path: root/wqflask/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/tests')
16 files changed, 1027 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/base/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/base/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/base/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/base/data.py b/wqflask/tests/base/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a5a989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/base/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+gen_menu_json = """
+ "datasets": {
+ "human": {
+ "HLC": {
+ "Liver mRNA": [
+ [
+ "320",
+ "HLC_0311",
+ "GSE9588 Human Liver Normal (Mar11) Both Sexes"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Phenotypes": [
+ [
+ "635",
+ "HLCPublish",
+ "HLC Published Phenotypes"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "mouse": {
+ "BXD": {
+ "Genotypes": [
+ [
+ "600",
+ "BXDGeno",
+ "BXD Genotypes"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Hippocampus mRNA": [
+ [
+ "112",
+ "HC_M2_0606_P",
+ "Hippocampus Consortium M430v2 (Jun06) PDNN"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "Phenotypes": [
+ [
+ "602",
+ "BXDPublish",
+ "BXD Published Phenotypes"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "groups": {
+ "human": [
+ [
+ "HLC",
+ "Liver: Normal Gene Expression with Genotypes (Merck)",
+ "Family:None"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "mouse": [
+ [
+ "BXD",
+ "BXD",
+ "Family:None"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ "species": [
+ [
+ "human",
+ "Human"
+ ],
+ [
+ "mouse",
+ "Mouse"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "types": {
+ "human": {
+ "HLC": [
+ [
+ "Phenotypes",
+ "Traits and Cofactors",
+ "Phenotypes"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Liver mRNA",
+ "Liver mRNA",
+ "Molecular Trait Datasets"
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ "mouse": {
+ "BXD": [
+ [
+ "Phenotypes",
+ "Traits and Cofactors",
+ "Phenotypes"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Genotypes",
+ "DNA Markers and SNPs",
+ "Genotypes"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Hippocampus mRNA",
+ "Hippocampus mRNA",
+ "Molecular Trait Datasets"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/base/test_data_set.py b/wqflask/tests/base/test_data_set.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94780a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/base/test_data_set.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+"""Tests for wqflask/base/data_set.py"""
+import unittest
+import mock
+from wqflask import app
+from data import gen_menu_json
+from base.data_set import DatasetType
+class TestDataSetTypes(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for the DataSetType class"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.test_dataset = """
+ {
+ "AD-cases-controls-MyersGeno": "Geno",
+ "AD-cases-controls-MyersPublish": "Publish",
+ "AKXDGeno": "Geno",
+ "AXBXAGeno": "Geno",
+ "AXBXAPublish": "Publish",
+ "Aging-Brain-UCIPublish": "Publish",
+ "All Phenotypes": "Publish",
+ "B139_K_1206_M": "ProbeSet",
+ "B139_K_1206_R": "ProbeSet"
+ }
+ """
+ self.app_context = app.app_context()
+ self.app_context.push()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.app_context.pop()
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.g')
+ def test_data_set_type(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that DatasetType returns correctly if the Redis Instance is not empty
+ and the name variable exists in the dictionary
+ """
+ with app.app_context():
+ db_mock.get = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = self.test_dataset
+ self.assertEqual(DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ ("All Phenotypes"), "Publish")
+ redis_mock.get.assert_called_once_with("dataset_structure")
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.requests.get')
+ def test_data_set_type_with_empty_redis(self, request_mock):
+ """Test that DatasetType returns correctly if the Redis Instance is empty and
+ the name variable exists in the dictionary
+ """
+ with app.app_context():
+ request_mock.return_value.content = gen_menu_json
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = None
+ data_set = DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("BXDGeno"), "Geno")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("BXDPublish"), "Publish")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("HLC_0311"), "ProbeSet")
+ redis_mock.set.assert_called_once_with(
+ "dataset_structure",
+ '{"BXDGeno": "Geno", "BXDPublish": "Publish", "HLCPublish": "Publish", "HLC_0311": "ProbeSet", "HC_M2_0606_P": "ProbeSet"}')
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.g')
+ def test_set_dataset_key_mrna(self, db_mock):
+ with app.app_context():
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value = [1, 2, 3]
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = self.test_dataset
+ data_set = DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ data_set.set_dataset_key("mrna_expr", "Test")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("Test"), "ProbeSet")
