path: root/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/webqtl/correlationMatrix')
5 files changed, 1479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/CorrelationMatrixPage.py b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/CorrelationMatrixPage.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a01111f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/CorrelationMatrixPage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
+# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
+# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
+# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
+# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
+# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10
+# Last updated by NL 2011/02/14
+import os
+import string
+from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
+import sys
+import time
+import numarray
+import numarray.linear_algebra as la
+import piddle as pid
+import math
+from base.templatePage import templatePage
+from base import webqtlConfig
+from base.webqtlTrait import webqtlTrait
+from utility import webqtlUtil
+from utility import Plot
+# XZ, 09/09/2008: After adding several traits to collection, click "Correlation Matrix" button,
+# XZ, 09/09/2008: This class will generate what you see.
+# Correlation Matrix Page
+class CorrelationMatrixPage(templatePage):
+ def __init__(self,fd,InputData=None):
+ templatePage.__init__(self, fd)
+ self.dict['title'] = 'Correlation Matrix'
+ if not self.openMysql():
+ return
+ if not fd.genotype:
+ fd.readGenotype()
+ fd.strainlist = fd.f1list + fd.strainlist
+ #self.searchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('searchResult')
+ self.oldSearchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('oldSearchResult')
+ if self.oldSearchResult:
+ try:
+ self.searchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('oldSearchResult')
+ except:
+ self.searchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('searchResult')
+ else:
+ self.searchResult = fd.formdata.getvalue('searchResult')
+ if not self.searchResult:
+ heading = 'Correlation Matrix'
+ detail = ['You need to select at least two traits in order to generate correlation matrix.']
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ if type("1") == type(self.searchResult):
+ self.searchResult = [self.searchResult]
+ if self.searchResult:
+ #testvals,names,dbInfos = self.getAllSearchResult(fd,self.searchResult)
+ if len(self.searchResult) > webqtlConfig.MAXCORR:
+ heading = 'Correlation Matrix'
+ detail = ['In order to display Correlation Matrix properly, Do not select more than %d traits for Correlation Matrix.' % webqtlConfig.MAXCORR]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ #XZ, 7/22/2009: this block is not necessary
+ #elif len(self.searchResult) > 40:
+ # noPCA = 1
+ #else:
+ # noPCA = 0
+ traitList = []
+ traitDataList = []
+ for item in self.searchResult:
+ thisTrait = webqtlTrait(fullname=item, cursor=self.cursor)
+ thisTrait.retrieveInfo()
+ thisTrait.retrieveData(fd.strainlist)
+ traitList.append(thisTrait)
+ traitDataList.append(thisTrait.exportData(fd.strainlist))
+ else:
+ heading = 'Correlation Matrix'
+ detail = [HT.Font('Error : ',color='red'),HT.Font('Error occurs while retrieving data FROM database.',color='black')]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ NNN = len(traitList)
+ if NNN == 0:
+ heading = "Correlation Matrix"
+ detail = ['No trait was selected for %s data set. No matrix generated.' % self.data.RISet]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ elif NNN < 2:
+ heading = 'Correlation Matrix'
+ detail = ['You need to select at least two traits in order to generate correlation matrix.']
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ else:
+ corArray = [([0] * (NNN+1))[:] for i in range(NNN+1)]
+ pearsonArray = [([0] * (NNN))[:] for i in range(NNN)]
+ spearmanArray = [([0] * (NNN))[:] for i in range(NNN)]
+ corArray[0][0] = 'Correlation'
+ TD_LR = HT.TD(colspan=2,width="100%",bgColor='#eeeeee')
+ form = HT.Form( cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), enctype='multipart/form-data', name='showDatabase', submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
+ hddn = {'FormID':'showDatabase', 'ProbeSetID':'_','database':'_',
+ 'CellID':'_','ProbeSetID2':'_','database2':'_','CellID2':'_',
+ 'newNames':fd.formdata.getvalue("newNames", "_"),
+ 'RISet':fd.RISet,'ShowStrains':'ON','ShowLine':'ON', 'rankOrder':'_',
+ "allstrainlist":string.join(fd.strainlist, " "), 'traitList':string.join(self.searchResult, "\t")}
+ if fd.incparentsf1:
+ hddn['incparentsf1']='ON'
+ for key in hddn.keys():
+ form.append(HT.Input(name=key, value=hddn[key], type='hidden'))
+ for item in self.searchResult:
+ form.append(HT.Input(name='oldSearchResult', value=str(item), type='hidden'))
+ traiturls = []
+ traiturls2 = []
+ shortNames = []
+ verboseNames = []
+ verboseNames2 = []
+ verboseNames3 = []
+ abbreviation = ''
+ #dbInfo.ProbeSetID = ProbeSetID
+ #dbInfo.CellID = CellID
+ for i, thisTrait in enumerate(traitList):
+ _url = "javascript:showDatabase2('%s','%s','%s');" % (thisTrait.db.name, thisTrait.name, thisTrait.cellid)
+ #_text = 'Trait%d: ' % (i+1)+str(thisTrait)
+ _text = 'Trait %d: ' % (i+1)+thisTrait.displayName()
+ if thisTrait.db.type == 'Geno':
+ _shortName = 'Genotype'
+ abbreviation = 'Genotype'
+ _verboseName = 'Locus %s' % (thisTrait.name)
+ _verboseName2 = 'Chr %s @ %s Mb' % (thisTrait.chr, '%2.3f' % thisTrait.mb)
+ _verboseName3 = ''
+ elif thisTrait.db.type == 'Publish':
+ if thisTrait.post_publication_abbreviation:
+ AbbreviationString = thisTrait.post_publication_abbreviation
+ else:
+ AbbreviationString = ''
+ if thisTrait.confidential:
+ if not webqtlUtil.hasAccessToConfidentialPhenotypeTrait(privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=thisTrait.authorized_users):
+ if thisTrait.pre_publication_abbreviation:
+ AbbreviationString = thisTrait.pre_publication_abbreviation
+ else:
+ AbbreviationString = ''
+ _shortName = 'Phenotype: %s' % (AbbreviationString)
+ _verboseName2 = ''
+ _verboseName3 = ''
+ if thisTrait.pubmed_id:
+ _verboseName = 'PubMed %d: ' % thisTrait.pubmed_id
+ else:
+ _verboseName = 'Unpublished '
+ _verboseName += 'RecordID/%s' % (thisTrait.name)
+ PhenotypeString = thisTrait.post_publication_description
+ if thisTrait.confidential:
+ if not webqtlUtil.hasAccessToConfidentialPhenotypeTrait(privilege=self.privilege, userName=self.userName, authorized_users=thisTrait.authorized_users):
+ PhenotypeString = thisTrait.pre_publication_description
+ _verboseName2 = 'Phenotype: %s' % (PhenotypeString)
+ if thisTrait.authors:
+ a1 = string.split(thisTrait.authors,',')[0]
+ while a1[0] == '"' or a1[0] == "'" :
+ a1 = a1[1:]
+ _verboseName += ' by '
+ _verboseName += HT.Italic('%s, and colleagues' % (a1))
+ elif thisTrait.db.type == 'Temp':
