [];
- extra_keys = [];
- for (key in this.chromosomes) {
- if (isNaN(key)) {
- extra_keys.push(key);
- } else {
- numbered_keys.push(key);
- }
- }
- numbered_keys.sort(sort_number);
- extra_keys.sort();
- keys = numbered_keys.concat(extra_keys);
- console.log("keys are:", keys);
- for (_i = 0, _len = keys.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
- key = keys[_i];
- this_class = "manhattan_plot_segment";
- if (key !== "1") {
- this_class += " no_y_axis";
- }
- html = "<div id=\"manhattan_plot_" + key + "\" class=" + this_class + "></div>";
- console.log("html is:", html);
- $("#manhattan_plots").append(html);
- this.chromosomes[key].display_graph(this.max_lrs);
- }
- $('.jqplot-yaxis').hide();
- return $('#manhattan_plot_1').find('.jqplot-yaxis').show();
- };
- return Manhattan_Plot;
- })();
- new Permutation_Histogram;
- return new Manhattan_Plot;
+ x_coords.push((chr * 200) + parseFloat(result.Mb));
+ y_coords.push(result.lrs_value);
+ }
+ x_max = d3.max(x_coords);
+ y_max = d3.max(y_coords);
+ plot_coordinates = _.zip(x_coords, y_coords);
+ console.log(plot_coordinates);
+ svg = d3.select("#manhattan_plots").append("svg").attr("width", 1000).attr("height", 800);
+ return svg.selectAll("circle").data(plot_coordinates).enter().append("circle").attr("cx", function(d) {
+ return 1000 * d[0] / x_max;
+ }).attr("cy", function(d) {
+ return 800 - (600 * d[1] / y_max);
+ }).attr("r", 3);
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression_old.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression_old.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eb62ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/marker_regression_old.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+$ ->
+ sort_number = (a, b) ->
+ return a - b
+ class Permutation_Histogram
+ constructor: ->
+ @process_data()
+ @display_graph()
+ process_data: ->
+ # Put the data in a format needed for graphing
+ # The permutation count for a particular integer range (10-11 or 12-13 for example)
+ # will be on the y-axis; LRS values will be on the x-axis
+ lrs_array = js_data.lrs_array
+ bars = {}
+ for lrs in lrs_array
+ floored = Math.floor(lrs)
+ if floored not of bars
+ bars[floored] = 0
+ bars[floored] += 1
+ # Now we need to take the unordered hash
+ # And order the keys
+ keys = []
+ for key of bars
+ keys.push(key)
+ keys.sort(sort_number)
+ # Now that we have the ordered keys above
+ # We can build an array of arrays that jqPlot will use
+ @bars_ordered = []
+ for key in keys
+ @bars_ordered.push([parseInt(key), bars[key]])
+ console.log("bars is:", bars)
+ console.log("keys are:", keys)
+ console.log("bars_ordered are:", @bars_ordered)
+ #return bars_ordered
+ display_graph: ->
+ $.jqplot('permutation_histogram', [@bars_ordered],
+ title: 'Permutation Histogram'
+ seriesDefaults:
+ renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer
+ rendererOptions:
+ barWidth: 15
+ pointLabels:
+ show: true
+ axesDefaults:
+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
+ axes:
+ xaxis:
+ min: 0
+ label: "LRS"
+ pad: 1.1
+ yaxis:
+ min: 0
+ label: "Frequency"
+ )
+ #process_qtl_results = ->
+ # qtl_results = js_data.qtl_results
+ #display_manhattan_plot = ->
+ #bars_ordered = process_lrs_array()
+ #display_permutation_histogram(bars_ordered)
+ class Chromosome
+ constructor: (@name) ->
+ @max_mb = 0
+ @plot_points = []
+ process_point: (mb, lrs) ->
+ if mb > @max_mb
+ @max_mb = mb
+ @plot_points.push([mb, lrs])
+ display_graph: (max_lrs) ->
+ div_name = 'manhattan_plot_' + @name
+ console.log("div_name:", div_name)
+ #console.log("max_lrs is", max_lrs)
+ x_axis_max = Math.ceil(@max_mb/25) * 25
+ x_axis_ticks = []
+ x_tick = 0
+ while (x_tick <= x_axis_max)
+ x_axis_ticks.push(x_tick)
+ x_tick += 25
+ plot_options =
+ title: @name
+ seriesDefaults:
+ showLine: false