+ redis_mock.set.assert_called_once_with(
+ "dataset_structure",
+ '{"Aging-Brain-UCIPublish": "Publish", "AKXDGeno": "Geno", "B139_K_1206_M": "ProbeSet", "AD-cases-controls-MyersGeno": "Geno", "AD-cases-controls-MyersPublish": "Publish", "All Phenotypes": "Publish", "Test": "ProbeSet", "AXBXAPublish": "Publish", "B139_K_1206_R": "ProbeSet", "AXBXAGeno": "Geno"}')
+ expected_db_call = """"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ ("SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.Id FROM ProbeSetFreeze " +
+ "WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.Name = \"Test\" ")
+ )
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.g')
+ def test_set_dataset_key_pheno(self, db_mock):
+ with app.app_context():
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value = [1, 2, 3]
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = self.test_dataset
+ data_set = DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ data_set.set_dataset_key("pheno", "Test")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("Test"), "Publish")
+ redis_mock.set.assert_called_once_with(
+ "dataset_structure",
+ '{"Aging-Brain-UCIPublish": "Publish", "AKXDGeno": "Geno", "B139_K_1206_M": "ProbeSet", "AD-cases-controls-MyersGeno": "Geno", "AD-cases-controls-MyersPublish": "Publish", "All Phenotypes": "Publish", "Test": "Publish", "AXBXAPublish": "Publish", "B139_K_1206_R": "ProbeSet", "AXBXAGeno": "Geno"}')
+ expected_db_call = """"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ ("SELECT InfoFiles.GN_AccesionId " +
+ "FROM InfoFiles, PublishFreeze, InbredSet " +
+ "WHERE InbredSet.Name = 'Test' AND "
+ "PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id AND " +
+ "InfoFiles.InfoPageName = PublishFreeze.Name")
+ )
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.g')
+ def test_set_dataset_other_pheno(self, db_mock):
+ with app.app_context():
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value = [1, 2, 3]
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = self.test_dataset
+ data_set = DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ data_set.set_dataset_key("other_pheno", "Test")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("Test"), "Publish")
+ redis_mock.set.assert_called_once_with(
+ "dataset_structure",
+ '{"Aging-Brain-UCIPublish": "Publish", "AKXDGeno": "Geno", "B139_K_1206_M": "ProbeSet", "AD-cases-controls-MyersGeno": "Geno", "AD-cases-controls-MyersPublish": "Publish", "All Phenotypes": "Publish", "Test": "Publish", "AXBXAPublish": "Publish", "B139_K_1206_R": "ProbeSet", "AXBXAGeno": "Geno"}')
+ expected_db_call = """"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ ("SELECT PublishFreeze.Name " +
+ "FROM PublishFreeze, InbredSet " +
+ "WHERE InbredSet.Name = 'Test' AND "
+ "PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id")
+ )
+ @mock.patch('base.data_set.g')
+ def test_set_dataset_geno(self, db_mock):
+ with app.app_context():
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value = [1, 2, 3]
+ redis_mock = mock.Mock()
+ redis_mock.get.return_value = self.test_dataset
+ data_set = DatasetType(redis_mock)
+ data_set.set_dataset_key("geno", "Test")
+ self.assertEqual(data_set("Test"), "Geno")
+ redis_mock.set.assert_called_once_with(
+ "dataset_structure",
+ '{"Aging-Brain-UCIPublish": "Publish", "AKXDGeno": "Geno", "B139_K_1206_M": "ProbeSet", "AD-cases-controls-MyersGeno": "Geno", "AD-cases-controls-MyersPublish": "Publish", "All Phenotypes": "Publish", "Test": "Geno", "AXBXAPublish": "Publish", "B139_K_1206_R": "ProbeSet", "AXBXAGeno": "Geno"}')
+ expected_db_call = """"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ ("SELECT GenoFreeze.Id FROM GenoFreeze WHERE GenoFreeze.Name = \"Test\" ")
+ )
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/base/test_general_object.py b/wqflask/tests/base/test_general_object.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7701021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/base/test_general_object.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import unittest
+from base.GeneralObject import GeneralObject
+class TestGeneralObjectTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test the GeneralObject base class
+ """
+ def test_object_contents(self):
+ """Test whether base contents are stored properly"""
+ test_obj = GeneralObject("a", "b", "c")
+ self.assertEqual("abc", ''.join(test_obj.contents))
+ self.assertEqual(len(test_obj), 0)
+ def test_object_dict(self):
+ """Test whether the base class is printed properly"""
+ test_obj = GeneralObject("a", name="test", value=1)
+ self.assertEqual(str(test_obj), "value = 1\nname = test\n")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ repr(test_obj), "value = 1\nname = test\ncontents = ['a']\n")
+ self.assertEqual(len(test_obj), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(test_obj["value"], 1)
+ test_obj["test"] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(test_obj["test"], 1)
+ def test_get_attribute(self):
