path: root/wqflask/wqflask/do_search.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/wqflask/do_search.py')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/do_search.py b/wqflask/wqflask/do_search.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2eddfc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/do_search.py
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+from __future__ import print_function, division
+from flask import Flask, g
+from MySQLdb import escape_string as escape
+from pprint import pformat as pf
+import sys
+from dbFunction import webqtlDatabaseFunction
+class DoSearch(object):
+ """Parent class containing parameters/functions used for all searches"""
+ # Used to translate search phrases into classes
+ search_types = dict()
+ def __init__(self, search_term, search_operator, dataset):
+ self.search_term = search_term
+ # Make sure search_operator is something we expect
+ assert search_operator in (None, "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="), "Bad search operator"
+ self.search_operator = search_operator
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ print("self.dataset is boo: ", type(self.dataset), pf(self.dataset))
+ print("self.dataset.group is: ", pf(self.dataset.group))
+ #Get group information for dataset and the species id
+ self.species_id = webqtlDatabaseFunction.retrieve_species_id(self.dataset.group.name)
+ def execute(self, query):
+ """Executes query and returns results"""
+ query = self.normalize_spaces(query)
+ print("in do_search query is:", pf(query))
+ results = g.db.execute(query, no_parameters=True).fetchall()
+ #results = self.cursor.fetchall()
+ return results
+ #def escape(self, stringy):
+ # """Shorter name than self.db_conn.escape_string"""
+ # return escape(str(stringy))
+ def mescape(self, *items):
+ """Multiple escape"""
+ escaped = [escape(item) for item in items]
+ print("escaped is:", escaped)
+ return tuple(escaped)
+ def normalize_spaces(self, stringy):
+ """Strips out newlines/extra spaces and replaces them with just spaces"""
+ step_one = " ".join(stringy.split())
+ return step_one
+ @classmethod
+ def get_search(cls, search_type):
+ return cls.search_types[search_type]
+class MrnaAssaySearch(DoSearch):
+ """A search within an mRNA expression dataset"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['ProbeSet'] = "MrnaAssaySearch"
+ base_query = """SELECT ProbeSet.Name as TNAME,
+ 0 as thistable,
+ ProbeSetXRef.Mean as TMEAN,
+ ProbeSetXRef.LRS as TLRS,
+ ProbeSet.Chr_num as TCHR_NUM,
+ ProbeSet.Mb as TMB,
+ ProbeSet.Symbol as TSYMBOL,
+ ProbeSet.name_num as TNAME_NUM
+ FROM ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet """
+ header_fields = ['',
+ 'Record ID',
+ 'Symbol',
+ 'Description',
+ 'Location',
+ 'Mean',
+ 'Max LRS',
+ 'Max LRS Location']
+ def compile_final_query(self, from_clause = '', where_clause = ''):
+ """Generates the final query string"""
+ from_clause = self.normalize_spaces(from_clause)
+ query = (self.base_query +
+ """%s
+ WHERE %s
+ and ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId
+ and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s
+ """ % (escape(from_clause),
+ where_clause,
+ escape(self.dataset.id)))
+ print("query is:", pf(query))
+ return query
+ def run(self):
+ """Generates and runs a simple search of an mRNA expression dataset"""
+ print("Running ProbeSetSearch")
+ query = self.base_query + """WHERE (MATCH (ProbeSet.Name,
+ ProbeSet.description,
+ ProbeSet.symbol,
+ alias,
+ GenbankId,
+ UniGeneId,
+ Probe_Target_Description)
+ and ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId
+ and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = %s
+ """ % (escape(self.search_term[0]),
+ escape(str(self.dataset.id)))
+ print("final query is:", pf(query))
+ return self.execute(query)
+class PhenotypeSearch(DoSearch):
+ """A search within a phenotype dataset"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['Publish'] = "PhenotypeSearch"
+ base_query = """SELECT PublishXRef.Id,
+ PublishFreeze.createtime as thistable,
+ Publication.PubMed_ID as Publication_PubMed_ID,
+ Phenotype.Post_publication_description as Phenotype_Name
+ FROM Phenotype, PublishFreeze, Publication, PublishXRef """
+ search_fields = ('Phenotype.Post_publication_description',
+ 'Phenotype.Pre_publication_description',
+ 'Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation',
+ 'Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation',
+ 'Phenotype.Lab_code',
+ 'Publication.PubMed_ID',
+ 'Publication.Abstract',
+ 'Publication.Title',
+ 'Publication.Authors',
