path: root/web/webqtl/updateTrait
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/webqtl/updateTrait')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 738 deletions
diff --git a/web/webqtl/updateTrait/DataUpdatePage.py b/web/webqtl/updateTrait/DataUpdatePage.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a43f8367..00000000
--- a/web/webqtl/updateTrait/DataUpdatePage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
-# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
-# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
-# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
-# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
-# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10
-# Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2011/04/20
-import string
-from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
-import os
-import time
-from base.webqtlTrait import webqtlTrait
-from base.templatePage import templatePage
-from base import webqtlConfig
-from utility import webqtlUtil
-from dbFunction import webqtlDatabaseFunction
-# Update Trait
-class DataUpdatePage(templatePage):
- def __init__(self, fd):
- templatePage.__init__(self, fd)
- if not self.updMysql():
- return
- if not fd.genotype:
- fd.readGenotype()
- fd.strainlist = fd.f1list + fd.strainlist
- fd.readData()
- self.formdata = fd.formdata
- self.dict['title'] = 'Data Updating'
- try:
- thisTrait = webqtlTrait(fullname=self.formdata.getvalue('fullname'), cursor=self.cursor)
- thisTrait.retrieveInfo()
- except:
- heading = "Updating Database"
- detail = ["The trait doesn't exist."]
- self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Error")
- return
- if webqtlConfig.USERDICT[self.privilege] >= webqtlConfig.USERDICT['user']:
- pass
- else:
- heading = "Updating Database"
- detail = ["You don't have the permission to modify this trait"]
- self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Error")
- return
- status = self.formdata.getvalue('curStatus')
- if status == 'updateCheck': #XZhou: Check the change
- self.updateCheckPage(fd, thisTrait)
- elif status == 'updateResult': #XZhou: make the changes to database
- self.updateResultPage(fd, thisTrait)
- else: #XZhou: show info retrieved from database
- self.dispTraitPage(fd, thisTrait)
- def dispTraitPage(self, fd, thisTrait):
- form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), name='dataInput',submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
- #XZhou: This is to show trait info.
- recordInfoTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, cellspacing=1, cellpadding=5,align="left")
- for field in thisTrait.db.disfield:
- fieldValue = getattr(thisTrait, field)
- if not fieldValue:
- fieldValue = ""
- #fields to be ignored
- if field in ("chipid", "genbankid"):
- continue
- elif field == "comments":
- if fieldValue:
- comments = string.split(fieldValue, '\n')
- title0 = HT.Paragraph("Update History: ", Class="subtitle")
- form.append(title0)
- history = HT.Blockquote()
- for item in comments:
- if item:
- history.append(item, HT.BR())
- form.append(history)
- continue
- else:
- pass
- if field == 'name' or field == 'units':
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name=field,value=fieldValue))
- if field == 'name':
- inputBox = HT.Strong(fieldValue)
- else:
- continue
- elif field == 'pubmed_id':
- inputBox = HT.Span(HT.Input(type="text",name=field,size=60, maxlength=255,value=fieldValue))
- warning = HT.Paragraph(Class="fs11 cr")
- warning.append('1. Please enter only the PubMed ID integer value into the field above.', HT.BR(), '    Don\'t enter',
- ' other characters.', HT.BR())
- warning.append('2. If you modify an existing PubMed ID, changes will affect other records with', HT.BR(), \
- '    the same ID but will NOT affect the phenotype description or trait data.', HT.BR())
- warning.append('3. If your delete an existing PubMed ID, this will not affect any other traits,', HT.BR(), \
- '    including those with the same PubMed ID.', HT.BR())
- warning.append('4. If you enter publication data for a PubMed ID that is already in the database,', HT.BR(), \
- '    then all fields except Phenotype and Trait Data will be ignored.')