+ "Test that getattr works"
+ test_obj = GeneralObject("a", name="test", value=1)
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(test_obj, "value", None), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(test_obj, "non-existent", None), None)
+ def test_object_comparisons(self):
+ "Test that 2 objects of the same length are equal"
+ test_obj1 = GeneralObject("a", name="test", value=1)
+ test_obj2 = GeneralObject("b", name="test2", value=2)
+ test_obj3 = GeneralObject("a", name="test", x=1, y=2)
+ self.assertTrue(test_obj1 == test_obj2 )
+ self.assertFalse(test_obj1 == test_obj3 )
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/base/test_webqtl_case_data.py b/wqflask/tests/base/test_webqtl_case_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e8ba482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/base/test_webqtl_case_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+"""Tests for wqflask/base/webqtlCaseData.py"""
+import unittest
+from wqflask import app # Required because of utility.tools in webqtlCaseData.py
+from base.webqtlCaseData import webqtlCaseData
+class TestWebqtlCaseData(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for WebqtlCaseData class"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.w = webqtlCaseData(name="Test",
+ value=0,
+ variance=0.0,
+ num_cases=10,
+ name2="Test2")
+ def test_webqtl_case_data_repr(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ repr(self.w),
+ "<webqtlCaseData> value=0.000 variance=0.000 ndata=10 name=Test name2=Test2"
+ )
+ def test_class_outlier(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.class_outlier, "")
+ def test_display_value(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_value, "0.000")
+ self.w.value = None
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_value, "x")
+ def test_display_variance(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_variance, "0.000")
+ self.w.variance = None
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_variance, "x")
+ def test_display_num_cases(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_num_cases, "10")
+ self.w.num_cases = None
+ self.assertEqual(self.w.display_num_cases, "x")
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/utility/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/utility/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/utility/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/utility/test_chunks.py b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_chunks.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d90a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_chunks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+"""Test chunking"""
+import unittest
+from utility.chunks import divide_into_chunks
+class TestChunks(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test Utility method for chunking"
+ def test_divide_into_chunks(self):
+ "Check that a list is chunked correctly"
+ self.assertEqual(divide_into_chunks([1, 2, 7, 3, 22, 8, 5, 22, 333], 3),
+ [[1, 2, 7], [3, 22, 8], [5, 22, 333]])
+ self.assertEqual(divide_into_chunks([1, 2, 7, 3, 22, 8, 5, 22, 333], 4),
+ [[1, 2, 7], [3, 22, 8], [5, 22, 333]])
+ self.assertEqual(divide_into_chunks([1, 2, 7, 3, 22, 8, 5, 22, 333], 5),
+ [[1, 2], [7, 3], [22, 8], [5, 22], [333]])
+ self.assertEqual(divide_into_chunks([], 5),
+ [[]])
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corestats.py b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corestats.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf91a248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corestats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+"""Test Core Stats"""
+import unittest
+from utility.corestats import Stats
+class TestChunks(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test Utility method for chunking"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.stat_test = Stats((x for x in range(1, 11)))
+ def test_stats_sum(self):
+ """ Test sequence sum """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.sum(), 55)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.sum(), None)
+ def test_stats_count(self):
+ """ Test sequence count """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.count(), 10)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.count(), 0)
+ def test_stats_min(self):
+ """ Test min value in sequence"""
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.min(), 1)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.min(), None)
+ def test_stats_max(self):
+ """ Test max value in sequence """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.max(), 10)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.max(), None)
+ def test_stats_avg(self):
+ """ Test avg of sequence """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.avg(), 5.5)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.avg(), None)
+ def test_stats_stdev(self):
+ """ Test standard deviation of sequence """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.stdev(), 3.0276503540974917)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.stdev(), None)