+ abbreviation = ''
+ _shortName = thisTrait.name
+ if thisTrait.description:
+ _verboseName = thisTrait.description
+ else:
+ _verboseName = 'Temp'
+ _verboseName2 = ''
+ _verboseName3 = ''
+ else:
+ abbreviation = thisTrait.symbol
+ _shortName = 'Symbol: %s ' % thisTrait.symbol
+ _verboseName = thisTrait.symbol
+ _verboseName2 = ''
+ _verboseName3 = ''
+ if thisTrait.chr and thisTrait.mb:
+ _verboseName += ' on Chr %s @ %s Mb' % (thisTrait.chr,thisTrait.mb)
+ if thisTrait.description:
+ _verboseName2 = '%s' % (thisTrait.description)
+ if thisTrait.probe_target_description:
+ _verboseName3 = '%s' % (thisTrait.probe_target_description)
+ cururl = HT.Href(text=_text, url=_url,Class='fs12')
+ cururl2 = HT.Href(text='Trait%d' % (i+1),url=_url,Class='fs12')
+ traiturls.append(cururl)
+ traiturls2.append(cururl2)
+ shortName = HT.Div(id="shortName_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ shortName.append(_shortName)
+ shortNames.append(shortName)
+ verboseName = HT.Div(id="verboseName_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName.append(_verboseName)
+ verboseNames.append(verboseName)
+ verboseName2 = HT.Div(id="verboseName2_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName2.append(_verboseName2)
+ verboseNames2.append(verboseName2)
+ verboseName3 = HT.Div(id="verboseName3_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName3.append(_verboseName3)
+ verboseNames3.append(verboseName3)
+ corArray[i+1][0] = 'Trait%d: ' % (i+1)+str(thisTrait) + '/' + str(thisTrait) + ': ' + abbreviation + '/' + str(thisTrait) + ': ' + str(_verboseName) + ' : ' + str(_verboseName2) + ' : ' + str(_verboseName3)
+ corArray[0][i+1] = 'Trait%d: ' % (i+1)+str(thisTrait)
+ corMatrixHeading = HT.Paragraph('Correlation Matrix', Class="title")
+ tbl = HT.TableLite(Class="collap", border=0, cellspacing=1,
+ cellpadding=5, width='100%')
+ row1 = HT.TR(HT.TD(Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"),
+ HT.TD('Spearman Rank Correlation (rho)', Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", colspan= NNN+1,align="center")
+ )
+ row2 = HT.TR(
+ HT.TD("P e a r s o n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; r", rowspan= NNN+1,Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", width=10,align="center"),
+ HT.TD(Class="b1", width=300))
+ for i in range(NNN):
+ row2.append(HT.TD(traiturls2[i], Class="b1", align="center"))
+ tbl.append(row1,row2)
+ nOverlapTrait =9999
+ nnCorr = len(fd.strainlist)
+ for i, thisTrait in enumerate(traitList):
+ newrow = HT.TR()
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(traiturls[i], shortNames[i], verboseNames[i], verboseNames2[i],
+ verboseNames3[i], Class="b1"))
+ names1 = [thisTrait.db.name, thisTrait.name, thisTrait.cellid]
+ for j, thisTrait2 in enumerate(traitList):
+ names2 = [thisTrait2.db.name, thisTrait2.name, thisTrait2.cellid]
+ if j < i:
+ corr,nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelation(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr)
+ rank = fd.formdata.getvalue("rankOrder", "0")
+ if nOverlap < nOverlapTrait:
+ nOverlapTrait = nOverlap
+ if corr > 0.7:
+ fontcolor="red"
+ elif corr > 0.5:
+ fontcolor="#FF6600"
+ elif corr < -0.7:
+ fontcolor="blue"
+ elif corr < -0.5:
+ fontcolor="#009900"
+ else:
+ fontcolor ="#000000"
+ pearsonArray[i][j] = corr
+ pearsonArray[j][i] = corr
+ if corr!= 0.0:
+ corArray[i+1][j+1] = '%2.3f/%d' % (corr,nOverlap)
+ thisurl = HT.Href(text=HT.Font('%2.3f'% corr,HT.BR(),'%d' % nOverlap ,color=fontcolor, Class="fs11 fwn"),url = "javascript:showCorrelationPlot2(db='%s',ProbeSetID='%s',CellID='%s',db2='%s',ProbeSetID2='%s',CellID2='%s',rank='%s')" % (names1[0], names1[1], names1[2], names2[0], names2[1], names2[2], rank))
+ else:
+ corArray[i+1][j+1] = '---/%d' % nOverlap
+ thisurl = HT.Font('---',HT.BR(), '%d' % nOverlap)
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(thisurl,Class="b1",NOWRAP="ON",align="middle"))
+ elif j == i:
+ corr,nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelation(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr)
+ pearsonArray[i][j] = 1.0
+ spearmanArray[i][j] = 1.0
+ corArray[i+1][j+1] = '%2.3f/%d' % (corr,nOverlap)
+ nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelation(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr)[1]
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(HT.Href(text=HT.Font(HT.Italic("n"),HT.BR(),str(nOverlap),Class="fs11 fwn b1",align="center", color="000000"), url="javascript:showDatabase2('%s','%s','%s')" % (thisTrait.db.name, thisTrait.name, thisTrait.cellid)), bgColor='#cccccc', align="center", Class="b1", NOWRAP="ON"))
+ else:
+ corr,nOverlap = webqtlUtil.calCorrelationRank(traitDataList[i],traitDataList[j],nnCorr)
+ rank = fd.formdata.getvalue("rankOrder", "1")
+ if corr > 0.7:
+ fontcolor="red"
+ elif corr > 0.5:
+ fontcolor="#FF6600"
+ elif corr < -0.7:
+ fontcolor="blue"
+ elif corr < -0.5:
+ fontcolor="#009900"
+ else:
+ fontcolor ="#000000"
+ spearmanArray[i][j] = corr
+ spearmanArray[j][i] = corr
+ if corr!= 0.0:
+ corArray[i+1][j+1] = '%2.3f/%d' % (corr,nOverlap)
+ thisurl = HT.Href(text=HT.Font('%2.3f'% corr,HT.BR(),'%d' % nOverlap ,color=fontcolor, Class="fs11 fwn"),url = "javascript:showCorrelationPlot2(db='%s',ProbeSetID='%s',CellID='%s',db2='%s',ProbeSetID2='%s',CellID2='%s',rank='%s')" % (names1[0], names1[1], names1[2], names2[0], names2[1], names2[2], rank))
+ else:
+ corArray[i+1][j+1] = '---/%d' % nOverlap
+ thisurl = HT.Span('---',HT.BR(), '%d' % nOverlap, Class="fs11 fwn")
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(thisurl,Class="b1", NOWRAP="ON",align="middle"))
+ tbl.append(newrow)
+ info = HT.Blockquote('Lower left cells list Pearson product-moment correlations; upper right cells list Spearman rank order correlations. Each cell also contains the n of cases. Values higher than 0.7 are displayed in ',HT.Font('red', color='red'),'; those between 0.5 and 0.7 in ',HT.Font('orange', color='#FF6600'),'; Values lower than -0.7 are in ',HT.Font('blue', color='blue'),'; between -0.5 and -0.7 in ',HT.Font('green', color='#009900'),'. Select any cell to generate a scatter plot. Select trait labels for more information.', Class="fs13 fwn")
+ exportbutton = HT.Input(type='button', name='export', value='Export', onClick="exportText(allCorrelations);",Class="button")
+ shortButton = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='dispShort',value=' Short Labels ', onClick="displayShortName();",Class="button")
+ verboseButton = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='dispVerbose',value=' Long Labels ', onClick="displayVerboseName();", Class="button")
+ form.append(HT.Blockquote(tbl,HT.P(),shortButton,verboseButton,exportbutton))
+ TD_LR.append(corMatrixHeading,info,form,HT.P())
+ #if noPCA:
+ # TD_LR.append(HT.Blockquote('No PCA is computed if more than 32 traits are selected.'))