- inputBox.append(warning)
- elif field == 'pre_publication_description' or field == 'post_publication_description' or field == 'original_description' or field == 'owner' or field == 'abstract' or field == 'blatseq' or field == 'targetseq' or field == 'description' or field == 'authors' or field == 'sequence' or field == 'alias' or field == 'probe_target_description':
- inputBox = HT.Textarea(name=field, cols=60, rows=4,text=fieldValue)
- elif field == 'post_publication_abbreviation' or field == 'pre_publication_abbreviation':
- inputBox = HT.Input(type="text",name=field,size=60, maxlength=30,value=fieldValue)
- elif field == 'geneid':
- inputBox = HT.Input(type="text",name=field,size=60, maxlength=255,value=fieldValue)
- recordInfoTable.append(HT.TR(
- HT.TD("%s :" % webqtlUtil.formatField(field), Class="fs12 fwb ff1", align="right"),
- HT.TD(width=20),HT.TD(inputBox)))
- #XZ: homologene is not in thisTrait.db.disfield, so have to do in this way
- field = 'homologeneid'
- inputBox = HT.Input(type="text",name=field,size=60, maxlength=255,value=thisTrait.homologeneid)
- else:
- inputBox = HT.Input(type="text",name=field,size=60, maxlength=255,value=fieldValue)
- #XZ: For existing non-confidential phenotype trait, pre_publication_description and pre_publication_abbreviation are not shown to anybody except submitter or admistrator to prevent the trait being set to confidential one.
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish' and field == 'pre_publication_description' or field == 'pre_publication_abbreviation':
- if not thisTrait.confidential and webqtlConfig.USERDICT[self.privilege] < webqtlConfig.USERDICT['admin'] and self.userName != thisTrait.submitter:
- continue
- #XZ and Rob, April 20, 2011: This is to add field and inputBox to table. Note that the change of format to each field(Capitalize) by webqtlUtil.formatField function.
- recordInfoTable.append(HT.TR(
- HT.TD("%s :" % webqtlUtil.formatField(field), Class="fs12 fwb ff1", align="right", valign="top"),
- HT.TD(width=5),HT.TD(inputBox)))
- #XZhou: This is to show trait data.
- recordDataTable = HT.Text('Trait data updating is disabled')
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
- thisTrait.retrieveData()
- recordDataTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, width = "90%",cellspacing=2, cellpadding=2)
- recordDataTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD('Strain Name',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('TraitData',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('SE',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('N Per Strain',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('Strain Name',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('TraitData',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('SE',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center"),
- HT.TD('N Per Strain',Class="fs12 ffl fwb",align="Center")))
- tempTR = HT.TR(align="Center")
- for i, strainName in enumerate(fd.strainlist):
- if thisTrait.data.has_key(strainName):
- tdata = thisTrait.data[strainName]
- traitVal, traitVar, traitNP = tdata.val, tdata.var, tdata.N
- else:
- traitVal, traitVar, traitNP = None, None, None
- if traitVal != None:
- traitVal = "%2.3f" % traitVal
- else:
- traitVal = 'x'
- if traitVar != None:
- traitVar = "%2.3f" % traitVar
- else:
- traitVar = 'x'
- if traitNP != None:
- traitNP = "%d" % traitNP
- else:
- traitNP = 'x'
- tempTR.append(HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(strainName),align='CENTER'),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name=strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=traitVal),align='CENTER'),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name='V'+strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=traitVar),align='CENTER'),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name='N'+strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=traitNP),align='CENTER'))
- if i % 2:
- recordDataTable.append(tempTR)
- tempTR = HT.TR(align="Center")
- if (i+1) % 2:
- tempTR.append(HT.TD(''))
- tempTR.append(HT.TD(''))
- tempTR.append(HT.TD(''))
- recordDataTable.append(tempTR)
- updateButton = HT.Input(type='submit',name='submit', value='Submit Change',Class="button")
- resetButton = HT.Input(type='reset',Class="button")
- hddn = {'fullname':str(thisTrait), 'FormID':'updateRecord', 'curStatus':'updateCheck', 'RISet':fd.RISet, "incparentsf1":1}
- for key in hddn.keys():
- form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key], type='hidden'))
- #############################
- TD_LR = HT.TD(valign="top",colspan=2,bgcolor="#eeeeee")
- containerTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, width = "90%",cellspacing=0, cellpadding=0)
- mainTitle = HT.Paragraph("Update Info and Data", Class="title")
- title1 = HT.Paragraph("Trait Information: ", Class="subtitle")
- title2 = HT.Paragraph("Trait Data:", Class="subtitle")
- containerTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(title1)), HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.BR(),updateButton,resetButton,HT.BR(),HT.BR())),
- HT.TR(HT.TD(recordInfoTable)), HT.TR(HT.TD(title2)), HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.BR(),recordDataTable, HT.BR(), HT.BR())),
- HT.TR(HT.TD(updateButton,resetButton)))
- form.append(containerTable)
- TD_LR.append(mainTitle, form)
- self.dict['body'] = TD_LR
- def updateCheckPage(self, fd, thisTrait):
- form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), name='updateCheck',submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
- hddn = {'fullname':str(thisTrait), 'FormID':'updateRecord', 'curStatus':'updateResult', 'RISet':fd.RISet, "incparentsf1":1}
- recordInfoTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, cellspacing=1, cellpadding=5,align="left",width="90%")
- infoChanges = []
- for field in thisTrait.db.disfield:
- #fields to be ignored
- #XZ: The stupid htmlgen can not set readonly for input and textarea. This is the only way I can prevent displayed items such as 'original_description', 'submitter' being changed.