+ def test_stats_percentile(self):
+ """ Test percentile of sequence """
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.percentile(20), 3.0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.percentile(101), None)
+ self.stat_test = Stats([])
+ self.assertEqual(self.stat_test.percentile(20), None)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corr_result_helpers.py b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corr_result_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e196fbdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_corr_result_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+""" Test correlation helper methods """
+import unittest
+from utility.corr_result_helpers import normalize_values, common_keys, normalize_values_with_samples
+class TestCorrelationHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test methods for normalising lists"""
+ def test_normalize_values(self):
+ """Test that a list is normalised correctly"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ normalize_values([2.3, None, None, 3.2, 4.1, 5], [
+ 3.4, 7.2, 1.3, None, 6.2, 4.1]),
+ ([2.3, 4.1, 5], [3.4, 6.2, 4.1], 3)
+ )
+ def test_common_keys(self):
+ """Test that common keys are returned as a list"""
+ a = dict(BXD1=9.113, BXD2=9.825, BXD14=8.985, BXD15=9.300)
+ b = dict(BXD1=9.723, BXD3=9.825, BXD14=9.124, BXD16=9.300)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(common_keys(a, b)), ['BXD1', 'BXD14'])
+ def test_normalize_values_with_samples(self):
+ """Test that a sample(dict) is normalised correctly"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ normalize_values_with_samples(
+ dict(BXD1=9.113, BXD2=9.825, BXD14=8.985,
+ BXD15=9.300, BXD20=9.300),
+ dict(BXD1=9.723, BXD3=9.825, BXD14=9.124, BXD16=9.300)),
+ (({'BXD1': 9.113, 'BXD14': 8.985}, {'BXD1': 9.723, 'BXD14': 9.124}, 2))
+ )
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/utility/test_formatting.py b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_formatting.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d3033d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/utility/test_formatting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import unittest
+from utility.formatting import numify, commify
+class TestFormatting(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test formatting numbers by numifying or commifying"""
+ def test_numify(self):
+ "Test that a number is correctly converted to a English readable string"
+ self.assertEqual(numify(1, 'item', 'items'),
+ 'one item')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(2, 'book'), 'two')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(2, 'book', 'books'), 'two books')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(0, 'book', 'books'), 'zero books')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(0), 'zero')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(5), 'five')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(14, 'book', 'books'), '14 books')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(999, 'book', 'books'), '999 books')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(1000000, 'book', 'books'), '1,000,000 books')
+ self.assertEqual(numify(1956), '1956')
+ def test_commify(self):
+ "Test that commas are added correctly"
+ self.assertEqual(commify(1), '1')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(123), '123')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(1234), '1234')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(12345), '12,345')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(1234567890), '1,234,567,890')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(123.0), '123.0')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(1234.5), '1234.5')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(1234.56789), '1234.56789')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(123456.789), '123,456.789')
+ self.assertEqual(commify(None), None)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/wqflask/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/test_gen_menu.py b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/test_gen_menu.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..239484aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/api/test_gen_menu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+"""Test cases for wqflask.api.gen_menu"""
+import unittest
+import mock
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import gen_dropdown_json
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import get_species
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import get_groups
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import get_types
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import get_datasets
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import phenotypes_exist
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import genotypes_exist
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import build_datasets
+from wqflask.api.gen_menu import build_types
