path: root/web/tutorial/ppt/WebQTLDemo_files/script.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/tutorial/ppt/WebQTLDemo_files/script.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1379 deletions
diff --git a/web/tutorial/ppt/WebQTLDemo_files/script.js b/web/tutorial/ppt/WebQTLDemo_files/script.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 86d4c16c..00000000
--- a/web/tutorial/ppt/WebQTLDemo_files/script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1379 +0,0 @@
-var CtxAlwaysOn = false;
-function LoadSld( slideId )
- if( !g_supportsPPTHTML ) return
- if( slideId )
- parent.base.SldUpdated(slideId)
- g_origSz=parseInt(SlideObj.style.fontSize)
- g_origH=SlideObj.style.posHeight
- g_origW=SlideObj.style.posWidth
- g_scaleHyperlinks=(document.all.tags("AREA").length>0)
- if ( IsWin("PPTSld") && !parent.IsFullScrMode() )
- parent.base.highlite();
- if( g_scaleHyperlinks )
- InitHLinkArray()
- if( g_scaleInFrame||(IsWin("PPTSld") && parent.IsFullScrMode() ) )
- document.body.scroll="no"
- _RSW()
- if( IsWin("PPTSld") && (parent.IsFullScrMode() || CtxAlwaysOn ) ) {
- document.oncontextmenu=parent._CM;
- self.focus();
- }
-function MakeSldVis( fTrans )
- fTrans=fTrans && g_showAnimation
- if( fTrans )
- {
- if( g_bgSound ) {
- idx=g_bgSound.indexOf(",");
- pptSound.src=g_bgSound.substr( 0, idx );
- pptSound.loop= -(parseInt(g_bgSound.substr(idx+1)));
- }
- SlideObj.filters.revealtrans.Apply()
- }
- SlideObj.style.visibility="visible"
- if( fTrans )
- SlideObj.filters.revealtrans.Play()
-function MakeNotesVis()
- if( !IsNts() ) return false
- SlideObj.style.display="none"
- nObj = document.all.item("NotesObj")
- parent.SetHasNts(0)
- if( nObj ) {
- nObj.style.display=""
- parent.SetHasNts(1)
- }
- return 1
-function Redirect( frmId,sId )
- var str=document.location.hash,idx=str.indexOf('#')
- if(idx>=0) str=str.substr(1);
- if( window.name != frmId && ( sId != str) ) {
- obj = document.all.item("Main-File")
- window.location.href=obj.href+"#"+sId
- return 1
- }
- return 0
-function HideMenu() { if( frames["PPTSld"] && PPTSld.document.all.item("ctxtmenu") && PPTSld.ctxtmenu.style.display!="none" ) { PPTSld.ctxtmenu.style.display='none'; return true } return false }
-function IsWin( name ) { return window.name == name }
-function IsNts() { return IsWin("PPTNts") }
-function IsSldOrNts() { return( IsWin("PPTSld")||IsWin("PPTNts") ) }
-function SupportsPPTAnimation() { return( navigator.platform == "Win32" && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows")>0 ) }
-function SupportsPPTHTML()
- var appVer=navigator.appVersion, msie=appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " ), inex = appVer.indexOf( "Internet Explorer " ), ver=0
- if( msie >= 0 )
- ver=parseFloat( appVer.substring( msie+5, appVer.indexOf(";",msie) ) )
- else if( inex >= 0 )
- ver=parseFloat( appVer.substring( inex+18, appVer.indexOf(";",inex) ) )
- else
- ver=parseInt(appVer)
- return( ver >= 4 )
-var MHTMLPrefix = CalculateMHTMLPrefix();
-function CalculateMHTMLPrefix()
- if ( document.location.protocol == 'mhtml:') {
- href=new String(document.location.href)
- Start=href.indexOf('!')+1
- End=href.lastIndexOf('/')+1
- if (End < Start)
- return href.substring(0, Start)
- else
- return href.substring(0, End)
- }
- return '';
-function LoadNavSld(slideId) {
- if( !g_supportsPPTHTML ) return
- if( IsWin("PPTSld") && slideId )
- parent.base.SldUpdated(slideId)
- self.focus();
-var hasNarration = false;
-function _RSW()
- if( !g_supportsPPTHTML || IsNts() ||
- ( !g_scaleInFrame && (( window.name != "PPTSld" ) ) ) )
- return
- cltWidth=document.body.clientWidth
- cltHeight=document.body.clientHeight
- factor=(1.0*cltWidth)/g_origW
- if( cltHeight < g_origH*factor )
- factor=(1.0*cltHeight)/g_origH
- newSize = g_origSz * factor
- if( newSize < 1 ) newSize=1
- s=SlideObj.style
- s.fontSize=newSize+"px"
- s.posWidth=g_origW*factor
- s.posHeight=g_origH*factor
- s.posLeft=(cltWidth-s.posWidth)/2
- s.posTop=(cltHeight-s.posHeight)/2
- if ( hasNarration ) {
- obj = document.all.NSPlay.style;
- mySld = document.all.SlideObj.style;
- obj.position = 'absolute';
- obj.posTop = mySld.posTop + mySld.posHeight - 20;
- obj.posLeft = mySld.posLeft + mySld.posWidth - 20;
- }
- if( g_scaleHyperlinks )
- ScaleHyperlinks( factor );
-function IsMac() {
- return (window.navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0 );
-function HitOK( evt ) {
- //Nav Only function
- return (evt.which == 1 || (IsMac() && evt.which == 3) );
-function _KPH(event)
- if ( parent.base.msie < 0 ) {
- if ( ( (event.target.name && event.target.name == "hasMap" ) || (event.target.href && event.target.href != "") ) && parent.g_docTable[0].type != "jpeg" && HitOK( event ) ) {
- return; /* to make hyperlinks in fullscreen mode traversable */
- }
- if( IsContextMenu() )
- return parent.KPH(event);
- if ( parent.IsFullScrMode() && event.which == 27 )
- parent.base.CloseFullScreen();
- else if ( parent.base.IsFullScrMode() && ( (!IsMac() && event.which == 3) || ( IsMac() && (event.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) && event.which == 1 ) ) )
- return parent.KPH(event);