+ #print corArray
+ exportScript = """
+ <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
+ var allCorrelations = %s;
+ """
+ exportScript = exportScript % str(corArray)
+ self.dict['js1'] = exportScript+'<SCRIPT SRC="/javascript/correlationMatrix.js"></SCRIPT><BR>'
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ #don't calculate PCA while number exceed 32
+ #if noPCA:
+ # return
+ #XZ, 7/22/2009: deal with PCA stuff
+ #Only for Array Data
+ if NNN > 2:
+ traitname = map(lambda X:str(X.name), traitList)
+ #generate eigenvalues
+ # import sys
+ sys.argv=[" "]
+ # import numarray
+ # import numarray.linear_algebra as la
+ #spearmanEigen = eigenvectors(array(spearmanArray))
+ pearsonEigen = la.eigenvectors(numarray.array(pearsonArray))
+ #spearmanEigenValue,spearmanEigenVectors = self.sortEigenVectors(spearmanEigen)
+ pearsonEigenValue,pearsonEigenVectors = self.sortEigenVectors(pearsonEigen)
+ """
+ for i in range(len(pearsonEigenValue)):
+ if type(pearsonEigenValue[i]).__name__ == 'complex':
+ pearsonEigenValue[i] = pearsonEigenValue[i].real
+ for i in range(len(pearsonEigenVectors)):
+ for j in range(len(pearsonEigenVectors[i])):
+ if type(pearsonEigenVectors[i][j]).__name__ == 'complex':
+ pearsonEigenVectors[i][j] = pearsonEigenVectors[i][j].real
+ if type(pearsonEigenVectors[i][j]).__name__ == 'complex':
+ pearsonEigenVectors[i][j] = pearsonEigenVectors[i][j].real
+ """
+ if type(pearsonEigenValue[0]).__name__ == 'complex':
+ pass
+ else:
+ traitHeading = HT.Paragraph('PCA Traits',align='left', Class="title")
+ tbl2 = self.calcPCATraits(traitDataList=traitDataList, nnCorr=nnCorr, NNN=NNN, pearsonEigenValue=pearsonEigenValue,
+ pearsonEigenVectors=pearsonEigenVectors, form=form, fd=fd)
+ #Buttons on search page
+ #mintmap = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='mintmap',value='Multiple Mapping', onClick="databaseFunc(this.form,'showIntMap');",Class="button")
+ addselect = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='addselect',value='Add to Collection', onClick="addRmvSelection('%s', this.form, 'addToSelection');" % fd.RISet,Class="button")
+ selectall = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='selectall',value='Select All', onClick="checkAll(this.form);",Class="button")
+ reset = HT.Input(type='reset',name='',value='Select None',Class="button")
+ updateNames = HT.Input(type='button', name='updateNames',value='Update Trait Names', onClick="editPCAName(this.form);", Class="button")
+ chrMenu = HT.Input(type='hidden',name='chromosomes',value='all')
+ """
+ #need to be refined
+ if fd.genotype.Mbmap:
+ scaleMenu = HT.Select(name='scale')
+ scaleMenu.append(tuple(["Genetic Map",'morgan']))
+ scaleMenu.append(tuple(["Physical Map",'physic']))
+ else:
+ scaleMenu = ""
+ """
+ tbl2.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(HT.P(),chrMenu,updateNames,selectall,reset,addselect,colspan=3)))
+ form.append(HT.P(),traitHeading,HT.Blockquote(tbl2))
+ plotHeading1 = HT.Paragraph('Scree Plot', Class="title")
+ TD_LR.append(plotHeading1)
+ img1 = self.screePlot(NNN=NNN, pearsonEigenValue=pearsonEigenValue)
+ TD_LR.append(HT.Blockquote(img1))
+ plotHeading2 = HT.Paragraph('Factor Loadings Plot', Class="title")
+ TD_LR.append(plotHeading2)
+ img2 = self.factorLoadingsPlot(pearsonEigenVectors=pearsonEigenVectors, traitList=traitList)
+ TD_LR.append(HT.Blockquote(img2))
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ def screePlot(self, NNN=0, pearsonEigenValue=None):
+ c1 = pid.PILCanvas(size=(700,500))
+ Plot.plotXY(canvas=c1, dataX=range(1,NNN+1), dataY=pearsonEigenValue, rank=0, labelColor=pid.blue,plotColor=pid.red, symbolColor=pid.blue, XLabel='Factor Number', connectdot=1,YLabel='Percent of Total Variance %', title='Pearson\'s R Scree Plot')
+ filename= webqtlUtil.genRandStr("Scree_")
+ c1.save(webqtlConfig.IMGDIR+filename, format='gif')
+ img=HT.Image('/image/'+filename+'.gif',border=0)
+ return img
+ def factorLoadingsPlot(self, pearsonEigenVectors=None, traitList=None):
+ traitname = map(lambda X:str(X.name), traitList)
+ c2 = pid.PILCanvas(size=(700,500))
+ Plot.plotXY(c2, pearsonEigenVectors[0],pearsonEigenVectors[1], 0, dataLabel = traitname, labelColor=pid.blue, plotColor=pid.red, symbolColor=pid.blue,XLabel='Factor (1)', connectdot=1, YLabel='Factor (2)', title='Factor Loadings Plot (Pearson)', loadingPlot=1)
+ filename= webqtlUtil.genRandStr("FacL_")
+ c2.save(webqtlConfig.IMGDIR+filename, format='gif')
+ img = HT.Image('/image/'+filename+'.gif',border=0)
+ return img
+ def calcPCATraits(self, traitDataList=None, nnCorr=0, NNN=0, pearsonEigenValue=None, pearsonEigenVectors=None, form=None, fd=None):
+ """
+ This function currently returns the html to be displayed instead of the traits themselves. Need to fix later.
+ """
+ detailInfo = string.split(self.searchResult[0],':')
+ self.sameProbeSet = 'yes'
+ for item in self.searchResult[1:]:
+ detailInfo2 = string.split(item,':')
+ if detailInfo[0] != detailInfo2[0] or detailInfo[1] != detailInfo2[1]:
+ self.sameProbeSet = None
+ break
+ for item in traitDataList:
+ if len(item) != nnCorr:
+ return
+ infoStrains = []
+ infoStrainsPos = []
+ dataArray = [[] for i in range(NNN)]
+ for i in range(len(traitDataList[0])):
+ currentStrain = 1
+ for j in range(NNN):
+ if not traitDataList[j][i]:
+ currentStrain = 0
+ break
+ if currentStrain == 1:
+ infoStrains.append(fd.strainlist[i])
+ infoStrainsPos.append(i)
+ for j in range(NNN):
+ dataArray[j].append(traitDataList[j][i])
+ self.cursor.execute('delete Temp, TempData FROM Temp, TempData WHERE Temp.DataId = TempData.Id and UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CreateTime)>%d;' % webqtlConfig.MAXLIFE)
+ StrainIds = []
+ for item in infoStrains:
+ self.cursor.execute('SELECT Strain.Id FROM Strain,StrainXRef, InbredSet WHERE Strain.Name="%s" and Strain.Id = StrainXRef.StrainId and StrainXRef.InbredSetId = InbredSet.Id and InbredSet.Name = "%s"' % (item, fd.RISet))
+ StrainIds.append('%d' % self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ """
+ #minimal 12 overlapping strains
+ if len(dataArray[0]) < 12:
+ form.append(HT.P(),traitHeading,HT.Blockquote(HT.Paragraph('The number of overlapping strains is less than 12, no PCA scores computed.',align='left')))
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ return
+ """
+ dataArray = self.zScore(dataArray)
+ dataArray = numarray.array(dataArray)
+ dataArray2 = numarray.dot(pearsonEigenVectors,dataArray)
+ tbl2 = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=2,cellPadding=0,border=0, width="100%")
+ ct0 = time.localtime(time.time())
+ ct = time.strftime("%B/%d %H:%M:%S",ct0)
+ if self.sameProbeSet:
+ newDescription = 'PCA Traits generated at %s from %s' % (ct,detailInfo[1])
+ else:
+ newDescription = 'PCA Traits generated at %s from traits selected' % ct
+ j = 1
+ self.cursor.execute('SELECT Id FROM InbredSet WHERE Name = "%s"' % fd.RISet)
+ InbredSetId = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
+ user_ip = fd.remote_ip
+ if fd.formdata.getvalue("newNames"):
+ newNames = fd.formdata.getvalue("newNames").split(",")
+ else:
+ newNames = 0
+ for item in dataArray2:
+ if pearsonEigenValue[j-1] < 100.0/NNN:
+ break
+ if (newNames == 0):
+ description = '%s : PC%02d' % (newDescription, j)
+ else:
+ description = '%s : %s' % (newDescription, newNames[j-1])
+ self.cursor.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM TempData')
+ try:
+ DataId = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] + 1
+ except:
+ DataId = 1
+ newProbeSetID = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("PCA_Tmp_")
+ self.cursor.execute('insert into Temp(Name,description, createtime,DataId,InbredSetId,IP) values(%s,%s,Now(),%s,%s,%s)' ,(newProbeSetID, description, DataId,InbredSetId,user_ip))
+ k = 0
+ for StrainId in StrainIds:
+ self.cursor.execute('insert into TempData(Id, StrainId, value) values(%s,%s,%s)' % (DataId, StrainId, item[k]*(-1.0)))
+ k += 1
+ setDescription = HT.Div(id="pcaTrait%s" % j)
+ descriptionLink = HT.Href(text=description, url="javascript:showDatabase2('Temp','%s','')" % newProbeSetID, Class="fwn")
+ descriptionEdit = HT.Input(type='text', value='', name='editName%s' % j)
+ #onBlur='editPDAName(this.form, %s);' % j
+ setDescription.append(descriptionLink)
+ setDescription.append(descriptionEdit)
+ traitName = "%s:%s" % ('Temp',newProbeSetID)
+ tbl2.append(HT.TR(HT.TD("%d."%j,align="right",valign="top"),HT.TD(HT.Input(type="checkbox", Class="checkbox", name="searchResult",value=traitName),valign="top",width=50),HT.TD(setDescription)))
+ j += 1
+ return tbl2
+ def zScore(self,dataArray):
+ NN = len(dataArray[0])
+ if NN < 10:
+ return dataArray
+ else:
+ i = 0
+ for data in dataArray:
+ N = len(data)
+ S = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, data, 0.)
+ SS = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y*y, data, 0.)
