path: root/web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py
diff options
authorzsloan2015-03-27 20:28:51 +0000
committerzsloan2015-03-27 20:28:51 +0000
commitd0911a04958a04042da02a334ccc528dae79cc17 (patch)
tree3c48e2e937c1dbeaf00a5697c87ed251afa5c8f1 /web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py
parenta840ad18e1fe3db98a359a159e9b9b72367a2839 (diff)
Removed everything from 'web' directory except genofiles and renamed the directory to 'genotype_files'
Diffstat (limited to 'web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py b/web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 696c05ce..00000000
--- a/web/webqtl/pairScan/CategoryGraphPage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# This program is available from Source Forge: at GeneNetwork Project
-# (sourceforge.net/projects/genenetwork/).
-# Contact Drs. Robert W. Williams and Xiaodong Zhou (2010)
-# at rwilliams@uthsc.edu and xzhou15@uthsc.edu
-# This module is used by GeneNetwork project (www.genenetwork.org)
-# Created by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/08/10
-# Last updated by GeneNetwork Core Team 2010/10/20
-import string
-import piddle as pid
-from htmlgen import HTMLgen2 as HT
-from utility import Plot
-from base.templatePage import templatePage
-from utility import webqtlUtil
-from base import webqtlConfig
-# Category Graph Page
-class CategoryGraphPage(templatePage):
- def __init__(self, fd):
- LRSFullThresh = 30
- LRSInteractThresh = 25
- maxPlotSize = 800
- mainfmName = webqtlUtil.genRandStr("fm_")
- templatePage.__init__(self, fd)
- if not fd.genotype:
- fd.readData()
- ##Remove F1 and Parents
- fd.genotype = fd.genotype_1
- plotType = fd.formdata.getvalue('plotType')
- self.dict['title'] = '%s Plot' % plotType
- main_title = HT.Paragraph("%s Plot" % plotType)
- main_title.__setattr__("class","title")
- interval1 = fd.formdata.getvalue('interval1')
- interval2 = fd.formdata.getvalue('interval2')
- flanka1, flanka2, chram = string.split(interval1)
- flankb1, flankb2, chrbm = string.split(interval2)
- traitValues = string.split(fd.formdata.getvalue('traitValues'), ',')
- traitValues = map(webqtlUtil.StringAsFloat, traitValues)
- traitStrains = string.split(fd.formdata.getvalue('traitStrains'), ',')
- flankaGeno = []
- flankbGeno = []
- for chr in fd.genotype:
- for locus in chr:
- if locus.name in (flanka1, flankb1):
- if locus.name == flanka1:
- flankaGeno = locus.genotype[:]
- else:
- flankbGeno = locus.genotype[:]
- if flankaGeno and flankbGeno:
- break
- flankaDict = {}
- flankbDict = {}
- for i in range(len(fd.genotype.prgy)):
- flankaDict[fd.genotype.prgy[i]] = flankaGeno[i]
- flankbDict[fd.genotype.prgy[i]] = flankbGeno[i]
- BB = []
- BD = []
- DB = []
- DD = []
- iValues = []
- for i in range(len(traitValues)):
- if traitValues[i] != None:
- iValues.append(traitValues[i])
- thisstrain = traitStrains[i]
- try:
- a1 = flankaDict[thisstrain]
- b1 = flankbDict[thisstrain]
- except:
- continue
- if a1 == -1.0:
- if b1 == -1.0:
- BB.append((thisstrain, traitValues[i]))
- elif b1 == 1.0:
- BD.append((thisstrain, traitValues[i]))
- elif a1 == 1.0:
- if b1 == -1.0:
- DB.append((thisstrain, traitValues[i]))
- elif b1 == 1.0:
