path: root/wqflask/flask_security/utils.py
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authorSam2013-05-17 20:59:50 +0000
committerSam2013-05-17 20:59:50 +0000
commit48ba921c234abb218b14d7f1ae4d5b017ab8d388 (patch)
treec8614aff3e6013a61eec42b4a52a3db1f9c9272f /wqflask/flask_security/utils.py
parent457712ce46beed04126535024daae603dd6136fc (diff)
Added flask_security locally
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/flask_security/utils.py')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/flask_security/utils.py b/wqflask/flask_security/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7397ab4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wqflask/flask_security/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ flask.ext.security.utils
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Flask-Security utils module
+ :copyright: (c) 2012 by Matt Wright.
+ :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
+import base64
+import blinker
+import functools
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from flask import url_for, flash, current_app, request, session, render_template
+from flask.ext.login import login_user as _login_user, \
+ logout_user as _logout_user
+from flask.ext.mail import Message
+from flask.ext.principal import Identity, AnonymousIdentity, identity_changed
+from itsdangerous import BadSignature, SignatureExpired
+from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
+from .signals import user_registered, user_confirmed, \
+ confirm_instructions_sent, login_instructions_sent, \
+ password_reset, password_changed, reset_password_instructions_sent
+# Convenient references
+_security = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['security'])
+_datastore = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.datastore)
+_pwd_context = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.pwd_context)
+def login_user(user, remember=True):
+ """Performs the login and sends the appropriate signal."""
+ if not _login_user(user, remember):
+ return False
+ if _security.trackable:
+ old_current_login, new_current_login = user.current_login_at, datetime.utcnow()
+ remote_addr = request.remote_addr or 'untrackable'
+ old_current_ip, new_current_ip = user.current_login_ip, remote_addr
+ user.last_login_at = old_current_login or new_current_login
+ user.current_login_at = new_current_login
+ user.last_login_ip = old_current_ip or new_current_ip
+ user.current_login_ip = new_current_ip
+ user.login_count = user.login_count + 1 if user.login_count else 1
+ _datastore.put(user)
+ identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(),
+ identity=Identity(user.id))
+ return True
+def logout_user():
+ for key in ('identity.name', 'identity.auth_type'):
+ session.pop(key, None)
+ identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(),
+ identity=AnonymousIdentity())
+ _logout_user()
+def get_hmac(password):
+ if _security.password_hash == 'plaintext':
+ return password
+ if _security.password_salt is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('The configuration value `SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT` '
+ 'must not be None when the value of `SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH` is '
+ 'set to "%s"' % _security.password_hash)
+ h = hmac.new(_security.password_salt, password.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha512)
+ return base64.b64encode(h.digest())
+def verify_password(password, password_hash):
+ return _pwd_context.verify(get_hmac(password), password_hash)
+def verify_and_update_password(password, user):
+ verified, new_password = _pwd_context.verify_and_update(get_hmac(password), user.password)
+ if verified and new_password:
+ user.password = new_password
+ _datastore.put(user)
+ return verified
+def encrypt_password(password):
+ return _pwd_context.encrypt(get_hmac(password))
+def md5(data):
+ return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
+def do_flash(message, category=None):
+ """Flash a message depending on if the `FLASH_MESSAGES` configuration
+ value is set.
+ :param message: The flash message
+ :param category: The flash message category
+ """
+ if config_value('FLASH_MESSAGES'):
+ flash(message, category)
+def get_url(endpoint_or_url):
+ """Returns a URL if a valid endpoint is found. Otherwise, returns the
+ provided value.
+ :param endpoint_or_url: The endpoint name or URL to default to
+ """
+ try:
+ return url_for(endpoint_or_url)
+ except:
+ return endpoint_or_url
+def get_security_endpoint_name(endpoint):
+ return '%s.%s' % (_security.blueprint_name, endpoint)
+def url_for_security(endpoint, **values):
+ """Return a URL for the security blueprint
+ :param endpoint: the endpoint of the URL (name of the function)
+ :param values: the variable arguments of the URL rule
+ :param _external: if set to `True`, an absolute URL is generated. Server
+ address can be changed via `SERVER_NAME` configuration variable which
+ defaults to `localhost`.
+ :param _anchor: if provided this is added as anchor to the URL.
+ :param _method: if provided this explicitly specifies an HTTP method.
+ """
+ endpoint = get_security_endpoint_name(endpoint)
+ return url_for(endpoint, **values)
+def get_post_login_redirect():
+ """Returns the URL to redirect to after a user logs in successfully."""
+ return (get_url(request.args.get('next')) or
+ get_url(request.form.get('next')) or
+ find_redirect('SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW'))
+def find_redirect(key):
+ """Returns the URL to redirect to after a user logs in successfully.
+ :param key: The session or application configuration key to search for
+ """
+ rv = (get_url(session.pop(key.lower(), None)) or
+ get_url(current_app.config[key.upper()] or None) or '/')
+ return rv
+def get_config(app):
+ """Conveniently get the security configuration for the specified
+ application without the annoying 'SECURITY_' prefix.