+ mean = S/N
+ var = SS - S*S/N
+ stdev = math.sqrt(var/(N-1))
+ data2 = map(lambda x:(x-mean)/stdev,data)
+ dataArray[i] = data2
+ i += 1
+ return dataArray
+ def sortEigenVectors(self,vector):
+ try:
+ eigenValues = vector[0].tolist()
+ eigenVectors = vector[1].tolist()
+ combines = []
+ i = 0
+ for item in eigenValues:
+ combines.append([eigenValues[i],eigenVectors[i]])
+ i += 1
+ combines.sort(webqtlUtil.cmpEigenValue)
+ A = []
+ B = []
+ for item in combines:
+ A.append(item[0])
+ B.append(item[1])
+ sum = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, A, 0.0)
+ A = map(lambda x:x*100.0/sum, A)
+ return [A,B]
+ except:
+ return []
diff --git a/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueAbbreviationPage.py b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueAbbreviationPage.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ad8f0ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueAbbreviationPage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
+# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
+# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
+# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
+# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
+# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2011/12/7
+# Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2011/12/7
+from base.templatePage import templatePage
+from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
+import string
+import os
+class TissueAbbreviationPage (templatePage):
+ def __init__(self,fd):
+ templatePage.__init__(self, fd)
+ shortName=fd.formdata.getfirst("shortTissueName", ',')
+ fullName=fd.formdata.getfirst("fullTissueName", ',')
+ shortNameList=[]
+ fullNameList=[]
+ if shortName:
+ shortNameList=shortName.split(',')
+ if fullName:
+ fullNameList=fullName.split(',')
+ tissueAbbrDict={}
+ for i, item in enumerate(shortNameList):
+ tissueAbbrDict[item]=fullNameList[i]
+ if tissueAbbrDict:
+ # Creates the table for the fullname and shortname of Tissue
+ tissueAbbrTable = HT.TableLite(border=1, cellspacing=5, cellpadding=3, Class="collap")
+ shortNameList = tissueAbbrDict.keys()
+ shortNameList.sort()
+ abbrHeaderStyle="fs14 fwb ffl"
+ abbrStyle="fs14 fwn ffl"
+ tissueAbbrTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD('Abbr&nbsp;&nbsp;', Class=abbrHeaderStyle, NOWRAP = 1),HT.TD('Full Name&nbsp;&nbsp;', Class=abbrHeaderStyle, NOWRAP = 1)))
+ for item in shortNameList:
+ thisTR = HT.TR(HT.TD(item, Class=abbrStyle, NOWRAP = 1))
+ thisTR.append(HT.TD(tissueAbbrDict[item], Class=abbrStyle, NOWRAP = 1))
+ tissueAbbrTable.append(thisTR)
+ self.dict['body'] = HT.TD(HT.Paragraph("Tissue Abbreviation", Class="title"), HT.Blockquote(tissueAbbrTable))
+ self.dict['title'] = "Tissue Abbreviation"
+ else:
+ heading = "Tissue abbreviation"
+ detail = ["Cannot found Tissue Abbreviation. Please try again later."]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
diff --git a/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueCorrelationPage.py b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueCorrelationPage.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7cb86d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/TissueCorrelationPage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
+# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
+# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
+# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
+# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
+# user can search correlation value and P-Value by inputting one pair gene symbols or multiple gene symbols.
+# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/07/07
+# Last updated by NL, 2011/03/25
+from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import string
+import pyXLWriter as xl
+import cPickle
+from base.templatePage import templatePage
+from base import webqtlConfig
+from base.webqtlTrait import webqtlTrait
+from correlationMatrix.tissueCorrelationMatrix import tissueCorrelationMatrix
+from utility import webqtlUtil
+from utility.THCell import THCell
+from utility.TDCell import TDCell
+# Tissue Correlation Page
+class TissueCorrelationPage(templatePage):
+ def __init__(self, fd):
+ templatePage.__init__(self, fd)
+ if not self.openMysql():
+ return
+ #read input fields
+ self.action = fd.formdata.getvalue("action", "").strip()
+ self.geneSymbols = fd.formdata.getvalue("geneSymbols","").strip()
+ self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId = fd.formdata.getvalue("tissueProbeSetFeezeId", "").strip()
+ self.recordReturnNum = fd.formdata.getvalue("recordReturnNum", "0").strip()
+ self.calculateMethod = fd.formdata.getvalue("calculateMethod", "0").strip()
+ TissueCorrMatrixObject = tissueCorrelationMatrix(tissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId)
+ if not self.geneSymbols:
+ # default page
+ Heading = HT.Paragraph("Tissue Correlation", Class="title")
+ Intro = HT.Blockquote("This function computes correlations between transcript expression across different organs and tissues.")
+ Intro.append(HT.BR(),"Select a data set from the pull-down menu and then compute correlations.")
+ formName='searchTissueCorrelation'
+ form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), target='_blank',enctype='multipart/form-data', name= formName, submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="FormID", value=""))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="action", value="disp"))
+ # added by NL 10/12/2010, retreive dataSet info from TissueProbeSetFreeze to get all TissueProbeSetFreezeId, datasetName and FullName
+ tissProbeSetFreezeIds,dataSetNames,dataSetfullNames = TissueCorrMatrixObject.getTissueDataSet()
+ dataSetList=[]
+ for i in range(len(tissProbeSetFreezeIds)):
+ dataSetList.append((dataSetfullNames[i], tissProbeSetFreezeIds[i]))
+ dataSetMenu = HT.Select(dataSetList,name="tissueProbeSetFeezeId")
+ InfoFile =HT.Input(type="button", Class="button", value=" Info ", onClick="tissueDatasetInfo(this.form.tissueProbeSetFeezeId,%s);"%(dataSetNames))
+ form.append(HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),dataSetMenu,InfoFile,HT.BR());
+ form.append(HT.BR(),HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please enter only one gene symbol/ENTREZ gene Id per line."),HT.BR(),HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),HT.Textarea(name="geneSymbols", rows=10, cols=50, text=""),HT.BR(),HT.BR())
+ # calculate method radio button
+ calculateMethodMenu =HT.Input(type="radio", name="calculateMethod", value="0", checked="checked")
+ calculateMethodMenu1 =HT.Input(type="radio", name="calculateMethod", value="1")
+ # record Return method dropdown menu
+ recordReturnMenu = HT.Select(name="recordReturnNum")
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('Top 100','0'))
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('Top 200','1'))
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('Top 500','2'))
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('Top 1000','3'))
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('Top 2000','4'))
+ recordReturnMenu.append(('All','5'))
+ # working for input symbol has only one;
+ form.append(HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),HT.Span("Return:", Class="ffl fwb fs12"),HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),recordReturnMenu,HT.BR());
+ form.append(HT.BR(),HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),'Pearson',calculateMethodMenu,"&nbsp;"*3,'Spearman Rank',calculateMethodMenu1,HT.BR(),HT.BR());
+ form.append(HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),HT.Input(type="button", value="&nbsp;Compute&nbsp;", Class="button",onClick="selectFormIdForTissueCorr('%s');"%formName))
+ form.append(HT.Strong("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"),HT.Input(type="button", Class="button", value="&nbsp;Make Default&nbsp;", onClick = "makeTissueCorrDefault(this.form);"))
+ TD_LR = HT.TD(height=200,width="100%",bgcolor='#eeeeee',align="left")
+ TD_LR.append(Heading,Intro,form)
+ self.content_type = 'text/html'
+ self.dict['js1'] = '<SCRIPT SRC="/javascript/correlationMatrix.js"></SCRIPT><BR>'
+ # get tissueProbesetFreezeId from cookie
+ self.dict['js2'] = 'onload ="getTissueCorrDefault(\'searchTissueCorrelation\');"'
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ self.dict['title'] = "Tissue Correlation"
+ elif self.action == 'disp':
+ TissueCount =TissueCorrMatrixObject.getTissueCountofCurrentDataset()
+ # add by NL for first Note part in the tissue correlation page. 2010-12-23
+ note =""
+ dataSetName=""
+ datasetFullName=""
+ dataSetName, datasetFullName= TissueCorrMatrixObject.getFullnameofCurrentDataset()
+ noteURL = "../dbdoc/"+ dataSetName+".html"
+ noteText = " was used to compute expression correlation across %s samples of tissues and organs.&nbsp["%TissueCount
+ # dataset download
+ datasetURL = "../dbdoc/"+ dataSetName+".xls"
+ datasetDownload =HT.Href(text="Download experiment data",url=datasetURL,Class='fs13',target="_blank")
+ note = HT.Blockquote(HT.Href(text=datasetFullName,url=noteURL,Class='fs13',target="_blank"),noteText, datasetDownload,"]",HT.BR())
+ geneSymbolLst = [] # gene Symbol list
+ geneSymbolLst = TissueCorrMatrixObject.getGeneSymbolLst(self.geneSymbols)
+ symbolCount = len(geneSymbolLst)
+ # The input symbol limit is 100.
+ heading = "Tissue Correlation"
+ if symbolCount > 100:
+ detail = ['The Gene symbols you have input are more than 100. Please limit them to 100.']
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ elif symbolCount==0:
+ detail = ['No Gene Symbol was input. No Tissue Correlation matrix generated.' ]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ else:
+ # search result page
+ # The input symbols should be no less than 1.