+class TestGenMenu(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for the gen_menu module"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.test_group = {
+ 'mouse': [
+ ['H_T1',
+ 'H_T',
+ 'Family:DescriptionA'
+ ],
+ ['H_T2', "H_T'", 'Family:None']
+ ],
+ 'human': [
+ ['BXD', 'BXD', 'Family:None'],
+ ['HLC', 'Liver: Normal Gene Expression with Genotypes (Merck)',
+ 'Family:Test']
+ ]
+ }
+ self.test_type = {
+ 'mouse': {
+ 'H_T2': [('Phenotypes',
+ 'Traits and Cofactors',
+ 'Phenotypes'),
+ ('Genotypes',
+ 'DNA Markers and SNPs',
+ 'Genotypes'),
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']],
+ 'H_T1': [('Phenotypes',
+ 'Traits and Cofactors',
+ 'Phenotypes'),
+ ('Genotypes',
+ 'DNA Markers and SNPs',
+ 'Genotypes'),
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']]
+ },
+ 'human': {
+ 'HLC': [('Phenotypes',
+ 'Traits and Cofactors',
+ 'Phenotypes'),
+ ('Genotypes',
+ 'DNA Markers and SNPs',
+ 'Genotypes'),
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']],
+ 'BXD': [('Phenotypes',
+ 'Traits and Cofactors',
+ 'Phenotypes'),
+ ('Genotypes',
+ 'DNA Markers and SNPs',
+ 'Genotypes'),
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']]
+ }
+ }
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_get_species(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that assertion is raised when dataset and dataset_name
+ are defined"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
+ ('human', 'Human'),
+ ('mouse', 'Mouse'))
+ self.assertEqual(get_species(),
+ [['human', 'Human'], ['mouse', 'Mouse']])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_once_with(
+ "SELECT Name, MenuName FROM Species ORDER BY OrderId"
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_get_groups(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that species groups are grouped correctly"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.side_effect = [
+ # Mouse
+ (('BXD', 'BXD', None),
+ ('HLC', 'Liver: Normal Gene Expression with Genotypes (Merck)',
+ 'Test')),
+ # Human
+ (('H_T1', "H_T", "DescriptionA"),
+ ('H_T2', "H_T'", None))
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(get_groups([["human", "Human"], ["mouse", "Mouse"]]),
+ self.test_group)
+ for name in ["mouse", "human"]:
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_any_call(
+ ("SELECT InbredSet.Name, InbredSet.FullName, " +
+ "IFNULL(InbredSet.Family, 'None') " +
+ "FROM InbredSet, Species WHERE Species.Name " +
+ "= '{}' AND InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id GROUP by " +
+ "InbredSet.Name ORDER BY IFNULL(InbredSet.FamilyOrder, " +
+ "InbredSet.FullName) ASC, IFNULL(InbredSet.Family, " +
+ "InbredSet.FullName) ASC, InbredSet.FullName ASC, " +
+ "InbredSet.MenuOrderId ASC").format(name)
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_phenotypes_exist_called_with_correct_query(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that phenotypes_exist is called with the correct query"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = None
+ phenotypes_exist("test")
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ "SELECT Name FROM PublishFreeze "
+ "WHERE PublishFreeze.Name = 'testPublish'"
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_phenotypes_exist_with_falsy_values(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that phenotype check returns correctly when given
+ a None value"""
+ for x in [None, False, (), [], ""]:
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = x
+ self.assertFalse(phenotypes_exist("test"))
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_phenotypes_exist_with_truthy_value(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that phenotype check returns correctly when given Truthy """
+ for x in ["x", ("result"), ["result"], [1]]:
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = (x)
+ self.assertTrue(phenotypes_exist("test"))
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_genotypes_exist_called_with_correct_query(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that genotypes_exist is called with the correct query"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = None
+ genotypes_exist("test")
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ "SELECT Name FROM GenoFreeze WHERE GenoFreeze.Name = 'testGeno'"
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_genotypes_exist_with_falsy_values(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that genotype check returns correctly when given
+ a None value"""
+ for x in [None, False, (), [], ""]:
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = x
+ self.assertFalse(genotypes_exist("test"))
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_genotypes_exist_with_truthy_value(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that genotype check returns correctly when given Truthy """
+ for x in ["x", ("result"), ["result"], [1]]:
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = (x)
+ self.assertTrue(phenotypes_exist("test"))