+ 'PublishXRef.Id')
+ header_fields = ['',
+ 'Record ID',
+ 'Description',
+ 'Authors',
+ 'Year',
+ 'Max LRS',
+ 'Max LRS Location']
+ def get_fields_clause(self):
+ """Generate clause for WHERE portion of query"""
+ #Todo: Zach will figure out exactly what both these lines mean
+ #and comment here
+ if "'" not in self.search_term[0]:
+ search_term = "[[:<:]]" + self.search_term[0] + "[[:>:]]"
+ # This adds a clause to the query that matches the search term
+ # against each field in the search_fields tuple
+ fields_clause = []
+ for field in self.search_fields:
+ fields_clause.append('''%s REGEXP "%s"''' % (field, search_term))
+ fields_clause = "(%s) and " % ' OR '.join(fields_clause)
+ return fields_clause
+ def compile_final_query(self, from_clause = '', where_clause = ''):
+ """Generates the final query string"""
+ from_clause = self.normalize_spaces(from_clause)
+ query = (self.base_query +
+ """%s
+ WHERE %s
+ PublishXRef.InbredSetId = %s and
+ PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id and
+ PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id and
+ PublishFreeze.Id = %s""" % (
+ from_clause,
+ where_clause,
+ escape(str(self.dataset.group.id)),
+ escape(str(self.dataset.id))))
+ print("query is:", pf(query))
+ return query
+ def run(self):
+ """Generates and runs a simple search of a phenotype dataset"""
+ query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.get_fields_clause())
+ results = self.execute(query)
+ print("in [df] run results are:", results)
+ return results
+class GenotypeSearch(DoSearch):
+ """A search within a genotype dataset"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['Geno'] = "GenotypeSearch"
+ base_query = """SELECT Geno.Name,
+ GenoFreeze.createtime as thistable,
+ Geno.Name as Geno_Name,
+ Geno.Source2 as Geno_Source2,
+ Geno.chr_num as Geno_chr_num,
+ Geno.Mb as Geno_Mb
+ FROM GenoXRef, GenoFreeze, Geno """
+ search_fields = ('Name', 'Chr')
+ header_fields = ['',
+ 'Record ID',
+ 'Location']
+ def get_fields_clause(self):
+ """Generate clause for part of the WHERE portion of query"""
+ # This adds a clause to the query that matches the search term
+ # against each field in search_fields (above)
+ fields_clause = []
+ if "'" not in self.search_term[0]:
+ self.search_term = "[[:<:]]" + self.search_term[0] + "[[:>:]]"
+ for field in self.search_fields:
+ fields_clause.append('''%s REGEXP "%s"''' % ("%s.%s" % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ field),
+ self.search_term))
+ print("hello ;where_clause is:", pf(fields_clause))
+ fields_clause = "(%s)" % ' OR '.join(fields_clause)
+ return fields_clause
+ def compile_final_query(self, from_clause = '', where_clause = ''):
+ """Generates the final query string"""
+ from_clause = self.normalize_spaces(from_clause)
+ query = (self.base_query +
+ """WHERE %s and
+ Geno.Id = GenoXRef.GenoId and
+ GenoXRef.GenoFreezeId = GenoFreeze.Id and
+ GenoFreeze.Id = %s"""% (where_clause,
+ escape(str(self.dataset.id))))
+ print("query is:", pf(query))
+ return query
+ def run(self):
+ """Generates and runs a simple search of a genotype dataset"""
+ #Todo: Zach will figure out exactly what both these lines mean
+ #and comment here
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.get_fields_clause())
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class RifSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for traits with a Gene RIF entry including the search term."""
+ DoSearch.search_types['RIF'] = "RifSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ where_clause = """( %s.symbol = GeneRIF_BASIC.symbol and
+ MATCH (GeneRIF_BASIC.comment)
+ AGAINST ('+%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) """ % (self.dataset.type, self.search_term)
+ from_clause = ", GeneRIF_BASIC "
+ query = self.compile_final_query(from_clause, where_clause)
+ return self.execute(query)
+class WikiSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches GeneWiki for traits other people have annotated"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['WIKI'] = "WikiSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ where_clause = """%s.symbol = GeneRIF.symbol
+ and GeneRIF.versionId=0 and GeneRIF.display>0
+ and (GeneRIF.comment REGEXP '%s' or GeneRIF.initial = '%s')
+ """ % (self.dataset.type,
+ "[[:<:]]"+self.search_term+"[[:>:]]",
+ self.search_term)
+ from_clause = ", GeneRIF "
+ query = self.compile_final_query(from_clause, where_clause)
+ return self.execute(query)
+class GoSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for synapse-associated genes listed in the Gene Ontology."""
