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-<P class="title">UCLA BHHBF2 Muscle Female Only <A HREF="/webqtl/main.py?FormID=editHtml"><img src="/images/modify.gif" alt="modify this page" border= 0 valign="middle"></A><BR><BR>Accession number: <A HREF="/webqtl/main.py?FormID=sharinginfo&GN_AccessionId=187">GN187</A></P>
-<B>Data Status</B>: Open data. Please cite: van Nas A, Ingram-Drake L, Sinsheimer JS, Wang SS, Schadt EE, Drake T, Lusis AJ (2010) Expression quantitative trait loci: replication, tissue- and sex-specificity in mice. Genetics 185:1059-1068 (<A HREF="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20439777">PMID: 20439777</A>
-<P class="subtitle">Summary:</P>
-This is a sex-specific subset of data published by van Nas and colleagues. They used an Agilent array to measure expression of most genes (~24,000 60-mer probes). The data are described more fully in the paper and in the GEO GSE data sets: Expression profiling of Muscle tissue from C57BL/6J X C3H/HeJ)F2 and (C3H/HeJ X C57BL/6J)F2</P>
-<P class="subtitle">About the cases used to generate this set of data:</P>
-<P>This is a sex-specific subset of the original data. Please see Gene Expression Omnibus data set <A HREF="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE12795">GSE12795</A> for details. </P>
-<P class="subtitle">About the tissue used to generate this set of data:</P>
-<P>Muscle from F2 intercross progeny were generated by intercrossing F1 mice. Mice were fed chow diet containing 4% fat (Ralston-Purina Co., St. Louis, MO) until 8 weeks of age and then were placed on a high-fat "Western" diet containing 42% fat and 0.15% cholesterol (Teklad 88137, Harlan Teklad, Madison WI) for 12 weeks. At 20 weeks mice were sacrificed, after a 12-hour fast. Muscle tissues were dissected and flash frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -80 deg C. </P>
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-<td><font color=#FFFFFF>Index</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>TubeID</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Group</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Strain</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Age</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Sex</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Source</font></td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><td>1</td><td>R2595E.1</td><td>GDP</td><td>129S1/SvImJ</td><td>59</td><td>F</td><td>UTHSC RW</td></tr>
-<P class="subtitle">About downloading this data set:</P>
-<P>Some text here</P>
-<P class="subtitle">About the array platfrom:</P>
-<P>Some text here</P>
-<P class="subtitle">About data values and data processing:</P>
-<P>Some text here</P>
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-<td><font color=#FFFFFF>Index</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>TubeID</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Strain</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Original CEL</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Scale factor</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Background Average</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Present</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Absent</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Marginal</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>AFFX-b-ActinMur (3'/5')</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>AFFX-GapdhMur (3'/5')</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Batch Id</font></td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Used for batch control</font></td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><td>1</td><td>R2595E.1</td><td>129S1/SvImJ</td><td>R2595E.1.CEL</td><td>1.79</td><td>115</td><td>61.00%</td><td>37.50%</td><td>1.50%</td><td>1.46</td><td>0.77</td><td>1</td><td>Y</td></tr>
-<P class="subtitle">Data source acknowledgment:</P>
-<P>Some text here</P>
-<P class="subtitle">Information about this text file:</P>
-<P>Some text here</P>
-<P class="subtitle">GEO Series Data: This section to be used for GEO submission of the whole series of arrays</P>
-<P><B>GSE Series</B>
-<P><B>Experiment type</B>
-<P><B>Overall design</B>
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