- else if( (event.which == 32) || (event.which == 13) || HitOK( event ) ) {
- if( window.name == "PPTSld" )
- parent.PPTSld.DocumentOnClick();
- else
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
- }
- else if ( parent.IsFullScrMode() && ((event.which == 78) || (event.which == 110) || (event.which == 29) || (event.which == 31) || (event.which == 12)) )
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
- else if ( parent.IsFullScrMode() && ( (event.which == 80) || (event.which == 112) || (event.which == 30) || (event.which == 28) || (event.which == 11) || (event.which == 8)) )
- parent.M_GoPrevSld();
- return;
- }
- if( IsNts() ) return;
- if(parent.IsFullScrMode() && event.keyCode == 27 && !parent.HideMenu() )
- parent.base.CloseFullScreen();
- else if( (event.keyCode == 32) || (event.keyCode == 13) )
- {
- if( window.name == "PPTSld" )
- parent.PPTSld.DocumentOnClick();
- else
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
- }
- else if ( parent.IsFullScrMode() && ((event.keyCode == 78) || (event.keyCode == 110)) )
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
- else if ( parent.IsFullScrMode() && ((event.keyCode == 80) || (event.keyCode == 112)) )
- parent.M_GoPrevSld();
-function DocumentOnClick(event)
- if ( g_doAdvOnClick && !parent.IsFullScrMode() ) {
- parent.base.TP_GoToNextSld();
- return;
- }
- if ( parent.base.msie < 0 )
- {
- if( ( g_allowAdvOnClick && parent.IsFullScrMode() ) || g_doAdvOnClick ||
- (event && ( (event.which == 32) || (event.which == 13) ) ) )
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
- return;
- }
- if( IsNts() || (parent.IsFullScrMode() && parent.HideMenu() ) ) return;
- if( ( g_allowAdvOnClick && parent.IsFullScrMode() ) || g_doAdvOnClick ||
- (event && ( (event.keyCode==32) || (event.keyCode == 13) ) ) )
- parent.M_GoNextSld();
-var g_supportsPPTHTML = SupportsPPTHTML(), g_scaleInFrame = true, gId="", g_bgSound="",
- g_scaleHyperlinks = false, g_allowAdvOnClick = true, g_showInBrowser = false, g_doAdvOnClick = false;
- var g_showAnimation = 0;
-var g_hasTrans = false, g_autoTrans = false, g_transSecs = 0;
-var g_animManager = null;
-var ENDSHOW_MESG="End of slide show, click to exit.", SCREEN_MODE="Frames", gIsEndShow=0, NUM_VIS_SLDS=32, SCRIPT_HREF="script.js", FULLSCR_HREF="fullscreen.htm";
-var gCurSld = gPrevSld = 1, g_offset = 0, gNtsOpen = gHasNts = gOtlTxtExp = gNarrationPaused = false, gOtlOpen = true
-var g_hideNav = 0;
-function UpdNtsPane(){ PPTNts.location.replace( MHTMLPrefix+GetHrefObj( gCurSld ).mNtsHref ) }
-function UpdNavPane( sldIndex ){ if(gNavLoaded) PPTNav.UpdNav() }
-function UpdOtNavPane(){ if(gOtlNavLoaded) PPTOtlNav.UpdOtlNav() }
-function UpdOtlPane(){ if(gOtlLoaded) PPTOtl.UpdOtl() }
-function SetHasNts( fVal )
- if( gHasNts != fVal ) {
- gHasNts=fVal
- UpdNavPane()
- }
-function ToggleVNarration()
- if ( base.msie < 0 ) {
- PPTSld.ToggleSound( false, PPTSld.document.NSPlay );
- return;
- }
- rObj=PPTSld.document.all("NSPlay")
- if( rObj ) {
- if( gNarrationPaused )
- rObj.Play()
- else
- rObj.Pause()
- gNarrationPaused=!gNarrationPaused
- }
-function PrevSldViewed(){ GoToSld( GetHrefObj(gPrevSld).mSldHref ) }
-function HasPrevSld() { return ( gIsEndShow || ( g_currentSlide != 1 && GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide-1 ).mVis == 1 )||( GetCurrentSlideNum() > 1 ) ) }
-function HasNextSld() { return (GetCurrentSlideNum() != GetNumSlides()) }
-function StartEndShow()
-// g_hideNav = 1;
-// PPTNav.location.reload();
- if( PPTSld.event ) PPTSld.event.cancelBubble=true
- doc=PPTSld.document
- doc.open()
- doc.writeln('<html><head><script > /*defer>*/ g_ctxmenu = 0; ' +
- 'if( parent.base.msie < 0 ) { document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS); document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onkeypress = _KPH; document.onmousedown = _KPH; } ' +
- 'function DocumentOnClick(event) { return _KPH(event); } function IsContextMenu() { return (g_ctxmenu ==1); } ' +
- 'function _KPH(event)' +
- '{ ' +
- 'if ( parent.base.msie < 0 && (parent.IsFullScrMode() ) && event ) { if ( (!parent.IsMac() && event.which == 3) || ( parent.IsMac() && (event.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) && event.which == 1 ) ) { return parent.KPH(event); } ' +
- ' else if (event.which == 27 || event.which == 32 || event.which == 13 || parent.HitOK( event ) || (event.which == 78) || (event.which == 110) || (event.which == 29) || (event.which == 31) || (event.which == 12) ) { if ( IsContextMenu() ) { return parent.KPH(event); } parent.base.CloseFullScreen(); return; } ' +
- ' else if ( (event.which == 80) || (event.which == 112) || (event.which == 30) || (event.which == 28) || (event.which == 11) || (event.which == 8) ) { parent.M_GoPrevSld(); } } ' +
- 'if( parent.HideMenu() ) return; if( (parent.IsFullScrMode() ) && event) { if ( (event.keyCode==27 || event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode==32 || event.type=="click" ) || (event.keyCode == 78) || (event.keyCode == 110) ) { parent.base.CloseFullScreen(); }' +