+ DoSearch.search_types['GO'] = "GoSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ field = 'GOterm.acc'
+ go_id = 'GO:' + ('0000000'+self.search_term)[-7:]
+ statements = ("""%s.symbol=GOgene_product.symbol and
+ GOassociation.gene_product_id=GOgene_product.id and
+ GOterm.id=GOassociation.term_id""" % (
+ escape(self.dataset.type)))
+ where_clause = " %s = '%s' and %s " % (field, go_id, statements)
+ from_clause = """ , db_GeneOntology.term as GOterm,
+ db_GeneOntology.association as GOassociation,
+ db_GeneOntology.gene_product as GOgene_product """
+ query = self.compile_final_query(from_clause, where_clause)
+ return self.execute(query)
+#ZS: Not sure what the best way to deal with LRS searches is
+class LrsSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for genes with a QTL within the given LRS values
+ LRS searches can take 3 different forms:
+ - LRS > (or <) min/max_LRS
+ - LRS=(min_LRS max_LRS)
+ - LRS=(min_LRS max_LRS chromosome start_Mb end_Mb)
+ where min/max_LRS represent the range of LRS scores and start/end_Mb represent
+ the range in megabases on the given chromosome
+ """
+ DoSearch.search_types['LRS'] = 'LrsSearch'
+ def run(self):
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ self.from_clause = ", Geno"
+ if self.search_operator == "=":
+ assert isinstance(self.search_term, (list, tuple))
+ self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max = self.search_term[:2]
+ self.sub_clause = """ %sXRef.LRS > %s and
+ %sXRef.LRS < %s and """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ min(self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max),
+ self.dataset.type,
+ max(self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max))
+ if len(self.search_term) > 2:
+ self.chr_num = self.search_term[2]
+ self.sub_clause += """ Geno.Chr = %s and """ % (escape(self.chr_num))
+ if len(self.search_term) == 5:
+ self.mb_low, self.mb_high = self.search_term[3:]
+ self.sub_clause += """ Geno.Mb > %s and
+ Geno.Mb < %s and
+ """ % self.mescape(min(self.mb_low, self.mb_high),
+ max(self.mb_low, self.mb_high))
+ print("self.sub_clause is:", pf(self.sub_clause))
+ else:
+ # Deal with >, <, >=, and <=
+ self.sub_clause = """ %sXRef.LRS %s %s and """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ self.search_operator,
+ self.search_term[0])
+ self.where_clause = self.sub_clause + """ %sXRef.Locus = Geno.name and
+ Geno.SpeciesId = %s and
+ %s.Chr = Geno.Chr
+ """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ self.species_id,
+ self.dataset.type)
+ print("where_clause is:", pf(self.where_clause))
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(self.from_clause, self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class CisTransLrsSearch(LrsSearch):
+ def real_run(self, the_operator):
+ #if isinstance(self.search_term, basestring):
+ # self.search_term = [self.search_term]
+ print("self.search_term is:", self.search_term)
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ self.mb_buffer = 5 # default
+ self.from_clause = ", Geno "
+ if self.search_operator == "=":
+ if len(self.search_term) == 2:
+ self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max = self.search_term
+ #[int(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ elif len(self.search_term) == 3:
+ self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max, self.mb_buffer = self.search_term
+ else:
+ SomeError
+ self.sub_clause = """ %sXRef.LRS > %s and
+ %sXRef.LRS < %s and """ % (
+ escape(self.dataset.type),
+ escape(min(self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max)),
+ escape(self.dataset.type),
+ escape(max(self.lrs_min, self.lrs_max))
+ )
+ else:
+ # Deal with >, <, >=, and <=
+ self.sub_clause = """ %sXRef.LRS %s %s and """ % (
+ escape(self.dataset.type),
+ escape(self.search_operator),
+ escape(self.search_term[0])
+ )
+ self.where_clause = self.sub_clause + """
+ ABS(%s.Mb-Geno.Mb) %s %s and
+ %sXRef.Locus = Geno.name and
+ Geno.SpeciesId = %s and
+ %s.Chr = Geno.Chr""" % (
+ escape(self.dataset.type),
+ the_operator,
+ escape(self.mb_buffer),
+ escape(self.dataset.type),
+ escape(self.species_id),
+ escape(self.dataset.type)
+ )
+ print("where_clause is:", pf(self.where_clause))
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(self.from_clause, self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class CisLrsSearch(CisTransLrsSearch):
+ """
+ Searches for genes on a particular chromosome with a cis-eQTL within the given LRS values
+ A cisLRS search can take 3 forms:
+ - cisLRS=(min_LRS max_LRS)
+ - cisLRS=(min_LRS max_LRS mb_buffer)
+ - cisLRS>min_LRS
+ where min/max_LRS represent the range of LRS scores and the mb_buffer is the range around
+ a particular QTL where its eQTL would be considered "cis". If there is no third parameter,
+ mb_buffer will default to 5 megabases.