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_build_datasets_with_type_phenotypes(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that correct dataset is returned for a phenotype type"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
+ (602, "BXDPublish", "BXD Published Phenotypes"),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "BXD", "Phenotypes"),
+ [['602', "BXDPublish", "BXD Published Phenotypes"]])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ "SELECT InfoFiles.GN_AccesionId, PublishFreeze.Name, " +
+ "PublishFreeze.FullName FROM InfoFiles, PublishFreeze, " +
+ "InbredSet WHERE InbredSet.Name = 'BXD' AND " +
+ "PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id AND " +
+ "InfoFiles.InfoPageName = PublishFreeze.Name " +
+ "ORDER BY PublishFreeze.CreateTime ASC"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "MDP", "Phenotypes"),
+ [['602', "BXDPublish", "Mouse Phenome Database"]])
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = ()
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = (
+ "BXDPublish", "Mouse Phenome Database"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "MDP", "Phenotypes"),
+ [["None", "BXDPublish", "Mouse Phenome Database"]])
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_build_datasets_with_type_phenotypes_and_no_results(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that correct dataset is returned for a phenotype type with no
+ results
+ """
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = None
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = (121,
+ "text value")
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "BXD", "Phenotypes"),
+ [["None", "121", "text value"]])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ "SELECT PublishFreeze.Name, PublishFreeze.FullName "
+ "FROM PublishFreeze, InbredSet "
+ "WHERE InbredSet.Name = 'BXD' AND "
+ "PublishFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id "
+ "ORDER BY PublishFreeze.CreateTime ASC"
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_build_datasets_with_type_genotypes(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that correct dataset is returned for a phenotype type"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = (
+ 635, "HLCPublish", "HLC Published Genotypes"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "HLC", "Genotypes"),
+ [["635", "HLCGeno", "HLC Genotypes"]])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_with(
+ "SELECT InfoFiles.GN_AccesionId FROM InfoFiles, "
+ "GenoFreeze, InbredSet WHERE InbredSet.Name = 'HLC' AND "
+ "GenoFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id AND "
+ "InfoFiles.InfoPageName = GenoFreeze.ShortName " +
+ "ORDER BY GenoFreeze.CreateTime DESC"
+ )
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = ()
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "HLC", "Genotypes"),
+ [["None", "HLCGeno", "HLC Genotypes"]])
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_build_datasets_with_type_mrna(self, db_mock):
+ """Test that correct dataset is returned for a mRNA
+ expression/ Probeset"""
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
+ (112, "HC_M2_0606_P",
+ "Hippocampus Consortium M430v2 (Jun06) PDNN"), )
+ self.assertEqual(build_datasets("Mouse", "HLC", "mRNA"), [[
+ "112", 'HC_M2_0606_P', "Hippocampus Consortium M430v2 (Jun06) PDNN"
+ ]])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_once_with(
+ "SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.Id, ProbeSetFreeze.Name, " +
+ "ProbeSetFreeze.FullName FROM ProbeSetFreeze, " +
+ "ProbeFreeze, InbredSet, Tissue, Species WHERE " +
+ "Species.Name = 'Mouse' AND Species.Id = " +
+ "InbredSet.SpeciesId AND InbredSet.Name = 'HLC' AND " +
+ "ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id and " +
+ "Tissue.Name = 'mRNA' AND ProbeFreeze.TissueId = " +
+ "Tissue.Id and ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id " +
+ "ORDER BY ProbeSetFreeze.CreateTime DESC")
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_datasets')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.g')
+ def test_build_types(self, db_mock, datasets_mock):
+ """Test that correct tissue metadata is returned"""
+ datasets_mock.return_value = [
+ ["112", 'HC_M2_0606_P',
+ "Hippocampus Consortium M430v2 (Jun06) PDNN"]
+ ]
+ db_mock.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = (
+ ('Mouse Tissue'), ('Human Tissue'), ('Rat Tissue')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(build_types('mouse', 'random group'),
+ [['M', 'M', 'Molecular Traits'],
+ ['H', 'H', 'Molecular Traits'],
+ ['R', 'R', 'Molecular Traits']])
+ db_mock.db.execute.assert_called_once_with(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT Tissue.Name " +
+ "FROM ProbeFreeze, ProbeSetFreeze, InbredSet, " +
+ "Tissue, Species WHERE Species.Name = 'mouse' " +
+ "AND Species.Id = InbredSet.SpeciesId AND " +
+ "InbredSet.Name = 'random group' AND " +
+ "ProbeFreeze.TissueId = Tissue.Id AND " +
+ "ProbeFreeze.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id AND " +
+ "ProbeSetFreeze.ProbeFreezeId = ProbeFreeze.Id " +
+ "ORDER BY Tissue.Name"
+ )
