path: root/wqflask/wqflask/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.blockRenderer.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/wqflask/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.blockRenderer.js')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.blockRenderer.js b/wqflask/wqflask/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.blockRenderer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f2bc341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/static/packages/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.blockRenderer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * jqPlot
+ * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery
+ *
+ * Version: 1.0.4
+ * Revision: 1121
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Chris Leonello
+ * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
+ * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL
+ * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can
+ * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
+ *
+ * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him
+ * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at:
+ * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php .
+ *
+ * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
+ * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php .
+ *
+ * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle:
+ *
+ * version 2007.04.27
+ * author Ash Searle
+ * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/
+ * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js
+ * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain:
+ * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like."
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+ /**
+ * Class: $.jqplot.BlockRenderer
+ * Plugin renderer to draw a x-y block chart. A Block chart has data points displayed as
+ * colored squares with a text label inside. Data must be supplied in the form:
+ *
+ * > [[x1, y1, "label 1", {css}], [x2, y2, "label 2", {css}], ...]
+ *
+ * The label and css object are optional. If the label is ommitted, the
+ * box will collapse unless a css height and/or width is specified.
+ *
+ * The css object is an object specifying css properties
+ * such as:
+ *
+ * > {background:'#4f98a5', border:'3px solid gray', padding:'1px'}
+ *
+ * Note that css properties specified with the data point override defaults
+ * specified with the series.
+ *
+ */
+ $.jqplot.BlockRenderer = function(){
+ $.jqplot.LineRenderer.call(this);
+ };
+ $.jqplot.BlockRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.LineRenderer();
+ $.jqplot.BlockRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.BlockRenderer;
+ // called with scope of a series
+ $.jqplot.BlockRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
+ // Group: Properties
+ //
+ // prop: css
+ // default css styles that will be applied to all data blocks.
+ // these values will be overridden by css styles supplied with the
+ // individulal data points.
+ this.css = {padding:'2px', border:'1px solid #999', textAlign:'center'};
+ // prop: escapeHtml
+ // true to escape html in the box label.
+ this.escapeHtml = false;
+ // prop: insertBreaks
+ // true to turn spaces in data block label into html breaks <br />.
+ this.insertBreaks = true;
+ // prop: varyBlockColors
+ // true to vary the color of each block in this series according to
+ // the seriesColors array. False to set each block to the color
+ // specified on this series. This has no effect if a css background color
+ // option is specified in the renderer css options.
+ this.varyBlockColors = false;
+ $.extend(true, this, options);
+ if (this.css.backgroundColor) {
+ this.color = this.css.backgroundColor;
+ }
+ else if (this.css.background) {
+ this.color = this.css.background;
+ }
+ else if (!this.varyBlockColors) {
+ this.css.background = this.color;
+ }
+ this.canvas = new $.jqplot.BlockCanvas();
+ this.shadowCanvas = new $.jqplot.BlockCanvas();
+ this.canvas._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
+ this.shadowCanvas._plotDimensions = this._plotDimensions;
+ this._type = 'block';
+ // group: Methods
+ //
+ // Method: moveBlock
+ // Moves an individual block. More efficient than redrawing
+ // the whole series by calling plot.drawSeries().
+ // Properties:
+ // idx - the 0 based index of the block or point in this series.
+ // x - the x coordinate in data units (value on x axis) to move the block to.
+ // y - the y coordinate in data units (value on the y axis) to move the block to.
+ // duration - optional parameter to create an animated movement. Can be a
+ // number (higher is slower animation) or 'fast', 'normal' or 'slow'. If not
+ // provided, the element is moved without any animation.
+ this.moveBlock = function (idx, x, y, duration) {
+ // update plotData, stackData, data and gridData
+ // x and y are in data coordinates.