+ self.content_type = 'text/html'
+ if symbolCount == 1:
+ self.displaySingleSymbolResultPage(primaryGeneSymbol=geneSymbolLst[0],datasetFullName=datasetFullName,tProbeSetFreezeId=self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId, TissueCorrMatrixObject =TissueCorrMatrixObject,recordReturnNum=self.recordReturnNum,method=self.calculateMethod, note=note,TissueCount =TissueCount)
+ else:
+ self.displayMultiSymbolsResultPage(geneSymbolLst=geneSymbolLst, symbolCount=symbolCount, tProbeSetFreezeId=self.tissueProbeSetFeezeId,TissueCorrMatrixObject =TissueCorrMatrixObject,note=note,TissueCount =TissueCount)
+ else:
+ heading = "Tissue Correlation"
+ detail = ['There\'s something wrong with input gene symbol(s), or the value of parameter [action] is not right.' ]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+# functions
+ # result page when input symbol has only one
+ def displaySingleSymbolResultPage(self,primaryGeneSymbol=None, datasetFullName=None,tProbeSetFreezeId=None, TissueCorrMatrixObject =None,recordReturnNum=None,method=None,note=None,TissueCount =None):
+ formName = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("fm_")
+ form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), enctype='multipart/form-data',name= formName, submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
+ # the following hidden elements are required parameter in Class(PlotCorrelationPage). So we need to define them here.
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="action", value="disp"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="FormID", value="dispSingleTissueCorrelation"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="X_geneSymbol", value=""))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="Y_geneSymbol", value=""))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="ProbeSetID", value=""))
+ # RISet is not using in Tissue correlation, but is a required parameter in Class(PlotCorrelationPage). So we set dummy value(BXD).
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="RISet", value="BXD"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="ShowLine", value="1"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="TissueProbeSetFreezeId", value=tProbeSetFreezeId))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="rankOrder", value=0))
+ traitList =[]
+ try:
+ symbolCorrDict, symbolPvalueDict = TissueCorrMatrixObject.calculateCorrOfAllTissueTrait(primaryTraitSymbol=primaryGeneSymbol,method=method)
+ except:
+ heading = "Tissue Correlation"
+ detail = ['Please use the official NCBI gene symbol.' ]
+ self.error(heading=heading,detail=detail)
+ return
+ symbolList0,geneIdDict,dataIdDict,ChrDict,MbDict,descDict,pTargetDescDict=TissueCorrMatrixObject.getTissueProbeSetXRefInfo(GeneNameLst=[])
+ # In case, upper case and lower case issue of symbol, mappedByTargetList function will update input geneSymbolLst based on database search result
+ tempPrimaryGeneSymbol =self.mappedByTargetList(primaryList=symbolList0,targetList=[primaryGeneSymbol])
+ primaryGeneSymbol =tempPrimaryGeneSymbol[0]
+ returnNum = self.getReturnNum(recordReturnNum)
+ symbolListSorted=[]
+ symbolList=[]
+ # get key(list) of symbolCorrDict(dict) based on sorting symbolCorrDict(dict) by its' value in desc order
+ symbolListSorted=sorted(symbolCorrDict, key=symbolCorrDict.get, reverse=True)
+ symbolList = self.mappedByTargetList(primaryList=symbolList0,targetList=symbolListSorted)
+ if returnNum==None:
+ returnNum =len(symbolList0)
+ IntroReturnNum ="All %d "%returnNum
+ else:
+ IntroReturnNum ="The Top %d" %returnNum
+ symbolList = symbolList[:returnNum]
+ pageTable = HT.TableLite(cellSpacing=0,cellPadding=0,width="100%", border=0, align="Left")
+ ##############
+ # Excel file #
+ ##############
+ filename= webqtlUtil.genRandStr("Corr_")
+ xlsUrl = HT.Input(type='button', value = 'Download Table', onClick= "location.href='/tmp/%s.xls'" % filename, Class='button')
+ # Create a new Excel workbook
+ workbook = xl.Writer('%s.xls' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename))
+ headingStyle = workbook.add_format(align = 'center', bold = 1, border = 1, size=13, fg_color = 0x1E, color="white")
+ #There are 6 lines of header in this file.
+ worksheet = self.createExcelFileWithTitleAndFooter(workbook=workbook, datasetName=datasetFullName, returnNumber=returnNum)
+ newrow = 6
+ pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(xlsUrl,height=40)))
+ # get header part of result table and export excel file
+ tblobj = {}
+ tblobj['header'], worksheet = self.getTableHeader( method=method, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow, headingStyle=headingStyle)
+ newrow += 1
+ # get body part of result table and export excel file
+ tblobj['body'], worksheet = self.getTableBody(symbolCorrDict=symbolCorrDict, symbolPvalueDict=symbolPvalueDict,symbolList=symbolList,geneIdDict=geneIdDict,ChrDict=ChrDict,MbDict=MbDict,descDict=descDict,pTargetDescDict=pTargetDescDict,primarySymbol=primaryGeneSymbol,TissueCount=TissueCount, formName=formName, worksheet=worksheet, newrow=newrow,method=method)
+ workbook.close()
+ # creat object for result table for sort function
+ objfile = open('%s.obj' % (webqtlConfig.TMPDIR+filename), 'wb')
+ cPickle.dump(tblobj, objfile)
+ objfile.close()
+ sortby = ("tissuecorr", "down")
+ div = HT.Div(webqtlUtil.genTableObj(tblobj=tblobj, file=filename, sortby=sortby, tableID = "sortable", addIndex = "1"), Id="sortable")
+ if method =="0":
+ IntroMethod="Pearson\'s r "
+ else:
+ IntroMethod="Spearman\'s rho "
+ Intro = HT.Blockquote('%s correlations ranked by the %s are displayed.' % (IntroReturnNum,IntroMethod),
+ ' You can resort this list using the small arrowheads in the top row.')
+ Intro.append(HT.BR(),' Click the correlation values to generate scatter plots. Select the symbol to open NCBI Entrez.')
+ pageTable.append(HT.TR(HT.TD(div)))
+ form.append(HT.P(), HT.P(),pageTable)
+ corrHeading = HT.Paragraph('Tissue Correlation Table', Class="title")
+ TD_LR = HT.TD(height=200,width="100%",bgcolor='#eeeeee',align="left")
+ TD_LR.append(corrHeading,note,Intro, form, HT.P())
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ self.dict['js1'] = '<SCRIPT SRC="/javascript/correlationMatrix.js"></SCRIPT><BR>'
+ self.dict['title'] = 'Tissue Correlation Result'
+ return
+ # result page when input symbols are more than 1
+ def displayMultiSymbolsResultPage(self, geneSymbolLst=None, symbolCount=None, tProbeSetFreezeId=None,TissueCorrMatrixObject=None,note=None,TissueCount =None):
+ formName = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("fm_")
+ form = HT.Form(cgi= os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), enctype='multipart/form-data',name= formName, submit=HT.Input(type='hidden'))
+ # the following hidden elements are required parameter in Class(PlotCorrelationPage). So we need to define them here.
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="action", value="disp"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="FormID", value="dispMultiTissueCorrelation"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="X_geneSymbol", value=""))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="Y_geneSymbol", value=""))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="ProbeSetID", value=""))
+ # RISet is not using in Tissue correlation, but is a required parameter in Class(PlotCorrelationPage). So we set dummy value(BXD).
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="RISet", value="BXD"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="ShowLine", value="1"))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="TissueProbeSetFreezeId", value=tProbeSetFreezeId))
+ form.append(HT.Input(type="hidden", name="rankOrder", value=0))
+ # updated by NL, 2011-01-06, build multi list for later use to descrease access to db again
+ symbolList,geneIdDict,dataIdDict,ChrDict,MbDict,descDict,pTargetDescDict = TissueCorrMatrixObject.getTissueProbeSetXRefInfo(GeneNameLst=geneSymbolLst)
+ # In case, upper case and lower case issue of symbol, mappedByTargetList function will update input geneSymbolLst based on database search result
+ geneSymbolLst =self.mappedByTargetList(primaryList=symbolList,targetList=geneSymbolLst)
+ # Added by NL, 2011-01-06, get all shortNames, verboseNames, verboseNames2, verboseNames3, exportArray
+ # for Short Label, Long Label, Export functions
+ geneIdLst,shortNames, verboseNames, verboseNames2, verboseNames3, exportArray = self.getAllLabelsInfo(geneSymbolList =geneSymbolLst, geneIdDict=geneIdDict,ChrDict=ChrDict, MbDict=MbDict, descDict=descDict, pTargetDescDict=pTargetDescDict)
+ heading = "Tissue Correlation Matrix"
+ #get correlation value and p value based on Gene Symbols list, and return the values in corrArray and pvArray seperately
+ corrArray,pvArray = TissueCorrMatrixObject.getTissueCorrPvArray(geneNameLst=geneSymbolLst,dataIdDict=dataIdDict)
+ # in the matrix table, top right corner displays Spearman Rank Correlation's Values and P-Values for each pair of geneSymbols;
+ # left bottom displays Pearson Correlation values and P-Vlues for each pair of geneSymbols.