+ A QTL is a cis-eQTL if a gene's expression is regulated by a QTL in roughly the same area
+ (where the area is determined by the mb_buffer that the user can choose).
+ """
+ DoSearch.search_types['CISLRS'] = "CisLrsSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ return self.real_run("<")
+class TransLrsSearch(CisTransLrsSearch):
+ """Searches for genes on a particular chromosome with a cis-eQTL within the given LRS values
+ A transLRS search can take 3 forms:
+ - transLRS=(min_LRS max_LRS)
+ - transLRS=(min_LRS max_LRS mb_buffer)
+ - transLRS>min_LRS
+ where min/max_LRS represent the range of LRS scores and the mb_buffer is the range around
+ a particular QTL where its eQTL would be considered "cis". If there is no third parameter,
+ mb_buffer will default to 5 megabases.
+ A QTL is a trans-eQTL if a gene's expression is regulated by a QTL in a different location/area
+ (where the area is determined by the mb_buffer that the user can choose). Opposite of cis-eQTL.
+ """
+ DoSearch.search_types['TRANSLRS'] = "TransLrsSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ return self.real_run(">")
+class MeanSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for genes expressed within an interval (log2 units) determined by the user"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['MEAN'] = "MeanSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ if self.search_operator == "=":
+ assert isinstance(self.search_term, (list, tuple))
+ self.mean_min, self.mean_max = self.search_term[:2]
+ self.where_clause = """ %sXRef.mean > %s and
+ %sXRef.mean < %s """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ min(self.mean_min, self.mean_max),
+ self.dataset.type,
+ max(self.mean_min, self.mean_max))
+ else:
+ # Deal with >, <, >=, and <=
+ self.where_clause = """ %sXRef.mean %s %s """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ self.search_operator,
+ self.search_term[0])
+ print("where_clause is:", pf(self.where_clause))
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class RangeSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for genes with a range of expression varying between two values"""
+ DoSearch.search_types['RANGE'] = "RangeSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ if self.search_operator == "=":
+ assert isinstance(self.search_term, (list, tuple))
+ self.range_min, self.range_max = self.search_term[:2]
+ self.where_clause = """ (SELECT Pow(2, max(value) -min(value))
+ FROM ProbeSetData
+ WHERE ProbeSetData.Id = ProbeSetXRef.dataId) > %s AND
+ (SELECT Pow(2, max(value) -min(value))
+ FROM ProbeSetData
+ WHERE ProbeSetData.Id = ProbeSetXRef.dataId) < %s
+ """ % self.mescape(min(self.range_min, self.range_max),
+ max(self.range_min, self.range_max))
+ else:
+ # Deal with >, <, >=, and <=
+ self.where_clause = """ (SELECT Pow(2, max(value) -min(value))
+ FROM ProbeSetData
+ WHERE ProbeSetData.Id = ProbeSetXRef.dataId) > %s
+ """ % (escape(self.search_term[0]))
+ print("where_clause is:", pf(self.where_clause))
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class PositionSearch(DoSearch):
+ """Searches for genes/markers located within a specified range on a specified chromosome"""
+ for search_key in ('POSITION', 'POS', 'MB'):
+ DoSearch.search_types[search_key] = "PositionSearch"
+ def setup(self):
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ self.chr, self.mb_min, self.mb_max = self.search_term[:3]
+ self.where_clause = """ %s.Chr = '%s' and
+ %s.Mb > %s and
+ %s.Mb < %s """ % self.mescape(self.dataset.type,
+ self.chr,
+ self.dataset.type,
+ min(self.mb_min, self.mb_max),
+ self.dataset.type,
+ max(self.mb_min, self.mb_max))
+ def real_run(self):
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class MrnaPositionSearch(MrnaAssaySearch, PositionSearch):