- DD.append((thisstrain, traitValues[i]))
- else:
- pass
- #print BB, BD, DB, DD, max(iValues), min(iValues)
- plotHeight = 400
- plotWidth = 600
- xLeftOffset = 60
- xRightOffset = 40
- yTopOffset = 40
- yBottomOffset = 60
- canvasHeight = plotHeight + yTopOffset + yBottomOffset
- canvasWidth = plotWidth + xLeftOffset + xRightOffset
- canvas = pid.PILCanvas(size=(canvasWidth,canvasHeight))
- XXX = [('Mat/Mat', BB), ('Mat/Pat', BD), ('Pat/Mat', DB), ('Pat/Pat', DD)]
- XLabel = "Interval 1 / Interval 2"
- if plotType == "Box":
- Plot.plotBoxPlot(canvas, XXX, offset=(xLeftOffset, xRightOffset, yTopOffset, yBottomOffset), XLabel = XLabel)
- else:
- #Could be a separate function, but seems no other uses
- max_Y = max(iValues)
- min_Y = min(iValues)
- scaleY = Plot.detScale(min_Y, max_Y)
- Yll = scaleY[0]
- Yur = scaleY[1]
- nStep = scaleY[2]
- stepY = (Yur - Yll)/nStep
- stepYPixel = plotHeight/(nStep)
- canvas.drawRect(plotWidth+xLeftOffset, plotHeight + yTopOffset, xLeftOffset, yTopOffset)
- ##draw Y Scale
- YYY = Yll
- YCoord = plotHeight + yTopOffset
- scaleFont=pid.Font(ttf="cour",size=11,bold=1)
- for i in range(nStep+1):
- strY = Plot.cformat(d=YYY, rank=0)
- YCoord = max(YCoord, yTopOffset)
- canvas.drawLine(xLeftOffset,YCoord,xLeftOffset-5,YCoord)
- canvas.drawString(strY, xLeftOffset -30,YCoord +5,font=scaleFont)
- YYY += stepY
- YCoord -= stepYPixel
- ##draw X Scale
- stepX = plotWidth/len(XXX)
- XCoord = xLeftOffset + 0.5*stepX
- YCoord = plotHeight + yTopOffset
- scaleFont = pid.Font(ttf="tahoma",size=12,bold=0)
- labelFont = pid.Font(ttf="tahoma",size=13,bold=0)
- for item in XXX:
- itemname, itemvalue = item
- canvas.drawLine(XCoord, YCoord,XCoord, YCoord+5, color=pid.black)
- canvas.drawString(itemname, XCoord - canvas.stringWidth(itemname,font=labelFont)/2.0,YCoord +20,font=labelFont)
- itemvalue.sort(webqtlUtil.cmpOrder2)
- j = 0
- for item2 in itemvalue:
- tstrain, tvalue = item2
- canvas.drawCross(XCoord, plotHeight + yTopOffset - (tvalue-Yll)*plotHeight/(Yur - Yll), color=pid.red,size=5)
- if j % 2 == 0:
- canvas.drawString(tstrain, XCoord+5, plotHeight + yTopOffset - \
- (tvalue-Yll)*plotHeight/(Yur - Yll) +5, font=scaleFont, color=pid.blue)
- else:
- canvas.drawString(tstrain, XCoord-canvas.stringWidth(tstrain,font=scaleFont)-5, \
- plotHeight + yTopOffset - (tvalue-Yll)*plotHeight/(Yur - Yll) +5, font=scaleFont, color=pid.blue)
- j += 1
- XCoord += stepX
- labelFont=pid.Font(ttf="verdana",size=18,bold=0)
- canvas.drawString(XLabel, xLeftOffset + (plotWidth -canvas.stringWidth(XLabel,font=labelFont))/2.0, YCoord +40, font=labelFont)
- canvas.drawString("Value",xLeftOffset-40, YCoord-(plotHeight -canvas.stringWidth("Value",font=labelFont))/2.0, font=labelFont, angle =90)
- filename= webqtlUtil.genRandStr("Cate_")
- canvas.save(webqtlConfig.IMGDIR+filename, format='gif')
- img=HT.Image('/image/'+filename+'.gif',border=0)
- TD_LR = HT.TD(height=200,width="100%",bgColor='#eeeeee',valign='top')
- TD_LR.append(main_title, HT.Center(img))#, traitValues , len(traitValues), traitStrains, len(traitStrains), len(fd.genotype.prgy))
- #TD_LR.append(main_title, HT.BR(), flanka1, flanka2, chram, HT.BR(), flankb1, flankb2, chrbm)
- self.dict['body'] = str(TD_LR)