+ tissueCorrMatrixHeading = HT.Paragraph(heading,Class="title")
+ tcmTable = HT.TableLite(Class="collap", border=0, cellspacing=1, cellpadding=5, width='100%')
+ row1 = HT.TR(HT.TD(Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"),HT.TD('Spearman Rank Correlation (rho)' , Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", colspan= symbolCount+2,align="center"))
+ col1 = HT.TR(HT.TD("P e a r s o n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; r", rowspan= symbolCount+1,Class="fs14 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", width=10,align="center"),HT.TD("Gene Symbol",Class="fs13 fwb cb b1", width=300))
+ for i in range(symbolCount):
+ GeneSymbol=geneSymbolLst[i].strip()
+ geneId = geneIdLst[i]
+ if geneId!=0:
+ _url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=%s" % geneId
+ curURL = HT.Href(text=GeneSymbol,url=_url,Class='fs13',target="_blank")
+ else:
+ curURL = GeneSymbol
+ col1.append(HT.TD(curURL,Class="b1", align="center"))
+ tcmTable.append(row1,col1)
+ # to decide to whether to show note for "*" or not
+ flag = 0
+ for i in range(symbolCount):
+ GeneSymbol=geneSymbolLst[i].strip()
+ geneId = geneIdLst[i]
+ newrow = HT.TR()
+ newrow.append(HT.Input(name="Symbol", value=GeneSymbol, type='hidden'))
+ if geneId!=0:
+ _url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=%s" %geneId
+ geneIdURL = HT.Href(text="%s "%GeneSymbol,url=_url,Class="b1",target="_blank")
+ else:
+ # flag =1 will show note for "*"
+ flag = 1
+ geneIdURL =HT.Italic("%s"%GeneSymbol,HT.Font('*', color='red'))
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(geneIdURL,shortNames[i],verboseNames[i],verboseNames2[i],verboseNames3[i], Class="b1", align="left",NOWRAP="ON"))
+ for j in range(symbolCount):
+ GeneSymbol2=geneSymbolLst[j].strip()
+ corr = corrArray[i][j]
+ pValue = pvArray[i][j]
+ Color=''
+ if j==i:
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(HT.Font(HT.Italic("n"),HT.BR(),str(TissueCount),Class="fs11 fwn b1",align="center", color="000000"), bgColor='#cccccc', align="center", Class="b1", NOWRAP="ON"))
+ exportArray[i+1][j+1] = '%d/%d' % (TissueCount,TissueCount)
+ else:
+ if corr:
+ corr = float(corr)
+ tCorr = "%2.3f" % corr
+ pValue = float(pValue)
+ tPV = "%2.3f" % pValue
+ # updated by NL, based on Rob's requirement: delete p value, 2010-02-14
+ # set color for cells by correlationValue
+ if corr > 0.7:
+ fontcolor="red"
+ elif corr > 0.5:
+ fontcolor="#FF6600"
+ elif corr < -0.7:
+ fontcolor="blue"
+ elif corr < -0.5:
+ fontcolor="#009900"
+ else:
+ fontcolor ="#000000"
+ # set label for cells
+ # if rank is equal to 0, pearson correlation plot will be the first one;
+ # if rank is equal to 1, spearman ran correlation plot will be the first one.
+ if j>i:
+ exportArray[i+1][j+1] =tCorr+"/"+tPV
+ rank =1
+ elif j<i:
+ exportArray[i+1][j+1] =tCorr+"/"+tPV
+ rank =0
+ tCorrStr= tCorr
+ tPVStr = tPV
+ tCorrPlotURL = "javascript:showTissueCorrPlot('%s','%s','%s',%d)" %(formName,GeneSymbol, GeneSymbol2,rank)
+ corrURL= HT.Href(text=HT.Font(tCorrStr,HT.BR(),color=fontcolor, Class="fs11 fwn"), url = tCorrPlotURL)
+ else:
+ corr = 'N/A'
+ corrURL= HT.Font(corr)
+ exportArray[i+1][j+1] ="---/---"
+ newrow.append(HT.TD(corrURL,bgColor=Color,Class="b1",NOWRAP="ON",align="middle"))
+ tcmTable.append(newrow)
+ Intro = HT.Blockquote('Lower left cells list Pearson ',HT.EM('r'),' values; upper right cells list Spearman rho values. Each cell also contains the n samples of tissues and organs. Values higher than 0.7 are displayed in ',HT.Font('red', color='red'),'; those between 0.5 and 0.7 in ',HT.Font('orange', color='#FF6600'),'; Values lower than -0.7 are in ',HT.Font('blue', color='blue'),'; between -0.5 and -0.7 in ',HT.Font('green', color='#009900'),'.', HT.BR(),HT.BR(), HT.Strong('Make scatter plots by clicking on cell values '),'(', HT.EM('r'),' or rho). ', Class="fs13 fwn")
+ shortButton = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='dispShort',value=' Short Labels ', onClick="displayTissueShortName();",Class="button")
+ verboseButton = HT.Input(type='button' ,name='dispVerbose',value=' Long Labels ', onClick="displayTissueVerboseName();", Class="button")
+ exportbutton = HT.Input(type='button', name='export', value='Export', onClick="exportTissueText(allCorrelations);",Class="button")
+ lableNote = HT.Blockquote(HT.Italic(HT.Font('*', color='red',Class="fs9 fwn"), ' Symbol(s) can not be found in database.'))
+ # flag =1 will show note for "*", which means there's unidentified symbol.
+ if flag==1:
+ form.append(HT.Blockquote(tcmTable,lableNote,HT.P(),shortButton,verboseButton,exportbutton))
+ else:
+ form.append(HT.Blockquote(tcmTable,HT.P(),shortButton,verboseButton,exportbutton))
+ exportScript = """
+ <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
+ var allCorrelations = %s;
+ """
+ exportScript = exportScript % str(exportArray)
+ self.dict['js1'] = exportScript+'<SCRIPT SRC="/javascript/correlationMatrix.js"></SCRIPT><BR>'
+ TD_LR = HT.TD(colspan=2,width="100%",bgcolor="#eeeeee")
+ TD_LR.append(tissueCorrMatrixHeading,note,Intro,form,HT.P())
+ self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)
+ self.dict['title'] = 'Tissue Correlation Result'
+ return
+ # Added by NL, 2011-01-06, get all shortNames, verboseNames, verboseNames2, verboseNames3, exportArray
+ # for Short Label, Long Label, Export functions
+ def getAllLabelsInfo(self, geneSymbolList=None,geneIdDict=None,ChrDict=None,MbDict=None,descDict=None,pTargetDescDict=None):
+ symbolCount= len(geneSymbolList)
+ geneIdLst =[]
+ exportArray = [([0] * (symbolCount+1))[:] for i in range(symbolCount+1)]
+ exportArray[0][0] = 'Tissue Correlation'
+ shortNames = []
+ verboseNames = []
+ verboseNames2 = []
+ verboseNames3 = []
+ # added by NL, 2010-12-21, build DIV and array for short label, long label and export functions
+ for i, geneSymbolItem in enumerate(geneSymbolList):
+ geneSymbol =geneSymbolItem.lower()
+ _shortName =HT.Italic("%s" %geneSymbolItem)
+ _verboseName =''
+ _verboseName2 = ''
+ _verboseName3 = ''
+ if geneIdDict.has_key(geneSymbol):
+ geneIdLst.append(geneIdDict[geneSymbol])
+ else:
+ geneIdLst.append(0)
+ if ChrDict.has_key(geneSymbol) and MbDict.has_key(geneSymbol):
+ _verboseName = ' on Chr %s @ %s Mb' % (ChrDict[geneSymbol],MbDict[geneSymbol])
+ if descDict.has_key(geneSymbol):
+ _verboseName2 = '%s' % (descDict[geneSymbol])
+ if pTargetDescDict.has_key(geneSymbol):
+ _verboseName3 = '%s' % (pTargetDescDict[geneSymbol])
+ shortName = HT.Div(id="shortName_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ shortName.append('Symbol: ')
+ shortName.append(_shortName)
+ shortNames.append(shortName)
+ verboseName = HT.Div(id="verboseName_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName.append(_shortName)
+ verboseName.append(_verboseName)
+ verboseNames.append(verboseName)
+ verboseName2 = HT.Div(id="verboseName2_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName2.append(_verboseName2)
+ verboseNames2.append(verboseName2)
+ verboseName3 = HT.Div(id="verboseName3_" + str(i), style="display:none")
+ verboseName3.append(_verboseName3)
+ verboseNames3.append(verboseName3)
+ # exportTissueText in webqtl.js is using '/' as delimilator; add '/', otherwise the last letter in geneSymbol will missing
+ exportArray[i+1][0] =geneSymbolItem+ '/' + geneSymbolItem + '/' +geneSymbolItem + ':' + str(_verboseName) + ' : ' + str(_verboseName2) + ' : ' + str(_verboseName3)
+ exportArray[0][i+1] =geneSymbolItem+ '/'
+ return geneIdLst,shortNames, verboseNames, verboseNames2, verboseNames3, exportArray
+# functions for display and download when input symbol has only one #
+ # build header and footer parts for export excel file
+ def createExcelFileWithTitleAndFooter(self, workbook=None, datasetName=None,returnNumber=None):
+ worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