- if field in ("chipid", "genbankid", "comments", "original_description", "submitter"):
- continue
- oldValue = getattr(thisTrait, field)
- if not oldValue:
- oldValue = ''
- oldValue = str(oldValue)
- modifiedValue = self.formdata.getvalue(field)
- if not modifiedValue:
- modifiedValue = ""
- modifiedValue.strip()
- oldValue.strip()
- if oldValue == modifiedValue:
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name=field,value=oldValue))
- continue
- oldValue = HT.Paragraph(oldValue, Class="cr")
- warning = ''
- if field == 'PubMed_ID':
- if modifiedValue != "":
- try:
- modifiedValue = int(modifiedValue)
- except:
- continue
- #whether new PMID already exists
- newPMIDExist = None
- if modifiedValue:
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT Id from Publication where PubMed_ID = %d" % modifiedValue)
- results = self.cursor.fetchall()
- if results:
- newPMIDExist = results[0][0]
- if newPMIDExist:
- warning = HT.Paragraph(Class="fs11 cr")
- warning.append('This new PubMed_ID already exists in our database. If you still want to change to this very PubMed_ID, the publication information (title, author, journal, etc.) will be replaced by those linked to this new PubMed_ID. That means, all the fields below (if any, except phenotype info and trait value) will be ignored.')
- infoChanges.append(field)
- inputBox = HT.Textarea(name=field, cols=50, rows=3,text=modifiedValue, onChange = "Javascript:this.form.curStatus.value='updateCheck';")
- recordInfoTable.append(
- HT.TR(HT.TD("%s :" % webqtlUtil.formatField(field), Class="fs12 fwb ff1", colspan = 3, valign="top")),
- HT.TR(HT.TD(oldValue, valign="top"),HT.TD(width=20),HT.TD( inputBox, warning)))
- #XZ: homologeneid is not in thisTrait.db.disfield
- if thisTrait.db.type == "ProbeSet":
- field = 'homologeneid'
- oldValue = getattr(thisTrait, field)
- if not oldValue:
- oldValue = ''
- oldValue = str(oldValue)
- modifiedValue = self.formdata.getvalue(field)
- if not modifiedValue:
- modifiedValue = ""
- modifiedValue.strip()
- oldValue.strip()
- if oldValue == modifiedValue:
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name=field,value=oldValue))
- else:
- oldValue = HT.Paragraph(oldValue, Class="cr")
- warning = ''
- infoChanges.append(field)
- inputBox = HT.Textarea(name=field, cols=50, rows=3,text=modifiedValue, onChange = "Javascript:this.form.curStatus.value='updateCheck';")
- recordInfoTable.append(
- HT.TR(HT.TD("%s :" % webqtlUtil.formatField(field), Class="fs12 fwb ff1", colspan = 3, valign="top")),
- HT.TR(HT.TD(oldValue, valign="top"),HT.TD(width=20),HT.TD( inputBox, warning)))
- if infoChanges == []:
- recordInfoTable = ""
- recordInfoChange = HT.Blockquote('No change has been made.')
