path: root/wqflask/flask_security/core.py
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authoracenteno2020-04-21 17:35:34 -0500
committerGitHub2020-04-21 17:35:34 -0500
commit660589b9c2a507529e8e51ca6ce66ca97ad982c5 (patch)
tree27f63957278581bc2fce2b88744bfe20c8a81558 /wqflask/flask_security/core.py
parentd97fdc18359233f07c1a1c7b83fe7e88eb225043 (diff)
parentf2a3ae13231a7d270a5bb6911c248aa713f1ef91 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from genenetwork/testing
Updating my testing branch
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/flask_security/core.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/flask_security/core.py b/wqflask/flask_security/core.py
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index 0f3a231f..00000000
--- a/wqflask/flask_security/core.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- flask.ext.security.core
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Flask-Security core module
- :copyright: (c) 2012 by Matt Wright.
- :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
-from flask import current_app
-from flask.ext.login import AnonymousUser as AnonymousUserBase, \
- UserMixin as BaseUserMixin, LoginManager, current_user
-from flask.ext.principal import Principal, RoleNeed, UserNeed, Identity, \
- identity_loaded
-from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
-from passlib.context import CryptContext
-from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableList
-from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
-from .utils import config_value as cv, get_config, md5, url_for_security
-from .views import create_blueprint
-from .forms import LoginForm, ConfirmRegisterForm, RegisterForm, \
- ForgotPasswordForm, ChangePasswordForm, ResetPasswordForm, \
- SendConfirmationForm, PasswordlessLoginForm
-# Convenient references
-_security = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['security'])
-#: Default Flask-Security configuration
-_default_config = {
- 'BLUEPRINT_NAME': 'security',
- 'URL_PREFIX': None,
- 'SUBDOMAIN': None,
- 'PASSWORD_HASH': 'plaintext',
- 'LOGIN_URL': '/login',
- 'LOGOUT_URL': '/logout',
- 'REGISTER_URL': '/register',
- 'RESET_URL': '/reset',
- 'CHANGE_URL': '/change',
- 'CONFIRM_URL': '/confirm',
- 'FORGOT_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE': 'security/forgot_password.html',
- 'LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE': 'security/login_user.html',
- 'REGISTER_USER_TEMPLATE': 'security/register_user.html',
- 'RESET_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE': 'security/reset_password.html',
- 'SEND_CONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE': 'security/send_confirmation.html',
- 'SEND_LOGIN_TEMPLATE': 'security/send_login.html',
- 'TRACKABLE': False,
- 'CHANGEABLE': False,
- 'LOGIN_WITHIN': '1 days',
- 'EMAIL_SENDER': 'no-reply@localhost',
- 'TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER': 'Authentication-Token',
- 'CONFIRM_SALT': 'confirm-salt',
- 'RESET_SALT': 'reset-salt',
- 'LOGIN_SALT': 'login-salt',
- 'CHANGE_SALT': 'change-salt',
- 'REMEMBER_SALT': 'remember-salt',
- 'DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTH_REALM': 'Login Required',
- 'EMAIL_SUBJECT_CONFIRM': 'Please confirm your email',
- 'EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORDLESS': 'Login instructions',
- 'EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORD_NOTICE': 'Your password has been reset',
- 'EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOTICE': 'Your password has been changed',
- 'EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORD_RESET': 'Password reset instructions'
-#: Default Flask-Security messages
-_default_messages = {
- 'UNAUTHORIZED': ('You do not have permission to view this resource.', 'error'),
- 'CONFIRM_REGISTRATION': ('Thank you. Confirmation instructions have been sent to %(email)s.', 'success'),
- 'EMAIL_CONFIRMED': ('Thank you. Your email has been confirmed.', 'success'),
- 'ALREADY_CONFIRMED': ('Your email has already been confirmed.', 'info'),
- 'INVALID_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN': ('Invalid confirmation token.', 'error'),
- 'EMAIL_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED': ('%(email)s is already associated with an account.', 'error'),
- 'PASSWORD_MISMATCH': ('Password does not match', 'error'),
- 'RETYPE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH': ('Passwords do not match', 'error'),
- 'INVALID_REDIRECT': ('Redirections outside the domain are forbidden', 'error'),
- 'PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST': ('Instructions to reset your password have been sent to %(email)s.', 'info'),
- 'PASSWORD_RESET_EXPIRED': ('You did not reset your password within %(within)s. New instructions have been sent to %(email)s.', 'error'),
- 'INVALID_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN': ('Invalid reset password token.', 'error'),
- 'CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED': ('Email requires confirmation.', 'error'),
