path: root/wqflask/tests/unit
diff options
authorzsloan2021-01-14 14:52:19 -0600
committerGitHub2021-01-14 14:52:19 -0600
commitec2c751096d858591d40f5c85597b45a1322ac86 (patch)
treecd0b06444355ce9751a47f184c2240ca35cb40a4 /wqflask/tests/unit
parent7d97698ca88460c2f66b67ada31085b02cbc9ee4 (diff)
parent9fc14e59be7f95730608a6fcc6f82caf5314585d (diff)
Merge branch 'testing' into feature/swap_legend_metadata_positions
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/tests/unit')
10 files changed, 583 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/utility/test_type_checking.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/utility/test_type_checking.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48d110c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/utility/test_type_checking.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import unittest
+from utility.type_checking import is_float
+from utility.type_checking import is_int
+from utility.type_checking import is_str
+from utility.type_checking import get_float
+from utility.type_checking import get_int
+from utility.type_checking import get_string
+class TestTypeChecking(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_is_float(self):
+ floats = [2, 1.2, '3.1']
+ not_floats = ["String", None, [], ()]
+ for flt in floats:
+ results = is_float(flt)
+ self.assertTrue(results)
+ for nflt in not_floats:
+ results = is_float(nflt)
+ self.assertFalse(results)
+ def test_is_int(self):
+ int_values = [1, 1.1]
+ not_int_values = ["string", None, [], "1.1"]
+ for int_val in int_values:
+ results = is_int(int_val)
+ self.assertTrue(results)
+ for not_int in not_int_values:
+ results = is_int(not_int)
+ self.assertFalse(results)
+ def test_is_str(self):
+ string_values = [1, False, [], {}, "string_value"]
+ falsey_values = [None]
+ for string_val in string_values:
+ results = is_str(string_val)
+ self.assertTrue(results)
+ for non_string in falsey_values:
+ results = is_str(non_string)
+ self.assertFalse(results)
+ def test_get_float(self):
+ vars_object = {"min_value": "12"}
+ results = get_float(vars_object, "min_value")
+ self.assertEqual(results, 12.0)
+ def test_get_int(self):
+ vars_object = {"lx_value": "1"}
+ results = get_int(vars_object, "lx_value")
+ self.assertEqual(results, 1)
+ def test_get_string(self):
+ string_object = {"mx_value": 1}
+ results = get_string(string_object, "mx_value")
+ self.assertEqual(results, "1") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_correlation.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_correlation.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0264b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_correlation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from wqflask import app
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from wqflask.api.correlation import init_corr_params
+from wqflask.api.correlation import convert_to_mouse_gene_id
+from wqflask.api.correlation import do_literature_correlation_for_all_traits
+from wqflask.api.correlation import get_sample_r_and_p_values
+from wqflask.api.correlation import calculate_results
+class AttributeSetter:
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ for k, v in obj.items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+class MockDataset(AttributeSetter):
+ def get_trait_data(self):
+ return None
+ def retrieve_genes(self, id=None):
+ return {
+ "TT-1": "GH-1",
+ "TT-2": "GH-2",
+ "TT-3": "GH-3"
+ }
+class TestCorrelations(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.app_context = app.app_context()
+ self.app_context.push()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.app_context.pop()
+ def test_init_corr_params(self):
+ start_vars = {
+ "return_count": "3",
+ "type": "T1",
+ "method": "spearman"
+ }
+ corr_params_results = init_corr_params(start_vars=start_vars)
+ expected_results = {
+ "return_count": 3,
+ "type": "T1",
+ "method": "spearman"
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(corr_params_results, expected_results)