+ var el = this.canvas._elem.children(':eq('+idx+')');
+ this.data[idx][0] = x;
+ this.data[idx][1] = y;
+ this._plotData[idx][0] = x;
+ this._plotData[idx][1] = y;
+ this._stackData[idx][0] = x;
+ this._stackData[idx][1] = y;
+ this.gridData[idx][0] = this._xaxis.series_u2p(x);
+ this.gridData[idx][1] = this._yaxis.series_u2p(y);
+ var w = el.outerWidth();
+ var h = el.outerHeight();
+ var left = this.gridData[idx][0] - w/2 + 'px';
+ var top = this.gridData[idx][1] - h/2 + 'px';
+ if (duration) {
+ if (parseInt(duration, 10)) {
+ duration = parseInt(duration, 10);
+ }
+ el.animate({left:left, top:top}, duration);
+ }
+ else {
+ el.css({left:left, top:top});
+ }
+ el = null;
+ };
+ };
+ // called with scope of series
+ $.jqplot.BlockRenderer.prototype.draw = function (ctx, gd, options) {
+ if (this.plugins.pointLabels) {
+ this.plugins.pointLabels.show = false;
+ }
+ var i, el, d, gd, t, css, w, h, left, top;
+ var opts = (options != undefined) ? options : {};
+ var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(this.seriesColors);
+ this.canvas._elem.empty();
+ for (i=0; i<this.gridData.length; i++) {
+ d = this.data[i];
+ gd = this.gridData[i];
+ t = '';
+ css = {};
+ if (typeof d[2] == 'string') {
+ t = d[2];
+ }
+ else if (typeof d[2] == 'object') {
+ css = d[2];
+ }
+ if (typeof d[3] == 'object') {
+ css = d[3];
+ }
+ if (this.insertBreaks){
+ t = t.replace(/ /g, '<br />');
+ }
+ css = $.extend(true, {}, this.css, css);
+ // create a div
+ el = $('<div style="position:absolute;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"></div>');
+ this.canvas._elem.append(el);
+ // set text
+ this.escapeHtml ? el.text(t) : el.html(t);
+ // style it
+ // remove styles we don't want overridden.
+ delete css.position;
+ delete css.marginRight;
+ delete css.marginLeft;
+ if (!css.background && !css.backgroundColor && !css.backgroundImage){
+ css.background = colorGenerator.next();
+ }
+ el.css(css);
+ w = el.outerWidth();
+ h = el.outerHeight();
+ left = gd[0] - w/2 + 'px';
+ top = gd[1] - h/2 + 'px';
+ el.css({left:left, top:top});
+ el = null;
+ }
+ };
+ $.jqplot.BlockCanvas = function() {
+ $.jqplot.ElemContainer.call(this);
+ this._ctx;
+ };
+ $.jqplot.BlockCanvas.prototype = new $.jqplot.ElemContainer();
+ $.jqplot.BlockCanvas.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.BlockCanvas;
+ $.jqplot.BlockCanvas.prototype.createElement = function(offsets, clss, plotDimensions) {
+ this._offsets = offsets;
+ var klass = 'jqplot-blockCanvas';
+ if (clss != undefined) {
+ klass = clss;
+ }
+ var elem;
+ // if this canvas already has a dom element, don't make a new one.
+ if (this._elem) {
+ elem = this._elem.get(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ elem = document.createElement('div');
+ }
+ // if new plotDimensions supplied, use them.
+ if (plotDimensions != undefined) {
+ this._plotDimensions = plotDimensions;
+ }
+ var w = this._plotDimensions.width - this._offsets.left - this._offsets.right + 'px';
+ var h = this._plotDimensions.height - this._offsets.top - this._offsets.bottom + 'px';
+ this._elem = $(elem);
+ this._elem.css({ position: 'absolute', width:w, height:h, left: this._offsets.left, top: this._offsets.top });
+ this._elem.addClass(klass);
+ return this._elem;
+ };
+ $.jqplot.BlockCanvas.prototype.setContext = function() {
+ this._ctx = {
+ canvas:{
+ width:0,
+ height:0
+ },
+ clearRect:function(){return null;}
+ };
+ return this._ctx;
+ };
+ \ No newline at end of file