- ' else if ( (event.keyCode == 80) || (event.keyCode == 112) ) { parent.M_GoPrevSld(); } } } function Unload() { parent.gIsEndShow=0; } function SetupEndShow() { if ( !parent.IsFullScrMode() ) { return; } else { parent.PPTNav.location.reload(); } parent.gIsEndShow=1; if ( parent.g_docTable[0].type != "jpeg" ) { if ( parent.base.msie < 0 ) {parent.createCM(); } document.oncontextmenu=parent._CM; } }</script></head><body scroll=\"no\" onclick=\"DocumentOnClick(event)\" onkeypress=\"_KPH(event)\" bgcolor=\"black\" onload=\"SetupEndShow()\" onunload=\"Unload()\"><center><p><font face=Tahoma color=white size=2><br><b>' + ENDSHOW_MESG + '</b></font></p></center></body></html>')
- doc.close()
-function SetSldVisited(){ gDocTable[gCurSld-1].mVisited=true }
-function IsSldVisited(){ return gDocTable[gCurSld-1].mVisited }
-function hrefList( sldHref, visible, sldIdx )
- this.mSldHref= this.mNtsHref = sldHref
- this.mSldIdx = sldIdx
- this.mOrigVis= this.mVis = visible
- this.mVisited= false
-var gDocTable = new Array(
- new hrefList("slide0001.htm", 1, 1),
- new hrefList("slide0002.htm", 1, 2),
- new hrefList("slide0003.htm", 1, 3),
- new hrefList("slide0004.htm", 1, 4),
- new hrefList("slide0005.htm", 1, 5),
- new hrefList("slide0006.htm", 1, 6),
- new hrefList("slide0007.htm", 1, 7),
- new hrefList("slide0008.htm", 1, 8),
- new hrefList("slide0009.htm", 1, 9),
- new hrefList("slide0010.htm", 1, 10),
- new hrefList("slide0011.htm", 1, 11),
- new hrefList("slide0012.htm", 1, 12),
- new hrefList("slide0013.htm", 1, 13),
- new hrefList("slide0014.htm", 1, 14),
- new hrefList("slide0015.htm", 1, 15),
- new hrefList("slide0016.htm", 1, 16),
- new hrefList("slide0017.htm", 1, 17),
- new hrefList("slide0018.htm", 1, 18),
- new hrefList("slide0019.htm", 1, 19),
- new hrefList("slide0020.htm", 1, 20),
- new hrefList("slide0021.htm", 1, 21),
- new hrefList("slide0022.htm", 1, 22),
- new hrefList("slide0023.htm", 1, 23),
- new hrefList("slide0024.htm", 1, 24),
- new hrefList("slide0025.htm", 1, 25),
- new hrefList("slide0026.htm", 1, 26),
- new hrefList("slide0027.htm", 1, 27),
- new hrefList("slide0028.htm", 1, 28),
- new hrefList("slide0029.htm", 1, 29),
- new hrefList("slide0030.htm", 1, 30),
- new hrefList("slide0031.htm", 1, 31),
- new hrefList("slide0032.htm", 1, 32)
-function ImgBtn( oId,bId,w,action )
- var t=this
- t.Perform = _IBP
- t.SetActive = _IBSetA
- t.SetInactive= _IBSetI
- t.SetPressed = _IBSetP
- t.SetDisabled= _IBSetD
- t.Enabled = _IBSetE
- t.ChangeIcon = null
- t.UserAction = action
- t.ChgState = _IBUI
- t.mObjId = oId
- t.mBorderId= bId
- t.mWidth = w
- t.mIsOn = t.mCurState = 0
-function _IBSetA()
- if( this.mIsOn ) {
- obj=this.ChgState( gHiliteClr,gShadowClr,2 )
- obj.style.posTop=0
- }
-function _IBSetI()
- if( this.mIsOn ) {
- obj=this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,1 )
- obj.style.posTop=0
- }
-function _IBSetP()
- if( this.mIsOn ) {
- obj=this.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,2 )
- obj.style.posLeft+=1; obj.style.posTop+=1
- }
-function _IBSetD()
- obj=this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0 )
- obj.style.posTop=0
-function _IBSetE( state )
- var t=this
- GetObj( t.mBorderId ).style.visibility="visible"
- if( state != t.mIsOn ) {
- t.mIsOn=state
- if( state )
- t.SetInactive()
- else
- t.SetDisabled()
- }
-function _IBP()
- var t=this
- if( t.mIsOn ) {
- if( t.UserAction != null )
- t.UserAction()
- if( t.ChangeIcon ) {
- obj=GetObj(t.mObjId)
- if( t.ChangeIcon() )
- obj.style.posLeft=obj.style.posLeft+(t.mCurState-4)*t.mWidth
- else
- obj.style.posLeft=obj.style.posLeft+(t.mCurState-0)*t.mWidth
- }
- t.SetActive()
- }
-function _IBUI( clr1,clr2,nextState )
- var t=this
- SetBorder( GetObj( t.mBorderId ),clr1,clr2 )
- obj=GetObj( t.mObjId )
- obj.style.posLeft=obj.style.posLeft+(t.mCurState-nextState)*t.mWidth-obj.style.posTop
- t.mCurState=nextState
- return obj
-function TxtBtn( oId,oeId,action,chkState )
- var t=this
- t.Perform = _TBP
- t.SetActive = _TBSetA
- t.SetInactive= _TBSetI
- t.SetPressed = _TBSetP
- t.SetDisabled= _TBSetD
- t.SetEnabled = _TBSetE
- t.GetState = chkState
- t.UserAction = action
- t.ChgState = _TBUI
- t.mObjId = oId
- t.m_elementsId= oeId
- t.mIsOn = 1
-function _TBSetA()
- var t=this
- if( t.mIsOn && !t.GetState() )
- t.ChgState( gHiliteClr,gShadowClr,0,0 )
-function _TBSetI()
- var t=this
- if( t.mIsOn && !t.GetState() )
- t.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 )
-function _TBSetP()
- if( this.mIsOn )
- this.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,1,1 )
-function _TBSetD()
- this.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 )
- this.mIsOn = 0
-function _TBSetE()
- var t=this
- if( !t.GetState() )
- t.ChgState( gFaceClr,gFaceClr,0,0 )
- else
- t.ChgState( gShadowClr,gHiliteClr,1,1 )
- t.mIsOn = 1
-function _TBP()
- var t=this
- if( t.mIsOn ) {
- if( t.UserAction != null )
- t.UserAction()
- if( t.GetState() )
- t.SetPressed()
- else
- t.SetActive()
- }
-function _TBUI( clr1,clr2,lOffset,tOffset )
- SetBorder( GetObj( this.mObjId ),clr1,clr2 )
- Offset( GetObj( this.m_elementsId ),lOffset,tOffset )
-function GetObj( objId ){ return document.all.item( objId ) }
-function Offset( obj, top, left ){ obj.style.top=top; obj.style.left=left }