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.correlation.g")
+ def test_convert_to_mouse_gene_id(self, mock_db):
+ results = convert_to_mouse_gene_id(species="Other", gene_id="")
+ self.assertEqual(results, None)
+ rat_species_results = convert_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ species="rat", gene_id="GH1")
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.side_effect = [
+ AttributeSetter({"mouse": "MG-1"}), AttributeSetter({"mouse": "MG-2"})]
+ self.assertEqual(convert_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ species="mouse", gene_id="MG-4"), "MG-4")
+ self.assertEqual(convert_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ species="rat", gene_id="R1"), "MG-1")
+ self.assertEqual(convert_to_mouse_gene_id(
+ species="human", gene_id="H1"), "MG-2")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.correlation.g")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.correlation.convert_to_mouse_gene_id")
+ def test_do_literature_correlation_for_all_traits(self, mock_convert_to_mouse_geneid, mock_db):
+ mock_convert_to_mouse_geneid.side_effect = [
+ "MG-1", "MG-2;", "MG-3", "MG-4"]
+ trait_geneid_dict = {
+ "TT-1": "GH-1",
+ "TT-2": "GH-2",
+ "TT-3": "GH-3"
+ }
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.side_effect = [AttributeSetter(
+ {"value": "V1"}), AttributeSetter({"value": "V2"}), AttributeSetter({"value": "V3"})]
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter({"geneid": "GH-1"})
+ target_dataset = AttributeSetter(
+ {"group": AttributeSetter({"species": "rat"})})
+ results = do_literature_correlation_for_all_traits(
+ this_trait=this_trait, target_dataset=target_dataset, trait_geneid_dict=trait_geneid_dict, corr_params={})
+ expected_results = {'TT-1': ['GH-1', 0],
+ 'TT-2': ['GH-2', 'V1'], 'TT-3': ['GH-3', 'V2']}
+ self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.correlation.corr_result_helpers.normalize_values")
+ def test_get_sample_r_and_p_values(self, mock_normalize):
+ group = AttributeSetter(
+ {"samplelist": ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7"]})
+ target_dataset = AttributeSetter({"group": group})
+ target_vals = [3.4, 6.2, 4.1, 3.4, 1.2, 5.6]
+ trait_data = {"S1": AttributeSetter({"value": 2.3}), "S2": AttributeSetter({"value": 1.1}),
+ "S3": AttributeSetter(
+ {"value": 6.3}), "S4": AttributeSetter({"value": 3.6}), "S5": AttributeSetter({"value": 4.1}),
+ "S6": AttributeSetter({"value": 5.0})}
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter({"data": trait_data})
+ mock_normalize.return_value = ([2.3, 1.1, 6.3, 3.6, 4.1, 5.0],
+ [3.4, 6.2, 4.1, 3.4, 1.2, 5.6], 6)
+ mock_normalize.side_effect = [([2.3, 1.1, 6.3, 3.6, 4.1, 5.0],
+ [3.4, 6.2, 4.1, 3.4, 1.2, 5.6], 6),
+ ([2.3, 1.1, 6.3, 3.6, 4.1, 5.0],
+ [3.4, 6.2, 4.1, 3.4, 1.2, 5.6], 6),
+ ([2.3, 1.1, 1.4], [3.4, 6.2, 4.1], 3)]
+ results_pearsonr = get_sample_r_and_p_values(this_trait=this_trait, this_dataset={
+ }, target_vals=target_vals, target_dataset=target_dataset, type="pearson")
+ results_spearmanr = get_sample_r_and_p_values(this_trait=this_trait, this_dataset={
+ }, target_vals=target_vals, target_dataset=target_dataset, type="spearman")
+ results_num_overlap = get_sample_r_and_p_values(this_trait=this_trait, this_dataset={
+ }, target_vals=target_vals, target_dataset=target_dataset, type="pearson")
+ expected_pearsonr = [-0.21618688834430866, 0.680771605997119, 6]
+ expected_spearmanr = [-0.11595420713048969, 0.826848213385815, 6]
+ for i, val in enumerate(expected_pearsonr):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(val, results_pearsonr[i],4)
+ for i, val in enumerate(expected_spearmanr):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(val, results_spearmanr[i],4)
+ self.assertEqual(results_num_overlap, None)
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.correlation.do_literature_correlation_for_all_traits")
+ def test_calculate_results(self, literature_correlation):
+ literature_correlation.return_value = {
+ 'TT-1': ['GH-1', 0], 'TT-2': ['GH-2', 3], 'TT-3': ['GH-3', 1]}