- else:
- hddn['modifiedField'] = string.join(infoChanges, '::')
- recordInfoChange = ''
- recordDataChange = HT.Blockquote('Trait data updating is disabled')
- recordDataTable = ""
- modifiedVals = []
- modifiedVars = []
- modifiedNps = []
- numDataChanges = 0
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
- thisTrait.retrieveData()
- recordDataTable = HT.TableLite(border=0, width = "90%",cellspacing=2, cellpadding=2)
- for i, strainName in enumerate(fd.strainlist):
- if thisTrait.data.has_key(strainName):
- tdata = thisTrait.data[strainName]
- traitVal, traitVar, traitNP = tdata.val, tdata.var, tdata.N
- else:
- traitVal, traitVar, traitNP = None, None, None
- if traitVal != None:
- traitVal = "%2.3f" % traitVal
- else:
- traitVal = 'x'
- if traitVar != None:
- traitVar = "%2.3f" % traitVar
- else:
- traitVar = 'x'
- if traitNP != None:
- traitNP = "%d" % traitNP
- else:
- traitNP = 'x'
- try:
- modifiedVal = "%2.3f" % fd.allTraitData[strainName].val
- except:
- modifiedVal = 'x'
- try:
- modifiedVar = "%2.3f" % fd.allTraitData[strainName].var
- except:
- modifiedVar = 'x'
- try:
- modifiedNp = "%d" % fd.allTraitData[strainName].N
- except:
- modifiedNp = 'x'
- if modifiedVal != traitVal:
- recordDataTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(strainName + " Value")),
- HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(traitVal, Class="cr")),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name=strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=modifiedVal, onChange = "Javascript:this.form.curStatus.value='updateCheck';"))))
- numDataChanges += 1
- modifiedVals.append(modifiedVal)
- else:
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name=strainName,value=traitVal))
- modifiedVals.append(traitVal)
- if modifiedVar != traitVar:
- recordDataTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(strainName + " SE")),
- HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(traitVar, Class="cr")),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name='V'+strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=modifiedVar, onChange = "Javascript:this.form.curStatus.value='updateCheck';"))))
- numDataChanges += 1
- modifiedVars.append(modifiedVar)
- else:
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name='V'+strainName,value=traitVar))
- modifiedVars.append(traitVar)
- if modifiedNp != traitNP:
- recordDataTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(strainName + " N Per Strain")),
- HT.TD(HT.Paragraph(traitNP, Class="cr")),
- HT.TD(HT.Input(name='N'+strainName, size=8, maxlength=8, value=modifiedNp, onChange = "Javascript:this.form.curStatus.value='updateCheck';"))))
- numDataChanges += 1
- modifiedNps.append(modifiedNp)
- else:
- form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden",name='N'+strainName,value=traitNP))
- modifiedNps.append(traitNP)
- if numDataChanges == 0:
- recordDataChange = HT.Blockquote('No change has been made.')
- recordDataTable = ""
- else:
- hddn['modifiedDataField'] = 1
- recordDataChange = ""
- #if numDataChanges:
- # hddn['val'] = string.join(modifiedVals, ',')
- # hddn['var'] = string.join(modifiedVars, ',')
- # hddn['np'] = string.join(modifiedNps, ',')
- for key in hddn.keys():
- form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key], type='hidden'))
- #############################
- TD_LR = HT.TD(valign="top",colspan=2,bgcolor="#eeeeee", height=200)
- mainTitle = HT.Paragraph("Update Info and Data", Class="title")
- title1 = HT.Paragraph("Trait Information:", Class="subtitle")
- title2 = HT.Paragraph("Trait Data:", Class="subtitle")
- if numDataChanges or infoChanges:
- recordChange = HT.Blockquote('The table below lists all the changes made. The texts in red are the original information stored on the server, the texts to the right are the modified version. ')
- updateButton = HT.Input(type='submit',name='submit', value='Update Data',Class="button")
- resetButton = HT.Input(type='reset',Class="button")
- form.append(title1, HT.Center(updateButton,resetButton), recordInfoChange, recordInfoTable,title2, recordDataChange, HT.Center(recordDataTable,HT.P(),updateButton,resetButton),HT.P())
- TD_LR.append(mainTitle, recordChange, HT.Blockquote(form))
- else:
- recordInfoChange = HT.Blockquote("No change has been made")
- TD_LR.append(mainTitle, recordInfoChange)
- self.dict['body'] = TD_LR
- #self.dict['js1'] = webqtlConfig.resetFieldScript
- return
- def updateResultPage(self, fd, thisTrait):