+ markerRenderer: $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer
+ markerOptions:
+ style: "filledCircle"
+ size: 3
+ axesDefaults:
+ tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer
+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
+ axes:
+ xaxis:
+ min: 0
+ max: x_axis_max
+ ticks: x_axis_ticks
+ tickOptions:
+ angle: 90
+ showGridline: false
+ formatString: '%d'
+ label: "Megabases"
+ if @name == "1"
+ plot_options.axes.yaxis =
+ min: 0
+ max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs)
+ tickInterval: 1
+ label: "LRS"
+ tickOptions:
+ formatString: '%d'
+ showGridline: false
+ else
+ plot_options.axes.yaxis =
+ show: false
+ min: 0
+ max: Math.floor(max_lrs + 0.1 * max_lrs)
+ tickInterval: 1
+ tickOptions:
+ formatString: '%d'
+ showGridline: false
+ $.jqplot(div_name, [@plot_points], plot_options)
+ class Manhattan_Plot
+ constructor: ->
+ @max_lrs = 0
+ @chromosomes = {}
+ @build_chromosomes()
+ @display_graphs()
+ build_chromosomes: ->
+ for result in js_data.qtl_results
+ #if result.locus.chromosome == '1'
+ chromosome = result.locus.chromosome
+ if chromosome not of @chromosomes
+ @chromosomes[chromosome] = new Chromosome(chromosome)
+ mb = parseInt(result.locus.mb)
+ if result.lrs > @max_lrs
+ @max_lrs = result.lrs
+ @chromosomes[chromosome].process_point(mb, result.lrs)
+ display_graphs: ->
+ ### Call display_graph for each chromosome ###
+ # First get everything in the right order
+ numbered_keys = []
+ extra_keys = []
+ for key of @chromosomes
+ if isNaN(key)
+ extra_keys.push(key)
+ else
+ numbered_keys.push(key)
+ numbered_keys.sort(sort_number)
+ extra_keys.sort()
+ keys = numbered_keys.concat(extra_keys)
+ console.log("keys are:", keys)
+ for key in keys
+ this_class = "manhattan_plot_segment"
+ if key != "1"
+ this_class += " no_y_axis"
+ html = """<div id="manhattan_plot_#{ key }" class=#{ this_class }></div>"""
+ console.log("html is:", html)
+ $("#manhattan_plots").append(html)
+ @chromosomes[key].display_graph(@max_lrs)
+ $('.jqplot-yaxis').hide()
+ $('#manhattan_plot_1').find('.jqplot-yaxis').show()
+ #$(".jqplot-yaxis").hide()
+ #$(".jqplot-yaxis-tick").hide()
+ #process_data: ->
+ # qtl_results = js_data.qtl_results
+ # #console.log("qtl_results: ", qtl_results)
+ # @plot_points = []
+ # @max_mb = 0
+ # for result in qtl_results
+ # if result.locus.chromosome == '1'
+ # mb = parseInt(result.locus.mb)
+ # if mb > @max_mb
+ # @max_mb = mb
+ # @plot_points.push([mb, result.lrs])
+ new Permutation_Histogram
+ new Manhattan_Plot \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/marker_regression.html b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/marker_regression.html
index 6b0a4813..0c537d19 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/marker_regression.html
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/marker_regression.html
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
{% for marker in filtered_results %}
- <td>{{marker.lrs_value}}</td>
+ <td>{{marker.lod_score}}</td>
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/excanvas.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.pointLabels.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.min.js"></script>
@@ -66,13 +67,13 @@
<!--<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.markerRenderer.min.js"></script>-->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.min.js"></script>
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- <!--<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/new/javascript/marker_regression.js"></script>-->
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@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
"iDisplayLength": 50
} );
- $('#qtl_results').dataTable();
+ $('#qtl_results').dataTable();
} );
{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file