+ this_dataset = MockDataset(
+ {"group": AttributeSetter({"species": "rat"})})
+ target_dataset = MockDataset(
+ {"group": AttributeSetter({"species": "rat"})})
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter({"geneid": "GH-1"})
+ corr_params = {"type": "literature"}
+ sorted_results = calculate_results(
+ this_trait=this_trait, this_dataset=this_dataset, target_dataset=target_dataset, corr_params=corr_params)
+ expected_results = {'TT-2': ['GH-2', 3],
+ 'TT-3': ['GH-3', 1], 'TT-1': ['GH-1', 0]}
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(sorted_results, OrderedDict))
+ self.assertEqual(dict(sorted_results), expected_results)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_mapping.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_mapping.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b094294a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/api/test_mapping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from wqflask.api.mapping import initialize_parameters
+from wqflask.api.mapping import do_mapping_for_api
+class AttributeSetter:
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ for key, value in obj.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+class MockGroup(AttributeSetter):
+ def get_marker(self):
+ self.markers = []
+class TestMapping(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_initialize_parameters(self):
+ expected_results = {
+ "format": "json",
+ "limit_to": False,
+ "mapping_method": "gemma",
+ "maf": 0.01,
+ "use_loco": True,
+ "num_perm": 0,
+ "perm_check": False
+ }
+ results = initialize_parameters(
+ start_vars={}, dataset={}, this_trait={})
+ self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
+ start_vars = {
+ "format": "F1",
+ "limit_to": "1",
+ "mapping_method": "rqtl",
+ "control_marker": True,
+ "pair_scan": "true",
+ "interval_mapping": "true",
+ "use_loco": "true",
+ "num_perm": "14"
+ }
+ results_2 = initialize_parameters(
+ start_vars=start_vars, dataset={}, this_trait={})
+ expected_results = {
+ "format": "F1",
+ "limit_to": 1,
+ "mapping_method": "gemma",
+ "maf": 0.01,
+ "use_loco": True,
+ "num_perm": 14,
+ "perm_check": "ON"
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(results_2, expected_results)
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.rqtl_mapping.run_rqtl_geno")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.gemma_mapping.run_gemma")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.initialize_parameters")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.retrieve_sample_data")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.create_trait")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.api.mapping.data_set.create_dataset")
+ def test_do_mapping_for_api(self, mock_create_dataset, mock_trait, mock_retrieve_sample, mock_param, run_gemma, run_rqtl_geno):
+ start_vars = {
+ "db": "Temp",
+ "trait_id": "dewf3232rff2",
+ "format": "F1",
+ "mapping_method": "gemma",
+ "use_loco": True
+ }
+ sampleList = ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"]
+ samplelist = ["S1", "S2", "S4"]
+ dataset = AttributeSetter({"group": samplelist})
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter({})
+ trait_data = AttributeSetter({
+ "data": {
+ "item1": AttributeSetter({"name": "S1", "value": "S1_value"}),
+ "item2": AttributeSetter({"name": "S2", "value": "S2_value"}),
+ "item3": AttributeSetter({"name": "S3", "value": "S3_value"}),
+ }
+ })
+ trait = AttributeSetter({
+ "data": trait_data
+ })
+ dataset.return_value = dataset
+ mock_trait.return_value = this_trait
+ mock_retrieve_sample.return_value = trait
+ mock_param.return_value = {
+ "format": "F1",
+ "limit_to": False,
+ "mapping_method": "gemma",
+ "maf": 0.01,
+ "use_loco": "True",
+ "num_perm": 14,
+ "perm_check": "ON"
+ }
+ run_gemma.return_value = ["results"]
+ results = do_mapping_for_api(start_vars=start_vars)
+ self.assertEqual(results, ("results", None))