- comments = []
- ctime = time.ctime()
- ##Start Updating
- dataID = -1
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT PublishXRef.InbredSetId, PublishXRef.DataId, PublishXRef.PublicationId, PublishXRef.PhenotypeId, PublishXRef.Sequence from PublishXRef, PublishFreeze where PublishXRef.InbredSetId= PublishFreeze.InbredSetId and PublishFreeze.Name = '%s' and PublishXRef.Id = %s" % (thisTrait.db.name, thisTrait.name))
- PInbredSetId, dataID, PublicationId, PhenotypeId, Sequence = self.cursor.fetchall()[0]
- modifyField = self.formdata.getvalue('modifiedField')
- ###Modify Trait Informations
- if modifyField:
- modifyField = string.split(modifyField, '::')
- comments += modifyField
- updateHomologeneid = False
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
- PhenotypeItemUpdate = []
- PhenotypeItemValues = []
- PublicationItemUpdate = []
- PublicationItemValues = []
- for item in modifyField:
- itemvalue = self.formdata.getvalue(item)
- #XZ: identify Phenotype items
- if item in ['pre_publication_description', 'post_publication_description', 'original_description', 'pre_publication_abbreviation', 'post_publication_abbreviation', 'lab_code', 'submitter', 'owner', 'authorized_users', 'units']:
- if itemvalue != None: #XZ: the problem is that the item value can not be deleted
- PhenotypeItemUpdate.append('%s=%%s' % item)
- PhenotypeItemValues.append(itemvalue)
- continue #XZ: this is important to distinguish Phenotype item and Publication item
- elif item == "pubmed_id":
- #Only integer allowed in this field
- try:
- itemvalue = int(itemvalue)
- except:
- itemvalue = None
- #whether old PMID exists
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT PubMed_ID from Publication where Id = %d" % PublicationId)
- oldPMID = self.cursor.fetchone()
- if oldPMID:
- oldPMID = oldPMID[0]
- #whether new PMID already exists
- newPMID = None
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT Id from Publication where PubMed_ID = %d" % itemvalue)
- newPMID = self.cursor.fetchone()
- if newPMID:
- newPMID = newPMID[0]
- ##the logic is still not very clear here
- if newPMID:
- #new PMID in record
- self.cursor.execute("Update PublishXRef set PublicationId = %d where InbredSetId=%d and PhenotypeId=%d and PublicationId=%d and Sequence=%d" % (newPMID, PInbredSetId, PhenotypeId, PublicationId, Sequence))
- #no need to update other fields
- PublicationItemUpdate = []
- break
- elif itemvalue:
- #have new PMID, but not in record or need to change
- self.cursor.execute("Update Publication set pubmed_id=%d where Id = %s" % (itemvalue,PublicationId))
- else:
- #no new PMID
- if oldPMID:
- #remove a pubmed_id, don't know if this ever gonna happen
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT max(Id) from Publication")
- maxId = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
- self.cursor.execute("SelecT * from Publication where Id = %d" % PublicationId)
- oldRecs = list(self.cursor.fetchone())
- oldRecs[0] = maxId
- oldRecs[1] = None
- NFields = ['%s'] * len(oldRecs)
- query = "insert into Publication Values (%s)" % string.join(NFields, ',')
- self.cursor.execute(query, tuple(oldRecs))
- self.cursor.execute("Update PublishXRef set PublicationId = %d where InbredSetId=%d and PhenotypeId=%d and PublicationId=%d and Sequence=%d" % (maxId, PInbredSetId, PhenotypeId, PublicationId, Sequence))
- PublicationId = maxId
- pass
- else:
- pass
- continue
- else:
- pass
- if itemvalue:
- PublicationItemUpdate.append('%s=%%s' % item)
- PublicationItemValues.append(itemvalue)
- if PhenotypeItemUpdate:
- updateStr= string.join(PhenotypeItemUpdate,',')
- query = "Update Phenotype set %s where Id = %s" % (updateStr, PhenotypeId)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(PhenotypeItemValues))
- if PublicationItemUpdate:
- updateStr= string.join(PublicationItemUpdate,',')
- query = "Update Publication set %s where Id = %s" % (updateStr, PublicationId)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(PublicationItemValues))
- else: #ProbeSet or Genotype Data
- itemValues = []
- itemUpdate = []
- for item in modifyField:
- itemvalue = self.formdata.getvalue(item)
- if itemvalue != None:
- itemvalue = string.strip(itemvalue)
- else:
- pass
- if item == 'homologeneid':
- updateHomologeneid = True
- new_homologeneid = 0
- if itemvalue and len(itemvalue) > 0:
- try:
- new_homologeneid = int(itemvalue)
- except:
- heading = "Record Updating Result"
- detail = ["Can't update database. Homologeneid must be integer!"]