-function SetBorder( obj, upperLeft, lowerRight )
- s=obj.style;
- s.borderStyle = "solid"
- s.borderWidth = 1
- s.borderLeftColor = s.borderTopColor = upperLeft
- s.borderBottomColor= s.borderRightColor = lowerRight
-function GetBtnObj(){ return gBtnArr[window.event.srcElement.id] }
-function BtnOnOver(){ b=GetBtnObj(); if( b != null ) b.SetActive() }
-function BtnOnDown(){ b=GetBtnObj(); if( b != null ) b.SetPressed() }
-function BtnOnOut(){ b=GetBtnObj(); if( b != null ) b.SetInactive() }
-function BtnOnUp()
- b=GetBtnObj()
- if( b != null )
- b.Perform()
- else
- Upd()
-function GetNtsState(){ return parent.gNtsOpen }
-function GetOtlState(){ return parent.gOtlOpen }
-function GetOtlTxtState(){ return parent.gOtlTxtExp }
-function NtsBtnSetFlag( fVal )
- s=document.all.item( this.m_flagId ).style
- s.display="none"
- if( fVal )
- s.display=""
- else
- s.display="none"
-var gBtnArr = new Array()
-gBtnArr["nb_otl"] = new TxtBtn( "nb_otl","nb_otlElem",parent.ToggleOtlPane,GetOtlState )
-gBtnArr["nb_nts"] = new TxtBtn( "nb_nts","nb_ntsElem",parent.ToggleNtsPane,GetNtsState )
-gBtnArr["nb_prev"]= new ImgBtn( "nb_prev","nb_prevBorder",30,parent.GoToPrevSld )
-gBtnArr["nb_next"]= new ImgBtn( "nb_next","nb_nextBorder",30,parent.GoToNextSld )
-gBtnArr["nb_sldshw"]= new ImgBtn( "nb_sldshw","nb_sldshwBorder",18,parent.FullScreen )
-gBtnArr["nb_voice"] = new ImgBtn( "nb_voice","nb_voiceBorder",18,parent.ToggleVNarration )
-gBtnArr["nb_otlTxt"]= new ImgBtn( "nb_otlTxt","nb_otlTxtBorder",23,parent.ToggleOtlText )
-gBtnArr["nb_nts"].m_flagId= "notes_flag"
-gBtnArr["nb_nts"].SetFlag = NtsBtnSetFlag
-gBtnArr["nb_otlTxt"].ChangeIcon= GetOtlTxtState
-var sNext="Next",sPrev="Previous",sEnd="End Show",sFont="Arial", alwaysOn = false
-function ShowMenu()
- BuildMenu();
- var doc=PPTSld.document.body,x=PPTSld.event.clientX+doc.scrollLeft,y=PPTSld.event.clientY+doc.scrollTop
- m = PPTSld.document.all.item("ctxtmenu")
- m.style.pixelLeft=x
- if( (x+m.scrollWidth > doc.clientWidth)&&(x-m.scrollWidth > 0) )
- m.style.pixelLeft=x-m.scrollWidth
- m.style.pixelTop=y
- if( (y+m.scrollHeight > doc.clientHeight)&&(y-m.scrollHeight > 0) )
- m.style.pixelTop=y-m.scrollHeight
- m.style.display=""
-function _CM()
- if( !parent.IsFullScrMode() && !alwaysOn) return;
- if(!PPTSld.event.ctrlKey) {
- ShowMenu()
- return false
- } else
- HideMenu()
-function processNavKPH(event) {
- if ( PPTSld && (event.keyCode != 13 || !event.srcElement.href || event.srcElement.href == "" ) )
- return PPTSld._KPH(event);
-function processNavClick() {
- HideMenu();
- return true;
-function BuildMenu()
- if( PPTSld.document.all.item("ctxtmenu") ) return
- var mObj=CreateItem( PPTSld.document.body )
- var s=mObj.style
- s.position="absolute"
- s.cursor="default"
- s.width="100px"
- SetCMBorder(mObj,"menu","black")
- var iObj=CreateItem( mObj )
- SetCMBorder( iObj, "threedhighlight","threedshadow" )
- iObj.style.padding=2
- if ( self.IsFullScrMode() ) {
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sNext,M_GoNextSld,M_True )
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sPrev,M_GoPrevSld,M_HasPrevSld )
- }
- else {
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sNext, base.TP_GoToNextSld, base.HasNextSld )
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sPrev,base.GoToPrevSld, base.HasPrevSld )
- }
- var sObj=CreateItem( iObj )
- SetCMBorder(sObj,"menu","menu")
- var s=sObj.style
- s.borderTopColor="threedshadow"
- s.borderBottomColor="threedhighlight"
- s.height=1
- s.fontSize="0px"
- if ( self.IsFullScrMode() )
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sEnd,M_End,M_True )
- else
- CreateMenuItem( iObj,sEnd,M_End,M_False )
-function Highlight() { ChangeClr("activecaption","threedhighlight") }
-function Deselect() { ChangeClr("threedface","menutext") }
-function Perform()
- e=PPTSld.event.srcElement
- if( e.type=="menuitem" && e.IsActive() )
- e.Action()
- else
- PPTSld.event.cancelBubble=true
-function ChangeClr( bg,clr )
- e=PPTSld.event.srcElement
- if( e.type=="menuitem" && e.IsActive() ) {
- e.style.backgroundColor=bg
- e.style.color=clr
- }
-function M_HasPrevSld() { return( base.HasPrevSld() ) }
-function M_GoNextSld() {
- base.SetFSMode(1);
- if( gIsEndShow )
- M_End();
- else {
- if ( base.HasNextSld() )
- base.GoToNextSld();
- else if ( base.EndSlideShow ) {
- StartEndShow();
- gIsEndShow = 1;
- PPTNav.location.reload();
- }
- else
- base.CloseFullScreen();
- }
-function M_GoPrevSld() {
- base.SetFSMode(1);
- g_hideNav = 0;
- if( gIsEndShow ) {
- gIsEndShow = 0;
- if ( base.msie > 0 && IsMac() )
- ChangeFrame( SLIDE_FRAME, GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_slideHref );
- else
- PPTSld.history.back();
- PPTNav.location.reload();
- if( PPTSld.event )
- PPTSld.event.cancelBubble=true;
- }
- else
- base.GoToPrevSld();
-function M_True() { return true }
-function M_False() { return false }
-function M_End() {
- base.CloseFullScreen();
- /*PPTSld.event.cancelBubble=true;
- window.close( self )*/
-function CreateMenuItem( node,text,action,eval )
- var e=CreateItem( node )
- e.type="menuitem"
- e.Action=action
- e.IsActive=eval
- e.innerHTML=text
- if( !e.IsActive() )
- e.style.color="threedshadow"