+ :param app: The application to inspect
+ """
+ items = app.config.items()
+ prefix = 'SECURITY_'
+ def strip_prefix(tup):
+ return (tup[0].replace('SECURITY_', ''), tup[1])
+ return dict([strip_prefix(i) for i in items if i[0].startswith(prefix)])
+def get_message(key, **kwargs):
+ rv = config_value('MSG_' + key)
+ return rv[0] % kwargs, rv[1]
+def config_value(key, app=None, default=None):
+ """Get a Flask-Security configuration value.
+ :param key: The configuration key without the prefix `SECURITY_`
+ :param app: An optional specific application to inspect. Defaults to Flask's
+ `current_app`
+ :param default: An optional default value if the value is not set
+ """
+ app = app or current_app
+ return get_config(app).get(key.upper(), default)
+def get_max_age(key, app=None):
+ now = datetime.utcnow()
+ expires = now + get_within_delta(key + '_WITHIN', app)
+ td = (expires - now)
+ return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 1e6) / 1e6
+def get_within_delta(key, app=None):
+ """Get a timedelta object from the application configuration following
+ the internal convention of::
+ <Amount of Units> <Type of Units>
+ Examples of valid config values::
+ 5 days
+ 10 minutes
+ :param key: The config value key without the 'SECURITY_' prefix
+ :param app: Optional application to inspect. Defaults to Flask's
+ `current_app`
+ """
+ txt = config_value(key, app=app)
+ values = txt.split()
+ return timedelta(**{values[1]: int(values[0])})
+def send_mail(subject, recipient, template, **context):
+ """Send an email via the Flask-Mail extension.
+ :param subject: Email subject
+ :param recipient: Email recipient
+ :param template: The name of the email template
+ :param context: The context to render the template with
+ """
+ context.setdefault('security', _security)
+ context.update(_security._run_ctx_processor('mail'))
+ msg = Message(subject,
+ sender=_security.email_sender,
+ recipients=[recipient])
+ ctx = ('security/email', template)
+ msg.body = render_template('%s/%s.txt' % ctx, **context)
+ msg.html = render_template('%s/%s.html' % ctx, **context)
+ if _security._send_mail_task:
+ _security._send_mail_task(msg)
+ return
+ mail = current_app.extensions.get('mail')
+ mail.send(msg)
+def get_token_status(token, serializer, max_age=None):
+ serializer = getattr(_security, serializer + '_serializer')
+ max_age = get_max_age(max_age)
+ user, data = None, None
+ expired, invalid = False, False
+ try:
+ data = serializer.loads(token, max_age=max_age)
+ except SignatureExpired:
+ d, data = serializer.loads_unsafe(token)
+ expired = True
+ except BadSignature:
+ invalid = True
+ if data:
+ user = _datastore.find_user(id=data[0])
+ expired = expired and (user is not None)
+ return expired, invalid, user
+def capture_passwordless_login_requests():
+ login_requests = []
+ def _on(data, app):
+ login_requests.append(data)
+ login_instructions_sent.connect(_on)
+ try:
+ yield login_requests
+ finally:
+ login_instructions_sent.disconnect(_on)
+def capture_registrations():
+ """Testing utility for capturing registrations.
+ :param confirmation_sent_at: An optional datetime object to set the
+ user's `confirmation_sent_at` to
+ """
+ registrations = []
+ def _on(data, app):
+ registrations.append(data)
+ user_registered.connect(_on)
+ try:
+ yield registrations
+ finally:
+ user_registered.disconnect(_on)
+def capture_reset_password_requests(reset_password_sent_at=None):
+ """Testing utility for capturing password reset requests.
+ :param reset_password_sent_at: An optional datetime object to set the
+ user's `reset_password_sent_at` to
+ """
+ reset_requests = []
+ def _on(request, app):
+ reset_requests.append(request)
+ reset_password_instructions_sent.connect(_on)
+ try:
+ yield reset_requests
+ finally:
+ reset_password_instructions_sent.disconnect(_on)
+class CaptureSignals(object):
+ """Testing utility for capturing blinker signals.
+ Context manager which mocks out selected signals and registers which are `sent` on and what
+ arguments were sent. Instantiate with a list of blinker `NamedSignals` to patch. Each signal
+ has it's `send` mocked out.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, signals):
+ """Patch all given signals and make them available as attributes.
+ :param signals: list of signals
+ """
+ self._records = {}
+ self._receivers = {}
+ for signal in signals:
+ self._records[signal] = []
+ self._receivers[signal] = functools.partial(self._record, signal)
+ def __getitem__(self, signal):
+ """All captured signals are available via `ctxt[signal]`.
+ """
+ if isinstance(signal, blinker.base.NamedSignal):
+ return self._records[signal]
+ else:
+ super(CaptureSignals, self).__setitem__(signal)
+ def _record(self, signal, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._records[signal].append((args, kwargs))
+ def __enter__(self):
+ for signal, receiver in self._receivers.iteritems():
+ signal.connect(receiver)
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ for signal, receiver in self._receivers.iteritems():
+ signal.disconnect(receiver)
+ def signals_sent(self):
+ """Return a set of the signals sent.
+ :rtype: list of blinker `NamedSignals`.
+ """
+ return set([signal for signal, _ in self._records.iteritems() if self._records[signal]])
+def capture_signals():
+ """Factory method that creates a `CaptureSignals` with all the flask_security signals."""
+ return CaptureSignals([user_registered, user_confirmed,
+ confirm_instructions_sent, login_instructions_sent,
+ password_reset, password_changed,
+ reset_password_instructions_sent])