- self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Error")
- return
- else:
- itemUpdate.append('%s=%%s' % item) #XZ: Use %% to put a % in the output string
- itemValues.append(itemvalue)
- if itemUpdate:
- updateStr= string.join(itemUpdate,', ')
- comments = "%s modified %s at %s\n" % (self.userName, string.join(comments, ', '), ctime)
- if thisTrait.db.type == "ProbeSet":#XZ, June 29, 2010: The algorithm is not good. Need to fix it later.
- if thisTrait.chipid in (2,4):
- if thisTrait.name[-2:] == '_A':
- thisTrait.name = string.replace(thisTrait.name, '_A', '')
- elif thisTrait.name[-2:] == '_B':
- thisTrait.name = string.replace(thisTrait.name, '_B', '')
- else:
- pass
- query = "Update %s set %s where Name like '%s%%%%'" % (thisTrait.db.type,updateStr,thisTrait.name)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(itemValues))
- self.cursor.execute("Update %s set comments = CONCAT(comments,'%s') where Name like '%s%%%%'" % (thisTrait.db.type, comments, thisTrait.name))
- elif thisTrait.sequence:
- query = "Update %s set %s where BlatSeq='%s'" % (thisTrait.db.type,updateStr,thisTrait.sequence)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(itemValues))
- self.cursor.execute("Update %s set comments = CONCAT(comments,'%s') where BlatSeq='%s'" % (thisTrait.db.type, comments, thisTrait.sequence))
- else:
- query = "Update %s set %s where Name='%s'" % (thisTrait.db.type,updateStr,thisTrait.name)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(itemValues))
- self.cursor.execute("Update %s set comments = CONCAT(comments,'%s') where Name='%s'" % (thisTrait.db.type, comments, thisTrait.name))
- else: #XZ: Genotype
- query = "Update %s set %s where SpeciesId=%s and Name='%s'" % (thisTrait.db.type,updateStr, webqtlDatabaseFunction.retrieveSpeciesId(self.cursor, thisTrait.db.riset), thisTrait.name)
- self.cursor.execute(query,tuple(itemValues))
- if updateHomologeneid: #XZ: to update homologene id must be after updating geneid.
- #XZ: In one species, one homologeneid can have multiple geneid. One geneid only can have one homologeneid.
- #XZ: In Homologene table, GeneId is unique.
- #XZ: Geneid might just being updated.
- thisTrait = webqtlTrait(fullname=self.formdata.getvalue('fullname'), cursor=self.cursor)
- thisTrait.retrieveInfo()
- if not thisTrait.geneid:
- heading = "Record Updating Result"
- detail = ["There is no geneid associated with this trait. Can't update homologeneid info"]
- self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Error")
- return
- else:
- query = """
- SELECT Species.TaxonomyId
- FROM Species, InbredSet
- WHERE InbredSet.Name = '%s' and InbredSet.SpeciesId = Species.Id
- """ % thisTrait.db.riset
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- taxonomyId = self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if not new_homologeneid:
- query = """DELETE FROM Homologene WHERE GeneId=%s""" % thisTrait.geneid
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- else:
- query = """SELECT GeneId FROM Homologene WHERE GeneId=%s""" % thisTrait.geneid
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- result = self.cursor.fetchone()
- if not result:
- query = """INSERT into Homologene (HomologeneId, GeneId, TaxonomyId) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" % (new_homologeneid, thisTrait.geneid, taxonomyId)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE Homologene SET HomologeneId=%s WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (new_homologeneid, thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- #XZ: It's critical to get lasted info first, then update gene level info across traits by geneid.