- e.onclick=Perform
- e.onmouseover=Highlight
- e.onmouseout=Deselect
- s=e.style;
- s.fontFamily=sFont
- s.fontSize="8pt"
- s.paddingLeft=2
-function CreateItem( node )
- var elem=PPTSld.document.createElement("DIV")
- node.insertBefore( elem )
- return elem
-function SetCMBorder( o,ltClr,rbClr )
- var s=o.style
- s.backgroundColor="menu"
- s.borderStyle="solid"
- s.borderWidth=1
- s.borderColor=ltClr+" "+rbClr+" "+rbClr+" "+ltClr
-/* netscape context menu */
-g_ctxmenu = 0;
-function setRect( obj, X, Y, W, H ) {
- obj.top = Y;
- obj.left = X;
- obj.clip.top = 0;
- obj.clip.left = 0;
- obj.clip.bottom = H;
- obj.clip.right = W;
-function KPH(event) {
- if ( ! base.IsFullScrMode() && !alwaysOn )
- return true;
- if ( (!IsMac() &&event.which == 3) || ( IsMac() && (event.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) && event.which == 1 ) ) {
- PPTSld.g_ctxmenu = 1;
- PPTSld.stripUobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.stripDobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.shadeUobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.shadeDobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.panelobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.Fobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.Bobj.visibility = "show";
- PPTSld.Eobj.visibility = "show";
- setRect(PPTSld.shadeUobj, event.pageX-2, event.pageY-2, 82, 67 );
- setRect(PPTSld.shadeDobj, event.pageX, event.pageY, 82, 67 );
- setRect(PPTSld.panelobj, event.pageX, event.pageY, 80, 65 );
- setRect(PPTSld.Fobj, event.pageX, event.pageY, 80, 20 );
- setRect(PPTSld.Bobj, event.pageX, event.pageY+20, 80, 20 );
- setRect(PPTSld.stripUobj, event.pageX, event.pageY+41, 80, 1 );
- setRect(PPTSld.stripDobj, event.pageX, event.pageY+43, 80, 1 );
- setRect(PPTSld.Eobj, event.pageX, event.pageY+45, 80, 20 );
- return false;
- }
- if ( HitOK( event ) ) {
- PPTSld.g_ctxmenu = 0;
- PPTSld.stripUobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.stripDobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.shadeUobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.shadeDobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.panelobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.Fobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.Bobj.visibility = "hide";
- PPTSld.Eobj.visibility = "hide";
- }
- return true;
-function overMe() {
- this.bgColor = "blue";
-function outMe() {
- this.bgColor = "#AAAAAA";
-function makeElement( whichEl, whichContainer ) {
- if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
- whichContainer = PPTSld;
- }
- tmp = new Layer(100,whichContainer);
- eval( whichEl + " = tmp" );
- return eval(whichEl);
-function initMe( obj, clr, text ) {
- obj.bgColor = clr;
-// obj.document.write("<a href='javascript:return false'>" + text + "</a>");
- obj.document.write( "<font size=2 face=Arial " );
- if ( !M_HasPrevSld() && (obj == PPTSld.Bobj ) ) {
- obj.document.write( " color='#808080' " );
- }
- else {
- obj.onmouseover = overMe;
- obj.onmouseout = outMe;
- }
- obj.document.write( " > &nbsp " + text +"</font> <layer top=0 left=0 width=100 height=40 ></layer>");
- obj.document.close();
- obj.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);
- obj.color = "black";
-function createCM() {
- if ( base.IsFullScrMode() ) {
- var clr = "#AAAAAA";
- PPTSld.shadeUobj = makeElement("SHADEU");
- PPTSld.shadeDobj = makeElement("SHADED");
- PPTSld.panelobj = makeElement("PANEL");
- PPTSld.stripUobj = makeElement("STRIPU");
- PPTSld.stripDobj = makeElement("STRIPD");
- PPTSld.shadeUobj.bgColor = "#BBBBBB";
- PPTSld.shadeDobj.bgColor = "#888888";
- PPTSld.stripUobj.bgColor = "#777777";
- PPTSld.stripDobj.bgColor = "#CCCCCC";
- PPTSld.panelobj.bgColor = clr;
- PPTSld.Fobj = makeElement("Next");
- PPTSld.Bobj = makeElement("Previous");
- PPTSld.Eobj = makeElement("EndShow");
- initMe( PPTSld.Fobj, clr, "Next" );
- PPTSld.Fobj.onclick = M_GoNextSld;
- initMe( PPTSld.Bobj, clr, "Previous" );
- PPTSld.Bobj.onclick = M_GoPrevSld;
- initMe( PPTSld.Eobj, clr, "End Show");
- PPTSld.Eobj.onclick = base.CloseFullScreen;
- }
-function IsContextMenu() {
- return (g_ctxmenu == 1)
-var g_notesTable = new Array()
-var g_hiddenSlide = new Array()
-makeSlide( 0,1,1);
-makeSlide( 1,1,1);
-makeSlide( 2,1,1);
-makeSlide( 3,1,1);
-makeSlide( 4,1,1);
-makeSlide( 5,1,1);
-makeSlide( 6,1,1);
-makeSlide( 7,1,1);
-makeSlide( 8,1,1);
-makeSlide( 9,1,1);
-makeSlide( 10,1,1);
-makeSlide( 11,1,1);
-makeSlide( 12,1,1);
-makeSlide( 13,1,1);
-makeSlide( 14,1,1);
-makeSlide( 15,1,1);
-makeSlide( 16,1,1);
-makeSlide( 17,1,1);
-makeSlide( 18,1,1);
-makeSlide( 19,1,1);
-makeSlide( 20,1,1);
-makeSlide( 21,1,1);
-makeSlide( 22,1,1);
-makeSlide( 23,1,1);
-makeSlide( 24,1,1);
-makeSlide( 25,1,1);
-makeSlide( 26,1,1);
-makeSlide( 27,1,1);
-makeSlide( 28,1,1);
-makeSlide( 29,1,1);
-makeSlide( 30,1,1);
-makeSlide( 31,1,1);
-var END_SHOW_HREF = "endshow.htm",
- OUTLINE_EXPAND_HREF = "outline_expanded.htm",
- OUTLINE_COLLAPSE_HREF = "outline_collapsed.htm",
- OUTLINE_NAVBAR_HREF = "outline_navigation_bar.htm",
- NAVBAR_HREF = "navigation_bar.htm",
- BLANK_NOTES_HREF = "blank_notes.htm",