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_correlation_functions.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_correlation_functions.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d2e0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_correlation_functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from wqflask.correlation.correlation_functions import get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values
+from wqflask.correlation.correlation_functions import cal_zero_order_corr_for_tiss
+class TestCorrelationFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.correlation.correlation_functions.MrnaAssayTissueData")
+ def test_get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(self, mock_class):
+ """test for getting trait symbol and tissue_values"""
+ mock_class_instance = mock_class.return_value
+ mock_class_instance.gene_symbols = ["k1", "k2", "k3"]
+ mock_class_instance.get_symbol_values_pairs.return_value = {
+ "k1": ["v1", "v2", "v3"], "k2": ["v2", "v3"], "k3": ["k3"]}
+ results = get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(
+ symbol_list=["k1", "k2", "k3"])
+ mock_class.assert_called_with(gene_symbols=['k1', 'k2', 'k3'])
+ self.assertEqual({"k1": ["v1", "v2", "v3"], "k2": [
+ "v2", "v3"], "k3": ["k3"]}, results)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_show_corr_results.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_show_corr_results.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33601990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/correlation/test_show_corr_results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from wqflask.correlation.show_corr_results import get_header_fields
+from wqflask.correlation.show_corr_results import generate_corr_json
+class AttributeSetter:
+ def __init__(self, trait_obj):
+ for key, value in trait_obj.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+class TestShowCorrResults(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_get_header_fields(self):
+ expected = [
+ ['Index',
+ 'Record',
+ 'Symbol',
+ 'Description',
+ 'Location',
+ 'Mean',
+ 'Sample rho',
+ 'N',
+ 'Sample p(rho)',
+ 'Lit rho',
+ 'Tissue rho',
+ 'Tissue p(rho)',
+ 'Max LRS',
+ 'Max LRS Location',
+ 'Additive Effect'],
+ ['Index',
+ 'ID',
+ 'Location',
+ 'Sample r',
+ 'N',
+ 'Sample p(r)']
+ ]
+ result1 = get_header_fields("ProbeSet", "spearman")
+ result2 = get_header_fields("Other", "Other")
+ self.assertEqual(result1, expected[0])
+ self.assertEqual(result2, expected[1])
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.correlation.show_corr_results.hmac.data_hmac")
+ def test_generate_corr_json(self, mock_data_hmac):
+ mock_data_hmac.return_value = "hajsdiau"
+ dataset = AttributeSetter({"name": "the_name"})
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter(
+ {"name": "trait_test", "dataset": dataset})
+ target_dataset = AttributeSetter({"type": "Publish"})
+ corr_trait_1 = AttributeSetter({
+ "name": "trait_1",
+ "dataset": AttributeSetter({"name": "dataset_1"}),
+ "view": True,
+ "abbreviation": "T1",
+ "description_display": "Trait I description",
+ "authors": "JM J,JYEW",
+ "pubmed_id": "34n4nn31hn43",
+ "pubmed_text": "2016",
+ "pubmed_link": "https://www.load",
+ "lod_score": "",
+ "mean": "",
+ "LRS_location_repr": "BXBS",
+ "additive": "",
+ "sample_r": 10.5,
+ "num_overlap": 2,
+ "sample_p": 5
+ })
+ corr_results = [corr_trait_1]
+ dataset_type_other = {
+ "location": "cx-3-4",
+ "sample_4": 12.32,
+ "num_overlap": 3,
+ "sample_p": 10.34
+ }
+ expected_results = '[{"index": 1, "trait_id": "trait_1", "dataset": "dataset_1", "hmac": "hajsdiau", "abbreviation_display": "T1", "description": "Trait I description", "mean": "N/A", "authors_display": "JM J,JYEW", "additive": "N/A", "pubmed_id": "34n4nn31hn43", "year": "2016", "lod_score": "N/A", "lrs_location": "BXBS", "sample_r": "10.500", "num_overlap": 2, "sample_p": "5.000e+00"}]'
+ results1 = generate_corr_json(corr_results=corr_results, this_trait=this_trait,
+ dataset=dataset, target_dataset=target_dataset, for_api=True)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_results, results1)
+ def test_generate_corr_json_view_false(self):