- 'CONFIRMATION_REQUEST': ('Confirmation instructions have been sent to %(email)s.', 'info'),
- 'CONFIRMATION_EXPIRED': ('You did not confirm your email within %(within)s. New instructions to confirm your email have been sent to %(email)s.', 'error'),
- 'LOGIN_EXPIRED': ('You did not login within %(within)s. New instructions to login have been sent to %(email)s.', 'error'),
- 'LOGIN_EMAIL_SENT': ('Instructions to login have been sent to %(email)s.', 'success'),
- 'INVALID_LOGIN_TOKEN': ('Invalid login token.', 'error'),
- 'DISABLED_ACCOUNT': ('Account is disabled.', 'error'),
- 'EMAIL_NOT_PROVIDED': ('Email not provided', 'error'),
- 'INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS': ('Invalid email address', 'error'),
- 'PASSWORD_NOT_PROVIDED': ('Password not provided', 'error'),
- 'USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST': ('Specified user does not exist', 'error'),
- 'INVALID_PASSWORD': ('Invalid password', 'error'),
- 'PASSWORDLESS_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL': ('You have successfuly logged in.', 'success'),
- 'PASSWORD_RESET': ('You successfully reset your password and you have been logged in automatically.', 'success'),
- 'PASSWORD_CHANGE': ('You successfully changed your password.', 'success'),
- 'LOGIN': ('Please log in to access this page.', 'info'),
- 'REFRESH': ('Please reauthenticate to access this page.', 'info'),
-_allowed_password_hash_schemes = [
- 'bcrypt',
- 'des_crypt',
- 'pbkdf2_sha256',
- 'pbkdf2_sha512',
- 'sha256_crypt',
- 'sha512_crypt',
- # And always last one...
- 'plaintext'
-_default_forms = {
- 'login_form': LoginForm,
- 'confirm_register_form': ConfirmRegisterForm,
- 'register_form': RegisterForm,
- 'forgot_password_form': ForgotPasswordForm,
- 'reset_password_form': ResetPasswordForm,
- 'change_password_form': ChangePasswordForm,
- 'send_confirmation_form': SendConfirmationForm,
- 'passwordless_login_form': PasswordlessLoginForm,
-def _user_loader(user_id):
- return _security.datastore.find_user(id=user_id)
-def _token_loader(token):
- try:
- data = _security.remember_token_serializer.loads(token)
- user = _security.datastore.find_user(id=data[0])
- if user and md5(user.password) == data[1]:
- return user
- except:
- pass
- return None
-def _identity_loader():
- if not isinstance(current_user._get_current_object(), AnonymousUser):
- identity = Identity(current_user.id)
- return identity
-def _on_identity_loaded(sender, identity):
- if hasattr(current_user, 'id'):
- identity.provides.add(UserNeed(current_user.id))
- for role in current_user.roles:
- identity.provides.add(RoleNeed(role.name))
- identity.user = current_user
-def _get_login_manager(app):
- lm = LoginManager()
- lm.anonymous_user = AnonymousUser
- lm.login_view = '%s.login' % cv('BLUEPRINT_NAME', app=app)
- lm.user_loader(_user_loader)
- lm.token_loader(_token_loader)
- lm.login_message, lm.login_message_category = cv('MSG_LOGIN', app=app)
- lm.needs_refresh_message, lm.needs_refresh_message_category = cv('MSG_REFRESH', app=app)
- lm.init_app(app)
- return lm
-def _get_principal(app):
- p = Principal(app, use_sessions=False)
- p.identity_loader(_identity_loader)
- return p
-def _get_pwd_context(app):
- pw_hash = cv('PASSWORD_HASH', app=app)
- if pw_hash not in _allowed_password_hash_schemes:
- allowed = ', '.join(_allowed_password_hash_schemes[:-1]) + ' and ' + _allowed_password_hash_schemes[-1]
- raise ValueError("Invalid hash scheme %r. Allowed values are %s" % (pw_hash, allowed))
- return CryptContext(schemes=_allowed_password_hash_schemes, default=pw_hash)
-def _get_serializer(app, name):
- secret_key = app.config.get('SECRET_KEY')
- salt = app.config.get('SECURITY_%s_SALT' % name.upper())
- return URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key=secret_key, salt=salt)
-def _get_state(app, datastore, **kwargs):
- for key, value in get_config(app).items():
- print "in _get_state [{}]: {}".format(key, value)
- kwargs[key.lower()] = value
- kwargs.update(dict(
- app=app,
- datastore=datastore,
- login_manager=_get_login_manager(app),
- principal=_get_principal(app),
- pwd_context=_get_pwd_context(app),
- remember_token_serializer=_get_serializer(app, 'remember'),
- login_serializer=_get_serializer(app, 'login'),
- reset_serializer=_get_serializer(app, 'reset'),
- confirm_serializer=_get_serializer(app, 'confirm'),
- _context_processors={},
- _send_mail_task=None
- ))
- for key, value in _default_forms.items():
- if key not in kwargs or not kwargs[key]:
- kwargs[key] = value
- return _SecurityState(**kwargs)
-def _context_processor():
- return dict(url_for_security=url_for_security, security=_security)
-class RoleMixin(object):
- """Mixin for `Role` model definitions"""
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return (self.name == other or \
- self.name == getattr(other, 'name', None))
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return (self.name != other and
- self.name != getattr(other, 'name', None))
-class UserMixin(BaseUserMixin):
- """Mixin for `User` model definitions"""
- def is_active(self):
- """Returns `True` if the user is active."""
