path: root/wqflask
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Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/initialize_show_trait_tables.js b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/initialize_show_trait_tables.js
index 748e4f28..2765a880 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/initialize_show_trait_tables.js
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/initialize_show_trait_tables.js
@@ -223,127 +223,3 @@ for (var i = 0; i < tableIds.length; i++) {
create_table(tableId, js_data['sample_lists'][i], columnDefs, tableSettings);
-// loadDataTable(firstRun=true, tableId="samples_primary", tableData=js_data['sample_lists'][0])
-// if (js_data.sample_lists.length > 1){
-// loadDataTable(firstRun=true, tableId="samples_other", tableData=js_data['sample_lists'][1])
-// }
-// function loadDataTable(firstRun=false, tableId, tableData){
-// if (!firstRun){
-// setUserColumnsDefWidths(tableId);
-// }
-// if (tableId == "samples_primary"){
-// tableType = "Primary"
-// } else {
-// tableType = "Other"
-// }
-// tableSettings = {
-// 'createdRow': function ( row, data, index ) {
-// $(row).attr('id', tableType + "_" + data.this_id)
-// $(row).addClass("value_se");
-// if (data.outlier) {
-// $(row).addClass("outlier");
-// $(row).attr("style", "background-color: orange;");
-// }
-// $('td', row).eq(1).addClass("column_name-Index")
-// $('td', row).eq(2).addClass("column_name-Sample")
-// $('td', row).eq(3).addClass("column_name-Value")
-// if (js_data.se_exists) {
-// $('td', row).eq(5).addClass("column_name-SE")
-// if (js_data.has_num_cases === true) {
-// $('td', row).eq(6).addClass("column_name-num_cases")
-// } else {
-// if (js_data.has_num_cases === true) {
-// $('td', row).eq(4).addClass("column_name-num_cases")
-// }
-// }
-// } else {
-// if (js_data.has_num_cases === true) {
-// $('td', row).eq(4).addClass("column_name-num_cases")
-// }
-// }
-// for (i=0; i < attrKeys.length; i++) {
-// $('td', row).eq(attributeStartPos + i + 1).addClass("column_name-" + js_data.attributes[attrKeys[i]].name)
-// $('td', row).eq(attributeStartPos + i + 1).attr("style", "text-align: " + js_data.attributes[attrKeys[i]].alignment + "; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 0px;")
-// }
-// },
-// 'data': tableData,
-// 'columns': columnDefs,
-// "order": [[1, "asc" ]],
-// "sDom": "iti",
-// "destroy": true,
-// "autoWidth": false,
-// "bSortClasses": false,
-// "scrollY": "100vh",
-// "scrollCollapse": true,
-// "scroller": true,
-// "iDisplayLength": -1,
-// "initComplete": function (settings) {
-// //Add JQueryUI resizable functionality to each th in the ScrollHead table
-// $('#' + tableId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead thead th').resizable({
-// handles: "e",
-// alsoResize: '#' + tableId + '_wrapper .dataTables_scrollHead table', //Not essential but makes the resizing smoother
-// resize: function( event, ui ) {
-// width_change = ui.size.width - ui.originalSize.width;
-// },
-// stop: function () {
-// saveColumnSettings(tableId, theTable);
-// loadDataTable(firstRun=false, tableId, tableData);
-// }
-// });
-// }
-// }
-// if (!firstRun){
-// $('#' + tableType.toLowerCase() + '_container').css("width", String($('#' + tableId).width() + width_change + 17) + "px"); //ZS : Change the container width by the change in width of the adjusted column, so the overall table size adjusts properly
-// let checked_rows = get_checked_rows(tableId);
-// theTable = $('#' + tableId).DataTable(tableSettings);
-// if (checked_rows.length > 0){
-// recheck_rows(theTable, checked_rows);
-// }
-// } else {
-// theTable = $('#' + tableId).DataTable(tableSettings);
-// theTable.draw();
-// }
-// theTable.on( 'order.dt search.dt draw.dt', function () {
-// theTable.column(1, {search:'applied', order:'applied'}).nodes().each( function (cell, i) {
-// cell.innerHTML = i+1;
-// } );
-// } ).draw();
-// if (firstRun){
-// $('#' + tableType.toLowerCase() + '_container').css("width", String($('#' + tableId).width() + 17) + "px");
-// }
-// $('#' + tableType.toLowerCase() + '_searchbox').on( 'keyup', function () {
-// theTable.search($(this).val()).draw();
-// } );
-// $('.toggle-vis').on('click', function (e) {
-// e.preventDefault();
-// function toggle_column(column) {
-// //ZS: Toggle column visibility
-// column.visible( ! column.visible() );
-// if (column.visible()){
-// $(this).removeClass("active");
-// } else {
-// $(this).addClass("active");
-// }
-// }
-// // Get the column API object
-// var target_cols = $(this).attr('data-column').split(",")
-// for (let i = 0; i < target_cols.length; i++){
-// var column = theTable.column( target_cols[i] );
-// toggle_column(column);
-// }
-// } );
-// }