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_types')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.genotypes_exist')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.phenotypes_exist')
+ def test_get_types_with_existing_genotype_and_phenotypes(
+ self,
+ phenotypes_exist_mock,
+ genotypes_exist_mock,
+ build_types_mock):
+ """Test that build types are constructed correctly if phenotypes and genotypes
+ exist
+ """
+ phenotypes_exist_mock.return_value = True
+ genotypes_exist_mock.return_value = True
+ expected_result = self.test_type
+ build_types_mock.return_value = [
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(get_types(self.test_group), expected_result)
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_types')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.genotypes_exist')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.phenotypes_exist')
+ def test_get_types_with_buildtype_and_non_existent_genotype_and_phenotypes(
+ self,
+ phenotypes_exist_mock,
+ genotypes_exist_mock,
+ build_types_mock):
+ """Test that build types are constructed correctly if phenotypes_exist and
+ genotypes_exist are false but build_type is falsy
+ """
+ phenotypes_exist_mock.return_value = False
+ genotypes_exist_mock.return_value = False
+ build_types_mock.return_value = []
+ self.assertEqual(get_types(self.test_group), {
+ 'mouse': {},
+ 'human': {}
+ })
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_types')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.genotypes_exist')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.phenotypes_exist')
+ def test_get_types_with_non_existent_genotype_phenotypes_and_buildtype(
+ self,
+ phenotypes_exist_mock,
+ genotypes_exist_mock,
+ build_types_mock):
+ """Test that build types are constructed correctly if phenotypes_exist,
+ genotypes_exist and build_types are truthy
+ """
+ phenotypes_exist_mock.return_value = False
+ genotypes_exist_mock.return_value = False
+ build_types_mock.return_value = [
+ ['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']
+ ]
+ expected_result = {
+ 'mouse': {
+ 'H_T2': [['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']],
+ 'H_T1': [['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']]},
+ 'human': {
+ 'HLC': [['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']],
+ 'BXD': [['M', 'M', 'Molecular Trait Datasets']]}}
+ self.assertEqual(get_types(self.test_group),
+ expected_result)
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_datasets')
+ def test_get_datasets_with_existent_datasets(self,
+ build_datasets_mock):
+ """Test correct dataset is returned with existent build_datasets"""
+ build_datasets_mock.return_value = "Test"
+ expected_result = {
+ 'mouse': {
+ 'H_T2': {'Genotypes': 'Test',
+ 'M': 'Test',
+ 'Phenotypes': 'Test'},
+ 'H_T1': {'Genotypes': 'Test',
+ 'M': 'Test',
+ 'Phenotypes': 'Test'}},
+ 'human': {'HLC': {'Genotypes': 'Test',
+ 'M': 'Test',
+ 'Phenotypes': 'Test'},
+ 'BXD': {'Genotypes': 'Test',
+ 'M': 'Test',
+ 'Phenotypes': 'Test'}}}
+ self.assertEqual(get_datasets(self.test_type),
+ expected_result)
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.build_datasets')
+ def test_get_datasets_with_non_existent_datasets(self,
+ build_datasets_mock):
+ """Test correct dataset is returned with non-existent build_datasets"""
+ build_datasets_mock.return_value = None
+ expected_result = {
+ 'mouse': {
+ 'H_T2': {},
+ 'H_T1': {}},
+ 'human': {'HLC': {},
+ 'BXD': {}}}
+ self.assertEqual(get_datasets(self.test_type),
+ expected_result)
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.get_datasets')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.get_types')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.get_groups')
+ @mock.patch('wqflask.api.gen_menu.get_species')
+ def test_gen_dropdown_json(self,
+ species_mock,
+ groups_mock,
+ types_mock,
+ datasets_mock):
+ "Test that the correct dictionary is constructed properly"
+ species_mock.return_value = ("speciesA speciesB speciesC speciesD"
+ .split(" "))
+ datasets_mock.return_value = ("datasetA datasetB datasetC datasetD"
+ .split(" "))
+ groups_mock.return_value = ("groupA groupB groupC groupD"
+ .split(" "))
+ types_mock.return_value = ("typeA typeB typeC typeD"
+ .split(" "))
+ datasets_mock.return_value = ("datasetA datasetB datasetC datasetD"
+ .split(" "))
+ expected_result = {
+ 'datasets': ['datasetA', 'datasetB', 'datasetC', 'datasetD'],
+ 'types': ['typeA', 'typeB', 'typeC', 'typeD'],
+ 'groups': ['groupA', 'groupB', 'groupC', 'groupD'],
+ 'species': ['speciesA', 'speciesB', 'speciesC', 'speciesD']}
+ self.assertEqual(gen_dropdown_json(), expected_result)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/test_display_mapping_results.py b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/test_display_mapping_results.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f791df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/wqflask/marker_regression/test_display_mapping_results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import unittest
+from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