- return self.active
- def get_auth_token(self):
- """Returns the user's authentication token."""
- data = [str(self.id), md5(self.password)]
- return _security.remember_token_serializer.dumps(data)
- def has_role(self, role):
- """Returns `True` if the user identifies with the specified role.
- :param role: A role name or `Role` instance"""
- return role in self.roles
-class AnonymousUser(AnonymousUserBase):
- """AnonymousUser definition"""
- def __init__(self):
- super(AnonymousUser, self).__init__()
- self.roles = ImmutableList()
- def has_role(self, *args):
- """Returns `False`"""
- return False
-class _SecurityState(object):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, key.lower(), value)
- def _add_ctx_processor(self, endpoint, fn):
- group = self._context_processors.setdefault(endpoint, [])
- fn not in group and group.append(fn)
- def _run_ctx_processor(self, endpoint):
- rv, fns = {}, []
- for g in [None, endpoint]:
- for fn in self._context_processors.setdefault(g, []):
- rv.update(fn())
- return rv
- def context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor(None, fn)
- def forgot_password_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('forgot_password', fn)
- def login_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('login', fn)
- def register_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('register', fn)
- def reset_password_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('reset_password', fn)
- def change_password_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('change_password', fn)
- def send_confirmation_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('send_confirmation', fn)
- def send_login_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('send_login', fn)
- def mail_context_processor(self, fn):
- self._add_ctx_processor('mail', fn)
- def send_mail_task(self, fn):
- self._send_mail_task = fn
-class Security(object):
- """The :class:`Security` class initializes the Flask-Security extension.
- :param app: The application.
- :param datastore: An instance of a user datastore.
- """
- def __init__(self, app=None, datastore=None, **kwargs):
- self.app = app
- self.datastore = datastore
- if app is not None and datastore is not None:
- self._state = self.init_app(app, datastore, **kwargs)
- def init_app(self, app, datastore=None, register_blueprint=True,
- login_form=None, confirm_register_form=None,
- register_form=None, forgot_password_form=None,
- reset_password_form=None, change_password_form=None,
- send_confirmation_form=None, passwordless_login_form=None):
- """Initializes the Flask-Security extension for the specified
- application and datastore implentation.
- :param app: The application.
- :param datastore: An instance of a user datastore.
- :param register_blueprint: to register the Security blueprint or not.
- """
- datastore = datastore or self.datastore
- for key, value in _default_config.items():
- app.config.setdefault('SECURITY_' + key, value)
- for key, value in _default_messages.items():
- app.config.setdefault('SECURITY_MSG_' + key, value)
- identity_loaded.connect_via(app)(_on_identity_loaded)
- state = _get_state(app, datastore,
- login_form=login_form,
- confirm_register_form=confirm_register_form,
- register_form=register_form,
- forgot_password_form=forgot_password_form,
- reset_password_form=reset_password_form,
- change_password_form=change_password_form,
- send_confirmation_form=send_confirmation_form,
- passwordless_login_form=passwordless_login_form)
- if register_blueprint:
- app.register_blueprint(create_blueprint(state, __name__))
- app.context_processor(_context_processor)
- app.extensions['security'] = state
- return state
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return getattr(self._state, name, None)