+ titleStyle = workbook.add_format(align = 'left', bold = 0, size=14, border = 1, border_color="gray")
+ ##Write title Info
+ worksheet.write([1, 0], "Citations: Please see %s/reference.html" % webqtlConfig.PORTADDR, titleStyle)
+ worksheet.write([2, 0], "Dataset : %s" % datasetName, titleStyle)
+ worksheet.write([3, 0], "Date : %s" % time.strftime("%B %d, %Y", time.gmtime()), titleStyle)
+ worksheet.write([4, 0], "Time : %s GMT" % time.strftime("%H:%M ", time.gmtime()), titleStyle)
+ worksheet.write([5, 0], "Status of data ownership: Possibly unpublished data; please see %s/statusandContact.html for details on sources, ownership, and usage of these data." % webqtlConfig.PORTADDR, titleStyle)
+ #Write footer info
+ worksheet.write([8 + returnNumber, 0], "Funding for The GeneNetwork: NIAAA (U01AA13499, U24AA13513), NIDA, NIMH, and NIAAA (P20-DA21131), NCI MMHCC (U01CA105417), and NCRR (U01NR 105417)", titleStyle)
+ worksheet.write([9 + returnNumber, 0], "PLEASE RETAIN DATA SOURCE INFORMATION WHENEVER POSSIBLE", titleStyle)
+ return worksheet
+ # build header of table when input symbol has only one
+ def getTableHeader(self, method='0', worksheet=None, newrow=None, headingStyle=None):
+ tblobj_header = []
+ exportList=[]
+ header=[]
+ header = [THCell(HT.TD(' ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), sort=0),
+ THCell(HT.TD('Symbol',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="symbol", idx=1),
+ THCell(HT.TD('Description',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="desc", idx=2),
+ THCell(HT.TD('Location',HT.BR(),'Chr and Mb ', Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb"), text="location", idx=3),
+ THCell(HT.TD('N Cases',HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb",nowrap='ON'), text="nstr", idx=4)]
+ if method =="0":# Pearson Correlation
+ header.append( THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(
+ text = HT.Span(' r ', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"),
+ target = '_blank',
+ url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_r"),
+ Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuecorr", idx=5))
+ header.append( THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(
+ text = HT.Span(' p(r) ', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"),
+ target = '_blank',
+ url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_p_r"),
+ Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuepvalue", idx=6))
+ exportList =[ 'Gene ID', 'Symbol', 'Description', 'Location', 'N Cases', ' r ', ' p(r) ']
+ else:# Spearman Correlation
+ header.append( THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(
+ text = HT.Span(' rho ', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(),HT.BR(), Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"),
+ target = '_blank',
+ url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_rho"),
+ Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuecorr", idx=5))
+ header.append( THCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(
+ text = HT.Span('p(rho)', HT.Sup(' ?', style="color:#f00"),HT.BR(), HT.BR(),Class="fs13 fwb ffl cw"),
+ target = '_blank',
+ url = "/correlationAnnotation.html#tissue_p_rho"),
+ Class="fs13 fwb ffl b1 cw cbrb", nowrap='ON'), text="tissuepvalue", idx=6))
+ exportList = ['Gene ID', 'Symbol', 'Description', 'Location', 'N Cases','rho', ' p(rho) ']
+ # build header of excel for download function
+ for ncol, item in enumerate(exportList):
+ worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item, headingStyle)
+ worksheet.set_column([ncol, ncol], 2*len(item))
+ tblobj_header.append(header)
+ return tblobj_header, worksheet
+ # build body of table when input symbol has only one
+ def getTableBody(self, symbolCorrDict={}, symbolPvalueDict={},symbolList=[],geneIdDict={},ChrDict={},MbDict={},descDict={},pTargetDescDict={},primarySymbol=None, TissueCount=None,formName=None, worksheet=None, newrow=None,method="0"):
+ tblobj_body = []
+ for symbolItem in symbolList:
+ symbol =symbolItem.lower()
+ if symbol:
+ pass
+ else:
+ symbol ="N/A"
+ if geneIdDict.has_key(symbol) and geneIdDict[symbol]:
+ geneId = geneIdDict[symbol]
+ ncbiUrl = HT.Href(text="NCBI",target='_blank',url=webqtlConfig.NCBI_LOCUSID % geneIdDict[symbol], Class="fs10 fwn")
+ else:
+ geneId ="N/A"
+ symbolItem =symbolItem.replace('"','') # some symbol is saved in ["symbol"]format
+ ncbiUrl = HT.Href(text="NCBI",target='_blank',url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?CMD=search&DB=gene&term=%s" % symbol, Class="fs10 fwn")
+ _Species="mouse"
+ similarTraitUrl = "%s?cmd=sch&gene=%s&alias=1&species=%s" % (os.path.join(webqtlConfig.CGIDIR, webqtlConfig.SCRIPTFILE), symbolItem, _Species)
+ gnUrl = HT.Href(text="GN",target='_blank',url=similarTraitUrl, Class="fs10 fwn")
+ tr = []
+ # updated by NL, 04/25/2011: add checkbox and highlight function
+ # first column of table
+ # updated by NL. 12-7-2011
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Input(type="checkbox", Class="checkbox", name="tissueResult",value=symbol, onClick="highlight(this)"), align='right',Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222 fsI",nowrap='ON'),symbol,symbol))
+ # updated by NL, 04/26/2011: add GN and NCBI links
+ #gene symbol (symbol column)
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Italic(symbolItem), HT.BR(),gnUrl,"&nbsp;&nbsp|&nbsp;&nbsp", ncbiUrl, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"),symbolItem, symbolItem))
+ #description and probe target description(description column)
+ description_string=''
+ if descDict.has_key(symbol):
+ description_string = str(descDict[symbol]).strip()
+ if pTargetDescDict.has_key(symbol):
+ target_string = str(pTargetDescDict[symbol]).strip()
+ description_display = ''
+ if len(description_string) > 1 and description_string != 'None':
+ description_display = description_string
+ else:
+ description_display = symbolItem
+ if len(description_display) > 1 and description_display != 'N/A' and len(target_string) > 1 and target_string != 'None':
+ description_display = description_display + '; ' + target_string.strip()
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(description_display, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222"), description_display, description_display))
+ #trait_location_value is used for sorting (location column)
+ trait_location_repr = 'N/A'
+ trait_location_value = 1000000
+ if ChrDict.has_key(symbol) and MbDict.has_key(symbol):
+ if ChrDict[symbol] and MbDict[symbol]:
+ mb = float(MbDict[symbol])
+ try:
+ trait_location_value = int(ChrDict[symbol])*1000 + mb
+ except:
+ if ChrDict[symbol].upper() == 'X':
+ trait_location_value = 20*1000 + mb
+ else:
+ trait_location_value = ord(str(ChrDict[symbol]).upper()[0])*1000 + mb
+ trait_location_repr = 'Chr%s: %.6f' % (ChrDict[symbol], mb )
+ else:
+ trait_location_repr="N/A"
+ trait_location_value ="N/A"
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(trait_location_repr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", nowrap="on"), trait_location_repr, trait_location_value))
+ # number of overlaped cases (N Case column)
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(TissueCount, Class="fs12 fwn ffl b1 c222", align='right'),TissueCount,TissueCount))
+ #tissue correlation (Tissue r column)
+ TCorr = 0.0
+ TCorrStr = "N/A"
+ if symbolCorrDict.has_key(symbol):
+ TCorr = symbolCorrDict[symbol]
+ TCorrStr = "%2.3f" % TCorr
+ symbol2 =symbolItem.replace('"','') # some symbol is saved in "symbol" format
+ # add a new parameter rankOrder for js function 'showTissueCorrPlot'
+ rankOrder = int(method)
+ TCorrPlotURL = "javascript:showTissueCorrPlot('%s','%s','%s',%d)" %(formName, primarySymbol, symbol2,rankOrder)
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(HT.Href(text=TCorrStr, url=TCorrPlotURL, Class="fs12 fwn ff1"), Class="fs12 fwn ff1 b1 c222", align='right'), TCorrStr, abs(TCorr)))