- #XZ: Need to build index on GeneId. Otherwise, it's too slow.
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'ProbeSet':
- thisTrait = webqtlTrait(fullname=self.formdata.getvalue('fullname'), cursor=self.cursor)
- thisTrait.retrieveInfo()
- if thisTrait.geneid:
- if 'symbol' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.symbol:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET Symbol='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.symbol, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET Symbol=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'alias' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.alias:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET alias='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.alias, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET alias=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'description' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.description: #XZ: Attention, we must use "%s" instead of '%s'. Otherwise, to insert 3'UTR will generate error.
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET description="%s" WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.description, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET description=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'strand_gene' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.strand_gene:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET Strand_Gene='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.strand_gene, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET Strand_Gene=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'unigeneid' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.unigeneid:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET UniGeneId='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.unigeneid, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET UniGeneId=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'refseq_transcriptid' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.refseq_transcriptid:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET RefSeq_TranscriptId='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.refseq_transcriptid, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET RefSeq_TranscriptId=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'genbankid' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.genbankid:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET GenbankId='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.genbankid, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET GenbankId=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if 'omim' in modifyField:
- if thisTrait.omim:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET OMIM='%s' WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.omim, thisTrait.geneid)
- else:
- query = """UPDATE ProbeSet SET OMIM=NULL WHERE GeneId=%s""" % (thisTrait.geneid)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- ###Modify Trait Data
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish' and dataID > 0 and fd.formdata.getvalue("modifiedDataField"):
- StrainIds = []
- for item in fd.strainlist:
- self.cursor.execute('SelecT Id from Strain where Name = "%s"' % item)
- StrainId = self.cursor.fetchone()
- if not StrainId:
- raise ValueError
- else:
- StrainIds.append(StrainId[0])
- comments.append('Trait Value')
- #XZ, 03/05/2009: Xiaodong changed Data to PublishData, SE to PublishSE
- self.cursor.execute('delete from PublishData where Id = %d' % dataID)
- self.cursor.execute('delete from PublishSE where DataId = %d' % dataID)
- self.cursor.execute('delete from NStrain where DataId = %d' % dataID)
- for i, strain in enumerate(fd.strainlist):
- sId = StrainIds[i]
- if fd.allTraitData.has_key(strain):
- tdata = fd.allTraitData[strain]
- _val, _var, _N = tdata.val, tdata.var, tdata.N
- if _val != None:
- #XZ, 03/05/2009: Xiaodong changed Data to PublishData, SE to PublishSE
- self.cursor.execute('insert into PublishData values(%d, %d, %s)' % (dataID, sId, _val))
- if _var != None:
- self.cursor.execute('insert into PublishSE values(%d, %d, %s)' % (dataID, sId, _var))
- if _N != None:
- self.cursor.execute('insert into NStrain values(%d, %d, %s)' % (dataID, sId, _N))
- else:
- pass
- #end for
- else:
- pass
- TD_LR = HT.TD(valign="top", bgcolor="#eeeeee",height=200,width="100%")
- main_title = HT.Paragraph(" Record Updating Result", Class="title")
- TD_LR.append(main_title,HT.Blockquote('Successfully updated record %s in database ' % thisTrait.name, thisTrait.db.genHTML(), '.'))
- if thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
- comments = "%s modified %s at %s\n" % (self.userName, string.join(comments, ', '), ctime)
- self.cursor.execute("Update PublishXRef set comments = CONCAT(comments,'%s') where InbredSetId=%d and PhenotypeId=%d and PublicationId=%d and Sequence=%d" % (comments, PInbredSetId, PhenotypeId, PublicationId, Sequence))
- if 0:
- heading = "Record Updating Result"
- detail = ["Can't update database. The server may be down at this time or you don't have the permission"]
- self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail,error="Error")
- return
- self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
diff --git a/web/webqtl/updateTrait/__init__.py b/web/webqtl/updateTrait/__init__.py
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