+ """Searches for genes located within a specified range on a specified chromosome"""
+ def run(self):
+ self.setup()
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class GenotypePositionSearch(GenotypeSearch, PositionSearch):
+ """Searches for genes located within a specified range on a specified chromosome"""
+ def run(self):
+ self.setup()
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class PvalueSearch(MrnaAssaySearch):
+ """Searches for traits with a permutationed p-value between low and high"""
+ def run(self):
+ self.search_term = [float(value) for value in self.search_term]
+ if self.search_operator == "=":
+ assert isinstance(self.search_term, (list, tuple))
+ self.pvalue_min, self.pvalue_max = self.search_term[:2]
+ self.where_clause = """ %sXRef.pValue > %s and %sXRef.pValue < %s
+ """ % self.mescape(
+ self.dataset.type,
+ min(self.pvalue_min, self.pvalue_max),
+ self.dataset.type,
+ max(self.pvalue_min, self.pvalue_max))
+ else:
+ # Deal with >, <, >=, and <=
+ self.where_clause = """ %sXRef.pValue %s %s
+ """ % self.mescape(
+ self.dataset.type,
+ self.search_operator,
+ self.search_term[0])
+ print("where_clause is:", pf(self.where_clause))
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+class AuthorSearch(PhenotypeSearch):
+ """Searches for phenotype traits with specified author(s)"""
+ DoSearch.search_types["NAME"] = "AuthorSearch"
+ def run(self):
+ self.where_clause = """ Publication.Authors REGEXP "[[:<:]]%s[[:>:]]" and
+ """ % (self.search_term[0])
+ self.query = self.compile_final_query(where_clause = self.where_clause)
+ return self.execute(self.query)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ### Usually this will be used as a library, but call it from the command line for testing
+ ### And it runs the code below
+ import MySQLdb
+ import sys
+ from base import webqtlConfig
+ from base.data_set import create_dataset
+ from base.templatePage import templatePage
+ from utility import webqtlUtil
+ from dbFunction import webqtlDatabaseFunction
+ db_conn = MySQLdb.Connect(db=webqtlConfig.DB_NAME,
+ host=webqtlConfig.MYSQL_SERVER,
+ user=webqtlConfig.DB_USER,
+ passwd=webqtlConfig.DB_PASSWD)
+ cursor = db_conn.cursor()
+ dataset_name = "HC_M2_0606_P"
+ dataset = create_dataset(db_conn, dataset_name)
+ #cursor.execute("""
+ # SELECT ProbeSet.Name as TNAME, 0 as thistable,
+ # ProbeSetXRef.Mean as TMEAN, ProbeSetXRef.LRS as TLRS,
+ # ProbeSetXRef.PVALUE as TPVALUE, ProbeSet.Chr_num as TCHR_NUM,
+ # ProbeSet.Mb as TMB, ProbeSet.Symbol as TSYMBOL,
+ # ProbeSet.name_num as TNAME_NUM
+ # FROM ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet, Geno
+ # WHERE ProbeSetXRef.LRS > 99.0 and
+ # ABS(ProbeSet.Mb-Geno.Mb) < 5 and
+ # ProbeSetXRef.Locus = Geno.name and
+ # Geno.SpeciesId = 1 and
+ # ProbeSet.Chr = Geno.Chr and
+ # ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and
+ # ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = 112""")
+ #print(pf(cursor.fetchall()))
+ #results = ProbeSetSearch("shh", None, dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ results = PvalueSearch(['0.005'], '<', dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = RifSearch("diabetes", dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = WikiSearch("nicotine", dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = CisLrsSearch(['99'], '>', dataset, cursor, db_conn).run() # cisLRS > 99
+ #results = LrsSearch('99', '>', dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = TransLrsSearch(['9', '999', '10'], dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = PhenotypeSearch("brain", dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = GenotypeSearch("rs13475699", dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ #results = GoSearch("0045202", dataset, cursor, db_conn).run()
+ print("results are:", pf(results)) \ No newline at end of file