+ else:
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(TCorrStr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), TCorrStr, abs(TCorr)))
+ #p value of tissue correlation (Tissue p(r) column)
+ TPValue = 1.0
+ TPValueStr = "N/A"
+ if symbolPvalueDict.has_key(symbol):
+ TPValue = symbolPvalueDict[symbol]
+ #TPValueStr = "%2.3f" % TPValue
+ TPValueStr=webqtlUtil.SciFloat(TPValue)
+ tr.append(TDCell(HT.TD(TPValueStr, Class="fs12 fwn b1 c222", align='right'), TPValueStr, TPValue))
+ tblobj_body.append(tr)
+ # build body(records) of excel for download function
+ for ncol, item in enumerate([geneId, symbolItem, description_display, trait_location_repr,TissueCount, TCorr, TPValue]):
+ worksheet.write([newrow, ncol], item)
+ newrow += 1
+ return tblobj_body, worksheet
+ # get return number of records when input symbol has only one
+ def getReturnNum(self,recordReturnNum="0"):
+ if recordReturnNum=="0":
+ returnNum=100
+ elif recordReturnNum=="1":
+ returnNum=200
+ elif recordReturnNum=="2":
+ returnNum=500
+ elif recordReturnNum=="3":
+ returnNum=1000
+ elif recordReturnNum=="4":
+ returnNum=2000
+ elif recordReturnNum=="5":
+ returnNum= None
+ return returnNum
+ # map list based on the order of target List
+ # if item.lower() exist in both lists, then compare the difference of item's original value of two lists
+ # if not equal, then replace the item in targetList by using the item in primaryList(list from database)
+ def mappedByTargetList(self,primaryList=[],targetList=[]):
+ tempPrimaryList =[x.lower() for x in primaryList]
+ testTargetList =[y.lower() for y in targetList]
+ for i, item in enumerate(tempPrimaryList):
+ if item in testTargetList:
+ index = testTargetList.index(item)
+ if primaryList[i]!=targetList[index]:
+ targetList[index]= primaryList[i]
+ return targetList
diff --git a/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/__init__.py b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/__init__.py
diff --git a/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/tissueCorrelationMatrix.py b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/tissueCorrelationMatrix.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..23dc14eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/webqtl/correlationMatrix/tissueCorrelationMatrix.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
+# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
+# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
+# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
+# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
+# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/11/10
+# Last updated by Ning Liu, 2011/01/26
+#tissueCorrelationMatrix: funciton part for TissueCorrelationPage.py
+from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
+from correlation import correlationFunction
+from dbFunction import webqtlDatabaseFunction
+import sys
+# Tissue Correlation Page
+class tissueCorrelationMatrix:
+ def __init__(self,tissueProbeSetFreezeId=None):
+ #initialize parameters
+ self.tProbeSetFreezeId = tissueProbeSetFreezeId
+ self.cursor = webqtlDatabaseFunction.getCursor()
+ #retreive dataSet info from database table TissueProbeSetFreeze to get all TissueProbeSetFreezeId(List), Name(List) and FullName(List)
+ def getTissueDataSet(self):
+ tissProbeSetFreezeIds,Names,fullNames = webqtlDatabaseFunction.getTissueDataSet(cursor=self.cursor)
+ return tissProbeSetFreezeIds,Names,fullNames
+ #retrieve DatasetName, DatasetFullName based on TissueProbeSetFreezeId, return DatasetName(string), DatasetFullName(string)
+ def getFullnameofCurrentDataset(self):
+ DatasetName, DatasetFullName =webqtlDatabaseFunction.getDatasetNamesByTissueProbeSetFreezeId(cursor=self.cursor, TissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tProbeSetFreezeId)
+ return DatasetName, DatasetFullName
+ #retrieve how many tissue used in the specific dataset based on TissueProbeSetFreezeId, return TissueCount(int)
+ def getTissueCountofCurrentDataset(self):
+ TissueCount =webqtlDatabaseFunction.getTissueCountByTissueProbeSetFreezeId(cursor=self.cursor,TissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tProbeSetFreezeId)
+ return TissueCount
+ #retrieve corrArray(array), pvArray(array) for display by calling calculation function:calZeroOrderCorrForTiss
+ def getTissueCorrPvArray(self,geneNameLst=None,dataIdDict=None):
+ #retrieve SymbolValuePairDict(Dict), dictionary of Symbol and Value Pair.key is symbol, value is one list of expression values of one probeSet
+ symbolValuepairDict =correlationFunction.getGeneSymbolTissueValueDict(cursor=self.cursor,symbolList=geneNameLst,dataIdDict=dataIdDict)
+ corrArray,pvArray = correlationFunction.getCorrPvArray(cursor=self.cursor,priGeneSymbolList=geneNameLst,symbolValuepairDict=symbolValuepairDict)
+ return corrArray,pvArray
+ #retrieve symbolList,geneIdList,dataIdList,ChrList,MbList,descList,pTargetDescList (all are list type) to
+ #get multi lists for short and long label functions, and for getSymbolValuePairDict and
+ #getGeneSymbolTissueValueDict to build dict to get CorrPvArray
+ def getTissueProbeSetXRefInfo(self,GeneNameLst=[]):
+ symbolList,geneIdDict,dataIdDict,ChrDict,MbDict,descDict,pTargetDescDict =correlationFunction.getTissueProbeSetXRefInfo(cursor=self.cursor,GeneNameLst=GeneNameLst,TissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tProbeSetFreezeId)
+ return symbolList,geneIdDict,dataIdDict,ChrDict,MbDict,descDict,pTargetDescDict
+ #retrieve corrArray(array), pvArray(array) for gene symbol pair
+ def getCorrPvArrayForGeneSymbolPair(self,geneNameLst=None):
+ corrArray = None
+ pvArray = None
+ if len(geneNameLst) == 2:
+ #retrieve SymbolValuePairDict(Dict), dictionary of Symbol and Value Pair.key is symbol, value is one list of expression values of one probeSet
+ symbolList,geneIdDict,dataIdDict,ChrDict,MbDict,descDict,pTargetDescDict =correlationFunction.getTissueProbeSetXRefInfo(cursor=self.cursor,GeneNameLst=geneNameLst,TissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tProbeSetFreezeId)
+ symbolValuepairDict =correlationFunction.getGeneSymbolTissueValueDict(cursor=self.cursor,symbolList=geneNameLst,dataIdDict=dataIdDict)
+ corrArray,pvArray = correlationFunction.getCorrPvArray(cursor=self.cursor,priGeneSymbolList=geneNameLst,symbolValuepairDict=symbolValuepairDict)
+ return corrArray,pvArray
+ #retrieve symbolCorrDict(dict), symbolPvalueDict(dict) to get all tissues' correlation value and P value; key is symbol
+ def calculateCorrOfAllTissueTrait(self, primaryTraitSymbol=None, method='0'):
+ symbolCorrDict, symbolPvalueDict = correlationFunction.calculateCorrOfAllTissueTrait(cursor=self.cursor, primaryTraitSymbol=primaryTraitSymbol, TissueProbeSetFreezeId=self.tProbeSetFreezeId,method=method)
+ return symbolCorrDict, symbolPvalueDict
+ #Translate GeneId to gene symbol and keep the original order.
+ def getGeneSymbolLst(self, geneSymbols=None):
+ geneSymbolLst=[]
+ geneIdLst=[]
+ #split the input string at every occurrence of the delimiter '\r', and return the substrings in an array.
+ tokens=geneSymbols.strip().split('\r')
+ #Ning: To keep the original order of input symbols and GeneIds
+ for i in tokens:
+ i=i.strip()
+ if (len(i) >0) and (i not in geneSymbolLst):
+ geneSymbolLst.append(i)
+ # if input includes geneId(s), then put it/them into geneIdLst
+ if i.isdigit():
+ geneIdLst.append(i)
+ #Ning: Replace GeneId with symbol if applicable
+ if len(geneIdLst)>0:
+ # if input includes geneId(s), replace geneId by geneSymbol;
+ geneIdSymbolPair =webqtlDatabaseFunction.getGeneIdSymbolPairByGeneId(cursor=self.cursor, geneIdLst =geneIdLst)
+ for geneId in geneIdLst:
+ if geneIdSymbolPair[geneId]:
+ index = geneSymbolLst.index(geneId)
+ geneSymbolLst[index] =geneIdSymbolPair[geneId]
+ return geneSymbolLst