+from wqflask.marker_regression.display_mapping_results import (
+ DisplayMappingResults,
+ HtmlGenWrapper
+class TestDisplayMappingResults(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Basic Methods to test Mapping Results"""
+ def test_pil_colors(self):
+ """Test that colors use PILLOW color format"""
+ self.assertEqual(DisplayMappingResults.CLICKABLE_WEBQTL_REGION_COLOR,
+ (245, 211, 211))
+class TestHtmlGenWrapper(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test Wrapper around HTMLGen"""
+ def test_create_image(self):
+ """Test HT.Image method"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_image_tag(src="test.png",
+ alt="random",
+ border="0",
+ width="10",
+ height="13",
+ usemap="#webqtlmap")),
+ ("""<IMG src="test.png" height="13" width="10" """
+ """alt="random" border="0" """
+ """usemap="#webqtlmap">""")
+ )
+ def test_create_form(self):
+ """Test HT.Form method"""
+ test_form = HtmlGenWrapper.create_form_tag(
+ cgi="/testing/",
+ enctype='multipart/form-data',
+ name="formName",
+ submit=HT.Input(type='hidden')
+ )
+ test_image = HtmlGenWrapper.create_image_tag(
+ src="test.png",
+ alt="random",
+ border="0",
+ width="10",
+ height="13",
+ usemap="#webqtlmap"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(test_form).replace("\n", ""),
+ ("""<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/testing/" """
+ """ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" """
+ """NAME="formName"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" """
+ """NAME="Default_Name"></FORM>"""))
+ hddn = {
+ 'FormID': 'showDatabase',
+ 'ProbeSetID': '_',
+ 'database': "TestGeno",
+ 'CellID': '_',
+ 'RISet': "Test",
+ 'incparentsf1': 'ON'
+ }
+ for key in hddn.keys():
+ test_form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key],
+ type='hidden'))
+ test_form.append(test_image)
+ self.assertEqual(str(test_form).replace("\n", ""), (
+ """<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/testing/" """
+ """ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" NAME="formName">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="database" VALUE="TestGeno">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="incparentsf1" VALUE="ON">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="FormID" VALUE="showDatabase">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ProbeSetID" VALUE="_">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="RISet" VALUE="Test">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CellID" VALUE="_">"""
+ """<IMG src="test.png" height="13" width="10" alt="random" """
+ """border="0" usemap="#webqtlmap">"""
+ """<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Default_Name"></FORM>"""))
+ def test_create_paragraph(self):
+ """Test HT.Paragraph method"""
+ test_p_element = HtmlGenWrapper.create_p_tag(id="smallSize")
+ par_text = (
+ "Mapping using genotype data as "
+ "a trait will result in infinity LRS at one locus. "
+ "In order to display the result properly, all LRSs "
+ "higher than 100 are capped at 100."
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(test_p_element),
+ """<P id="smallSize"></P>"""
+ )
+ test_p_element.append(HT.BR())
+ test_p_element.append(par_text)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(test_p_element),
+ """<P id="smallSize"><BR>{}</P>""".format(par_text)
+ )
+ def test_create_br_tag(self):
+ """Test HT.BR() method"""
+ self.assertEqual(str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_br_tag()),
+ "<BR>")
+ def test_create_input_tag(self):
+ """Test HT.Input method"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_input_tag(
+ type="hidden",
+ name="name",
+ value="key",
+ Class="trait trait_")).replace("\n", ""),
+ ("""<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="name" """
+ """class="trait trait_" VALUE="key">"""))
+ def test_create_map_tag(self):
+ """Test HT.Map method"""
+ self.assertEqual(str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_map_tag(
+ name="WebqTLImageMap")).replace("\n", ""),
+ """<MAP NAME="WebqTLImageMap"></MAP>""")
+ gifmap = HtmlGenWrapper.create_map_tag(areas=[])
+ gifmap.areas.append(HT.Area(shape="rect",
+ coords='1 2 3', href='#area1'))
+ gifmap.areas.append(HT.Area(shape="rect",
+ coords='1 2 3', href='#area2'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(gifmap).replace("\n", ""),
+ ("""<MAP NAME="">"""
+ """<AREA coords="1 2 3" """
+ """href="#area1" shape="rect">"""
+ """<AREA coords="1 2 3" href="#area2" shape="rect">"""
+ """</MAP>"""))
+ def test_create_area_tag(self):
+ """Test HT.Area method"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_area_tag(
+ shape="rect",
+ coords="1 2",
+ href="http://test.com",
+ title="Some Title")).replace("\n", ""),
+ ("""<AREA coords="1 2" href="http://test.com" """
+ """shape="rect" title="Some Title">"""))
+ def test_create_link_tag(self):
+ """Test HT.HREF method"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(HtmlGenWrapper.create_link_tag(
+ "www.test.com", "test", target="_blank")).replace("\n", ""),
+ """<A HREF="www.test.com" TARGET="_blank">test</A>""")