- MAIN_FRAME = "MainFrame",
- FS_NAVBAR_HREF = "fs_navigation_bar.htm",
- isIEFiles = 2,
- isNAVFiles = 8,
- isFLATFiles = 16,
- includeNotes = 1,
-var EndSlideShow = 0;
-var g_outline_href = OUTLINE_COLLAPSE_HREF;
-var g_fullscrMode = 0;
-var FSWin = null;
-var gtmpstr = document.location.href;
-var g_baseURL = gtmpstr.substr(0, gtmpstr.lastIndexOf("/") ) + "/" + "WebQTLDemo_files";
-var g_showoutline = 1;
-var g_shownotes = includeNotes;
-var g_currentSlide = INITSLIDENUM, g_prevSlide = INITSLIDENUM;
-var saveFSSlideNum = saveTPSlideNum = g_currentSlide;
-var saveFSprevSlide = saveTPprevSlide = g_prevSlide;
-var g_slideType="ie";
-var appVer = navigator.appVersion;
-var msie = appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " ) + appVer.indexOf( "Internet Explorer " );
-var isnav = ( navigator.appName.indexOf( "Netscape" ) >= 0 );
-var msieWin31 = (appVer.indexOf( "Windows 3.1" ) > 0);
-var ver = 0;
-var g_done = 0;
-var g_prevotlobjidx = 0;
-var g_ShowFSDefault = 0;
-var g_lastVisibleSld = 1;
-var g_allHidden = false;
-function IsIE() {
- return (msie >= 0 );
-function IsNav() {
- return (isnav);
-var msiePos = appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " );
-var inexPos = appVer.indexOf( "Internet Explorer " );
-if ( msiePos >= 0 )
- ver = parseFloat( appVer.substring( msiePos+5, appVer.indexOf ( ";", msiePos ) ) );
-else if( inexPos >= 0 )
- ver=parseFloat( appVer.substring( inexPos+18, appVer.indexOf(";",inexPos) ) )
- ver = parseInt( appVer );
-//var g_supportsPPTHTML = 0; //!msieWin31 && ( ( msie >= 0 && ver >= 3.02 ) || ( msie < 0 && ver >= 3 ) );
-function GetCurrentSlideNum()
- obj = GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide );
- if ( GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_origVisibility == 1 )
- return obj.m_slideIdx;
- else
- return g_currentSlide;
-function GetNumSlides()
- if ( GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_origVisibility == 1 )
- else
- return g_docTable.length;
-function GetHrefObj( slideIdx )
-{ return g_docTable[slideIdx - 1];
-function GetSlideNum( slideHref )
- for (ii=0; ii<g_docTable.length; ii++) {
- if ( g_docTable[ii].m_slideHref == slideHref )
- return ii+1;
- }
- return 1;
-function GoToNextSld()
- targetIdx = g_currentSlide + 1;
- if ( GetHrefObj( targetIdx-1 ).m_origVisibility == 0 ) {
- if ( targetIdx<=g_docTable.length ) {
- obj = GetHrefObj( targetIdx );
- obj.m_visibility = 1;
- GoToSld( obj.m_slideHref );
- }
- }
- else {
- obj = GetHrefObj( targetIdx );
- while ( obj && ( obj.m_origVisibility == 0 ) && ( targetIdx<=g_docTable.length ) )
- obj = GetHrefObj( targetIdx++ );
- if( obj && obj.m_origVisibility )
- GoToSld( obj.m_slideHref );
- }
-function GoToPrevSld()
- targetIdx = g_currentSlide - 1;
- if ( targetIdx > 0 ) {
- obj = GetHrefObj( targetIdx );
- while ( ( obj.m_visibility == 0 ) && ( targetIdx>0 ) )
- obj = GetHrefObj( targetIdx-- );
- GoToSld( obj.m_slideHref );
- }
-function GoToLast()
- targetIdx = g_docTable.length;
- if ( targetIdx != g_currentSlide )
- GoToSld( GetHrefObj( targetIdx ).m_slideHref );
-function GoToFirst()
-{ GoToSld( GetHrefObj(1).m_slideHref );
-function highlite() {
- if ( IsFullScrMode() )
- return;
- index = GetCurrentSlideNum();
- if ( !frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME] )
- return;
- if ( msie < 0 ) {
- if ( g_prevotlobjidx != 0 ) {
- eval( "otlobj = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.LAYERID" + g_prevotlobjidx );
- otlobj.hidden = true;
- }
- else
- index = GetCurrentSlideNum();
- eval( "otlobj = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.LAYERID" + index );
- otlobj.hidden = false;
- g_prevotlobjidx = index;
- return;
- }
- if ( !g_showoutline )
- return;
- backclr = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.body.bgColor;
- textclr = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.body.text;
- if ( g_prevotlobjidx != 0 ) {
- eval( "otlobj = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.all.p" + g_prevotlobjidx );
- otlobj.style.backgroundColor = backclr;
- otlobj.style.color = textclr;
- otlobj.all.AREF.style.color = textclr;
- }
- else
- index = GetCurrentSlideNum();
- eval( "otlobj = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[OUTLINE_FRAME].document.all.p" + index );
- otlobj.style.backgroundColor = textclr;
- otlobj.style.color = backclr;
- otlobj.all.AREF.style.color = backclr;
- g_prevotlobjidx = index;
-function ChangeFrame( frame, href )
-if ( IsFramesMode() ) {
- if ( NAVBAR_FRAME == frame || OUTLINE_NAVBAR_FRAME == frame ) {
- frames[frame].location.replace(href);
- }
- else if( ! ( ( OUTLINE_FRAME == frame && !g_showoutline) || (NOTES_FRAME == frame && !g_shownotes ) ) ){
- frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[frame].location.href = href;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( frame == NAVBAR_FRAME || frame == SLIDE_FRAME ) {
- if( frame == NAVBAR_FRAME ) {
- href = FS_NAVBAR_HREF;
- }
- if( frame == NAVBAR_FRAME )
- window.frames[frame].location.replace(href);
- else
- window.frames[frame].location.href = href;
- }
- }
-function shutEventPropagation() {
- if ( IsNav() )
- return;
- var slideFrame;