+ trait = AttributeSetter({"view": False})
+ corr_results = [trait]
+ this_trait = AttributeSetter({"name": "trait_test"})
+ dataset = AttributeSetter({"name": "the_name"})
+ results_where_view_is_false = generate_corr_json(
+ corr_results=corr_results, this_trait=this_trait, dataset={}, target_dataset={}, for_api=False)
+ self.assertEqual(results_where_view_is_false, "[]")
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/marker_regression/test_gemma_mapping.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/marker_regression/test_gemma_mapping.py
index b8c13ab4..fe2569b8 100644
--- a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/marker_regression/test_gemma_mapping.py
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/marker_regression/test_gemma_mapping.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from unittest import mock
from wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping import run_gemma
from wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping import gen_pheno_txt_file
from wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping import gen_covariates_file
-from wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping import parse_gemma_output
from wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping import parse_loco_output
@@ -69,11 +68,9 @@ class TestGemmaMapping(unittest.TestCase):
mock_parse_loco.return_value = []
results = run_gemma(this_trait=trait, this_dataset=dataset, samples=[
], vals=[], covariates="", use_loco=True)
- system_calls = [mock.call('ghc --json -- -debug -g /home/genotype/bimbam/file_geno.txt -p /home/user/data//gn2/trait1_dataset1_name_pheno.txt -a /home/genotype/bimbam/file_snps.txt -gk > /home/user/data//gn2/GP1_K_RRRRRR.json'),
- mock.call('ghc --json --input /home/user/data//gn2/GP1_K_RRRRRR.json -- -debug -a /home/genotype/bimbam/file_snps.txt -lmm 2 -g /home/genotype/bimbam/file_geno.txt -p /home/user/data//gn2/trait1_dataset1_name_pheno.txt > /home/user/data//gn2/GP1_GWA_RRRRRR.json')]
- mock_os.system.assert_has_calls(system_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_os.system.call_count,2)
- mock_parse_loco.assert_called_once_with(dataset, "GP1_GWA_RRRRRR")
+ mock_parse_loco.assert_called_once_with(dataset, "GP1_GWA_RRRRRR",True)
self.assertEqual(mock_flat_files.call_count, 4)
@@ -138,31 +135,6 @@ class TestGemmaMapping(unittest.TestCase):
'-9\t'), mock.call('-9\t'), mock.call('-9\t'), mock.call('-9\t'), mock.call('\n')])
- @mock.patch("wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping.webqtlConfig.GENERATED_IMAGE_DIR", "/home/user/img/")
- def test_parse_gemma_output(self):
- """add test for generating gemma output with obj returned"""
- file = """X/Y\t gn2\t21\tQ\tE\tA\tP\tMMB\tCDE\t0.5
- with mock.patch("builtins.open", mock.mock_open(read_data=file)) as mock_open:
- results = parse_gemma_output(genofile_name="gema_file")
- expected = [{'name': ' gn2', 'chr': 'X/Y', 'Mb': 2.1e-05, 'p_value': 0.5, 'lod_score': 0.3010299956639812}, {'name': 'gn2', 'chr': 'X/Y', 'Mb': 0.021322, 'p_value': 0.5, 'lod_score': 0.3010299956639812},
- {'name': 'gn7', 'chr': 'X', 'Mb': 2.324424, 'p_value': 0.4, 'lod_score': 0.3979400086720376}, {'name': 'gn9', 'chr': 125, 'Mb': 0.433575, 'p_value': 0.67, 'lod_score': 0.17392519729917352}]
- mock_open.assert_called_once_with(
- "/home/user/img/gema_file_output.assoc.txt")
- self.assertEqual(results, expected)
- @mock.patch("wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping.webqtlConfig.GENERATED_IMAGE_DIR", "/home/user/img")
- def test_parse_gemma_output_with_empty_return(self):
- """add tests for parse gemma output where nothing returned"""
- output_file_results = """chr\t today"""
- with mock.patch("builtins.open", mock.mock_open(read_data=output_file_results)) as mock_open:
- results = parse_gemma_output(genofile_name="gema_file")
- self.assertEqual(results, [])
@mock.patch("wqflask.marker_regression.gemma_mapping.TEMPDIR", "/home/tmp")
@@ -172,21 +144,26 @@ X\tgn7\t2324424\tQ\tE\tA\tP\tMMB\tCDE\t0.4