- if ( IsFramesMode() )
- slideFrame = frames[MAIN_FRAME].frames[SLIDE_FRAME];
- else
- slideFrame = window.frames[SLIDE_FRAME];
- if ( slideFrame.event )
- slideFrame.event.cancelBubble=true;
-function GoToSld( slideHref )
- shutEventPropagation();
- if ( slideHref != GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_slideHref || g_slideType != GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).type) {
- g_prevSlide = g_currentSlide;
- g_currentSlide = GetSlideNum( slideHref );
- g_slideType = GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).type;
- obj = GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide );
- obj.m_visibility = 1;
- ChangeFrame( SLIDE_FRAME, slideHref );
- ChangeFrame( NOTES_FRAME, obj.m_notesHref );
- }
-function PrevSldViewed()
-{ GoToSld( GetHrefObj( g_prevSlide ).m_slideHref );
-function NoHref() {}
-function ExpandOutline( )
- g_outline_href = OUTLINE_EXPAND_HREF;
- frames[OUTLINE_NAVBAR_FRAME].location.replace( OUTLINE_NAVBAR_HREF);
-function CollapseOutline()
- g_outline_href = OUTLINE_COLLAPSE_HREF;
- frames[OUTLINE_NAVBAR_FRAME].location.replace( OUTLINE_NAVBAR_HREF);
- }
-function SlideUpdated( id )
- if ( id != GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_slideHref ) {
- g_prevSlide = g_currentSlide;
- g_currentSlide = GetSlideNum( id );
- obj = GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide );
- ChangeFrame( NOTES_FRAME, obj.m_notesHref );
- }
-function hrefList( slideHref, notesHref, visible, slideIdx, type )
- this.m_slideHref = slideHref;
- this.m_notesHref = notesHref;
- this.m_navbarHref = NAVBAR_HREF;
- this.m_origVisibility = visible;
- this.m_visibility = visible;
- this.m_slideIdx = slideIdx;
- this.type = type;
-function IsFullScrMode() {
- return g_fullscrMode;
-function IsFramesMode() {
- return (1 - g_fullscrMode);
-function SldUpdated( id )
- if ( ( id != GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_slideHref ) || ( g_currentSlide == g_lastVisibleSld ) ){
- g_prevSlide = g_currentSlide;
- g_currentSlide = GetSlideNum( id );
- obj = GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide );
- ChangeFrame( NOTES_FRAME, obj.m_notesHref );
- }
-function ToggleOutline() {
- g_showoutline = 1 - g_showoutline;
- writeMyFrame();
-function ShowHideNotes() {
- g_shownotes = 1 - g_shownotes;
- writeMyFrame();
-function writeMyFrame() {
- SetFSMode(0);
- obj = frames[MAIN_FRAME];
- var curslide = g_baseURL + "/" + GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_slideHref;
- var curnotes = g_baseURL + "/" + GetHrefObj( g_currentSlide ).m_notesHref;
- var otlhref = g_baseURL + "/" + g_outline_href;
- if ( msie < 0 ) {
- if ( ! g_showoutline && g_shownotes ) {
- obj.document.write( '<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=' + g_baseURL + '/script.js></SCRIPT><SCRIPT> base = parent; <\/SCRIPT><\/HEAD> \
- <frameset rows=\"*,20%\" id=\"frameset2\" > \
- <frame src=\"' + curslide + '\" name=PPTSld marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- <frame src=\"' + curnotes + '\" name=PPTNts marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- </frameset> </html>' );
- }
- else if( g_showoutline && g_shownotes ){
- obj.document.write( '<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=' + g_baseURL + '/script.js></SCRIPT><SCRIPT> base = parent; <\/SCRIPT><\/HEAD> \
- <frameset cols=\"20%,*\" id=\"frameset1\"> \
- <frame src=\"' + otlhref + '\" name=PPTOtl> \
- <frameset rows=\"*,20%\" id=\"frameset2\" > \
- <frame src=\"' + curslide + '\" name=PPTSld marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- <frame src=\"' + curnotes + '\" name=PPTNts marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- </frameset> </frameset></html>' );
- }
- else if ( !g_shownotes && !g_showoutline ) {
- obj.document.write( '<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=' + g_baseURL + '/script.js></SCRIPT><SCRIPT> base = parent; <\/SCRIPT><\/HEAD> \
- <frameset rows="*,0" frameborder=0 > \
- <frame src=\"' + curslide + '\" name=PPTSld marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- </frameset> </html>' );
- }
- else if( !g_shownotes && g_showoutline ) {
- obj.document.write( '<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=' + g_baseURL + '/script.js></SCRIPT><SCRIPT> base = parent; <\/SCRIPT><\/HEAD> \
- <frameset cols=\"20%,*\" id=\"frameset1\"> \
- <frame src=\"' + otlhref + '\" name=PPTOtl> \
- <frame src=\"' + curslide + '\" name=PPTSld marginheight=0 marginwidth=0> \
- </frameset></html>' );
- }
- obj.document.close();
- }
- else {
- if ( g_showoutline ) {
- obj.PPTHorizAdjust.cols = "20%,*";
- obj.PPTOtl.location.reload();
- }
- else {
- obj.PPTHorizAdjust.cols = "0,*";
- }
- if ( g_shownotes ) {
- obj.PPTVertAdjust.rows = "*,20%";
- obj.PPTNts.location.href = curnotes;
- }
- else {
- obj.PPTVertAdjust.rows = "*,0";
- }
- }
-function FullScreen() {
- g_done = 0;
- SetFSMode(1);
- if ( msie >= 0 )
- FSWin = window.open( g_baseURL + "/" + "fullscreen.htm", null, "fullscreen=yes");
- else {
- var height = screen.availHeight;
- if ( window.navigator.platform.indexOf( "Mac" ) >= 0 ) {
- height -= 30;
- }