"files": [["file_name", "user", "~/file1"],
["file_name", "user", "~/file2"]]
- return_file_1 = """X/Y\t L1\t21\tQ\tE\tA\tP\tMMB\tCDE\t0.5
- return_file_2 = """chr\tother\t21322\tQ\tE\tA\tP\tMMB\tCDE\t0.5"""
+ return_file="""X/Y\tM1\t28.457155\tQ\tE\tA\tMMB\t23.3\tW\t0.9\t0.85\t
+ return_file_2 = """chr\tother\t21322\tQ\tE\tA\tP\tMMB\tCDE\t0.5\t0.4"""
mock_os.path.isfile.return_value = True
file_to_write = """{"files":["file_1","file_2"]}"""
with mock.patch("builtins.open") as mock_open:
handles = (mock.mock_open(read_data="gwas").return_value, mock.mock_open(
- read_data=return_file_1).return_value, mock.mock_open(read_data=return_file_2).return_value)
+ read_data=return_file).return_value, mock.mock_open(read_data=return_file_2).return_value)
mock_open.side_effect = handles
results = parse_loco_output(
this_dataset={}, gwa_output_filename=".xw/")
- expected_results = [{'name': ' L1', 'chr': 'X/Y', 'Mb': 2.1e-05, 'p_value': 0.5, 'lod_score': 0.3010299956639812}, {
- 'name': 'L2', 'chr': 'X/Y', 'Mb': 0.021322, 'p_value': 0.5, 'lod_score': 0.3010299956639812}]
+ expected_results= [
+ {'name': 'M1', 'chr': 'X/Y', 'Mb': 2.8457155e-05, 'p_value': 0.85, 'additive': 23.3, 'lod_score': 0.07058107428570727},
+ {'name': 'M2', 'chr': 4, 'Mb': 1.2e-05, 'p_value': 0.5, 'additive': 24.0, 'lod_score': 0.3010299956639812},
+ {'name': 'M4', 'chr': 'Y', 'Mb': 1.2e-05, 'p_value': 0.7, 'additive': 11.6, 'lod_score': 0.1549019599857432},
+ {'name': 'M5', 'chr': 'X', 'Mb': 1.2e-05, 'p_value': 0.6, 'additive': 21.1, 'lod_score': 0.22184874961635637}]
self.assertEqual(expected_results, results)
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/__init__.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/__init__.py
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/test_snp_browser.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/test_snp_browser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce3e7b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/snp_browser/test_snp_browser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from wqflask import app
+from wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser import get_gene_id
+from wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser import get_gene_id_name_dict
+from wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser import check_if_in_gene
+from wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser import get_browser_sample_lists
+from wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser import get_header_list
+class TestSnpBrowser(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.app_context = app.app_context()
+ self.app_context.push()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.app_context.pop()
+ def test_get_header_list(self):
+ empty_columns = {"snp_source": "false", "conservation_score": "true", "gene_name": "false",
+ "transcript": "false", "exon": "false", "domain_2": "true", "function": "false", "function_details": "true"}
+ strains = {"mouse": ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5"], "rat": []}
+ expected_results = ([['Index', 'SNP ID', 'Chr', 'Mb', 'Alleles', 'ConScore',
+ 'Domain 1', 'Domain 2', 'Details'],
+ ['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5']], 5,
+ ['index', 'snp_name', 'chr', 'mb_formatted', 'alleles',
+ 'conservation_score', 'domain_1', 'domain_2',
+ 'function_details', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'])
+ results_with_snp = get_header_list(
+ variant_type="SNP", strains=strains, species="Mouse", empty_columns=empty_columns)
+ results_with_indel = get_header_list(
+ variant_type="InDel", strains=strains, species="rat", empty_columns=[])
+ expected_results_with_indel = (
+ ['Index', 'ID', 'Type', 'InDel Chr', 'Mb Start',
+ 'Mb End', 'Strand', 'Size', 'Sequence', 'Source'], 0,
+ ['index', 'indel_name', 'indel_type', 'indel_chr', 'indel_mb_s',
+ 'indel_mb_e', 'indel_strand', 'indel_size', 'indel_sequence', 'source_name'])
+ self.assertEqual(expected_results, results_with_snp)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_results_with_indel, results_with_indel)
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser.g")
+ def test_get_gene_id(self, mock_db):
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.return_value = "517d729f-aa13-4413-a885-40a3f7ff768a"
+ db_query_value = """
+ geneId
+ GeneList
+ SpeciesId = c9c0f59e-1259-4cba-91e6-831ef1a99c83 AND geneSymbol = 'INSR'
+ """
+ results = get_gene_id(
+ species_id="c9c0f59e-1259-4cba-91e6-831ef1a99c83", gene_name="INSR")
+ mock_db.db.execute.assert_called_once_with(db_query_value)
+ self.assertEqual(results, "517d729f-aa13-4413-a885-40a3f7ff768a")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser.g")
+ def test_gene_id_name_dict(self, mock_db):
+ no_gene_names = []
+ self.assertEqual("", get_gene_id_name_dict(
+ species_id="fregb343bui43g4", gene_name_list=no_gene_names))
+ gene_name_list = ["GH1", "GH2", "GH3"]
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.side_effect = [[], [("fsdf43-fseferger-f22", "GH1"), ("1sdf43-fsewferger-f22", "GH2"),
+ ("fwdj43-fstferger-f22", "GH3")]]
+ no_results = get_gene_id_name_dict(
+ species_id="ret3-32rf32", gene_name_list=gene_name_list)
+ results_found = get_gene_id_name_dict(
+ species_id="ret3-32rf32", gene_name_list=gene_name_list)
+ expected_found = {'GH1': 'fsdf43-fseferger-f22',
+ 'GH2': '1sdf43-fsewferger-f22', 'GH3': 'fwdj43-fstferger-f22'}
+ db_query_value = """
+ geneId, geneSymbol
+ GeneList
+ SpeciesId = ret3-32rf32 AND geneSymbol in ('GH1','GH2','GH3')
+ """
+ mock_db.db.execute.assert_called_with(db_query_value)
+ self.assertEqual(results_found, expected_found)
+ self.assertEqual(no_results, {})
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser.g")
+ def test_check_if_in_gene(self, mock_db):
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchone.side_effect = [
+ ("fsdf-232sdf-sdf", "GHA"), ""]
+ results_found = check_if_in_gene(
+ species_id="517d729f-aa13-4413-a885-40a3f7ff768a", chr="CH1", mb=12.09)
+ db_query_value = """SELECT geneId, geneSymbol
+ FROM GeneList
+ WHERE SpeciesId = 517d729f-aa13-4413-a885-40a3f7ff768a AND chromosome = 'CH1' AND
+ (txStart < 12.09 AND txEnd > 12.09); """
+ gene_not_found = check_if_in_gene(
+ species_id="517d729f-aa13-4413-a885-40a3f7ff768a", chr="CH1", mb=12.09)
+ mock_db.db.execute.assert_called_with(db_query_value)
+ self.assertEqual(gene_not_found, "")
+ @mock.patch("wqflask.snp_browser.snp_browser.g")
+ def test_get_browser_sample_lists(self, mock_db):
+ mock_db.db.execute.return_value.fetchall.return_value = []
+ results = get_browser_sample_lists(species_id="12")
+ self.assertEqual(results, {'mouse': [], 'rat': []})
diff --git a/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/test_server_side.py b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/test_server_side.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f91d8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/tests/unit/wqflask/test_server_side.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import unittest
+from wqflask.server_side import ServerSideTable
+class TestServerSideTableTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test the ServerSideTable class
+ test table:
+ first, second, third
+ 'd', 4, 'zz'
+ 'b', 2, 'aa'
+ 'c', 1, 'ss'
+ """
+ def test_get_page(self):
+ rows_count = 3
+ table_rows = [
+ {'first': 'd', 'second': 4, 'third': 'zz'},
+ {'first': 'b', 'second': 2, 'third': 'aa'},
+ {'first': 'c', 'second': 1, 'third': 'ss'},
+ ]
+ headers = ['first', 'second', 'third']
+ request_args = {'sEcho': '1', 'iSortCol_0': '1', 'iSortingCols': '1', 'sSortDir_0': 'asc', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '3'}
+ test_page = ServerSideTable(rows_count, table_rows, headers, request_args).get_page()
+ self.assertEqual(test_page['sEcho'], '1')
+ self.assertEqual(test_page['iTotalRecords'], 'nan')
+ self.assertEqual(test_page['iTotalDisplayRecords'], '3')
+ self.assertEqual(test_page['data'], [{'first': 'b', 'second': 2, 'third': 'aa'}, {'first': 'c', 'second': 1, 'third': 'ss'}, {'first': 'd', 'second': 4, 'third': 'zz'}])