- FSWin = window.open( g_baseURL + "/" + "fullscreen.htm", "null", "height="+ height + ",width=" + screen.availWidth + ",screenX=0,screenY=0");
- }
-function SetFSMode( i ) {
-function Slide( i ) {
- SetFSMode(0);
- GoToSld(GetHrefObj(i).m_slideHref);
-function TP_GoToNextSld() {
- SetFSMode(0);
- GoToNextSld();
-function TP_GoToPrevSld() {
- SetFSMode(0);
- GoToPrevSld();
-function CloseFullScreen() {
- g_done = 0;
- if ( IsNav() ){
- if ( self.opener )
- opener.FSWin = null;
- }
- window.close();
-function slidenum(i) {
- var slidename = "slide";
- if ( i < 10 )
- return ( slidename + "000" + i);
- else if ( i < 100 )
- return ( slidename + "00" + i );
- else if ( i < 1000 )
- return (slidename + "0" + i );
- else
- return (slidename + i );
-function UpdateLastVisibleSlide( index ) {
- if ( g_lastVisibleSld < index )
- g_lastVisibleSld = index;
-function jpegArray( numSlides ) {
-count_hidden = 0;
- g_docTable = new Array();
- for( i=0; i<numSlides; i++ ) {
- j = 2 * numSlides + i + 1;
- var str = slidenum( j ) +".htm";
- if( g_notesTable[i] == 1 )
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, slidenum(i+1 ) + "_notes_pane.htm", g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "jpeg" );
- else
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, BLANK_NOTES_HREF, g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "jpeg" );
- if ( !g_hiddenSlide[i] ) count_hidden++;
- else UpdateLastVisibleSlide( i+1 );
- }
-function ieArray( numSlides ) {
-count_hidden = 0;
- g_docTable = new Array();
- for( i=0; i<numSlides; i++ ) {
- var str = slidenum(i+1) +".htm";
- if( g_notesTable[i] == 1 )
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, slidenum( i+1 ) + "_notes_pane.htm", g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "ie" );
- else
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, BLANK_NOTES_HREF, g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "ie" );
- if ( !g_hiddenSlide[i] ) count_hidden++;
- else UpdateLastVisibleSlide( i+1 );
- }
-function navArray( numSlides ) {
-count_hidden = 0;
- g_docTable = new Array();
- for( i=0; i<numSlides; i++ ) {
- j = numSlides + i + 1;
- var str = slidenum( j ) +".htm";
- if( g_notesTable[i] == 1 )
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, slidenum(i+1 ) + "_notes_pane.htm", g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "nav" );
- else
- g_docTable[i] = new hrefList( str, BLANK_NOTES_HREF, g_hiddenSlide[i], i+1-count_hidden, "nav" );
- if ( !g_hiddenSlide[i] ) count_hidden++;
- else UpdateLastVisibleSlide( i+1 );
- }
-function LoadHTMLVersion() {
- var os = window.navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac");
- if ( (msie || isnav ) && ( (os < 0 && ver >= 4 ) || ( os >= 0 && ver >= 5 ) || (os >=0 && msie < 0 && ver >= 4 ) ) ){
- if ( msie >= 0 ) {
- if ( isIEFiles > 0 )
- ieArray( 32 );
- else if ( isFLATFiles > 0 ){
- /*if ( IsFramesMode() )
- StatusPlay("This presentation is optimized for use with older versions of your browser. Since you are using a more recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, consider optimizing this presentation to take advantage of your current version's advanced capabilities."); */
- jpegArray( 32 );
- }
- else
- window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" );
- }
- else {
- if ( isNAVFiles > 0 && ver < 5)
- navArray( 32 );
- else if ( isFLATFiles > 0 ) {
- /* if ( IsFramesMode() )
- StatusPlay("This presentation is optimized for use with older versions of your browser. Since you are using a more recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, consider optimizing this presentation to take advantage of your current version's advanced capabilities."); */
- jpegArray( 32 );
- }
- else
- window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" );
- }
-else {
- /*
- if ( IsFramesMode() && !isWebTV() )
- StatusPlay("This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.");
- */
- if ( isFLATFiles <= 0 ) {
- /* if ( IsFramesMode() )
- window.alert("This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to display properly. This presentation is optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator." );
- */
- window.location.replace( "WebQTLDemo_files/error.htm" );
- }
- /*
- else if ( IsFramesMode() && !isWebTV() )
- StatusPlay( "This presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator." );
- */
- jpegArray ( 32 );
- }
-function isWebTV() {
- if ( window.navigator.appName.indexOf( 'WebTV' ) >= 0 )
- return true;
- return false;
-var count;
-var statusText;
-var statusfirst = 0;
- function display50( text )
- len = text.length;
- if ( len < 50 && count < 2) {
- window.status = text;
- window.setTimeout( "repeat()", 300 );
- }
- else {
- var period = 200;
- window.status = text;
- newtext = text.substring( 1, len );
- if ( statusfirst ) {
- statusfirst = 0;
- period = 2000;
- }
- window.setTimeout( "display50( newtext )", period );
- }
-function repeat( ) {
- count++;
- statusfirst = 1;
- display50( statusText );
-function StatusPlay( text ) {
- count = 0;
- statusText = text;
- repeat( );
- }
-function makeSlide( i, notes, visible ) {
- g_notesTable[i] = notes;
- g_hiddenSlide[i] = visible;